Stupid Student Stunts
I learned a lot about college students in the past two weeks. Having employed hundreds of college students over the last fifty years, I already knew more than I was comfortable with knowing.
Let me get my first hate filled, sexist, male chauvinist pig remark out of the way, "If God made anything dumber than a teenaged girl, he kept it to himself." If you look at the demonstrations, women are disproportionately represented. There are only two possibilities to explain that fact. First, women are more politically active. Or young men have already been pepper sprayed enough to know better. Having pissed off more than half of the population, I will move on to the others.
College students are supposed to be there to learn. If you want to proclaim the glory of a foreign country, one should at least do some research. Apparently, not in today's world. They have the knowledge of the ages accessible to them in their phones, but they won't look it up.
Here's an example of their lack of research skills or their habitual laziness, you pick. Studies done in the last few years show that college age students are more likely than the general population to be part of the LBGQTRSNOP crowd. So, there are crowds of college students who claim to be gay who support Palestine where they want to kill people for being gay. Let's buy these geniuses one-way tickets to the paradise that they support.
Memo to protestors: Tents are for outdoor use. At Fordham, protesters set up tents inside a building. Yeah, it didn't take the police long to disassemble that cluster. If you ever check into a hotel at the beach and find tent stakes on the floor, you will know that college students were there before you.
A lot of universities have engineering programs. If students want to build a wall around their camp, possibly they should enlist the help of an engineering student. That would keep them from believing that a wall made of plywood and pallets would keep the police out. The police tore down the walls in a manner that reduced the chance of hurting students. I would have taken a front-end loader to those walls and been done in a few minutes.
When I was a kid, we played "War" or "Army", today all of their games are on a computer. This prevents these stupid students from learning how life outside the house actually works. It shows.
The cream of the stupid student crop were "students" at Columbia University. They seized control of Hamilton Hall. They blocked all of the entrances to keep the police from coming inside. Then they went on national television demanding that the administration provide them with "basic humanitarian aid" or they were going to die from lack of food and water.
First, as there were restrooms in that building, I am sure that there was water available to them and no one was going to die of dehydration. This fact disputes the claims of their spokesperson. Beyond that, if you are planning to occupy a building, should you not think about what your needs would be for survival? Did anybody even have a candy bar? They don't know about grocery stores; all of their meals are delivered to them. I am going out on a limb here, but I am guessing that someone had enough weed on hand to get the crowd through a few days. Nobody thought about food. What do you mean "Door Dash doesn't deliver to occupied zones?"
Second, to seize a building and then demand that the owners provide meals for you is a production from the Theater of the Absurd. This is like stealing a car and demanding that the owner meet you at a gas station and buy you a tank of gas. This group of future Democratic leaders obviously didn't think this one through.
Third, umbrellas are to keep rain off your head. Using them as weapons against an armed police officer is not going to work out for you. Use an umbrella against an angry protester from the other side and you may get skewered with it.
Last, but certainly not least, cellphones are not weapons. I am tired of seeing dorks roaming little Gazas with their phones held high. It would be more honest if you dropped the phone and just shouted "Sieg Heil". Your arm is already up in the salute. No one is going to be intimidated by you holding up your phone taking pictures. Crowds of morons taking pictures of each other simply does not strike fear into the hearts of those who disagree with you. There aren't any cops screaming "Please don't take my picture!" Anyone who tries to kick your ass will break or take your phone.
What have we learned from all of this? College students are stupid. College is supposed to teach people how to think, not what to think. Instead of developing their minds, we have mobs of students chanting rhymes from their ever-present cellphones. Liberal college students are supporting an organization that murdered hundreds of innocent Israeli civilians.
Personally, I am looking forward to their next show in Chicago at the Democratic National Convention in August. The only question left to answer is, "How long will it take Biden to call out the National Guard in Chicago?"
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