Saturday, July 13, 2024

Saturday Points to Ponder

 We live in a nation where we drug test people who work at many businesses but don't drug test the people who run the government. The bottom line is "What kind of drugs are they giving Biden?" Beyond that, "Is Biden giving his leftover and/or unused drugs to reporters?" Inquiring minds may want to know, but rest assured that information is stashed somewhere in the White House. It is probably in that locker with Joe's cocaine. It won't be found until Joe stupids himself to death.

I watched the alleged press conference on Thursday night and then on Friday morning I watched the news reports about it. There are a lot of reporters who were either stoned or stupid as they watched that performance. A press that operates in conjunction with the government that they claim to report about is not worth calling a news organization.

I expect politicians to lie. But what are the reporters getting for telling us lies?

I made a bad decision today. I made a comment claiming that Joe Biden is the Alfred E. Neuman candidate for President. "What me worry?" I didn't realize that we had that many stupid people who could access anything online. I finally altered my post to tell them to Google "Alfred E. Neuman".

It's not "social media", it is "Moron Media".

They call her Dr. Jill because "controlling bitch" is just too honest.

Donald Trump should pick either Tim Scott or Ben Carson as his Vice President. Then before the Vice-Presidential debate either one could challenge Kamala to take a DNA test. We could get Ancestry to sponsor the debate. The Democrats have been pushing Kamala as a black woman for years. In the 2020 campaign, Kamala's father denied that they were black. She is probably blacker than Elizabeth Warren is native American, but that's about it. Then we can decide who the first black Vice President really is. We can call it "The Ancestry Challenge". Let's put facts back into politics!!

This gem from a 2020 issue of "Oprah". "According to a 2004 clip from the Los Angeles Times, "a favorite family story begins with Harris's parents pushing her in a stroller as they marched for civil rights, joining in the protest chants. After one march, Harris's mom innocuously asked, 'What do you want, Kamala?' The toddler replied: 'FEE-DOM!'"  

My favorite part of this story is in the January 1965 Playboy magazine which came out in December of 1964. This was about two months after Kamala was born. In that issue Alex Haley interviewed Dr. Martin Luther King. King told a story incredibly similar to that Harris family legend. WOW! What are the odds that a plagiarist President could find a plagiarist Vice President? Birds of a feather?

Fifty years ago, at the Waffle House on Dale Mabry in Tampa, Dr. Bill, one of my favorite customers, was sitting at the end stool at the high counter. (More on Dr. Bill in my post titled Phony Fani Phux for Fun, Fame and Fortune from earlier this year.) There was a guy who owned a jewelry store sitting in the booth beside the counter with two women. One was seated beside him, and the other was across from him. The jeweler had obviously had a couple of drinks too many. I don't know exactly how the subject came up but at one point he looked at the young lady across the table and said, "If I had tits like yours". Before she could respond, Dr. Bill bellowed out, "You would be in a big herd." At that point, the young lady pulled her breasts from her blouse and displayed them for all to see. I may have temporarily been blinded by that view, but a second or two later, I heard the jeweler say, "I think that guy is right." She laughed and then put those puppies back in her blouse and I resumed breathing normally. Three people standing nearby waiting for a table all offered to pay for Dr. Bill's dinner. I don't know why that story came to mind just now, but it beats bitching about politics any more today.


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