Friday, July 05, 2024

The Media-Political Complex

 Upon his retirement from public life, Dwight Eisenhower gave a speech where he warned us about the dangers of the military-industrial complex. If Ike were alive today, he would be warning us about the media-political complex.  All you need to do to see this is to turn on a television set.

Here's my opening argument. Last Thursday night in Atlanta, as Joe Biden and Donald Trump prepared to take the stage, tell me who looked at Joe Biden and said, "Hell, yeah! He's ready to go!" I am serious. Who looked at Biden and talked to him and made the decision to send him out on that stage? Is there someone with more than a room temperature IQ who thought that he was ready for national television at that moment? Did Hunter think that the cocaine was about to kick in and Joe would spring to life? 

Why not just announce that he had a "cold" and would not be able to debate? I forgot, no one said that he had a cold until the next day. That was still before the "jet lag" excuse was announced. By the way, if you are still suffering from "jet lag" twelve days after getting back home, it's time to retire from a job that involves a lot of travel. Since neither of those excuses has gained any traction, maybe they could claim that he has cancer?

If it was a staff member who made that decision, they should have been fired at about 9:05 that night. If it was Jill Biden, a court needs to appoint a new guardian for Joe. How could a woman who claims to love Joe Biden send him out on national television in that condition?  Has Jill Biden's lust for power exceeded her claimed love for Joe Biden? How could you do that to someone you love? Power corrupts 

This is a serious issue. The people backstage with Joe Biden had to know the condition that he was in that night. Have you seen any reporting on who was with him before the debate? Did anyone suggest pulling him out of the debate? We will probably never know. The answer is in a statement John Kennedy made at a news conference in April 1961. He said, “Victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan."

I didn't watch the debate live. I was up early the next morning to catch the highlights on television. It was amazing to see how many media members were claiming to be stunned by Biden's appearance. These are people who see him regularly. There are two ways that this could have happened. The first way is that the media reporters are all addicted to their positions as "insiders' and are just wearing blinders and trying not to see anything outside of what they report is happening. The other possibility is that they are just supporting the "big lie". They are enjoying their positions and are afraid that the whole house of cards will collapse if they tell the truth. They are afraid of getting attacked by their co-conspirators if they choose to tell the truth. Neither is a good look for a group of people who purport to deal in "news" and "facts".

Liberals dominate the news media. They want us to view the world as they do. Rather than report the news, they are trying to shape the news. Their problem is that there is always a "fly in the ointment." Biden is the biggest fly that they have had to deal with in years. Unwilling to admit that Biden has cognitive issues, they are trying to tell us that this is not true. Unfortunately, last Thursday night someone fumbled the ball. So now they are trying to convince Americans that what they saw live on television is not what really happened. Like Enron stock after the collapse, there simply are no buyers for that. For that matter, the collapse of the whole Biden thing might have been bigger than Enron's collapse. The similarities are amazing. 

The Biden media team needs help or replacing. They need to come up with a story and run with it. Biden's excuses are the constantly evolving story. He had a cold. He had jet lag. He didn't see a doctor. He did see a doctor. There's not a shred of credibility left.

The reporters in the media-political complex are going to have to find another liberal politician's ass to kiss. It shouldn't be that hard, guys. 


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