Friday, June 28, 2024

Biden at Little Bighorn?

 I don't watch debates, so I missed the slaughter in Atlanta last night. How bad was it for Democrats? They would have been better off taking my idea and putting in a double for Biden. It would have been better getting caught using a "fake" Biden than to let the real Joe Biden take the stage.

Somebody needs to call Merrick Garland and tell him to release the audiotapes from the Hur interview of Biden. The tapes can't be any worse than Biden's live performance last night. Instead, Garland will probably sue CNN for airing the debate.

Democrats have all been in denial about Biden's condition for the last couple of years. Well, all of the Democrats other than Kamala Harris, who still thinks "denial" is a river in Egypt.

Kameltoe Harris obviously has a gift for understatement. She said that "Biden started off slow, but..." Was Harris the woman who asked, "Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the theater?"

After the debate, Joe appeared at a gathering where Jill Biden said, "You did a great job, Joe! You answered all of the questions." That's a pretty low standard for greatness, even by Biden family standards. Is Jill Biden guilty of "elder abuse"? 

It was so bad that people on MSNBC, CNN and NBC were saying that it was bad. These are the people have been lying about Biden's mental state for the last four years. Last night the world saw Joe Biden's mental condition on live television. It wasn't pretty.

All of the Democrats explanations for Biden's mental issues are history. The game is over. Or as Biden might have said in the old days, "The jig is up!" You can quit lying guys! We have seen the demented and he is Joe!!

I was impressed that Trump managed to stay as composed as he did. One highlight was when he said, "I didn't understand what he said there at the end."

At one point Biden said, "We beat Medicare." I am still waiting for a Democrat to explain what he meant with that remark. Of course, Trump quickly responded, "Yeah, you have beat it to death."

What possessed Biden to try to attack Trump about his golf game? There was a question of great national importance. Trump should have asked him about his bicycle riding prowess in response. 

Biden spent seven days at Camp David practicing for this debate. Obviously, practice does not make perfect. What would have been like if he had not practiced?

Having spent my formative years working at the Waffle House, I am embarrassed that they even let the Biden party into a Waffle House after the slaughter.

I am waiting for Karine Jean-Pierre to criticize CNN for broadcasting a "cheap fake" video. Last night was the last nail in the coffin for the Democrats and their denials of Biden's mental condition. The only questions left are about why the liberal networks didn't pursue this story. Who in the media knew the truth about Biden and when did they know? Why did they hide this story?

Last but not least, why aren't Democrats talking about invoking the 25th Amendment? What more do we need to see?

I will just point out one thing. Custer was a Democrat, too.

Who is really in charge at the White House? The world now knows who is not in charge.


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