Thursday, June 27, 2024

Debate or Debacle?

 I will not be among the masses watching the "debate" between Donald Trump and Senile Joe Biden tonight. Why not? As they say at Congressional hearings as they try to run out the clock, "Thank you for your question, (Insert title here)." 

First, I don't believe that it is a real debate. You have two moderators who don't even understand the concept of impartiality. If you ask a liberal about this, they all say the same thing; "Trump agreed to these conditions." Those are the five most frequently used words on the news this week. Why did Trump agree? That was his only chance to get Biden to do a debate. This will be Biden's only debate. If he does well, they are going to replace him. If he does poorly, they will replace him sooner. I just don't believe that Biden will be the Democratic candidate in November.

Beyond that, political debates are forums for discussion. In real debates, you are supposed to argue. At least, that was always my style. I have been involved in a few organized debates in my life and I favor a "Take no prisoners" style of debate. My first scheduled debate was in a US history class in the eighth grade at Pierce Junior High in 1966. The subject was States Rights vs. Rights of the Federal Government. We had two teams of four students each. If you guessed that I was on the States' Rights side, you are correct. To be kind, it was a heated discussion. We had a lot of kids who had moved there from other states because a parent was in the military at MacDill AFB. They weren't as familiar with the history of the South as they should have been. I helped clear up a lot for those kids. By the time we finished, everyone understood the meaning of the Tenth Amendment. Maybe we should hold classes on that for federal judges.

The teacher was Mr. Ben Matthews. Mr. Matthews didn't have a debate again in his class after that year. After the debate, Mr. Mathews told me that I had earned an "A". He also told me that if I hadn't earned the "A", he would have given it to me anyway. He wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to be in his class again. 

But back to tonight's debate. The media is obsessed with which Trump is going to show up, the polite one or the real Trump. The real issue is which Biden is going to show up. Is it going to be "Jacked up Joe" or "Senile Joe". They have spent the last week testing Biden at Camp David to see how long different meds last. Why have 16 people prepping him if he can't remember his name? He can't find an exit, but he is going to remember everything 16 people tell him. Are you sure?

Here's my theory. The 16 people training Biden for the debate are not training Joe. They are training a stand-in for Joe. CNN controls all of the lighting and the positioning of the cameras and the participants. Couldn't they just put a double in there and not do any closeup shots? There is an old saying that I like to throw around and it goes, "Only the dumbest of mice would hide in a cat's ear. Only the smartest of cats would look there." No one is expecting this to happen on national television. No one expected the Germans to mount a winter offensive in December of 1944. But that's what they did, and it almost worked. In reality, Biden is fighting for his place on the ticket. He or someone who looks like him, has to make a good showing at the debate. Otherwise, Gruesome Newsome and Hillary are fighting for the job.

My wife's theory is that Biden has been the victim of some cosmetic surgery or treatment and that's why he hasn't been seen. 

The Biden campaign announced that he will not be taking a drug test for the debate. Joe said that he didn't have enough time to prepare for the debate and to study for a urine test at the same time.


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