Friday, May 31, 2024

Living in the Banana Republic of Biden

 As forecast in my post of May 12, The Fix is In, Donald Trump was convicted on 34 counts in a New York court this afternoon. As banana republics are known as places where dictators put their political opponents in jail, we have finally made the grade.

Any doubt about this was answered by all of the Democrats celebrating because they want to be able to call Trump a "convicted felon". It's going to take more than that for a dementia patient to win in November.

Jill Biden obviously has the biggest balls in all the land. She coaches Dementia Joe in whatever comes out of his mouth. Biden and Democrats claim that Trump is a threat to democracy while they defile the judicial system to persecute and prosecute Trump.

The best news of the day came from the United States Supreme Court where the court ruled unanimously that the New York State Department of Financial Services had violated the First Amendment rights of the National Rifle Association.  The decision was written by the liberal justice Sonia Sotomayor.

How long before Trump's case makes it to the Supreme Court? Hopefully, someone in the New York court system is smart enough to hit the brakes on this skidding car wreck being driven by Fat Alvin Bragg. 

I think that the Biden Administration and their sycophants are grossly underestimating the public's hatred for government. Every day, more news comes out about the government's handling of the COVUD-19 pandemic. First and foremost, Rand Paul was right, and Dr. Anthony Fauci was lying to us. They lied to us about every aspect of COVID-19, from where it started to the fable of six feet of social distancing. Trying to keep my blood pressure below stroke level, I will wait until another day to talk about the reality of the vaccines.

Not only did all of the government experts lie during the pandemic, they are still lying. They are admitting to deleting documents from their computers after they had been requested in a FOIA request. If what they were doing was proper, why are they covering it up? 

The Biden Administration keeps telling us that the economy is great. Every time that I go to the grocery store, I feel like a reporter doing a "Man on the Street" as people bitch to me about the price of groceries. Has anyone mentioned this problem to Jill? She needs to get off "The View" and get her ass to a grocery store, gas station or restaurant. Maybe if Joe had to pay for his own ice cream?

Today, we were told that Biden has authorized the Ukraine to use weapons supplied by the United States to strike targets inside Russia. It is being claimed that there are all kinds of restrictions, but that is rarely what the truth actually is. We started in Vietnam with advisers before we ended up years later with more than 50,000 dead Americans. 

Democrats worry about Trump, but not about average Americans. I urge them to pick up a history book and see what brought Hitler to power. By the way, it was the same conditions that brought four term President Franklin Roosevelt to power, and he ignored the courts and Congress frequently as well.

Here's a point to ponder if your last name is Biden. About ten minutes after the Trump verdict was announced, the GOP donor website went down due to heavy traffic. I don't think Democrats thought this case all the way through.



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