Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Top Tuesday Topics

 I saw a headline that read, "White House Works to Lower Gas Prices Ahead of Holiday". Since it was already Memorial Day, I guess that the holiday in question would be the Fourth of July. let me see if I understand this. After three and a half years of rising gas prices, and with a Presidential election looming, the Biden Administration thinks that now is the time to lower gas prices. That's like a high school student waking up at 7:30 on Monday morning and deciding that it is time to do that term paper due at their 8:30 class. What could go wrong?

After screwing Americans for the last three and a half years, Joe Biden thinks that if gas goes down a nickel, Americans will forget the last three years. He's hoping that we are as senile as him.

Even if gas goes down a dime, you still have to go to the grocery store. What's he going to do, freeze the price of bread at five bucks a loaf? Do we have a strategic food reserve somewhere that they are going to tap? Do they have any $2 a dozen eggs in reserve? Based on grocery store prices, the oil reserve they need is vegetable oil. Prices on that have skyrocketed in recent years. That in turn drives up the price of everything that contains vegetable oil.

The White House has said that Biden will be making a statement on the Trump trial when a verdict is announced. Biden must have read my post "The Fix is In". What's he going to say if the jury acquits Trump? Let's be honest. There's no way for Biden to win on this case. If Trump is convicted, all of the Biden haters are going to vote against Biden. If Trump is acquitted, no one without a (D) after their name believes that it was a fair trial. 

It is really pretty easy to understand the Trump case. Fat Alvin Bragg is lazy, lunatic leftist. He puts a former President on trial based on the testimony of a serial liar. At the same time, he released without bond, illegal immigrants who attacked police officers in Times Square. Surely, there are some people in New York thinking, "Why did I vote for this schmuck?"

In Portland, Oregon they have voted out the liberal District Attorney, Mike Schmidt. It turns out that people are more concerned about the public safety than equity and inclusion. In 2020, Schmidt received three fourths of the vote. Not so much this year.

Biden's re-election chances seem to dwindle with every passing day. Joe and Jill are the only people in the country praying for a comeback for COVID. I will check with Barack on the Biden Administration's official policy. 

Of course, the media clowns will all turn out for Biden. Unwilling to question the integrity of networks like CNN and MSNBC, I will just point out that their manual of journalistic rules and standards starts with "Once upon a time...."

The television news reported that Joe and Jill visited Hallie Biden over the weekend. She is the widow of Beau Biden and lived with Hunter for three years after Beau's death. I am not an expert on the dynamics of family relationships but, that sounds a little odd to me. But that's just me. It's probably normal for a Biden. Joe claims that all of the royal families interbreed. That was what he was telling Camilla a couple of years ago when he blew the monster fart that she still talks about today. We all have to be good at something!

From the Spectator AM newsletter, this gem. "The Choice-  An industrialist I met on Fire Island accurately summarized the choice this presidential election: You either vote for Donald Trump or you vote for the Justice Department."



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