Sunday, July 21, 2024

Fake News "on location"??

 When the story of "Fake news" networks is finally written, the main character will be MSNBC. This is what happens when you only focus on one side of any issue. Microsoft got out of this business in 2005. So, there is no one other than NBC to blame for this mess.

Someone once described MSNBC as being "a collection of lying, left-wing losers". I think that person was being kind. I think that MSNBC stands for either "Mostly Shit, Nothing But Communism" or "Mostly Swill, No Body Cares".  I vary those labels depending upon my audience.

I don't actually watch MSNBC and don't plan on starting any time before I meet Jesus. However, clips from MSNBC show up online too frequently. But I am not going to stop that from allowing me to make a few observations about their journalistic prowess.

The NBC parentage of this network is obvious. NBC was the network with the Dateline show that brought us the story of the GM trucks with the exploding gas tanks. Of course, it turned out that the NBC show had placed model rocket motors in the tanks actually causing them to explode. With all of the news in the world every day, why do they have to make stuff up? They could just do regular reports on what is happening inside NBC and fill their shows. This is a network that attacks other people while their own Matt Lauer made his reputation as a serial sexual harasser. Just for the record and it has little to do with this issue, Al Roker was a much nicer guy when he was fat. People who make drastic changes in their life do not always become better people. A perfect example is Joe Biden. After spending someone else's fortune on hair plugs, face lifts and dental implants, he's still an idiot. If his spending was as tight as his face, the economy would be in great shape.

And in the true rambling nature of this blog, that brings to mind a work-related incident. One day at work, our area director was in the restaurant, and he told me that our regional VP would be in with him the next day. He told me that because I had a tendency to blurt things out that I should know that the VP had hair plugs to cover his bald spot. I suggested that it would have been better if he had not said anything as now, I would probably just stare at his head. When the VP showed up the next day, we were talking and he said, "You ought to consider hair replacement surgery. I had it and it works great." I almost choked. I finally stammered out, "You know I just don't think that's for me." My area director breathed an audible sound of relief.

Back to MSNBC. They are the poster child for Trump Derangement Syndrome. If Jerry Lewis were alive, he would put together a telethon to help get them all into therapy programs. I can't believe that there aren't television commercials urging us to support the victims of TDS. "If we could just save one mind?" From Rachel MadCow to Joyless Joy Reid, this is a group of people who need mental health professionals. They should have a shrink on air sitting next to them. 

I saw some black anchor or reporter claiming that we had not seen any kind of medical report on Trump so we can't be sure of what happened to him. As one of the million or so folks who saw it happen live on television, let me assure you that Trump got shot.

But back to the "Fake News" that brought me here today. MSNBC proved this week that Trump was right to call them "Fake News". While all of the other networks were in Milwaukee broadcasting from the convention site, MSNBC stayed home in New York. They sent a couple of reporters to the convention but kept the anchors in New York.  While their set looked like they were in the convention center looking down at the convention floor, they were actually in New York. They used the same "green screen" technology from the weather forecasts to bring you an LED screen view of the convention. Did they ever tell you this? No. They claim that at the top of every hour, they said that they were reporting from NBC headquarters. If they weren't trying to deceive people, why have the convention floor view when nothing was going on? What else did they misrepresent?  What else have they lied about? This was so bad that Sen. Rubio was being interviewed on CNN and thanked them for actually being at the event. The CNN guy pointed out that an unnamed network was not there. If MSNBC could have blown up a couple of GM trucks in the convention center parking lot, they could have hit for the cycle. The "Fake News" cycle.

And that's the best in the news today!


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