Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Juneteenth Jottings

Juneteenth is almost over as I write this. It's hard to believe. It seems that just yesterday, I was putting away all of the Kwanzaa decorations and hanging the MLK wreath in the attic. I didn't have time to watch the evening news, so I will check the body count on the Juneteenth festivities later.

It's funny that the guy who purportedly freed the slaves no longer has a holiday in his honor. The liberal rewrite of United States history continues unabated by issues like facts. Which "national anthem" did they play today?

When will they honor the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who died in the Civil War to allegedly "free the slaves"? Of course, that ignores the fact that the "free the slaves" thing didn't surface until more than a year and some change into the war. Do blacks owe those soldiers' families reparations?

Karine Jean-Pierre, the lesbian with the Jiffy Pop hair, is claiming that some in the media are using "cheap fake" and "deep fake" videos to discredit Joe Biden. Jiffy Pop, why don't you just show the "unaltered" videos? Could it be because there are none?

Asking KJP a question is like trying to get a straight answer from Anthony Fauci. It's just never coming. These are the two biggest liars in D.C., which means that no one else in the universe measures up.

In a video from last year in Greensboro at A&T, Biden extended his hand to an empty space and didn't know which way to leave the stage. Who has the "unaltered" video of that incident? If you claim that people are manipulating video, there must be some somewhere that has not been manipulated. Yet it has never surfaced.

How about that video from Italy of Joe and the skydivers? Jiffy Pop contends that Biden merely walked over to congratulate a different skydiver than the one standing right in front of him. Why did no one else walk over there?  Why did the Italian leader walk over and turn him around as the other leaders circled their wagons around Joe? Why did Joe put on his aviator sunglasses? Was anyone else wearing sunglasses? Do the aviators make him look cool or just hide the glazed look in his eyes?

In regard to the video from the Democrat fundraiser in Los Angeles, the media wasn't allowed inside. So that video had to have come from either a Biden supporter or a staff member. Surely in this age of smartphone camera operators, someone else must have a video. Are you telling me that no one else recorded anything? What do the pictures from others look like? If that video isn't what happened, what did and why didn't any liberal phone freak record it?

This is like the Richard Dreyfuss incident a few weeks ago. Libturds claim that hundreds walked out in protest, but there are no videos. A guy sleeps on a sidewalk and there is a gaggle of people recording, but "hundreds" of people storm out of a theater, and nobody hits the "record" button. Put me down for "skeptical".

What was the source of Biden playing dead at the White House June Tenth party? Was that the press pool camera? Hundreds of liberals on the lawn at the White House and none were recording. Is that even possible? Who was that guy in the sequined dress? Did the Secret Service really let him get that close to the President and Kameltoe?

In the Trump sentencing sweepstakes, I am picking that Judge Merchan gives him probation with the gag order remaining in place. You heard it here first.

We are being lied to by the government and the news media. Don't piss on my shoes and tell me that it is a thunderstorm. What's the absentee rate on the day after Juneteenth going to be?

The FBI is Biden's Gestapo. Pass it on!


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