Saturday, May 18, 2024

Debating for Dummies

 Joe Biden has challenged Donald Trump to a couple of debates. He wants the first one on CNN, no live audience, microphones that will be cut off when your time expires, and CNN furnishes the "moderators." Trump quickly agreed.

I think that Trump agreed too quickly. If Biden suggested debates, he needs those debates to get some attention. Trump needs to ask for a urine test to be done right before the debate to check for drugs. The White House is obviously pumping Joe full of something before his major public appearances. Trump just needs to announce just before the debate starts that both need to take a drug test. If Biden refuses, Trump should get up and leave. 

Let's face it! If you ask an employee to take a drug test and they refuse, they are on the way out. The story will not be that Trump asked Biden to take a drug test, but that Biden refused to take a drug test. Everyone in America who does not work for ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC or CNN will understand. 

Biden made a 14 second video to challenge Trump to a debate. There were five (5) edits in a 14 second video. If you can't deliver a 14 second message without a second, third or fourth take, you are doomed in a live debate. I have done a bunch of interviews on television live. It's not hard if you aren't senile.

In the Watergate debacle, we all heard Nixon's private conversations. But to hear an audiotape of an interview, where they have already released a transcript, Democrats claim that it would violate some form of executive privilege. We don't need the Supreme Court to decide this one. The Democrats got this issue decided fifty years ago. Release the audiotape and let Americans decide what it says. I am pretty sure that my idea of "inaudible" is different from the White House's idea of "inaudible."

Frankly, if I were in Biden's shoes, I would wait until after the convention for a debate. If it goes poorly for Biden in June, there might be another candidate for the Democrats in the fall.

I realize that it is damn near impossible for Trump, but he should focus on restraining himself as he has done in his appearances before and after court sessions in New York. He should just focus on the Biden Administration's involvement in the casas against him. I don't care what the question is, corner Joe on the DOJ and their failure to actually provide justice. If Biden has not released the audiotapes by then, mention that, no matter the question. Ask Joe why he didn't want an audience. Ask Joe why he picked the networks that he did. Ask him why he didn't want an impartial moderator. Put the pressure on Joe and the "moderators".

Looking forward to the debate.


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