Saturday, May 11, 2024

Saturday Morning Confusion ver.5.11

 Everyone who wants an electric vehicle already owns one.

The schmucks who hang out at the Pentagon report that they are working on an electric tactical vehicle for the Army. They hope to have that in production in a few years. Just when you thought Biden was the dumbest SOB on the planet, the Pentagon wakes up and stakes a claim to the title. You can't find a charger in Virginia, but they are hopeful that the foreign country where you go to fight has compatible chargers. That's a special kind of stupid. 

If Judge Merchan is taking money from the Democratic Party, he needs to be jailed. If he's not taking money for his decisions, he needs to be committed. Engoron and Merchan are like Dumb and Dumber. No wonder New York is so screwed up. The last case they got right was Kris Kringle and the Miracle on 34th Street. And they had to get help from the Post Office on that one.

Joe Biden has long claimed that his expertise is in the area of foreign policy. There is more evidence of my expertise in citing Bible verses than there is of Joe Biden being right on foreign policy. He's not only wrong, but he's also always wrong. He made a speech at a Holocaust ceremony the other day describing Hamas as the biggest threat to Israel. In the days before making this speech, he paused shipments of arms to Israel. There are only two possibilities. He is either a liar or he has dementia. Actually, there is a third choice. He is a habitual liar with dementia.  Pick one or two.

Two years ago, Congress voted $7.5 billion to build a nationwide network of EV charging stations numbering 500,000. As of last week, they have built seven (7). WOW!! Only 499,993 to go. They claim that they will build them all by 2030. I am looking for a Las Vegas bookie who is taking bets on this.

There have been some great couples on television working together. Fred and Ethel, Lucy and Ricky, Fred and Wilma, Ward and June are all great examples. Fast forward to today and we have crap like Morning Joe and Mika. I would rather set my crotch on fire than watch those two morons read the news. If MSNBC ever gets a few sober viewers, maybe someone will start complaining. Moaning Joe used to be a Republican. I guess that network news readers, they aren't really reporters, are like overzealous recovering alcoholics. They have to renounce everything they used to like. Don't worry, Joe. I am starting a twelve-step program for assholes who are recovering MSNBC hosts and are trying to kick the habit. I will send you some info. 

That last sentence caused me to think of Karine Jean-Pierre, the chick with the Jiffy Pop hair. Someone needs to place a page in her binder that reads, "I just don't know anything about shit like that. (Pause)"

Biden flubbed an interview on CNN the other day. That's like the teacher giving you the answers to the test and then you write them in the wrong order. When you have that "deer in the headlights" look and you are being interviewed on CNN, it's time to resign.

Stormy Daniels claimed that it was not about the money. That's bullshit! It's always about the money!! She's done everything but sell souvenir key fobs that say, "I got balled by the Orange Man." Maybe she can get her name on a line of Creamsicles. 

The only good thing about Stormy is that she looked too good to have slept with Jimmy Swaggart. 

Biden claims that we have money and just don't want to spend it. I called the bank today and arranged financing for a tank of gas for the truck. Hopefully the price won't go up before tomorrow!


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