Saturday, May 25, 2024

Who is the REAL President?

 It's a holiday weekend and Joe Biden is off and lying again. Today, Biden addressed the graduates at West Point and told them how he had almost gone to the Naval Academy.  Does anyone at West Point even care who almost went to the Naval Academy? Even if it was Biden? Everybody listening knew that it was bullshit because Biden ended the tale with his trademark quote, "true story."

Biden claimed that when he found out that Navy had Roger Staubach at quarterback and Joe Bellino at halfback, he realized that he wouldn't get to play there. The first problem with that story is that Bellino's time at Navy ended before Staubach's time started. Just another case of time traveling with dementia Joe. 

Biden's other problem is that he claimed while speaking at the Naval Academy in 2022, that he was "appointed" by Sen. Caleb Boggs in 1965 to the Naval Academy. Staubach's last football season was 1964. So, neither Staubach nor Bellino was playing at the Naval Academy in 1965. Beyond that, why would Boggs appoint someone who had already graduated from another university? How much education does even a buffoon like Joe Biden need?

All that I want to know today is, who is the real President of the United States at the present time? There is just no way that I am believing that Joe Biden is in charge. This guy can't remember his home address at the White House, and we have him holding the nuclear strike codes. You're shitting me, right? 

Biden can't find his way off of a stage or up a flight of stairs and you want us to believe that he is in charge. Whoever is claiming that Biden is in charge is a bigger liar than Biden is. 

The obvious suspect is Dr. Jill Biden. Everybody knows Dr. Jill, she's a teacher. I'm sorry, everybody but Whoopi Goldberg knows that Dr. Jill is a Doctor of Education. Whoopi claimed a few years ago that Dr, Jill should be the Surgeon General because "she's a hell of a doctor." Maybe Dr, Jill can work out a treatment plan for Whoopi's insanity/ stupidity. 

Is Dr. Jill this century's Edith Boling Wilson? After Woodrow Wilson's stroke, Edith would let only a select few see Woodrow. In an article written by Edith in 1939 and reprinted in the July 1976, Saturday Evening Post, Edith claimed that she would read the information to Woodrow, and he would make the needed decisions and she would pass them on to the staff. If you believe this, call me for the investment opportunity of your lifetime. Pay no attention to the lady behind the curtain. 

As Biden's staff has an abundance of former Obama staffers, I am more inclined to believe that Obama is the power behind the throne. The Obamas, Barack and Big Mike, remained in Washington after he left office to "allow their children to finish school." Well, the kids are out of school and the Obamas still maintain their DC home. Why? Obama is the first President to continue to live in D.C. after leaving office since Woodrow Wilson. Woodrow was too sick to be moved. What's Obama's reason? 

Someone pointed out several months ago in an article about Obama that despite there being hundreds of reporters in D.C, nobody was interested enough in Obama's activities to just post someone at his house to see who is coming and going. Wouldn't that be interesting? Maybe Lloyd Austin notified Obama when he was in the hospital and Big Mike didn't want to bother Joe in the Virgin Islands for the holidays.

Jill Biden is guilty of "Elder Abuse" for sending that demented old bastard out in the public every day. It's obvious that he has no idea of what is happening around him. From what nursing home have they been hiring Biden's Secret Service Protection detail? Is Dr. Jill really Dr. Death? It's times like this when I miss Jack Kevorkian. Wasn't he a Democrat?

During the Trump administration, the Democrats were always calling for the Republicans to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove Trump from office. Now that the libs have the Dementia King in office, they are strangely quiet about the 25th Amendment. Has the cat got your tongue, Hillary et al?

The real question that voters will have in November is "Who am I really electing when I vote for Biden?"


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