Wednesday, July 24, 2024

.....Get to Tomorrow?

 In the United States today, we are faced with a multitude of problems caused by stupid decisions made by government officials. People who have never operated a business are running and ruining the biggest business in the country, the government.  These schmucks have no clue about how the real world operates. They think that if the government issues a new policy, the world will change immediately.

The leftists in government want to eliminate fossil fuels to "save the planet." The good news for some is that I am not going to discredit that whole climate change bullshit in this post. I have other points to make. Joe "I used to drive an 18-wheeler" Biden wants everyone to change to electric cars. He doesn't care if they work or are affordable or are safe, he just wants to change. 

The leftist loons want us to go to electric lawn care equipment. I think that California is banning gas powered leaf blowers. To be honest, I just don't understand the whole leaf blowing concept, but I am not going to tell you how to move leaves. It's not safe to walk the streets in California, stores are getting looted, and California is the homeless capital of the universe. So, naturally the government there wants to ban gas leaf blowers. It just doesn't make sense. Can Gruesome Newsome even spell prioritize?

Government leaders are always talking about these high-tech data centers and computer chip plants that they are going to bring to the United States. These plants are enormous users of electricity, but we aren't building any power plants. Instead, we are throwing up some windmills and building solar farms. We are taking land that used to produce grains and vegetables or raise livestock and are using it to generate electricity. This is not a long-term strategy.

In China they are adding about a power plant a week, every week. When did the last new power plant open here? We are closing more power plants than we open. 

The problem we have with liberals is that they don't understand that one cannot simply order change to happen and watch it happen. The world just doesn't work that way. Change occurs slowly.

In the old days when I had a real job, I had a simple saying that the government should learn to use. Employees would often complain about the performance of other employees or would whine about why I wouldn't change some things that they didn't like. What did I say? As everybody on television always says, "Thanks for asking me that." I would tell people, "I have long term goals and plans. But I have to get through today to get to tomorrow. " I would explain that if I didn't succeed today, I wasn't going to be around to succeed tomorrow. 

The problem with the liberals in government is that they don't have the slightest clue about how change happens in the real world. I would always tell people that someone doing a mediocre job was better than the great job that I didn't have the time to do. We all have to make do with what we have today while we work on improving the future

Here's a list of questions that need answers before EVs become popular. Americans aren't rushing down to car dealers to buy EVs that are more expensive to own and operate. How are you going to reduce the price of EVs? Do we produce enough electricity to power all of the vehicles that use fossil fuels today? Of course not. Do we have a network of charging stations to make travel possible? Pete Buttgig and his cohorts have built seven charging stations in a program that is slated to spend $5 billion.  How long before that system covers a county, much less the nation? Have all of the fire departments and other emergency services across the country been trained in how to handle EV accidents? What's the process for scrapping EVs when they need to be replaced? Do the EVs have sufficient range to allow people to go on a vacation trip? What's the source for all of the elements needed to produce the batteries for these cars? Are we going to swap a dependence on foreign oil for a dependence on Chinese lithium? We have one lithium mine in this country. One! Are the batteries and all of the plastics in the new EVs recyclable? How many jobs will be lost by producing EVs instead of ICE powered cars? Can the unemployed auto workers all be cashiers at a Dollar Tree? How are we going to replace the tax revenue from the highway taxes on gasoline? If people can't travel very far in their EVs, how will resorts, theme parks, hotels and other vacation spots be impacted? EVs will mark the end of the "great American road trip". What is currently a single day drive from my house to Florida will turn into a three-day scavenger hunt for charging stations. How many jobs will be lost in businesses based on travel? You can bet your ass that there is no government agency addressing these issues.

Let me take a quick off ramp here. The government would prefer that we all live in tightly packed cities where they think that control of the citizenry would be easier. One quick look at crime in cities would indicate that this line of thinking is bullshit, but that's just how they work. The government is terrified of people who have land, guns, tools, power equipment or anything else that indicates some degree of independence. EVs are a system designed to limit the mobility of the population. But that's just me.

It is more than just EVs. How about that whole transexual thing? What's the plan to deal with the high rate of suicides among those who have "transitioned"? What's the plan for people who suffer from "buyer's remorse"? Let's not forget about immigration. How long is this rate of immigration sustainable? We are running trillions in deficit spending every year. We can't feed, house or employ millions of immigrants a year. Why do we keep letting them into the country? How long will civilization (such as it is) last if we are ending the lives of the unborn? What percentage of the population has to be gay before the birth rate drops to a level that will not support our society?

This all brings us back to my favorite question that is never asked in this country, "Then what?"

These things are like problem solving in junior high school algebra. You have to work through the problem-solving steps BEFORE you turn in your paper. 

Here's ten simple words for success: "We have to get through today, to get to tomorrow." Write it down!!!


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