Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Top Ten and More

 I see that Monica Lewinsky is demanding that Judge Aileen Cannon be impeached. This is the same Monica Lewinsky who purports to be an "anti-bullying activist". Am I the only one who sees an issue here? A woman famous for her oral skills is demanding that we impeach a woman known for her ability to administer justice. Isn't that the bullying that Lewinsky claims to oppose? Lewinsky needs to gargle with a good mouthwash and go find something more constructive to do. Maybe she could give economic advice?

Sixteen Nobel Prize winning economists have put out a statement denouncing Trump's economic plans. They claim that it will cause inflation. How will we know? In an incredible coincidence, all have been shown to be donors to the Democratic Party or the Biden campaign. Sounds like home cooking to me.

Economists are like consultants. In the restaurant business, a consultant was just a guy who was a hundred miles away from home with a stack of business cards. What we need for each of those "Nobel Prize Winning Economists" is a scorecard. List all of their predictions and the actual results. Let's check their performance before believing any of their forecasts.

My personal opinion is that economists are like weathermen. They keep their jobs despite being wrong more than half of the time. The road to bankruptcy or hell is paved with economic forecasts that didn't pan out.

The economic "experts" claim that Trump's plan will drive inflation. Have they not been to a store, restaurant or gas station since Biden took office? Have they bought a car or a house? Call me when you sober up, guys.

That statement brings back memories of the fifty-one "National Security experts" who a couple of weeks before the 2020 election put out a statement claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop was "Russian disinformation". They were all wrong of course. So, in an issue that involved the President's son, fifty-one national security experts were all wrong. That explains why our enemies are doing so well. There's no way around it, we have at least fifty-one "national security experts" who are either wrong or willing to lie to get Biden elected. Both of those actions are unacceptable. If Trump is elected, he should ban all fifty-one of those clowns from any contact with actual government intelligence agencies. If any have a security clearance, revoke it.

If you didn't hear the news, the world is about to end. The State of Louisiana has passed a law mandating that a poster of the Ten Commandments be placed in every classroom in Louisiana schools. Leftists are terrified that we will expose our children to moral standards. I am just thrilled that they passed that law during Pride Month.

Many laws of our nation and the many states are based on the Ten Commandments. I will admit to being confused by a political party like the Democrats that wants to put drag queens in schools but opposes the Ten Commandments being posted. Democrats are actually opposed to any laws regulating human behavior. Zig Ziglar used to say that they (The Ten Commandments) were not called the Ten Suggestions. Liberals have always been opposed to any kind of moral codes.

Zig also used to say that a lot of people told him that they would read the Bible more but that they didn't understand it. He suggested that it wasn't the part that they didn't understand that bothered them.


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