Monday, June 10, 2024

Government Waste and Six P's

 More years ago, than I choose to disclose, I watched a movie where one of the main characters told another, "You failed to remember your Six P's". He then went on to enumerate the Six P's as "Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance".

In the last few days, we have seen the Six P's explode in the face of American taxpayers. Joe Biden and his entourage flew to France for a D-Day observance. He spent a few days in France and then flew back home and landed in Philadelphia. Then he flew from Philadelphia to Delaware. Today he is flying back to Washington from Delaware to host a Juneteenth concert. Incidentally, the White House calendar shows that VP Kamala Harris will be participating, and Second Gentleman Emhoff will be attending the Juneteenth concert. WOW!! I would pay not to be at that event! Six P's in place on this?

After all of that excitement, Biden is packing up the circus again and heading to Italy on Wednesday for a G-7 meeting that starts on Thursday.  Six Ps?

To a taxpayer who doesn't fly, this all seems like an incredible waste of resources. When they planned the trip to France, why didn't they just schedule a couple of days to visit another ally in Europe to fill the two or three days before the G-7 meeting? No, it looks like they had to be back home for the Juneteenth concert. If you don't believe that, bear in mind that Jill Biden flew to Delaware and then back to France to be at the Hunter Biden trial on Friday. Isn't there a beach in Europe that Joe could sleep on? Six Ps?

The President just doesn't get on Air Force One and fly somewhere. The Secret Service visits the destination and works out the security measures before the trip. They take Air Force One and the identical backup 747. The press usually follows in a chartered plane. The Presidential limousine and other vehicles are carried by at least one other USAF cargo plane, probably a C-17. Do they have Air Force fighter escorts on the flight or are they even willing to let the taxpayers know what we are buying? This is a mammoth and expensive undertaking. Six Ps?

If bureaucrats were held responsible for their actions, this would be a better world. This is the same Biden Administration that wants us all to move into cities and drive electric vehicles. They keep telling us how the world is going to end if we don't change our ways. Then these same schmucks plan a trip to Europe that leaves a carbon footprint the size of Canada and repeats it three days later. These people want us to change our lives so that they don't have to change theirs. All of that "changing how we treat the earth" crap is for the "little people" and not those in power. Check out all of the private jets at Davos for that World Economic meeting. Six Ps?

Why didn't they do it all in one trip? Wouldn't that have been easier and less expensive? Six Ps?

The Juneteenth holiday is June 19. Why is the White House celebrating on June 10? The tenth is NOT the teenth. If they had planned the Juneteenth concert for Juneteenth, the President would have been back from Europe. I'm sorry, that would have been too easy. Six Ps?

If the government wants us all to make adjustments in our lives, why can't they? Why take both Presidential 747s? If something goes wrong with the one, have him ride back in the cargo plane. If it makes him feel better, let him sit in the limo. The again, do we really need to take the limo? Do they not have any cars in France? It's not like Macron rides a moped around Paris.  Let's face it, most fliers have had a delay, or a flight cancelled. Why can't that happen to the President? Maybe a regular dose of reality would serve our leaders well? Six Ps?

Is John Kerry Biden's travel agent? I am just taking cheap shots now. 

Years ago, someone wrote an editorial saying that once elected, the President should go into the White House and stay there until he has solved all of our problems. Upon further reflection, that might have been something that Limbaugh wrote. I didn't hear it on his show because I rarely listened. Let's give that a shot! Everything the President actually needs is at the White House. That doesn't include a Juneteenth concert.


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