Sunday, June 30, 2024

A Tale of Two Joes or Missing Dandy Don

 It was a tale of two cities. In Atlanta on Thursday night, Biden was incoherent and looked like a candidate for life support. That's not completely true. There were many who thought that he had tried a DIY lobotomy kit. On Friday in Raleigh, he was "Jacked up Joe". His drug dealer, Jill Biden, was on the stage with him and spoke about how great Joe did on Thursday. Just a reminder, there's no Truth in Labeling law in politics. 

Raleigh Joe reminded me of a waitress named Kathy who I worked with at the Waffle House on Westshore Boulevard in Tampa in 1971. She dabbled in amphetamines occasionally. One evening she was buzzing around cleaning everything without a pulse. A regular customer called her over and asked, "Honey, are you speeding?" She replied "No, I am left-handed." That guy may still be somewhere shaking his head.

In Raleigh, Joe was yelling that he may have forgotten a lot, but that he still knew how to tell the truth. He didn't actually say that he told the truth, just that he knew how to tell the truth. It's obvious that they are drugging Biden for his appearances and Friday was "Jacked Up Joe's" day to be President. 

Wait! I will be fair for a moment in this case. There are three possible scenarios for Biden's wide range of behavior at public events. The first possibility is that are actually at least two people playing the role of Joe Biden. I am guessing that the real one was in Atlanta on Thursday night. The one with a pulse was in Raleigh on Friday. Lots of famous people have a double. Why not Joe? It's Washington, DC. How hard can it be to find a guy with hair plugs, dental implants and a facelift or two?

The second scenario involves a mental health issue. Is Joe Biden suffering from schizophrenia? Does he have some passive-aggressive personality disorder? Is he the King of Mood Swings?

The last scenario is the most likely. They are drugging Joe Biden for public appearances. Who would do this? You need to look no further than President Biden. That would be the real President, Jill Biden. 

Joe Biden's behavior extremes on Thursday and Friday were off the charts. That behavior must have been a drug induced mood swing. This was not a "I got some pussy and drank a bottle of Scotch last night" mood swing. This was an over-the-top drug-induced mood swing. All you have to do is compare the video of the debate with the video of his appearance in Raleigh a little more than twelve hours later and you can see the enormous change. This is not normal human behavior.

There's an old expression for which I have a fondness. It goes like this, "You cannot bullshit one, who has bullshit many." We are being hosed by Jill Biden and the Biden insiders. That means Jill and company are lying to us. Jill is unwilling to give up the power. As long as Joe can breathe, she will stay in the White House. I am not sure that she would tell anyone if he died. She would just play Edith Wilson. It would follow this pattern.  Don't let anyone see Joe. Just tell everyone what "Joe" wants to be done. Jill won't let Joe move out of the White House in anything other than a coffin and that's a "maybe". 

During the Trump Administration, liberals were screaming that he was mentally ill, and that the Cabinet needed to invoke the 25th Amendment. If you know where we can find any of those liberals now, let me know.

The only people who are more deranged than Joe Biden are those who watched that debate and said, "Gotta get me four more years of that guy!!"

If you don't realize that we are in trouble with Joe Biden, watch the video from after the rally where Jill tells Joe, "Joe, you did great! You answered all of the questions." My wife stopped talking to our kids like that when they turned five. 

Politicians are like athletes and movie stars. They just stay too long. No one will tell them that the game is over for them. It's time to turn out the lights at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It's times like this that I miss "Dandy" Don Meredith on Monday Night Football long ago singing the old Willie Nelson song, "Turn out the lights, The Party's Over". 



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