Sunday, July 14, 2024

New Standard for Media Bias/Stupidity

Last night minutes after the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, CNN ran a story titled, "Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally". This is the new standard for either "stupid" or "media malpractice".

My wife and I were watching the event on Fox News because I wanted to see what Trump was going to say before the Republican National Convention starts on Monday. On live television you could hear the shots and see that Trump's ear was bleeding. 

Did anyone at CNN watch the video before writing the headline? Trump didn't "fall", he dropped to the ground to get out of the line of fire just milliseconds before Secret Service agents leaped to cover him. On what video did the CNN writer base his asinine headline? Are people at CNN really this stupid?

I am pretty sure that all of the major news networks have some staffer who watches the other networks to see what they are covering. How could you watch the live report from Fox and decide that Trump "falls at rally"/ In what universe or alternate dimension is CNN operating?

As hard as it may be to believe it, Donald Jackson at the USA Today evidently told CNN, "Hold my beer". The USA Today headline read "Trump removed from stage by Secret Service after loud noises startles former president, crowd".

Do these alleged news sources not have access to what other news sources are saying? Do CNN and the USA Today not have Internet access?

This is a pathetic use of the First Amendment by alleged news sources. These clowns need to turn in their press cards. Millions of Americans watched this happen live on television. Obviously, that did not include any liberal "reporters".

I am old enough that I remember the world before CNN and the USA Today. That was when we still had "journalists". It's time for these media clowns to pack it in.


At 11:36 AM, Blogger Dolycha said...

CNN had an actual "reporter" at the event. There is no excuse for them to report that he fell, they absolutely knew what happened, because their own reporter was cowering under bleachers and talking about a "shooter" on camera.


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