Thursday, July 18, 2024

You didn't hear this in Milwaukee

 I watched part of Joe Biden's speech to the NAACP. I saw enough to cause me to realize that those who edit dictionaries are going to need to redefine "pandering".

Biden's speech to the NAACP consisted mostly of incoherent screaming. One online comment read, "Who was the old white guy yelling at us to get off his lawn?" Memo to Joe: Volume is not a substitute for actual content.

Democrats are trying to have a virtual nomination process before the convention to ensure that Biden and Harris are the nominees. I think that Democrats who scream that Trump is a "threat to democracy" need to look into a mirror. Democrats wouldn't let people run against Biden in the primaries and now they want to cancel the convention and replace it with a coronation. I think that they are confused about what a "threat to democracy" would look like. Right now, the only real threat to democracy is a demented old guy who alternates whispering and screaming.

I didn't get an invitation to speak at the Republican convention. I didn't have a speech written anyway. Then, I realized that they were looking for "ordinary people". I obviously missed the cutoff on that standard. 

Joy Reid, the lead racist on MSNBC, said that Biden getting COVID is just like Trump getting shot. Joy had COVID, but I am pretty sure that she hasn't been shot. So, we will put this down as just another asinine statement from Joy. She really needs to change her name. "Joy" is a misnomer.

Tonight, Donald Trump is scheduled to make his acceptance speech at the Republican convention in Milwaukee. That means that about 6:00 PM, Biden will announce that he is not running this year. That's about the only way Biden will ever upstage Trump. Just for the record, I am posting this at 10:30 AM.

On Fox their resident liberal elitist, Jessica Tarlov, was praising Joe Biden yesterday. She said that he was the most accomplished President since Lyndon Johnson. I would like to point out that LBJ died in 1973, eleven years before Jessica Tarlov was born. I was a teenager in the LBJ years, and my knowledge comes from personal experience not some swill penned by Doris Kearns Goodwin. 

So, Tarlov regards LBJ as a great President. She mentioned the Civil Rights Act of 1964. She left out the part where after the bill passed Johnson said, "I will have them n*****s voting Democrat for the next 200 years." In her glowing praise of Johnson, she left out the race riots that happened while he was President. Watts, Newark, Detroit. Do any of those names ring a bell, Jessica? She completely ignores the Vietnam war. Did "All the way with LBJ" mean all the way to Hanoi? Under Johnson' leadership, the United States troop count in Vietnam went over half a million. More than 58,000 Americans died in Vietnam. Did all of those men die so that 50 years later we could import cheap tennis shoes from Vietnam? Is that Tarlov's standard for greatness? WOW!!

Last night, Trump's oldest granddaughter gave a speech and said that when she made high honor roll, Trump made a copy and showed all of his friends. I can relate to that. If you missed my post several weeks ago, my granddaughter had the top GPA in the sixth grade in her school. Here's her plaque.



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