Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Words of Turds

 On Wednesday, Joe Biden said that the Second Amendment prevents people from owning cannons. I don't know if he borrowed this line from someone else or came up with it on his own, but it isn't true. Lots of Civil War and Revolutionary War re-enactors have cannons. Yes, I actually know people with a cannon. I can assure you that no one hauls a cannon to an anti-abortion protest. 

The White House is now playing word games. "The President will not pardon Hunter Biden" has become "We will not comment on whether (or when) the President will commute Hunter's sentence." If I had not been told that it was considered "offensive", I would say something like, "Me thinks Great White Chief speaks with forked tongue."

The FBI and DHS are now telling us that we are in a "high threat environment." This means that the open borders are allowing thousands of criminals and terrorists to come into our country and do us harm. Who could have imagined that Biden letting ten million foreigners into our country could possibly result in a negative outcome? Anyone without a (D) after their name.

The token libturd on "The Five" the other day was talking about states that support "reproductive health." How did ending the lives of our unborn children become "reproductive health?" Is shooting the guy who gets a job instead of you called "economic health?" Reagan said it best, "I noticed that everyone who supports abortion has already been born." The Gipper's not looking down worried about Joe Biden plagiarizing that line.

You have to wonder about the future of a civilization where they call sexually mutilating our children with surgery and massive doses of hormones for the rest of their lives "gender affirming care." I prefer the old term "mental illness." Then they blame society for the incredibly high suicide rate among those who have "transitioned." 

If your kid thinks that he is really an amputee, will the doctors decide to practice "handicap affirming care" and take off a limb or two? 

The other day in the grocery store they had some new cereal that proclaimed on the box, "plant based." I am pretty sure that "cereal" by definition, is made of grains which actually all come from plants. But it doesn't matter, I am just sick of products all proclaiming that they are "plant based". From the beginning of time, men have killed animals to help feed themselves and their families. Plants only taste like meat in the South, where we add pork to everything. Bacon is supposed to come from pigs not plants. Petunia Pig was not a plant.

I like seeing artificial meat being called "impossible". It's "impossible" for me to believe that people don't know what beef or chicken actually tastes like. Maybe they need "tastebud affirming care".

I saw where a few climate protesters ran onto the field during last night's Congressional baseball game. Will Merrick Garland jail them for "interfering with a government function"? 

And last but certainly not least, is the Department of Justice. When asked if Alvin Bragg and the District Attorney's office in New York had communicated with the DOJ, they told us that they could find no "official contact" between the offices. This is not the same as "no contact". What we have learned from Fauci and his friends at the NIH in the last few weeks is that government officials have ways of hiding contacts and avoiding the Freedom of Information law. The first job of those who seek to enforce the law is to obey the law. They aren't doing that.


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