Monday, May 27, 2024

Inherit The Wind?

 In high school English class, we read Inherit the Wind. It was a novel based on the Scopes Monkey trial in Tennessee in 1925. The lawyers were Clarence Darrow and William Jennins Bryan. Scopes, a teacher, had been charged for teaching evolution. 

This case was almost as absurd as New York v. Donald Trump. New York is claiming that Trump violated the law by listing money paid to a lawyer as "legal expenses". They also claim that he did this in order to violate a federal law that they will not reveal. How does a defendant defend himself against an unknown law? Basically, the State of New York is charging Donald Trump with running against Joe Biden. It's always good to know that the political system in New York is hopelessly corrupt and needs an overhaul. 

Michael Cohen, who may or may not be the monkey involved in this trial, also stole more than $50,000 from Trump but the prosecution is not prosecuting him for that. However, Cohen has admitted to lying in almost every statement that he has ever made, but he swears this time it is all true. But, according to his oaths, everything that he ever said before is also true.

The other pillar of the state's case against Trump is "Stormy" Daniels who revealed everything she knows or ever hoped to know about Donald Trump. The good news is that Stormy and her husband have vowed to leave the country if Trump is acquitted. She can go to some other country and make porn flicks. It's not like she has to learn to moan in a foreign language.  Let's face it. She and her husband aren't illegal immigrants but deporting them is a start on decreasing the proliferation of deadbeats in this country. 

Fat Alvin Bragg should be reduced to a meter maid. He needs to get out and walk several miles a day. Judge Merchaun needs to go to a law school that has a campus and not just a Post Office box number. Merchaun is obviously owned by the Democratic Party. This guy is such a joke that they need to put him in traffic court until they can find a judge with a pulse to replace him.

What's the solution to all of this? Elect Trump and let him appoint a crew of special federal prosecutors to investigate the entire legal system in New York.

Americans are criticizing Russia for their legal system while we do the exact same thing. Democrats are using the judicial system to destroy their political opponents. From the trials of the January 6th protesters to their lawfare against Donald Trump and his supporters, Democrats are showing that they are actually the real Communists. They are complaining that Trump will take legal action against all of them if he is elected. WOW! So, they are afraid that Trump will do to them the same thing that they have done to him?

Vote the bastards out in November!!


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