Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thoughtful or Thoughtless Thursday?

 An alleged "news" story reports that a poll shows that one in five Republicans believe that Taylor Swift is a political operative for the Democratic Party. Only one in five? You're shittin' me, right? She should be required to report her concerts as political contributions to the Biden campaign. She's busy turning young minds into leftist mush. Of course, that's just a personal opinion.

Tropical Storm Alberto hit Texas today. Once again, the smartest civilization in history is surprised to learn that the Bible was correct when it said not to build on sand. Building your house on sand is like getting political advice from a Democrat.

Biden is busy with debate prep this week. Hopefully, they are working on simple concepts, like coherency. I am a creature of habit. I won't watch. Why not? First of all, it's not really a debate. Second, the moderators should be unbiased observers and they aren't. This thing is a joke, not a debate!

They should test both participants for drugs and wires. I still think that Trump should demand that they both take a drug test before the show starts. If Biden won't do that, Trump should just leave and let Biden talk to his friends who are the moderators. Tyrus on Fox said that the participants should be checked for electronics also. I agree. 

Are they going to give Biden the questions ahead of time like they did with Hillary? 

Donald Sutherland died today. He slept with Jane Fonda and supported Barack Obama. Thank God and Greyhound he's gone.

Several people were injured in a shooting in Oakland as part of a Juneteenth celebration yesterday. I am trying to feign surprise, but I just can't pull it off.

Obama Attorney General Eric Holder, the moron behind the "Fast and Furious" debacle, is worried that the Supreme Court may side with Trump against Jack Smith. Holder, who refused to turn over records to Congress, wants Trump tried for trying to "obstruct an official proceeding". How many ways can one spell "hypocrisy"? Didn't Holder's actions "obstruct an official proceeding"? If the President vetoes a bill, is he obstructing an official proceeding? When Rep. Jamaal Bowman, the only possibly male member of "The Squad", activated that fire alarm to stop a vote, was he charged with "obstructing an official proceeding"? Of course not, only Republicans are charged with violating laws. Democrats are actually encouraged to violate laws to stop Republicans. We call that a two-tier system of justice. Wait!! We really just call it "liberal bullshit". 

Apparently, Melinda French Gates, the ex-wife of Bill Gates is endorsing Joe Biden for President. Of course, she has no problems with a guy sniffing little girls and showering with his daughter. What would one expect from a woman with an ex-husband who was friends with Jeffery Epstein and reportedly traveled on the Lolita Express? 

Are the Democrats the "party of the working class" or the "party of the whoring class"?


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