Saturday, June 22, 2024

Saturday Morning Confusion, the Saga Continues

 In an interview with CNN's Chris Wallace, Judge Judy told him that the Alvin Bragg case against Doanld Trump was absurd. She also pointed out that DA Bragg should be trying to keep criminals from harming New Yorkers rather than inventing crimes with which to charge Trump.

I didn't like Chris's father, Mike. This is another case where your father doing something doesn't mean that you should do it. Look at Hunter Biden as an example. Hunter's dad lived off of bribes and payoffs for years without ever getting charged. Hunter couldn't pull that off. He had to get into drugs, guns and hookers. That ended up with Jill Biden crossing the Atlantic at incredible taxpayer expense to cry in the front row at Hunter's trial. Jurors were unmoved.

In Florida, Jack Smith keeps trying to get Judge Cannon to recuse herself. There is even talk that he may ask a higher court to remove her from the trial. Here's a guy who was not legally made a "special prosecutor" and he is attacking a judge who was nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

Jack Smith and the other Biden bootlickers at the Department of Injustice are claiming that Donald Trump is endangering their lives by claiming that they had a desire to kill him in their raid on Mar-A-Lago. They claim that getting permission to use deadly force is standard procedure. As they already have the legal right to defend themselves, why the need for the other power? The most bizarre thing is that they were going to raid a building that is guarded by another government law enforcement group, the United States Secret Service. Did they think the Secret Service might resist them? 

Let's be brutally honest here and examine the performance of the FBI in raids. How many people have been killed or wounded by the FBI in raids? The Department of Justice through the FBI and the ATF has a history of making war on the American people with whom they disagree. Vicky Weaver died on Ruby Ridge when the FBI and the DOJ decided to suspend the constitutional rights of Americans. What was the body count at Waco? That involved both the ATF and the FBI. Given all of that, why wouldn't a reasonably intelligent American think that there is a chance of being killed by the FBI in a raid?  Let's go to the videotapes!! Wait, they won't release those.

In Chicago, they removed the names of "racist white men" from three schools. The three men were President James Monroe, Supreme Court Chief Justice Melville Fuller and Christopher Columbus. Let's put this into perspective. In Chicago Public Schools in 2023, only 22% of eleventh graders could read at grade level. Even with this achievement level, the four-year graduation rate was 82.9%. This means that only about a quarter of high school graduates could read at grade level. They should print those diplomas on toilet paper so that graduates can have an actual use for them.

Other than being white, what do the Chicago students know about any of those men? You have to love the priorities in public education. Johny can't read, let's rename the school. Christoper Columbus isn't the reason that Billy can't count change. Melville Fuller hasn't impacted anyone under seventy's life, so how does he affect elementary students? Direct me to the school in Chicago where more than 5% of the student body even knows what Plessy vs Ferguson was? Half the adult population thinks that it was a sporting event, there's not a chance that their kids know. But thank God that we got Fuller's name off of the building before a student is motivated to study history. What has always amazed me is how little of their history that young black people actually know. 

Years ago, at Tex & Shirley's we were talking in the kitchen on MLK Day. There were five young black men there and I asked them about the "Letter from the Birmingham City Jail." If you guessed that no one knew anything, you would be correct. They had all graduated from high school in Guilford County but had to get a job working for an old white guy to learn about MLK.  Only in America!!

I am fascinated by a culture where we judge people of the past by the standards of our time. Exactly, how were they to know how stupid that we would become? I guess that what fascinates the most is that we don't subject all of those from the past to the same standards of performance. I don't see anybody screaming for Martin Luther King's name to come off of anything. The government has chosen to ignore and even hide every bit of negative information that it gathered about King in order to maintain his image as a god. But Christopher Columbus is Satan's best friend, according to educators in America.

Everything that President James Monroe accomplished is ignored to focus on his owning slaves. But all of Matin Luther King's moral failures are ignored to focus on his fighting for integration. Isn't that interesting? It's just more Saturday Morning Confusion!!


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