Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Wild Witless Wednesday

The media is alive with the sounds of hatred for Richard Dreyfuss. According to the headlines, on Saturday, Dreyfuss appeared for a program before the showing of the movie, Jaws. He appeared at The Cabot in Beverly, Massachusetts. He was expected to speak about the making of the movie in which he starred. Instead, he reportedly delivered a rant filled with sexist and homophobic slurs. He also reportedly ridiculed transexuals. I am sorry that I missed it.

The amazing part of all of this is that NO one recorded any of this on their cell phones. Americans will whip out their phones to record a burrito being rolled at the Taco Bell, but they didn't record something that they claimed was offensive to everyone in the theater. Was there some kind of special magnetic force field in the theater that prevented recording? Did all of their phones lose their charge at the same time? Someone did record him coming on stage in a woman's dress and taking it off while some stripper tune played. And then they turned the phone off?  I guess that they thought that was the extent of the performance.

Reports indicate that the night before, he had appeared at The Music Hall in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and given a similar performance. I guess that all forms of communication were down in New England over the weekend. Don't theater managers talk to each other? 

According to some online rag called Fandom Wire, Dreyfuss spoke offensively about Barbara Streisand. He also criticized the Academy Awards on their standards for inclusivity. It sounds to me like he "hit for the cycle". Of course, the same site claims that "hundreds of attendees allegedly walked out". We will probably never get the truth. 

Full Disclosure Statement: I am probably the only living American over forty who never saw the movie, Jaws. However, I do like Richard Dreyfuss. He starred in The Goodbye Girl, which my beloved and I saw on our first date. He was also in American Graffiti. I haven't seen any others of the scores of movies he has made. But I am glad to see that he is doing so well with the personal appearances.

FYI: If you were at the Cabot for Saturday's performance, the Daily Mail wants to hear from you. You can get paid extra if you can show that Dreyfuss balled Stormy Daniels during the intermission.


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