Thursday, May 09, 2024

Stormy puts the "ho" into "hotel"

 Stormy Daniels, the renowned actress, completed her testimony in the kangaroo court gathered in Manhattan today.

It's hard to believe, but Stormy may actually be giving the term "whore" a bad name. Stormy admitted that she owes Trump almost half a million dollars from a lawsuit that she lost to him. She also admits that she hates him and wants him punished for "what he did to her." From her own testimony, all that one can gather is that Michael Cohen gave her $130K for not telling people about a quickie with Donald Trump. She has since violated that contract. People who take money for sex are prostitutes. Women who demand and take money not to talk about sex are extortionists. Stormy is like the menu at a Chinese restaurant. You can pick one from Column A and one from Column B. So, she is a prostitute and an extortionist. Ring the bell on the way out!!

Call me old fashioned, but I am always amazed by women who claim that they went to a hotel room with a man and were surprised when something sexual happened. The largest piece of furniture in a hotel room is the bed. It's not a desk, it's a bed. How many meetings do women attend where people gather around a bed to talk? We will discount those gathering around a bed in a hospital.

There are women who are addicted to men with power. They aren't drawn to them by their dashing good looks, they are drawn to their flashing wads of money. Three examples come to mind quickly. They are Donald Trump, Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein. Do these guys get women based on their dashing good looks?  Discussing this theory several years ago at work, a female manager described Harvey Weinstein as "at least a three bagger". Let's face it! What women is looking at Harvey Weinstein and saying, "Un Huh, Gotta get me some of that?" On a one to ten, Harvey's a two or three depending on how your seeing eye dog is feeling when they meet.

Let's go to Bill Cosby. At least Cosby is funny. I have heard that women are attracted to men with a sense of humor, but I have no personal experience with that phenomenon. Women would go to hotel rooms with Cosby where he allegedly drugged them. Yeah! Nothing says loving like drugging women so they will enjoy their time with you. At least, they won't tell their friends.

Let's go back to Donald Trump. "Ostentatious" is synonymous with "Trump". Garry Trudeau published a collection book years ago of some Trump cartoons titled "Give Those Nymphs Some Hooters!".  To quote Braindead Biden, "For real". Trump was gaudy before it was fashionable. Do women want to run their fingers through his hair or just want to find the source? That's probably like trying to find the headwaters of the Amazon. Nobody's done that. The private jet and the gold bathroom fixtures are just a bonus for sleeping with the Donald. 

Here's the hard truth, pun intended. Stormy and some other women all long for a sugar daddy of their own. They are attracted by the money and power that these men have. They might even sleep with Joe Biden, (insert some live man's name here). Would Stormy have slept with Trump if he were the night manager at McDonalds?  Can we find a woman who would have slept with Cosby if he just stocked Jello at the grocery store?  Would Weinstein have gotten any if he had been taking tickets at the movie theater instead of making the movies? Of course, not. As a female customer at the Waffle House used to say, "It's not any harder to love a rich guy." She knew.


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