Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Where Trump Found God

 On Saturday evening at about a quarter after six, Donald Trump found God. I have written about finding God before and I referenced the song by Larry Fleet titled "Where I Find God". If you haven't heard it, check it out on You Tube. Trump's life and the future of our nation were both changed by God as that bullet hit Trump's ear instead of his brain. Trump and America both dodged a bullet on Saturday.

I'm not a terribly religious man, I am a Methodist. But even I know what the hand of God looks like. Thousands of other people at that rally had a similar experience. If Trump had not decided to display slides about illegal immigration, which caused him to keep turning his head, there may have been different outcome on Saturday. So, did opposing illegal immigration save his life on Saturday?

I think that Trump's experience on Saturday will affect him in such a way as to help him get elected again in November. Trump met Jesus on Saturday night and he is forever changed for it. I believe that Trump was changed just enough to win.

My wife and I turned the television on a few minutes before 5:00 PM and waited for Trump to make his appearance. I have been to three Trump rallies, and he never appears at the projected time. He waits for the anticipation to build in the audience. So, we waited for it to start. Then after the shot heard 'round the world, we waited there in front of the television until after 11:00 PM to see how it turned out. It's a sad day in America when we watch an attempted murder on live television. However, this will turn out to be the shot that elected Donald Trump. It's everything that is wrong in Biden's America.

The sordid details of the assassination attempt are starting to come out now. While the Secret Service did a good job of leaping to cover him as the bullets passed, they failed badly in setting up the perimeter of protection for Trump. They depended on local police to handle part of the security but there were mistakes made by all involved. Today's reports are that people were reporting the sniper about thirty minutes before the shooting. You don't need to be a nuclear physicist to realize that a kid carrying a rifle around at a Trump rally is a problem. 

What we are hearing about the details of the attempted murder is that apparently no one is directly responsible for the protection of Donald Trump. The Secret Service is claiming that it was the fault of another police agency. The police are claiming that the Secret Service is wrong. "Victory has a hundred fathers, failure is an orphan."

The Secret Service is in the Presidential protection business. Don't waste your time telling me what else they do. Their focus is or should be protecting the President and other officials. If your goal is more diversity in the ranks of the Secret Service, you have taken your eye off of the ball. I'm sorry, but the laws of physics make it impossible for a short woman to protect the body of a large man. This isn't gender-based job discrimination, this is simple physics.

What were Director Cheatle's qualifications for the job? After more than twenty years in the Secret Service, she went to PepsiCo to head up their corporate security group. Then Joe Biden appointed her to head the Secret Service. What qualified her for the job? She had been part of Jill Biden's protective unit. It's the good ol' girl network.

The shit has hit the proverbial fan with the Trump attempted assassination. The Secret Service failed miserably. It's time for the Ms. Cheatle to resign. She failed, it's time to move on. People who make the big money take the big responsibility. She had to know that taking the job. In the real world, Cheatle would lose her job. In Biden Land, she probably gets a promotion. 

The one good side benefit is that yesterday Joe Biden directed the Secret Service to start providing protection for Robert Kennedy in his campaign. That's a few months late.

Liberals are always ridiculing people with conspiracy theories. Now, there are people on the left claiming that this assassination attempt was planned by Trump to help his campaign. This is the height of insanity. Just when I was wondering what happened to all of my aluminum foil hats, they turned up on the heads of Democrats. 


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