Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Voltaire? Are you serious?

Mark Zuckerberg's statement that Facebook censored posts in response to federal government pressure during the COVID crisis adds meaning to this message. What the Biden administration has denied for more than three years, turned out to be true. There seems to be a lot of that going on this year. Who knew? Everyone not registered as a Democrat and probably even most of them.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Elect Leaders, Not Lawyers

 At one time there was an idea that the law should be simple enough that the average man should be able to understand it. Obviously, we have abandoned this idea. Every year, the law books grow. If you want to do almost anything, you probably need to check with a lawyer first. In the idea of full disclosure, I do not check with a lawyer before I scrawl out the swill that appears on this site.

Right now, we are in the middle of a gubernatorial election where one candidate is a Harvard trained lawyer and current two term Attorney General, Josh Stein. His opponent is Mark Robinson, a former factory worker and current Lieutenant Governor. The man they seek to replace is a two term Governor who was the Attorney General for four terms after serving as a state legislator for several terms.

This highlights our problem in the United States. We need some new blood in the government. We need some new ideas, not just the same old shit that gets recycled and relabeled every four years. People claim that they want new ideas, but we keep reelecting the same group of schmucks in every election. This is like hitting your thumb with a hammer every day believing that one day it won't hurt. Let's get off this train!!

But back to our election here in North Carolina. The Democratic candidate is a graduate of Harvard Law School. He got his bachelor's degree from Dartmouth. If the guy loves North Carolina, why didn't he go to college here?  Are we any safer here in North Carolina after eight years of a Harvard lawyer as Attorney General? Of course not, crime continues to grow. 

The Republican candidate is not a lawyer. He is an actual middle-class individual who has experienced real middle -class problems. He's going to make different decisions based on his different experiences. I am fascinated by Democrats who worship "diversity" and then attack a black guy with different life experiences from them. There is more to "diversity" than race and sexual preferences. 

Governor Roy Cooper, the current governor is "term limited". That means he can only serve two consecutive terms before taking four years off. North Carolinians are an overly optimistic group. We keep electing the same buffoons thinking that "this time will be different". If we really want change, we are going to have to reach outside of the box. 

Right now, the NC Department of Justice is running ads telling people how much the DOJ has done for them. The taxpayers of North Carolina are paying for these blatantly political ads to help elect the Attorney General in his run for the governor's position. If anyone in the state government had any balls, they would speak out against these ads. I haven't heard anyone and I'm not holding my breath!

Governor Cooper declared a "State of Emergency" during the COVID crisis. He tried to ban worship services at churches that involved more than ten people. He lost that one in the courts. For practical purposes, he lost that when several sheriffs decided that they would not enforce that ban. Cooper kept North Carolina in a "state of emergency" for 888 days. He did this to take advantage of his extra powers during an "emergency". 

Did the Attorney General file any challenges to Cooper's "state of emergency" order? Of course not. He obviously thinks that his job is to protect the government, not the citizens. Several AGs from various states have filed suits against the federal government about illegal immigration. Has our Attorney General done that? Of course not. You have to speak Spanish to get a burger in Siler City, but that's okay with the AG.

Where am I going with all of this? Lots of people think that we need term limit laws. We already have a term limit process; it is called elections. Quit voting for the same pieces of crap every election!! Write this down!! Lawyers are the problem, not the solution! In the old days of the Soviet Union, the turnover was higher in their Politburo than in the United States Senate. The United States Senate is a nursing home. It's time to stir the pot. 

Here in North Carolina, we keep electing lawyers. Let's give ordinary people a real voice in the process. If we could get the lawyers out of government, the government might do things that are logical instead of adding to the legal morass facing the nation. Government office should not be a long-term career field. 

Maybe Shakespeare's Dick the Butcher was right, "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers". Before we get to that point, let's try a softer, gentler tactic. Elect Leaders, not lawyers

Monday, August 26, 2024

Pet Rocks vote Democrat

 I had a flashback to the 1970's this week as the Democratic Party rolled out an updated version of the Pet Rock. They call it Kamala. 

On Friday, RFK Jr. suspended his campaign and endorsed Donald Trump. Kennedy was in the midst of ranting about the media and pointed out that Kamala had not done an interview in 35 days when CNN cut away from his speech. There is nothing like silencing a guy speaking against you to prove that everything that he said about the mainstream media is true. CNN is the new definition of "arrogance".

Dr. Anthony Fauci has been diagnosed with West Nile virus. Maybe he will develop a vaccine for this?

Joe Biden couldn't talk and Kameltoe Harris won't talk. There seems to be a problem with Democrats and communication. At some point, even the women of The View might demand that she answer a question.

Apparently, the Democrats have adopted a motto, "Better to not say anything than say something stupid."

What kind of people should vote for Kamala Harris and other Democrats?

If you think that women can have penises, vote Democrat.

If your fourth-grade son needs tampons for his menstrual cycle, vote Democrat.

If you think that the government should have the power to take your eight-year-old child away from you because you don't want them mutilated in a sex change surgery, vote Democrat.

If you think that Presidential candidates should not do interviews with the press, vote Democrat.

If you think that a guy can spend more than twenty years in the National Guard and not know his rank, vote Democrat.

If you eat white tacos with mayonnaise and tuna, vote Democrat.

If your wife loves the smell of cities burning, vote Democrat.

If you believe that $3.59 gasoline is cheaper than $2.00 gasoline, vote Democrat.

If you think that seven electric car chargers should cost $5 billion, vote Democrat.

If you think that a nation can spend its way out of a recession, vote Democrat. Before you try to tell me about the Great Depression and FDR, let me remind you that the great economic turnaround came with the war, not with the New Deal.

If you think that replacing a braindead elderly old man with a braindead younger woman is a good idea, vote Democrat.

If you want to share your home with illegal immigrants, vote Democrat.

If you think that we don't have enough criminals and need to import more, vote Democrat.

Finally, if you think that Obama deserves a fourth term, vote Democrat.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Tiny Tim and more

 I keep hearing people on television describe Nancy Pelosi as "Speaker Emerita". I can find no such position mentioned in the Constitution. Further research showed that on November 29, 2022, the Steering and Policy Committee of the House Democratic Caucus named Pelosi "Speaker Emerita". So, the entire Congress has not even actually voted on this title. If a committee of Republicans decides that Donald Trump should be labeled "America's Best President", are the network morons going to call him that? This just furthers the case that the news media is an official branch of the Democratic Party.

How have the Clintons and the Obamas gone from not having a pot to piss in to being multi-millionaires on their salaries as politicians? Are book deals and Netflix deals just delayed payoffs? Isn't it about time that someone investigates this? Do you even know anyone who has read a Joe Biden authored book? You will notice that no reporter has ever asked Dr. Jill for a review of a Joe Biden book. It couldn't be any worse than Obama's book, "Dreams from My Father". That was a work of complete fiction. Reading an Obama book leaves one longing to listen to a Biden campaign speech.

I left out the easy shot in that last paragraph. If you have read part of any politician's book, you have probably read part of one of Joe's books. If this confuses you, the word you are looking for is plagiarist. Joe is a famous plagiarist! I hate it when I have to explain it.

Who was the last politician to go to Washington rich and leave poor? 

I think that we would be better off with Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor than with "Tampon Tim" from Minnesota. At least The Tool Man knew what a woman was. There are days I think that Walz is just some kind of reincarnation of Tiny Tim. Can "Tampon Tim" carry the tune of Tip Toe through the Tulips? If you are under sixty, you may need to look that one up.

The Democrats are doing great with fund raising. Of course, so did Sam Bankman-Fried before people learned the truth. Democrats are screwing up the economy so badly, that there are still people wanting to invest in crypto with SBF.

Heard during the applause after the Harris speech at the convention last night; "Just when you start to lose hope, you realize that there really is a sucker born every minute."

Kameltoe Harris avoids reporters with the same vigor that street people avoid employment opportunities and showers. She would have to be an illegal immigrant to dodge questions any harder.

I saw the news video of the Obamas embracing on the stage at the DNC. Put me down as a non-believer for both of them. Barack was lucky that Big Mike didn't body slam him to the floor. Hopefully, they won't have Hillary and Bill trying to embrace like that at some point. 

I am tired of Palestinians complaining about how evil the Israelis are. Who started the frigging war with a surprise attack and the slaughter of civilians? Who is still holding the hostages? Who are the Democrats backing?

The featured speaker at the DNC on Wednesday was a guy who got blowjobs from an intern in the Oral Oval Office and then claimed that was not "sexual relations". Sorry Bill, you have no credibility left. But to be fair, Bill is from Arkansas where balling your cousins is the definition of "sexual relations".

Facebook is owned and operated by hardcore leftists. In Chicago, dead Democrats still vote. On Facebook, the dead still have pages. I was looking up information on a classmate who passed away a couple of years ago and his Facebook page showed up. I looked at his page and several of his friends are also deceased. How long do you have to be dead to be cleared from Facebook? Don't they deactivate someone if they have no activity for years? That might free up some data space for live people. Then again, the IRS routinely tries to shake down the dead for more money.

There are days that I am thankful for e-mails. If I were getting all of those e-mails as physical junk mail, I would have to take a hand truck to the mailbox with me.

Biden's Life Coach called and told him that he was being cut by the team.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Say "Nein" to Stein


An acquaintance sent me this ad from Facebook. Attorney General Josh Stein is using taxpayer funds to bring attention to himself as he runs for governor. Why does the North Carolina Department of Justice need to advertise?

Mark Twain on Lies

 Mark Twain is credited with saying "There are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damned lies, and statistics." While I like Twain's thought process, he left one kind of lie out of his phrase. He needed to add "government statistics" as the worst lies.

The news broke today that there were more than 800,000 jobs that were not actually created in the government statistics on the economy. The government had claimed that there were about 2.9 million jobs created when in fact the number was about 2.1 million jobs. What's 8000,000 jobs between friends? WOW!! What are the odds of that happening in an election year?

The problem with government statistics is that they don't actually count every person working. What they do is take a sampling. From that sampling, they extrapolate enough data to support whatever their cause is at that moment in time. 

Why don't I believe in extrapolation? Because I am not an idiot. If it's any consolation, I don't believe in the Easter bunny, the tooth fairy, the gangster Corn Pop or any other words that leave Joe Biden's mouth. I don't think that we know within a two-million-person margin of error, how many people have come into our nation in the last four years. 

The Biden administration was flying in illegal immigrants on charter flights in the middle of the night and continually denied it until they no longer could get away with it. Do I believe that they know how many people are actually working? I don't think they know exactly how many people died from COVID vaccines. Of course, from the government point of view, that was about ten thousand people who weren't going be around to spread the disease anymore.

I spent more than fifty years in the restaurant business, dealing with numbers is my life. If I wanted to determine how much business a restaurant did, I would visit it several times at different times on different days. Why? Because there are few places that are going to be busy from the moment they open until the moment they close. If a government agency like the IRS wanted to see how much sales a restaurant did, they would go visit for fifteen minutes in the middle of lunch on Sunday. From that sampling, they would extrapolate the sales data. It will probably only be off about 80%. 

This same extrapolation is how they get job numbers. Nobody actually gets data from every taxpaying business about the number of employees. In the computer age, how long would that even take? A couple of hours? They get a sampling from selected businesses in major industries and make up the numbers from there. They adjust the numbers to support their points of view. The real issue is that they just don't want to know how many employees you have, they have a bunch of other questions. If your purpose is to find out how many people have jobs, how many questions does that take? Let's see, how many full-time employees do you have. How many parttime employees do you have? A few minutes and we are done. 

I don't believe that the federal government even knows exactly how many employees they have. I don't believe that they know how much the national debt actually is. I don't believe that they can tell us exactly how much money they spend every year. I also know that they wouldn't tell us if they did know.

Years ago, the restaurant that I managed was selected to participate in the Labor Department jobs survey. We participated for about a year. The first month, i took a couple of hours and made sure that I filled out the form correctly and had reviewed all of our payroll data used for the form. It took a couple of hours to do that. Every month after that I filled it out in about ten minutes with whatever numbers I chose to supply that looked realistic. What are the chances that I was the only guy in the nation do that? I talked to a couple of other guys about it. I wasn't even the only one in Greensboro spit balling those numbers. 

The only question left is, "What else are they lying to us about?"

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Words of Wisdom on Wednesday

 Kamala Harris and her supporters claim that Trump does not pronounce her name correctly. For the last fifty years or so black employees have pronounced my name as "Mista Gibbert" instead of "Gilbert". I got over it and so can you, Kameltoe!!

I looked on the DNC schedule for Monday and saw that Ashley Biden was going to introduce Joe Biden on Monday night. Was Hunter busy in China? Was Ashley just going to tape the introduction from the shower she was sharing with Joe? Did Doug Emhoff kiss Jill before she spoke? Dims were hoping for a rerun of that moment from the State of the Union speech. It's not every day that the First Lady slips the Second Gentleman the tongue.

It was almost 11:30 PM in the East when Biden finally got to the podium in Chicago. They claim that this was not planned but no one but mouth breathers believes that. I didn't see it, but those that did said that Joe spent a lot of time yelling about things. That would explain all those people posting on TikTok about that "infomercial" that was all across television last night. An acquaintance said that he kept waiting for them to put the phone number on the screen that you could call to order that car polish.

Any notion that the mainstream media is impartial goes down the shitter every time that some newscaster parrots the Word of the Day from the Democratic Party. Can you say "weird"?

Tim Walz is taking the lead on health care reform in the annual Democratic Party attempt to socialize medical care. He isn't wasting any time. He has three meetings scheduled for Friday. He is meeting Dr. Pepper at 10, 2 and 4. 

In other news, apparently Walz told Kamala that Dr. Pepper is white guy malt liquor. If only he had been drinking Dr. Pepper before he met that trooper years ago?

In Chicago on Tuesday, the Dims installed a third row of fencing after protestors broke through one row yesterday. Why didn't Kamala think of this for the border?

Democrats have the biggest balls in the universe. Right now, their sales pitch is basically this. "We haven't done shit right in the last three and a half years, but if you will elect us again, we promise to do a bunch of stuff next term."

Kameltoe keeps talking about what she is going to do "on Day One". What about tomorrow? It's not like Uncle Joe is doing anything. Why doesn't she just move into the Oval Office for the next few months?  She could just get there at 6:00 AM and work until noon. That will keep her from running into Joe even when he's in town. 

Biden's on vacation again, so he won't notice that she is using the Oval Office. This time he's vacationing in California. I guess that he wants to watch sunsets at the beach instead of sunrises. He can't get up early enough to catch a sunrise in Delaware. But will Dr. Jill let him stay up late enough to catch a sunset in California?

There was a story in the news last week about a female Secret Service agent who took time to breastfeed her baby on the job. I didn't believe it until I read that Joe Biden had told them to put her on his security detail. Joe said that someone needs to help Dr. Jill with his meals

I am not watching the convention or the television news this week, but I saw that Barack Obama was scheduled to speak on Tuesday night. He is expected to acknowledge that he is supporting Kameltoe so that he can be the second president to serve four terms. I will wait for the coverage from MSNBC.  You have to love those schmucks at MSNBC. MSNBC is the National Enquirer of television networks. 

Josh Stein, Democratic candidate for North Carolina governor is doing the impossible. He is making Roy Cooper, the current governor, look like a class act. See his website at .

Is Robert Kennedy Jr. going to endorse Trump in exchange for an appointment heading up the Forest Service? He's obviously familiar with bears and other wild game.

I haven't picked out a favorite group to support in the Chicago riots yet.


 No, I didn't misspell "aha". IHA means "I hate acronyms". As you read this, somewhere some Generation Z reader is trying to find "IHA" on Google. I touched on this subject a couple of weeks ago, but I put off writing until I received an e-mail the other day that brought the issue back. Before I get too far into this topic, acronyms are technically sets of initials that are pronounced as a word. NASA and EPCOT would be good examples. Things like LOL and ROI are technically abbreviations or as Merriam Webster says "initialisms". So, "IHA" can stand for either "I hate acronyms" or "I hate abbreviations".  You are on your own on initialisms.

 A couple of days ago I got an e-mail from someone advertising a seminar about using humor in business. It featured the author of a book titled "The ROI of LOL". I deleted the e-mail before reading anymore.

Before smartphones and texting began in earnest, the Pentagon was the center of the acronym universe. In the early 1960's, my stepfather was stationed at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa. He was assigned to US Strike Command and was in the CSE, Communication Support Element. I heard several of his co-workers describe CSE as "Chicken Shit Element". That was the least offensive of their descriptions. One of the most popular was obviously coined before "Don't ask, don't tell" came along. This was long before the Pentagon sold their soul to seeking recruits with two mommies. And I won't cite that one here!!

How about "LGBTQIA+"? That started out as LGBT and grew from there. It is now seven letters and a symbol. Wouldn't it be quicker to just say "queer"? That's actually one of the words in it.

A few weeks ago, I received a comment that started "FWIW". Off to Mr. Google to find out that it meant "For what it's worth". 

One of Shakespeare's most famous lines is "what light through yonder window breaks?" Would anyone remember that line if Will had written "WLTYWB"? Of course not.

I am told that BTW stands for "by the way". A pastor acquaintance claims that BTW actually means "Believe The Word."

LMFAO is reported to mean "Laughing my "f*****g ass off". If I am going to cuss, I want you to know! I am not going to use acronyms, abbreviations or initialisms or asterisks.

My older brother spent some time in the US Navy. He spent most of that time at Atlantic Fleet Headquarters in the Communications Department. He was the master of acronyms when he left the navy. He couldn't tell a story without someone asking him to explain an acronym. I gave up understanding and just laughed when he did.

One of the oldest acronyms/abbreviations is FORD. It's on millions of cars and trucks. I have heard that it stands for "Found On Road Dead" or "Fixed or Repaired Daily". There are others but I don't want to start the profanity this early in the day.

The guy who claims to be my only friend used to be a pilot for USAIR. They have become American now because everyone knew that USAIR stood for "Unfortunately Still Allegheny In Reality". There's a mouthful. 

Not to be outdone, Delta means "Doesn't Ever Leave the Airport".

The DNC convention is going on this week in Chicago. Will this be a rerun of the 1968 convention? Only if DNC stands for Democrats Never Change. So, that is a probably.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Lack of care for the DNC

 When someone mentioned the DNC, I thought they were talking about the surgery for women. Or if you are a Democrat, men who menstruate.

I am swearing off watching the news for the next five days. If I want to watch someone sing "If I only had a brain", I will switch to the "Wizard of Oz". Besides that, most of the first day will be some old guy screaming at people to get off his lawn. And the week goes downhill from there.

We have to count every vote unless it is a Democratic primary. None of the votes count in that. What's the irony in the biggest threat to democracy is actually a group named Democrats? Who knew? Everyone.

Watching Tim Walz lick Kameltoe's ass leaves me longing to watch an old rerun of Sgt. Bilko. Maybe it's more like Sgt. Carter and Gomer Pyle. Does Kameltoe sing?

Kameltoe criticizes Trump for him calling her and other dweebs names. Let's find out the facts about the federal government's involvement in the charges against Trump before telling him to stop. Why did Phony Fani's lover meet twice with the White House Counsel? Why did a guy leave a position in the Justice Department to work for Fat Alvin Bragg? When in the last 235 years were "alternate slates of electors" labeled as a crime? The election fraud of 2020 took place at the Democratic Party offices. It's pretty ballsy to try to destroy a guy financially and send him to prison and then whine because he calls you names.

How many rioters from Minneapolis are still in prison? How many people from January 6 are still in prison?

Kamala was trying to raise money to bail out Minneapolis rioters. How much did she raise to bail out January 6 rioters?

Is Tampon Tim just Sergeant Snorkel in reality? Google "Beetle Bailey" if you don't know Sergeant Snorkel.

What would have happened if Tim Walz had asked Kamala about black tacos? If white tacos are mayonnaise and tuna, are black tacos fried chicken and malt liquor?

Are the "reporters" from MSNBC going to actually be at the convention? Or are they faking it again?

I am fascinated that someone from California wants to tell us that she wants to control prices. Everything in California costs more than almost any other state except Hawaii and she wants us to do what they do there? If only, she had done anything in California.

What is it about the situation in San Francisco that the rest of the nation needs to copy? Is it the homelessness? Is it the crime rate? Is it the smash and grabs? Is it the businesses fleeing San Francisco in droves? Is it the absence of morals and common sense? Is it the complete failure of the educational system?

When I suggest that "common sense isn't common", San Francisco is my case study. 

I am pretty sure that I can survive if I don't watch the DNC.

Sunday, August 18, 2024


 There is no independent corroboration that Donald Trump referred to Kamala Harris as "the ditz with the tits". I have not been following the story, but I have never heard Donald Trump say the word "ditz".

Someone said that if you want Tim Walz to drop out of the race for Vice-President, tell him that he is being sent to a battleground state.

A Federal judge has ruled that UCLA cannot allow zones on campus where Jewish students are prohibited. The university has announced that it will appeal the ruling. Are there zones on the UCLA campus where they ban blacks, gays, or Palestinians? Of course, there aren't any zones like that. I am trying to decide which act by the university is the dumbest; Jew free zones or appealing the judge's ruling? As UCLA is a state university, it is the State of California that supports Jew free zones. How much alcohol does one have to consume before that makes sense?

I checked with the gamblers in Las Vegas, but no one has a betting line out on what the body count in Chicago will be during this week's DNC. 

Political party conventions are rarely exciting anymore. With all of the protestors on hand in the Windy City, the excitement will be outside of the United Center. Everyone knows who the nominee will be. There's not going to be anyone on stage who got shot a few days earlier. Hulk Hogan won't be there. But outside there will be thousands of demonstrators. There will be hundreds of police officers in riot gear and there will be Palestinians and their accomplices all wearing those checkered tablecloths around their heads. This situation is a riot waiting to happen. 

The city of Chicago is not willing to give groups that support Jews the same rights to protest that groups have who are supporting Palestinians. That's what happens when the mayor is a black Communist Palestinian supporter. Brandon Johnson is such a piece of crap that older Jews are missing Mayor Daley. 

I am going to guess that not many people at the DNC will remember the 1980 DNC. That was when President Jimmy Carter tried to praise Hubert Humphrey in his speech and failed. Carter said, "... a man who should have been President, Hubert Horatio Hornblower, uh, Humphrey!!" Thank you, Jimmy Carter!! It was like one of your kids blurting out to the minister what they hear around the house.

They have Joe Biden scheduled to speak on Monday at the DNC. That gives them three days to explain what he actually meant to say.

Is MSNBC actually going to be in Chicago for the convention or are they just calling it in again? Any network wanting to lead the ratings should abandon the United Center and set up outside on the street. They should put their lead correspondent at the jail to interview the riot leaders as they are released immediately after being charged. Of course, most won't likely be charged. Memo to networks, unless Jimmy Carter shows up to speak, there's nothing worth reporting going on inside.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Cringe much?

 How long will it be before the Feds have to put Judge Juan Merchan into the Witness Protection Program?

I may be going out on a limb here, but I am willing to bet that after Trump wins, somewhere in his first five days in office he will appoint an Attorney General and have him start an investigation of the State of New York judicial system.

Harris-Walz, because shit really is everywhere.

Tim Walz is an embarrassment to old white guys everywhere. I saw a clip from the cluster where he and Kommie Kamala "interviewed" each other. I have seen better productions in a high school drama class. That was the worst campaign ad in the history of television. That easily beat out the Dukakis ad where he looked like Snoopy driving a tank.

Walz may be a bigger storyteller than Joe Biden. Have tale, will travel?? If you haven't heard the one about his hearing problem causing him to fail a Breathalyzer test that happened ten years earlier, you need to look it up. 

Maybe it's just me, but every story I read about Kommie Kamala speaking seems to include the word "cringe".

Kamala's ads claim that she knows all about being middle class. I guess that in Kalifornia, all of the middle-class girls start their political careers getting balled by Willie Brown?

At a rally for Kamala last week, people had to present a government issued ID to get into the rally. She opposes Voter ID, but her rallies are obviously more important.

On Monday we will travel back in time in Chicago to 1968. How will the demonstrations and riots go this time around? Half of the protesters are anti-immigrant; the other half is antisemites. If you are a Jew from Mexico, stay the hell out of Chicago next week.

Trump made a great point when he answered a reporter's question about what would have happened if he had not debated Biden. He pointed out that Biden would still be running for President and Democrats would still be hiding him, just like they are hiding Harris now.

The Democrats have been lying to us about Joe Biden for the last five years. But they are finally going to change their ways. They are going to lie about Kamala for the next five years.

Kamala wants to give first time home buyers $25,000 for a down payment. In related news, the average price of homes jumped $25,000 overnight.

Kamala wants to attack "price gauging". Her supporters in the media and they are plentiful, are claiming that she just misspoke and meant "price gouging". All she had to do was read it from the teleprompter. If she had just read it wrong, why didn't she realize that immediately and correct it? Because she doesn't know what "price gouging" actually is. Unfamiliar with the term, she didn't grasp that she had misspoken. This was probably her first time reading the speech. Shouldn't she at least be familiar with what she is going to say in a speech? I guess that Dims are lucky that she didn't promise to give home buyers $25 million for a down payment. It's only one word off.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Empty MInds cause Empty Shelves

 Kalifornia Kommie Kamala says that she is going to stop price gouging in this country. I guess that there is absolutely no chance that she's going to start with the high price of government. Of course not, instead she goes with the socialist chants about the evils of free enterprise. She wants to put price caps on food and prescriptions. In a speech yesterday, she was aided by the "yeller-in-chief" who spent time yelling at drug companies to get off his lawn.

Joe Biden yelled about how much less drugs cost in other countries. I have heard that Presidents cost less in other countries as well. The problem with Biden as with most liberals, is that he never bothers to look at the whole picture. Senile Joe has never operated a private business but wants to tell those who do operate businesses, how to do that. The Dean of Dementia failed to mention a few other factors about the cost of drugs in this country versus other countries. 

Joe gave his estimates for what producing and shipping drugs would cost and then attacked businesses for the profits they make. Joe failed to mention the cost of developing new drugs and how federal regulations impact that cost. I don't know what Joe thinks but I don't want my diabetes meds developed by guys who are making minimum wage. What happens when the government gets involved in the development of new medications? What happens when Uncle Sam pushes drug companies for a product? We get shit like the COVID vaccine. It won't prevent you from getting COVID, it won't prevent you from spreading COVID and there's a chance that it will kill you or at the least, give you COVID. Other than that, it works just fine. Pardon me, the government describes death as an "adverse reaction." A rash is an "adverse reaction." Death appears to be a little more of an impact on a life.

While yelling about drug companies, Biden failed to mention product liability lawsuits. Turn on your television and you will be flooded with ads from law firms telling you how they can win millions of dollars for you from manufacturers. The "Mob" that used to shake down businesses for money has been replaced by law firms. Does Braindead Biden not understand that this is a major impact on the cost of everything in America?  Biden is a lawyer, Kameltoe is a lawyer, Obama is a lawyer, the Clintons are lawyers, most legislators are lawyers. In my business, we call this a trend. Until we elect people who don't benefit from the complexities of law, we will keep having these problems. You will notice that no one in government is advocating that we shut down law schools to solve this problem.

The money to pay settlements in legal cases does not fall from the sky like manna from heaven. It's included in the price of everything you buy. Every new product is a jobs program for lawyers. I went to school with a guy who spent 45 years as a lawyer and only handled asbestos cases. Do they do this in other countries? 

The Kalifornia Kommie Kamala and Lyin' Joe Biden want to regulate prices. These clowns talk about how much money businesses make but fail to mention the people they employ and the taxes they pay. You can probably get drugs in other countries cheaper. But are they in stock? Are they on the shelf? 

People who visit the United States are always stunned when they go into stores and see the incredible selection of products that are available. This is the result of free enterprise. If you want to see how this works for yourself in real life, go into a liquor store here in North Carolina and check out the selection and the prices. Then go to a state like Florida and go into a liquor store and check prices and selection. In North Carolina, the state operates the liquor stores. In Florida, they believe in free enterprise and prices are lower, and they have a larger selection. Hell, I don't even drink and I know this. 

In Great Britain a few weeks ago, the voters voted out the ruling Conservative party after 14 years of rule. What was the big issue? In their national health program, people can't see a doctor or get treated at a hospital in a reasonable amount of time. People are waiting months to see a doctor. This is that free healthcare that liberals lust to bring to America. My wife has a friend whose mother lived in Canada. She would come here if she needed minor surgery. Why? Because she didn't have to wait for months or years. You get what you pay for and in socialized countries, health care is free.

Do you know what happens when government tries to control all businesses? COVID shutdowns. The government failed to understand that closing down businesses will have a negative impact on the nation. We weren't able to stop the spread of COVID, but we did stop the economy. You could get COVID, but you couldn't get eggs, toilet paper, baby formula, the list goes on. It took months to get stores restocked! Government bureaucrats don't know squat about business. What's the difference between government regulations and toilet paper? We have never run out of regulations. Maybe it's time to start wiping our asses with government regulations!

Empty minds cause empty shelves. Write it down!!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Thursday Thunder

Now that Biden has withdrawn from the race, the Biden DOJ has "found" a document of more than 100 pages of conversations between Biden and his ghostwriter. No one could find this when Robert Hur was investigating Biden and his handling of secret documents. 

The Gutfeld Show on Fox will move to a live show at 11:00 PM Eastern Time for the week of the Democratic convention. I guess that they want to be able to use the live news from the convention as show material. Maybe they can do like MSNBC and pretend to be at the convention through the magic of "green screen".

There is some kind of punctuation discussion going on about whether or not the correct punctuation is "Harris's campaign" or "Harris' campaign". I tend to avoid punctuation discussions. They should follow my lead and call it "Kameltoe's campaign". 

Or they could try honesty for a change and call it Kommie Kamala's Kampaign. That's the new KKK. The real racists have all become Democrats. They are back to where they started. Their supporters are marching in the streets with their faces covered, attacking those they hate. School starts back soon. Check the demonstration schedule before going near a college or university.

The president of Columbia University has finally resigned. The alumni must have finally raised enough money to buy her ass out of there. It's hard to believe that is the same university that Eisenhower ran for a few years. It won't be long before the leftist mob wants Ike written out of Columbia's history. Why would they want that? Read on.

At the end of World War 2 in Europe, Ike made the civilians in Germany visit the Nazi death camps in their area. He also had the Allied troops see those camps. He wrote this: “Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses - because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened.”

Thanks to Ike, we now can understand what we really see in those mobs at college campuses. They are the "bastards" that Ike warned us about. Those students wearing those checkered tablecloths and screaming about Jews are the 21st Century's Nazis. They are demanding the same things that the Nazis wanted. They are threatening Jews just like the Nazis did in taking over Germany. Wake up America!!

The same Palestinians who are demanding a ceasefire and peace are the same people who launched a surprise attack on October 7 and slaughtered hundreds of Israeli civilians. Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it. I can only assume that the Palestinians never read anything about Pearl Harbor leading to Hiroshima. 

If the Palestinians want peace, they should start by releasing ALL of the hostages. Americans should ask why the United States government has not demanded the release of the five Americans being held. We voted Carter out in 1980 over hostages. The cowards in the Biden administration just don't care.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Watergate Redux?

 On Sunday evening a man broke into a Trump field office in Ashburn, Virginia a city in suburban Washington, DC. While the security camera shows the man's face, he has not yet been identified. That this would happen in Loudoun County, one of the most liberal areas in Virginia is probably just a coincidence. Yeah, right!! Remember Watergate??

Kameltoe Harris will travel to Raleigh on Friday to outline a plan "to lower costs for middle-class families and take on corporate price-gouging". Kackling Kommunist Kamala is trying to blame high prices on free enterprise while the government continues to give away money that we don't have. If KKK had ever worked in a private business and not slopped her life away at the government trough, she might understand how that whole "free enterprise" thing works.

The left wants us to elect Kamala Harris because she is allegedly "black". These are the same people who oppose Mark Robinson, an actual black man, in his race for North Carolina governor. They only cite race as a qualification when it is convenient.

We live in a world where you can get your dog's DNA checked, but elected officials are allowed to claim any heritage they want. A quick DNA test might indicate that Kameltoe and Cherokee squaw Liz Warren share a common ancestry.

Trump ventured to the "belly of the beast" today and spoke in Asheville. In Asheville, a conservative is anyone who isn't a bisexual. We can only hope that Kamala's campaign will get confused and have Kamala do a rally in Asheboro. You have to be from North Carolina or have visited Asheboro to understand that one.

The Secret Service, home of the Secret Shitters, has announced that they will not allow any police units working an event with them to wear "Secret Service" patches on their uniforms anymore. Given the rapidly declining reputation of the Secret Service, I can't believe that any self-respecting law officer would want to wear a Secret Service patch.

Why are so many Democratically controlled states trying to keep Robert Kennedy Jr. off their ballots? What are they afraid is going to happen? If a Republican state did that, it would be some kind of election suppression.

In another incredible coincidence, the federal government has released documents where Hunter Biden was trying to get some help for Burisma. That message was from 2016, but it was not found and released until after Joe Biden dropped out of the Presidential race. WOW!! What were the odds? I am sticking with my belief that Joe has already pardoned Hunter but won't make it public until after the election.

Waiting in line at the grocery store the other day, my shopping cart was between me and the woman checking out before me. She looked back at me and said, "I guess that you haven't heard of social distancing." In my usual charming manner, I responded. "Yes, I heard that it has no effect on the spread of COVID. I heard that it set the education of our children back two years. I heard that they just pulled that six feet distance out of their asses with no scientific justification. Finally, I heard that no one with more than a room temperature IQ believes in it. Got any more questions?" The woman departed quickly, and the cashier may still be laughing. You don't get tossed a softball like that very often. Food prices are enough to make you angry, idiots are just frosting on the cake.

Joe Biden is scheduled to speak on the first night of the Democratic Convention in Chicago. The Secret Service is trying to get him in and out of town before the demonstrations start. They are afraid that he may recognize "Corn Pop" in the crowd and try to take him out behind the convention center.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Tuesday Tidbits

I saw this story online and felt compelled to share and comment. "The White House Says It Wants Companies to Stop Wasting Your Time. On Monday the White House announced the “Time Is Money” initiative, which it says is aimed at cutting down on consumer-facing corporate red tape." This has to be the funniest thing out of the White House in years! Anyone who has ever dealt with the government has a horror story to share. Somebody from the White House needs to get their ass down to an IRS office or a Social Security office and take a number. For the federal government to criticize private businesses for "red tape" is the absolute most absurd thing that they have said in years. Clean up your own backyard, Joe!!!

Joe and company need to go to a driver's license office for the complete "red tape" experience. Maybe they should go buy a gun or try to get a passport to see what real people put up with from the government. Biden needs to skip Air Force One and go to an airport and try to fly commercial one day. When you get there Joe, go to the Post Office and mail us a card.

If it's between watching "The View" or getting a horrible case of jock itch, I am heading to CVS for some powder right now.

For me to believe that Kameltoe Harris's positions on everything have really changed, I will need photos of her on the road to Damascus. Otherwise, the campaign's symbol needs to be a flip-flop. 

Kameltoe keeps telling us what she is going to do when she becomes President. It would be quicker if she just told us what she has actually accomplished in the last three and a half years.

For the last couple of years, I thought that Rep. Dan Goldman was the dumbest Democrat on God's green earth. Then they unveiled Tampon Tim Walz.

Someone suggested that the agents from the Secret Shitters mentioned in yesterday's post refused to use a Porta John because someone reported seeing Hunter Biden coming out of it.

Governor Gruesome in California was spotted picking up trash in California the other day. He also challenged California cities to clean up. Are they setting him up to replace Kameltoe or Tampon Tim at the convention?

If Kamala becomes President, the new designation for the Presidential plane will be Airhead One.

Democrats are bragging about the number of people attending Harris rallies. Their last live candidate was in 2012. 

After the election, all of those camo hats with "Harris-Walz" on them should be in a clearance auction somewhere. If I can buy them for about a dollar a dozen, I can sell them for targets.

As of this writing, the city of Chicago has failed to issue a permit to a group for a march supporting Israel. They have issued permits to groups opposing Israel. Is this how Hitler started?

Last November I wrote a post about Barack Obama. In that post, I mentioned that Sheila Jager, Obama's girlfriend said that she broke up with him because he would not condemn antisemitism, especially by blacks. That's still a problem with black leaders in Chicago today. Brandon Johnson, the black mayor of Chicago, is a straight up Communist and antisemite. It's going to be a long week for Dems in Chicago. 

With Biden having officially thrown in the towel and just hanging out at the beach, who's running the country? Kameltoe's out on the trail and Joe is at the beach. If you don't think that our enemies are watching, you are wrong.

The only question left is, will Biden pardon Hunter before or after the election? I think that Joe has already pardoned him but has not released it publicly. That way, if something happens to Joe, Hunter is good to go.

I will close with this wisdom from the past. ""A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away." Barry Goldwater


Monday, August 12, 2024

USSS = United States Secret Shitters??

 The United States Secret Service continues their attempt at a public suicide. In the news yesterday, a woman who owns a salon in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, claims that the Secret Service taped over her security camera and broke into her salon to have a bathroom to use during a Kamala Harris event. 

She claims that a Secret Service official called her and apologized after the incident on July 27. The Secret Service issued a statement that breaking into a business would violate their policies, and they wouldn't do that. The Boston Herald, Fox News and other sources are all reporting on the story. CNN finally mentioned it a couple of hours ago. As of this writing, the Secret Shitters continue to deny that they entered the salon.

The video from the outside camera clearly shows someone dressed like a Secret Shitter agent stepping up on a chair to tape over the camera. They didn't even bother to take off the tape when they departed a few hours later. Apparently, they allowed agents and other agencies (EMS, local police, etc.) to use the salon restroom for a couple of hours before the event began.

The Secret Shitters used to be famous for their attention to details. I used to have hair. It is beginning to look like the Butler, Pennsylvania incident was not an outlier. They are understaffed or are filling their ranks with the unqualified in the name of diversity.  It's either that or they have been reading their own press releases and think that they are perfect.

If they were paying attention to details, they would have covered the camera inside the salon as well. They did not do that. The inside video shows an armed guy in camo standing at the door of the salon. It also shows other members of police and EMS units going into the salon to use the bathroom. Members of those groups claim the Secret Shitter agents told them to use that restroom.

I don't know who was responsible for the planning of the Kameltoe Harris event but surely, they understood that there would be a line of people waiting to get into the site. I have been to four Trump rallies, and they have had Porta johns at all of them. Even the folks at the Greensboro Coliseum were smart enough to do that. Did the planners not think that people would need a bathroom? Did the Secret Shitters not want to use the Porta johns? Did they not consider asking local businesses for cooperation in this matter? The salon in question is adjacent to the theater where the event was being held. Why didn't they just ask if they could use the salon as some kind of staging area for the afternoon? It's not like anyone would fight the traffic to get to a hair salon.

So where does the Secret Shitters go from here? First, include toilet facilities on their planning list. Second, the agent who covered the camera should be disciplined or dismissed. Third, the person who actually picked the door lock or forced it open must be terminated. Breaking and entering is a crime in every state. Wait! I may have to check on that for California.

Beyond that, it is time for massive changes in leadership for the Secret Shitters. Changing the person at the top is simply not enough. We are going to have to change the culture at the Secret Shitters. Start with bringing in someone from the outside to head up the organization. Bring in someone from outside of federal law enforcement. Then shake up the upper levels of management. What they are doing right now is clearly not working.

When all of the claims about their policies and their performance from the Secret Shitters are considered, the reality is that they broke the laws that they are charged with upholding. 

I am old. I don't go anywhere without knowing where the bathroom is. If the Secret Shitters need any pointers, have them call me. I'm sure they have the number!

Saturday, August 10, 2024

It's Saturday Morning Confusion

Kameltoe Harris keeps telling us what she will do on her first day as President. How about a little more data on what she has done for the last three and a half years?

I am more than a little curious on one detail. With Kameltoe out on the campaign trail and Biden at the beach, who the hell is running the country? Whoever that is must be the real President.

I am not a conspiracy theorist but one must be amazed at how quickly her campaign took shape after Biden dropped out. It's almost like she had knowledge about what was going to happen.

Is Kamala a Kloset Kommunist? She keeps talking about how she is going to "cap" price increases on a host of products and services. Should we have someone explain that whole "free enterprise" system to her?

I heard that the bookies in Las Vegas are taking bets on when Kameltoe holds an actual scheduled press conference of more than five minutes.

Tampon Tim is not the first person to claim a higher rank than he actually held in the military. About a hundred and fifty years ago, a US army lieutenant colonel identified as a General because he had been a brevet major general in the Civil War. That didn't turn out well for Custer and I hope that it won't end well for Tampon Tim.

The FBI is telling us that Matthew Crooks was smarter than the average assassin. Apparently, he scored more than 1500 on the SAT. Are they trying to tell us that this was how he was able to outsmart the FBI? In the old days before they changed the scoring on the test, I actually scored higher than Mad Matt. To the best of my recollections, I haven't tried to assassinate any Presidential candidates.

Matthew Crooks didn't need to "outsmart' the Secret Service, they were just reckless and lazy about defending Trump. That sounds like a cultural issue.

FOX News was able to get a bunch of local police bodycam videos through FOIA requests. I watched several minutes of the videos. It's a safe bet that the Secret Service failed to actually interact with the local police and the locals are not going to let the Secret Service blame them for what happened to Trump. 

Is Tampon Tim going to let the natives burn part of Washington DC like they did to Minneapolis? That might be some urban renewal that we could all get behind, but only in DC. 

We now know how Tampon Tim favors abortion. Since he is okay with any and all "terminations" of the unborn, what's his policy on old people??

Why are states trying to keep Robert Kennedy Jr, off their ballots? Are they really afraid that he might win? In North Carolina, the Democratic Party controlled State Board of Elections is trying to keep Cornel West off the ballot. Why bother? Who is he going to knock out?

It's amazing that almost all labor unions endorse the Democratic candidates despite the fact that their members don't vote Democrat at anywhere hear that rate. The Teamsters President was invited to speak at the Republican Convention. With a week to go before the Dims gather in Chicago, he is still waiting to be invited to speak to the Dims. 

Tampon Tim Walz is not a MAGA supporter. He is a co-founder of MABA, Make America Burn Again. 

Friday, August 09, 2024

It's Tampon Tim Time!!!

 Forty years ago, I was the General Manager at the Casa Gallardo Mexican Restaurant and Bar in Greensboro. One Friday evening during the dinner rush time, I was walking through the kitchen and saw a waitress heading to a stockroom. Since that didn't make sense at that hour, I walked over to the stockroom door and looked in. 

The waitress's name was Jayne Ann, and she was in the stock room trying to get a large box of tampons off of the top shelf. We kept them in stock to fill the feminine products dispenser in the ladies restroom. We also had a large box of pads to fill the same machine. They were pretty good-sized boxes as they held at least a couple of hundred tampons or pads. I asked her, "What are you doing?" She replied, "I'm trying to get a tampon." I responded, "They are a dime in the machine in the ladies room. Go up front to the restroom and get one. Don't steal one from the box back here." 

She got a little testy and said, "I am not trying to steal one. I am getting one back here because I don't want to go to the restroom up front." I laughed and said, "What are you going to do with it? Are you going to find a quiet spot in the dining room or kitchen where you can put it in? Here's a dime. Go to the restroom!" She stormed away, taking my dime with her.

I decided to wait and talk about it on another day with her. I pulled out my spiral bound database (pocket notebook) and made a note about the incident. 

An hour or so later, one of the waiters came up to me and asked, "Did you really bust Jayne Ann trying to palm a tampon in the stock room?" I asked, "Where did you hear that story? " He said "Jayne Ann told me." I just shook my head and walked away. I found Jayne Ann and said, "Give me my dime back." She threw a dime at me. I walked away laughing.

A few weeks later, it was about ten P.M. on a Friday night, and I was in the kitchen talking to the cooks about closing duties. One of the cocktail waitresses came running into the kitchen. She yelled at me. "Gil, JJ is up in the lounge with tampons hanging out of his nose and telling people 'I'm a walrus!' Come do something!".

Our dining room manager beat me to the lounge and was barking at JJ, who was a busboy, when I got there. He had been assigned to clean and stock the restrooms and decided that he would invest a couple of dimes in an attempt to entertain customers and employees. I was actually impressed by his walrus impersonation. I commended him for originality and humor but instructed him to never do that again.

Until this week that was my funniest story about tampons. Of course that was before Kameltoe Harris picked Tampon Tim Walz as her Vice-Presidential candidate. Tampon Tim had tampon dispensers installed in the male restrooms in Minnesota public schools. He's concerned about menstruating young men.

In the real world of business before making that decision, we would do some kind of cost-benefit analysis to justify it. Did the Governor do that? Of course, not. How many people using the male restrooms need to purchase tampons? Did he do any kind of study? Why do a study? It's just taxpayer money.  How many tampons are they actually selling, or do they just give them away?  How many young men are getting tampons to do a walrus impersonation? How many are being used for their intended purpose? Would it be cheaper just to give a box to every guy who needs them when his period starts? I assume that they are also dispensing feminine hygiene pads. Are these doubling as first aid supplies for teenage boys? Before you discount that possibility, I cut my arm once and a women pulled a pad from her pocketbook and slapped it on my cut. The nurses were laughing at the emergency room when I got there, and they looked at my arm. Who knows how long those ER nurses told that maxi pad story?

I can't wait for more news from the Kameltoe/Tampon Tim campaign. If I were J.D. Vance, I would put a couple of tampons in my nostrils for the VP debate. Can you picture the response when Vance walks on to the stage and announces, "I'm a walrus!" 

We could have a guy dressed as Chumley, the walrus from Tennessee Tuxedo and his Tales, follow Walz around to his events. What if we played the Beatles singing their hit "I'm a Walrus"? What if we just paid people to stand in the crowd with tampons in their noses? It's Tampon Tim Time!!

Thursday, August 08, 2024

Thoughtless Thursday with Debby

They call the group "Republicans for Harris" because "Dumbasses for Dems" was used to support Biden in 2020. Their children are in colleges where they belong to groups like "Queers for Palestine".  Or as Netanyahu would put it, "Chickens for KFC". 

 “As a proud conservative, I never thought I’d be endorsing a Democrat for President,” Adam Kinzinger said in a written statement. No one without the title of Commissar has ever called Kinzinger a "conservative".

On Monday in Belle Glade, Florida nine people died when a 2023 Ford Explorer failed to negotiate a left turn and crashed and flipped into a canal. At this time there is one survivor. Six of the dead were children. A 2023 Explorer is rated for a maximum of seven passengers and this one had ten passengers. Another tragedy caused by human stupidity. 

Human beings have been eating bread for at least the last 10,000 years. Suddenly, In the last few years everyone is developing "gluten" issues. Maybe it's not the bread?

It's a similar story with people and nut allergies. Have the nuts changed or have the people eating them changed? I don't want to imagine life without peanut butter and Stuckey's pecan logs.

I skipped listening to Tim Walz' speech the other day. I have heard Communists and Nazis speak before. I believe that in the current vernacular my opinion would be stated, "Thanks, but I'm good on Commie speeches!" 

Let's revolutionize politics in America! Let's outlaw teleprompters. Look at the obvious benefits. 1. We would find out what candidates actually think. 2. It would shorten a lot of speeches. 3. It would eliminate some candidates before the election.

The only thing worse than politicians and teleprompters is television news people holding tablets or smartphones from which they read to us. They aren't reporters, they are just readers. Save paying the reporter and just run the words across the screen. Cut out the middleman!

We are experiencing the effects of Hurricane Debby today in North Carolina. I grew up in Florida but have experienced more hurricanes while living in North Carolina.  

We purport to be the most knowledgeable humans in history, yet we still build homes on the beach and beside rivers and lakes. How many storms will it take to get people to understand the risk? The definition of "insanity' is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Wait! I think that is the same definition for "stupidity".

The Josh Stein campaign is busy proving that there is nothing Democrats hate worse than some "uppity" black Christian Republican running against a white Jewish Democrat. Just say "Nein" to Stein! 

Just for a better perspective, Josh Stein has spent his two terms as Attorney General bragging about how he reduced the backlog of untested rape kits. At the time he was elected, according to some sources North Carolina had the largest backlog of rape kits in the country. In true liberal fashion, Stein fails to mention that his predecessor as Attorney General was Gov. Roy Cooper. I realize that Cooper was only the Attorney General for 16 years so Stein may not have known. If Stein is responsible for clearing the backlog, why isn't Cooper responsible for creating the backlog or at least tolerating it? No one in the liberal horseshit media in Raleigh will ask that question.

If you read my Mount Flushmore letter to the American Spectator yesterday and thought "They will never publish that!", you are correct.

I am going to go watch it rain.

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Mount Flushmore

I subscribe to the American Spectator magazine. They are mostly online, but they have a print edition a couple of times a year to humor all of us old folks. They also publish a weekday e-mail newsletter called Spectator AM. They publish an e-mail Spectator PM on a somewhat irregular basis. 

Anyway, in Tuesday's issue there was a letter from a reader in Richmond suggesting that they put up a Mount Flushmore to celebrate Presidents Carter, Obama and Biden with an image of Bill Clinton overlooking all of them. The editor of the AM Spectator asked for people to send in their own ideas of who should be featured and where Mount Flushmore should be.

Since it was early morning, and I was still in my coherent stage, I sent in a reply. I share that with you in the space below. 


Mount Flushmore should be built in New Orleans, The City by the Sewer.  There are obviously no mountains, but a levee will do just fine. Anyone wanting to visit Mount Flushmore can just drive their Chevy to the levee.

First of the Worst, would be Edith Wilson. Never elected, she initiated the bedroom Presidency. This was not unlike Biden's basement Presidency. She would not let anyone visit with Woodrow. She claimed that she gave him all of the information and that he communicated the decisions to her so she could tell the world. If you believe this, see me immediately for some real estate investment possibilities.

Second would be FDR. He put us on the road to seeing mountains of federal spending dedicated to the proposition that all taxpayers are suckers. Unable to end a depression with eight years of government programs, he ended up killing the depression by using a world war. Like Biden, his accomplices covered up all of his physical ailments until he died one afternoon with his mistress. 

Third would be John F. Kennedy. Does the Bay of Pigs ring any bells?  Moving on, Libs rave about how JFK forced the Russians to remove their missiles from Cuba. What nobody ever talks about is how the same deal compelled us to remove missiles in Turkey that were pointed at the USSR and in many cases were closer to Russia than the missiles in Cuba were to the US. The devil is in the details. Working with that concept, if there was really a second shooter in Dallas, it was a jealous husband.

Fourth and at the top of the dung pile would be Jill Jobama. There is speculation that Obama has the hands of a proctologist and uses those hands to make Joe Biden's lips move. Obama only comes in on the big decisions. Dr. Jill takes care of the little things, like the economy and the nuclear war codes. There are American Spectator readers who think that Jill is on this enormous spending spree to keep the nation from having enough money left to put Biden's face on a dump in the Big Easy. They may be right. 

Unlike Mount Rushmore, private citizens and Spectator AM readers can make Mount Flushmore happen. All we need is a payoff to the crooked Mayor Cantrell and a couple of weeks to put a new look on a levee.


Gilbert Jones

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Tuesday Taunts, Topics and Tall Tales

 Jimmy Carter has said that he wants to live long enough for Kamala Harris. He's a Democrat. They don't have to be alive to vote.

Nancy Pelosi says that Biden should be on Mount Rushmore. He's dirt dumb and rock stupid, so I guess that he is halfway there. Of course, by saying that, Pelosi proves that she is dumber than Joe. And that is something that no one thought was possible.

The leader in the Veepstakes appears to be Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro. Rabbi Dov Fischer writes for the American Spectator and has written about self-loathing Jews. That's the category for Shapiro. When you go back and renounce something that you wrote thirty years ago because it offends Communist college kids today, you have officially sold your soul. Add soulless to Shapiro's qualifications for the job. 

Presidential candidates often select Vice Presidential candidates who will not outperform them. In Kamala's case, that would require someone who is technically brain-dead. If this holds true, the Harris choice for VP will be Rep. Dan Goldman.

There is a new group of college students forming to support Kamala Harris. The proposed name is Kamala's Kollege Kommie Kids. That name will pass all of the Truth in Advertising requirements.

The White House is claiming that they have had nothing to do with the plea deal for the 9/11 terrorists. They won't even admit to having anything to do with the reversal of the plea deals. Can someone please remind Biden that he is the Commander-in-Chief?

I am looking for a new COVID outbreak to keep Kamala out of press conferences until after the election. Would the Dims be able to use the same scam twice? Does Kamala have a basement?

Kamala's current husband has admitted to an affair in his first marriage. I can't even begin to describe how little that I care about this revelation. I would be more sympathetic to the alleged Second Gentleman if he had an affair while married to Kamala. America would understand that.

There was a story in the news today about some kind of helmet that uses a stream of air across your face to eliminate the use of masks. Eliminating man-made illnesses would do more for the public health.

Despite having already elected Kamala as the candidate before the convention event starts, Democrats will still be meeting in Chicago. I guess that they had committed to a predetermined number of riots and protests in the Windy City. Will the local population express their displeasure with the immigrant situation by rioting? Or will they just stand outside the convention holding Venn diagrams showing how illegal immigrants are taking over the country?

The federal government has paused their program where they have flown in thousands of illegal immigrants on charter flights in the middle of the night. I am only speculating, but this is probably related to the upcoming election.

The mainstream media morons keep accusing Republicans of denying that Kamala is black. Being Willie Brown's bedtime toy doesn't change your heritage. Did she become black by injection? In the 2020 campaign her father said that they are not black. Republicans should just quote her father. She's going to need to pick a heritage and run with it. She has obviously acquired the Biden technique of being whatever the group you are addressing is. I'm still waiting for Biden to offer proof that he was actually raised in a Puerto Rican neighborhood and attended a Jewish synagogue before going to his job at the pool letting black kids rub his hairy legs and keeping gangster Corn Pop in line. 

Can somebody just slap the shit out of George StuffingEnvelopes over at ABC? I didn't like him when he was Clinton's mouthpiece. I love how the media morons think. It used to be wrong to call someone black who wasn't black. Now the imagineers who make up the news are telling us that is wrong to not call someone black who isn't black. I will need a Venn diagram on this one.

Monday, August 05, 2024

Single Syllable Syndrome

 I hate "smart" phones? Why? How shall I count the ways? "Smart" phones are actually making people stupid. They are destroying our ability to actually engage others in conversation. The day is going to come when the "smart" phones will all fail, and we will be left with a world of stupid people.

Our conversations have become a string of single syllable words. I will be honest. I love words and I really love big words. I am one of those guys who reads the Word of the Day and tries to lob it into a conversation somewhere. For most of my career, I used to keep a two-volume dictionary on the office desk. I love words!

One day years ago at Tex & Shirley's, several of us were having a conversation and I tossed some word in just to get everyone's attention. One woman asked me what the word meant. I gave her the definition. She responded, "Are you sure that is the correct definition?" Before I could answer, a young man said, "The son of a bitch keeps a dictionary on the desk! Are you serious? Of course, he knows what it means." Twenty years later, that still brings a smile to my face.

When I was in the fifth grade at Alexander Elementary in Tampa, the word to know how to define and spell was "antidisestablishmentarianism". If you wanted to be considered a serious speller and a real geek, that was the word. If you were challenged to spell it, you had to spit it right out. There was no taking a couple of minutes to sound it out and choose the letters. You had about thirty seconds to spell it before the other nerds would start ridiculing you. There were days that I would practice spelling that aloud as I walked back and forth to school. Remember that on the days you might think that your school days were bad.

One day a kid who worked for me was talking about school and I asked about whether they still taught spelling. He told me that they did and that he was a "pretty good speller". Before you jump the gun on my story here, I did not ask him to spell "antidisestablishmentarianism". I'm not that heartless. However, I did tell him "Hell, I don't even think that you can spell 'spell'." He looked insulted and replied, "Of course I can spell 'spell'. It's S-P-E-L" The others around started laughing and he just looked at me. I said, "Go look it up in my dictionary." He came back a few minutes later and said, " I am going to kick my English teacher's ass." I talked him out of that and gave him a dictionary a few days later as a gift. I wonder if he ever used it.

Twenty years ago, that was shocking to me, but not today. Kids don't need to learn to spell, the computer will spell the word for them. People who "text" habitually are learning and devising a whole different language. When I was a kid, we talked about the difference between our form of English and Elizabethan English. With my flip phone, I don't text very often. I see text messages on other people's "smart" phones, and I am left wondering what language it is. Ask a high schooler today to read something in Elizabethan English and wait for their heads to explode!

I don't advocate bringing back Elizabethan English, but we do need to bring back multi-syllable words and complete sentences. We might even be able to bring back paragraphs at some point in high school. While we are at it, I think that kids might be able to grow their vocabularies if we omit "emojis" from messages. I just don't give a rat's ass about how many smiley faces I get. Give me some words!!

Later this week will be my rant on acronyms. I was just going to form an acronym for "Acronyms Single Syllables", but that was just for cheap laughs!

Say it with me, antidisestablishmentarianism!!

Sunday, August 04, 2024

Sundry Sunday Stuff

 The Democrats claim that they can't define "woman". They also claim that Kamala Harris is a woman running for President. One of these statements is not true. You choose.

Roy Cooper kept North Carolina in a state of emergency for COVID for a period of 888 days. He claimed that singing in church spread the disease. He lost that one in court. He would have been the ideal running mate for Kameltoe. Neither has ever read the U.S. Constitution and there is no evidence to contradict that assertion. His fear of a black Republican made him drop out of the Vice President sweepstakes. At least, he won't have to risk sleeping with Kameltoe.

A French pole vaulter got hung up (pardon the pun) on the cross bar in the competition at the Olympics. At least, he wasn't claiming to be a transgender woman. Best online comment was from a woman who wrote, "You can't say that he didn't have any skin in the game." Go check out the video, it's available everywhere except sausage company websites.

Several weeks ago, Joe Biden claimed that one of his ancestors came over here with Lafayette and never returned to France. Ancestry has traced his family tree and released his ancestor's name. It was Joe Bidet. 

After almost three weeks, the United States Secret Service has finally admitted what everyone with more than a room temperature already knew, they don't have a policy about sloped roofs. 

I don't know anything about Presidential candidate security but, if you don't have a drone and you don't have a helicopter, why don't you just put a guy on that big ass water tower overlooking the grounds? You can get binoculars at Wal-Mart if you don't stock them in your security supplies.

Was this assassination attempt a new episode in the series of movies titled "Revenge of the Nerds"?

Iran claims that the Hamas leader killed in Tehran was not killed by an explosive device hidden inside the residence, but instead was killed by a 15-pound bomb fired from out in the street into the residence. So rather than believe that someone could plant a bomb they would rather think that there's somebody walking the streets with a bazooka. Really?

I am fascinated that in the Middle East, Democrats are all lining up to support a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We tried a two-state solution in the United States from 1860-1865 and the ancestors of those same folks who advocate it in the Middle East opposed it here. 

You can call it anything you want, but Democrats are supporting people in the world who want to wipe out the Jews. FDR was not concerned about the Jews and Joe Biden and his handlers aren't concerned either. 

Saturday, August 03, 2024

Random Shot Saturday

Why aren't we flooded with illegal immigrants from English speaking countries? Asking for a friend who has no desire to learn Spanish.

Let's bring back phone booths. We don't even need to put phones in them as most people are carrying one. This may shock those of you who walk around talking loudly to someone on your phone, but most of us don't have the slightest interest in your private life that you are discussing as you stroll. Can you go outside or go sit in your car to talk? Frankly, I don't care how many times you and your "bitch" had sex last night. I sure don't want to hear about your encounters with assorted social diseases. Rather than bitch about your finances, start by ditching that expensive iPhone. Let's bring back privacy!!

The President's spokes-turd John Kirby claims that Biden didn't know anything about the plea deal offered to the masterminds of the 9/11 debacle. I don't know if this plea deal was handled by the Department of Defense or the Department of Justice, but I am certain that both of those agencies report to the President. This is what happens when the Cabinet hasn't had a meeting in more than nine months. Biden can still act on this. Will he??

In a news bulletin after I wrote this, there are reports that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has blocked the plea deal. I will complain more when this is official.

The world wants to know what you have to do to get fired from a job in the Biden Administration. The only person in the Biden Administration on the verge of losing his job is Joe. The rest will wait to be removed by Trump.

I long for Kameltoe to announce Pete Buttgig as her VP choice. We can call it "The Hag and the Fag" ticket. 

North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper blew his chance by realizing that the Lt. Governor was going to start running the state while Roy was out campaigning. It's all in that pesky NC Constitution. 

Democrats have started voting to confirm Kameltoe Harris as their Presidential candidate. I'm so old that I remember when they had conventions for that. I heard that the delegates voted to nominate Trump at the Republican Convention. Having already nominated Kameltoe, why are the Dims bothering to hold a convention? Do they just want to hear from the anti-immigration protesters?

Kameltoe's campaign slogan is "Kamala is Ready." I doubt that she knows what she is ready for. Compare this to the 1980 slogan for Ted Kennedy, "Teddy is ready." In that case, we didn't want to know what Teddy was ready for.

The all-time slam on Ted Kennedy came from Howell Heflin, Democratic Senator from Alabama. The National Enquirer had published pictures of Ted Kennedy having sex with a woman on his boat while out sailing. Heflin was quoted as saying, "I see that Senator Kennedy has changed his position on offshore drilling!" 

The Olympics are video Sominex.

After insulting Christians with their opening ridicule of The Last Supper, the Olympics moved on to allow a man to beat up a woman in the women's boxing competition. The Algerian man had failed a gender test last year, but the IOC let him compete as a woman anyway. If the blood test shows an X and Y chromosome, you are a man. I don't care what your pronouns are! 

Are there any women posing as men competing in the men's events at the Olympics? 

This week's employment numbers were bad. The unemployment rate rose to 4.3%. Most businesses are short of help and are actively hiring employees. Yet the number of unemployed continues to rise. Why? Unemployment is too attractive to Americans. Why not make it less rewarding?

Friday, August 02, 2024

Friday Morning Fever?

 The Biden Administration has announced a plea deal for the three terrorists accused of being the masterminds of the 9/11 attacks. In exchange for pleading guilty, they will each receive a life sentence. I may not be good with math, but if you are responsible for the deaths of almost 3000 people, you ought to die. What's the cost of keeping these three guys in a high security prison for the rest of their lives compared to a box of 30.06 rifle rounds? Did these scum give the people in those towers and on those planes a choice about when or how to die?

As the commander-in-chief of the United States military, Joe Biden has the final say on this deal with the terrorists. Does Biden have the balls to reject the deal? Of course, the real issue is whether we are talking about demented Joe, medicated Joe, Dr. Jill or Hunter?  Which Biden makes the call?

Watching the liberals try to cover up Kamal-A-Roni's past positions and make them palatable for middle America is fascinating. It's like those makeover shows that used to be on television. Actually, it is one of those makeover shows on television. We just need a better host.

Kamala's Kalifornia Kommunists are worried that her father will start speaking out again and repeat his claim that she isn't black. Look for her father to die in an accident before the election. My opinion is that Kamala is just a little more black than Liz Warren is Cherokee.

Liberals keep screaming that "Trump will be a dictator on Day One." Let's take a look at everything that Biden did on his first day. If the silence on Biden's actions was golden, the national debt could be paid.

The left keeps talking about everything that they are afraid that Trump will do if elected while ignoring the fact that he did none of those things when he was in office for four years previously. 

I watched Biden's announcement from the White House about the prisoner swap deal. I can't believe that Democrats will allow young girls to appear with Joe Biden. Millions of Americans cringed as Joe Biden pulled that thirteen-year-old girl close to him. The girl's mother should have just reached over and removed Creepy Joe's hand from her daughter. Why do liberals offer their children as some kind of sacrifice to the molester in chief?

I listened as Biden talked about the importance of "having friends" in resolving this issue. International relations are somewhat like real life. If you keep having to give your "friends" money, they aren't really your "friends". See Ukraine for more evidence.

In 2022, the Biden Administration traded the "Merchant of Death" for a lesbian basketball player who won't stand for the flag. This week they traded an assassin for a few reporters. There's nothing like giving foreign nations a reason to hold Americans hostage. Monty Hall could have made a better deal than Joe Biden. Hell, Frank Fritz would have cut a better deal.

The leader of Hamas died a few days ago on a visit to Tehran when his living quarters exploded. There is a difference in theories about what caused the explosion, but it doesn't really matter. He's dead. Let's contract the handling of the three terrorists mentioned earlier to the Mossad. 

Things went so wrong for the Hamas leader that a theory running around Washington now is that he was being protected by the Secret Service. 

The Congressional hearing on the Trump assassination attempt served to demonstrate to the American people the complete level of incompetence in the Federal government. A twenty-year-old geek was able to outsmart the Secret Service and local law enforcement and came within an inch of killing former President Trump.  It's been a couple of weeks since this happened, I am stunned that there isn't a book out or a movie in production yet.

Thirty or more years ago, I attended some kind of business-related seminar. The speaker started by telling us that any organization of more than three hundred people was a hopeless bureaucracy. Obviously, he didn't work for the government.

 I am fascinated by numbers. Democrat and Deranged both have eight letters. Coincidence? I think not. 


Thursday, August 01, 2024

Joe B and the Supremes

Back in the 1960's, you could ride down a highway in the South and periodically see a billboard that read, "Impeach Earl Warren". I frankly believe that the Warren Commission Report should have been enough to destroy Warren's credibility, why bother impeaching him? There was never an impeachment trial for Warren.

The Warren Court was followed by the Burger Court. The Burger Court brought us Roe v. Wade in 1973. This was a case where the liberal justices on the court discovered a previously unexplored "right to privacy" in the "Due Process Clause" that allowed women to have abortions. A couple of years ago, the current court decided that right did not exist, and that the federal government did not control abortion.

Now, Joe Biden has declared war on the United States Supreme Court for disagreeing with him and his socialist policies. Did he ever propose remaking the Supreme Court when he was a Senator?

Biden, who spent 36 years in the United States Senate, wants term limits for the Supreme Court. Joe wants to limit the Supremes to 18-year terms. Biden, who owns three homes based on a Senator's salary, wants a code of ethics for Supreme Court Justices. Joe wants to enlarge the Supreme Court just like the executive branch which continues to explode in size. The executive branch of the federal government is not famous for efficiency or effectiveness. Under the Biden Administration, the Cabinet rarely meets. 

Joe Biden has ignored the Supreme Court ruling that he cannot "forgive" student loan debt. The same leftists who claim that Trump will be a dictator have chosen to ignore Biden's refusal to accept the Supreme Court ruling. Joe continues to try to "forgive debt" in a blatantly political move for votes.

Joe Biden is mad at the Supreme Court because they have ruled against him. Maybe if Joe had finished a little higher in law school than he did, he would be a little more understanding of the Court's rulings. If only he had finished as high in law school as he claims? Has anyone checked to see if Biden's Supreme Court plan has been plagiarized from some other brain-dead leftist?

Here's the situation in a nutshell. An elderly President who is displaying all the signs of dementia and has abandoned his campaign is now trying to destroy the United States Supreme Court. This will be his last gasp in an elected position.

Should Congress not first set term limits on their members before trying to amend the Constitution and set term limits for Supreme Court Justices? Here's a few facts on Democratic leadership. Chuck "The Schmuck" Schumer is 73 years old and has spent 44 years in Congress. Nancy Pelosi is 84 years old and has been in the House for 37 years. Jim Clyburn is 84 years old and has spent 32 years in Congress. Bernie Sanders is 83 years old and has spent 34 years in the Congress. Just to be fair, over on the Republican side, Mitch McConnell is 82 years old and has spent 40 years in Congress. Are these folks really fit to pass a law giving Supreme Court Justices an 18-year term? Are they serious about this?

Biden's proposal is "Dead on Arrival" in Congress. He's just shoveling shit at the Supreme Court to help Kameltoe's Kampaign.