Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wondering and Wandering on Wednesday

 If China or Russia decides to attack us, are they going to give Biden a week at Camp David with sixteen advisors to decide how to respond?

If you have the network holding the debate and furnishing the moderators on your side, how can you need a week of preparation? And that week doesn't include whatever they did at the White House before sending him off to "debate camp".

In a land of more than three hundred million people, could we not find two impartial people to moderate a debate?

How many trainers did Lincoln have before the debates with Douglas? Was Marilyn Monroe actually just a debate coach for Kennedy before the debates with Nixon? 

If a General has to wake the President at 2:00 AM to tell him that the Chinese have launched an attack, do you really want that President to be Joe Biden? He can't find an exit on a stage, but he has the nuclear launch codes. Will they have to hit him with sone meds to get an answer? Do they have a dealer doctor on standby or does Jill just give him the coke? Or does the guy carrying the nuclear football also carry the cocaine?

Biden has been determined to have too bad a memory to stand trial, but he's okay to be the leader of the free world. Really? That has to be the lowest bar in history to cross.

Biden has been President for so long that the Secret Service no longer reacts when he falls. The good news for the Secret Service is that while they have to spend ten minutes to get him up into a Suburban, he just falls into the limo. 

We live in a country where they drug test the clerk at Seven Eleven, but nobody cares about what drugs the President of the United States is on.

You can block the entrance of a Jewish temple, but if you stand on a sidewalk outside an abortion clinic, the FBI is sending a SWAT team to arrest you.

When Biden is nominated for Obama's fourth term at the Chicago convention, will Biden or Obama give the acceptance speech?

Why do Jews still vote Democrat? Maybe we can develop some sort of twelve step program for Jews wanting to leave the Democratic party.

It looks like black men may break their addiction to the Democratic Party this year. It's either follow Trump or stick with Whoopi and KJP. 

Eighty years ago, doctors treated President Franklin Rosevelt with cocaine. Is history repeating itself at the White House?

Edith Boling Wilson tried to cover for Woodrow Wilson when he had a stroke. What is Jill Biden hiding? How many people know the truth? 

Karine Jean-Pierre, the mouthpiece with the Jiffy Pop hair talks about "cheap fake" videos of Biden but still has not furnished any "real" videos of the same incidents. 

Based on all of the "experts" and "insiders" telling us that when he is not out in public, Joe Biden is sharp as a tack, we need to make some changes in Presidential public appearances. Instead of "Hail to the Chief", the band should play Charlie Rich's old hit, "Behind Closed Doors."

I am so old that I remember when fifty-one intelligence "experts" claimed that the Hunter Biden laptop was "Russian disinformation" just a couple of weeks before an election. Then last month, the government used it as evidence in the Hunter Biden trial. What are the odds that fifty-one "experts" could all just be randomly mistaken? Why did they lie? Who coordinated that lie?

We are being lied to by our "leaders". What else are they lying about? If they tell us that two million people a year are crossing the border illegally, what is the real number?

The elections for the European Parliament show that Europe is making a turn to the right. One of the key issues is immigration. I guess that they are all racists and bigots too.

The Democrats claim that if Trump is elected, he will seek to take revenge on Democrats. Will this be the same kind of revenge that they have been engaged in for the last three and a half years? You know, the whole "punish Trump and his followers" legal campaign that Ma Garland, Letitia James, Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis, the District of Columbia and the states of New York and Colorado have been waging. Nathan Wade would still be involved, but he can't survive another vacation trip with Fani. Wait! I left out that traffic court judge in Chicago who took Trump off the ballot. 

Did Trump have info about UFOs in the papers he took to Mar-a-Lago? Was there info about the CIA's involvement in the Kennedy assassination in those boxes? It's been 61 years, it's time to tell Americans the truth.

There have been "alternate electors" in other Presidential elections in American history. None before 2020 were labeled as "fake electors" and charged with crimes. What we are seeing today is Democratic party justice at its worst.

I grew up in Florida. When we moved there in 1960, there was a wave of people leaving Cuba and coming to America. This was followed in 1980 by the Mariel boatlift. This was what Castro used to empty his prisons and mental hospitals. This is the same technique being used by Venezuela today. No one will talk about this today, but Castro also used this to move out much of the Cuban homosexual population. That may have been the start of the "Say Hey!! I'm Gay" movement. The Mariel boatlift created more problems for Florida and the rest of the nation than the federal government will admit, even today. 

The government today is trying to fight the natural desire of human beings to be around those who are like themselves. This is how societies have formed through the history of mankind. The Democratic Party declaring it to be "wrong" will not change human nature. How many peaceful, successful multi-cultural countries are there? Just throwing a log on the fire.

An announcer on CNN cut off Trump's Press Secretary when she tried to talk about an issue the other day. Yet we are told that two others of their broadcasters will be fair to Trump during the debate. Really? Call me for investment opportunities if you believe that. I still have some of that mountain top real estate in Florida.


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