Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Kalifornia Kristallnacht?

 The United States is being overrun by a wave of antisemitism. From sea to shining sea, we have watched as demonstrators marched in support of Palestinians who want to destroy the nation of Israel. They have occupied buildings, bridges, neighborhoods, government offices and schools to call for the elimination of Israel.

On Saturday in Los Angeles, the Palestinian sympathizers blocked the entrance to a Jewish temple. They fought with Jews who wanted to worship, and they fought with the police who were trying to remove them from blocking the temple entrance. As of this writing, exactly one person has been charged in this incident. 

Have we heard from Gavin Newsome about this? How many state police officers has he dispatched to Los Angeles to settle this situation down? If Newsome had any balls or moral standards, there would be California National Guardsmen in front of every temple or synagogue next Saturday? But Newsome has neither morals nor testicles, so next Saturday may be Kristallnacht, the encore performance. 

We are in the midst of the largest wave of antisemitism in decades in the United States. What is the federal government doing? Not a damned thing. The Jews in Los Angeles need to put up a new sign identifying their temple as an abortion clinic or a gender affirming care center. Maybe then, the FBI will take notice of the situation and take some action.

I have spent way too many years listening to liberals calling conservatives "Nazis". This is obviously a situation that psychologists call "projection". That's when you call people what you actually are in real life. The people calling conservatives "Nazis" are actually the ones who are behaving like the Nazis actually did. One word, Kristallnacht.

What action has Joe Biden taken in this situation? His best friend, Fat Alvin Bragg, has dismissed most of the charges against protesters who occupied college buildings. Bragg claims there is no evidence of any crimes. Hell, there was no evidence against Trump, but Bragg didn't drop that. I guess that Trump's only lucky that he isn't Jewish. Then again, his grandchildren are Jewish. Maybe, we are on to something here.

Where is the Justice Department? Merrick Garland is the most worthless piece of shit in Washington and that's a pretty high standard to meet. There have been no statements from the DOJ about all of these antisemitic demonstrations. What the hell is Garland waiting for? How about ending your campaign to destroy Trump and instead move to save the country from this wave of antisemitism?

I believe that history is circular. Welcome to Germany in 1938 where a mentally deranged leader allows people to attack Jews. That's the same situation we have today. It's not going to get any better. It's time for whoever is actually in charge at 1600 Pennsylvania to take some action. 

Barack Obama and a girl who he lived with broke up over this same issue. He claimed that she couldn't deal with him deciding to identify as a black man. She said that he could not admit that there was a problem with blacks and antisemitism. If Barack is actually acting as the real President, then the federal government tolerating all of these antisemitic demonstrations suddenly makes sense.

We know what happened after Kristallnacht in 1938. Let's not repeat that part of history. What are the odds that this will come up at Thursday's debate?" I will give you a hint, CNN = Communist Nazi Network.


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