Thursday, May 16, 2024

Help Donnie's Kids!!

Like most Americans my age, I remember watching the Labor Day weekend MDA Telethons with Jerry Lewis. Lewis did this for years to help raise money to fight muscular dystrophy. Neither Jerry nor the telethon is with us any longer. 

Today we are fighting another disorder that needs our national attention. I am trying to put together a telethon to help "Donnie's Kids". Yes, I am talking about all of those loony leftists suffering from the dreaded Trump Derangement Syndrome. These are Donnie's Kids.

You can easily spot those afflicted with the disease. Like the leper colonies of old, there's a colony of them on Facebook, there is an enormous colony of them on "X", nee Twitter. They tend to gather on social media as they have no actual social lives of their own. Who wants to be around someone who has dedicated their existence to ridiculing "Orange Man"? These are the same folks who attack you if you criticize Biden for being the first President with an active case of dementia. Biden can't find his way off a stage and can't climb a set of stairs, but "Orange Man" is evil. You got to love that thought process.

When I am in the mood to piss off some strangers, I like to engage one of Donnie's Kids and attempt a conversation. It hasn't worked yet. Like "Ol' Yeller" delivering the State of the Union speech, it's pretty much a one-sided exchange.

It's actually more fun to do this in person. If you engage online, you don't get to see them get all worked up and storm away. A few months ago, I was talking to a guy at one of my Outreach Ministry events and he started by telling me how he hated "Orange Man". I explained to him that my vision is actually color deficient and I was going to need an actual name, not "Orange Man." It went downhill from there. He then tried to tell me what a failure that Trump's term had been. I asked, "What is it that you hated about Trump's term? Was it the lack of involvement in another war? Was it the low inflation rate? Was it the gas under $2 a gallon? Was it the decreased rate of illegal immigration? Was it the lower taxes allowing you to keep more of what you earned?" He responded, "He's a liar!"

Not wanting to waste this opportunity to piss someone off, I said, "Yeah. I am sure that Trump has told a lie or two, but let's look at your guy. Did he really go to Mass at the Catholic Church and then to the black church in Delaware? How often did he attend the synagogue? Does anyone other than Joe know Corn Pop?  Did he really graduate at the top of his class in law school? Did he really get an appointment to the Naval Academy after he graduated from college? Did he graduate with three degrees? Was he really a truck driver? Did black kids really rub his hairy legs? Was he arrested for visiting Mandela?" About halfway through my rant, he headed to his car. Not a problem for me, I just raised the volume and kept asking questions as he drove away. Gilbert 1, Donnie's Kid 0.  It's a shame that was a few months ago and not now. I could have asked him what kind of sauce the New Guinea natives served with Uncle Bosey.

Many years ago, in junior high school, a teacher told us, "When the chips are down, nothing beats a fact. When you are listening to someone trying to make a case for something, ignore the volume and the emotion. Focus on the facts". The real issue with those poor bastards suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome is that their argument is all emotion and volume. They have no facts. They aren't putting out any data. It's all emotion and that emotion is hate. 

Biden and Dems are working with the "Big Lie" idea that Hitler and Mussolini used. If you tell it long enough, people will believe it. Biden keeps claiming that the inflation rate was at 9% when he took office. It was actually 1.4%. Why aren't the reporters who interview him asking him about this? 

College kids are demonstrating and calling for the removal of Jews. They want Israel destroyed and given to the Palestinians. Where have we heard that before? This should set off alarms everywhere, but the liberals are oblivious to their own prejudices. Liberals call Trump and Republicans "Nazis". But it is the liberals who are acting like Nazis. They are supporting Hamas. Hamas is the terrorist group that attacked Israel on October 7. Are these people really that stupid or is it that they are that extreme?

Four years ago, all of the liberals were chanting "Black Lives Matter." That left us cleaning up this whole DEI mess. Today they are chanting about removing Jews from colleges and destroying Israel. We need to get serious about the problem with liberals and Donnie's Kids. Otherwise, what will be their next cause?


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