Sunday, June 09, 2024

More BBS??

 Yes, that post title means More Biden Bull Shit. While in France this week, Lying Joe told a group that an ancestor of his, who had the last name of Robinette, came to America with Lafayette and stayed after the war ended. Joe claims that this makes him a Son of the American Revolution. I have several friends in the Sons of the American Revolution group, and I imagine that many are distressed by this announcement by Lying Joe.

Joe is 81 years old and closing rapidly on 82. This is the first time that he has made that announcement. WOW! What's it like to wake up at 81 and suddenly realize that you had an ancestor in the American Revolution? Not only that, but you also received this vision while speaking to a group in France on the anniversary of D-Day. What an incredible coincidence! With that kind of luck, Joe should be meeting Judge Merchan to buy Powerball and Mega Millions tickets.

Joe Biden has claimed to be of Irish descent. He also claims to have grown up in a Puerto Rican neighborhood in Delaware where he attended a black church after going to Mass at the Catholic Church on Sunday. I think that he hit for the cycle and was at the synagogue on Saturday before his job at the pool where he confronted the gang member Corn Pop.  He was jailed in South Africa trying to help Nelson Mandela. He used to drive an 18-wheeler. He was appointed to the Naval Academy after he graduated from college but didn't attend because he didn't want to compete with Joe Bellino and Roger Staubach, both of whom had already graduated. Wait!! I left out the story about his Uncle Bosey being eaten by cannibals in World War 2.  The lies never stop!

Joe says that he graduated in the top ten per cent of his class in law school. He actually graduated 76th in a class of 85. He's either a liar or really bad with math.

This guy is a bullshitting machine! He has a lie for every audience. I am surprised that he didn't tell the French audience that he had been conceived on Omaha Beach after the heavy fighting ended. What is the most amazing is that no member of the American press ever questions him on these claims. Just once, I want to hear a reporter ask, "Mr. President, why did you pick this moment to share that bullshit story?"

I am going to contact and see if they will help Joe find that French Robinette ancestor of his who fought in the American Revolution. I would like to see how many branches that family tree would have. 

Meanwhile, Jill Biden jets back and forth across the Atlantic to support the Biden problem child Hunter, in his trial in Wilmington, Delaware. Wilmington is where Joe claims that he saw a gay couple kiss on the street when his dad dropped him off for school one day in the late 1950's. Are the American taxpayers paying for Jill's flights to see Hunter? Is she flying on government jets? Inquiring bloggers want to know.

Biden has three homes, including one at Rehoboth Beach. How does a guy afford three houses on the salary of a Senator and Vice President? He claims to have made a lot of money giving speeches and writing books. Who would pay to listen to Biden? Quick! Quote something from a Biden book.

Here's a point to consider. Clinton, Obama and Biden all didn't have a pot to piss in before moving to the White House. Now they are all multi-millionaires. How did this happen? It's not like they invested in US savings bonds while in office. Book deals are just deferred bribes and payoffs. Obama's movie deals are the same thing.  Call if you find someone who has read Biden's books.


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