Thursday, May 02, 2024

Hidin' Biden??

 Where's Slow Joe? Jimmy Hoffa has been spotted since Joe Biden was last seen in public not trying to enter a vehicle. Where is Joe and why is he apparently in hiding?

Joe is in hiding because he can't answer any questions about all of the pro-Palestine, anti-Semitic protests that are taking place at the nation's "institutions of higher learning". Who knew college students were so racist? Everybody.

"No Balls" Biden owes his soul to the Hamas wing of the Democratic Party. If Joe comes out against all of the protests and the attacks on Jewish students, his candidacy in 2024 is doomed. "Hidin' Biden" needs the Hamas voters to win Michigan. If he can't carry Jihad Junction, it's time to turn out the lights. It looks like the Broads of the Squad have Joe by the short hairs. They have the votes to decide whether or not Biden wins in Michigan. Trump can probably win without Michigan; Biden has to have it.

Joe keeps thinking that all he has to do is ride this out for a few days and everything will fall into place. This belief is based on the five-day attention span of Democratic voters. It also helps that his left-wing media accomplices are giving him cover. 

Why won't Joe just come out and say that he opposes anti-Semitism? The media was constantly screaming for Trump to disavow different groups for their beliefs. Where are those media morons now? Or is this another case of different standards for different political parties? Again?

I think that it is a little more complicated than that. Biden can't come out and disavow anti-Semitism because it's not Joe Biden making the decisions. This lack of action by Biden indicates that the real decisions are not being made by Biden, they are being made by Barack Obama and/or Jill Biden. 

Barack Obama was probably the most anti-Semitic American president since FDR. Obama and a girl he lived with in Chicago before he married Big Mike broke up because of his anti-Semitism. Obama claimed that they broke up because she could not deal with his decision to identify as a black man. Her story was that Barack Obama could not acknowledge the anti-Semitic feelings of himself and many other black men. How do we know that this is true? Because it never gets mentioned in the media. Actually, it was in Tablet magazine last year. The article starts with that story. Here's a link. David Samuels Interviews MLK Biographer David Garrow on Barack Obama - Tablet Magazine

However, it's not like Biden is the only Democrat trying to hide. Have you heard from Chuck "The Schmuck" Schumer lately? Chuck's picture is on Wikipedia if you look up "self-loathing Jew". Even so, Chuck pales in comparison to his self-loathing sidekick, Rep. Jerry Nadler. Nadler voted against a bill in the House this week defining anti-Semitism.

What's the difference between Hamas and the Nazis? The headgear. Nobody ever called a Nazi a "raghead". 

Thanks to all of these student protesters for showing us how stupid educated people can be. More on that below.

It looks like the Democrats will lose if the Hamas wing sits out this election. That's why the Democrats have to defend the extremists' "right" to threaten to exterminate the Jews. Hey! It worked for Hitler, why won't it work for Biden? 

It has taken eighty years, but General Eisenhower has been proven correct. At the end of World War 2, Eisenhower made Germans go visit the concentration camps. He also had the Allied troops visit the camps. Ike said this:

“Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses - because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened.”

Thanks to a bunch of ragheads and a mob of ignorant, punk-ass college kids for proving that Ike was right!


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