Monday, August 26, 2024

Pet Rocks vote Democrat

 I had a flashback to the 1970's this week as the Democratic Party rolled out an updated version of the Pet Rock. They call it Kamala. 

On Friday, RFK Jr. suspended his campaign and endorsed Donald Trump. Kennedy was in the midst of ranting about the media and pointed out that Kamala had not done an interview in 35 days when CNN cut away from his speech. There is nothing like silencing a guy speaking against you to prove that everything that he said about the mainstream media is true. CNN is the new definition of "arrogance".

Dr. Anthony Fauci has been diagnosed with West Nile virus. Maybe he will develop a vaccine for this?

Joe Biden couldn't talk and Kameltoe Harris won't talk. There seems to be a problem with Democrats and communication. At some point, even the women of The View might demand that she answer a question.

Apparently, the Democrats have adopted a motto, "Better to not say anything than say something stupid."

What kind of people should vote for Kamala Harris and other Democrats?

If you think that women can have penises, vote Democrat.

If your fourth-grade son needs tampons for his menstrual cycle, vote Democrat.

If you think that the government should have the power to take your eight-year-old child away from you because you don't want them mutilated in a sex change surgery, vote Democrat.

If you think that Presidential candidates should not do interviews with the press, vote Democrat.

If you think that a guy can spend more than twenty years in the National Guard and not know his rank, vote Democrat.

If you eat white tacos with mayonnaise and tuna, vote Democrat.

If your wife loves the smell of cities burning, vote Democrat.

If you believe that $3.59 gasoline is cheaper than $2.00 gasoline, vote Democrat.

If you think that seven electric car chargers should cost $5 billion, vote Democrat.

If you think that a nation can spend its way out of a recession, vote Democrat. Before you try to tell me about the Great Depression and FDR, let me remind you that the great economic turnaround came with the war, not with the New Deal.

If you think that replacing a braindead elderly old man with a braindead younger woman is a good idea, vote Democrat.

If you want to share your home with illegal immigrants, vote Democrat.

If you think that we don't have enough criminals and need to import more, vote Democrat.

Finally, if you think that Obama deserves a fourth term, vote Democrat.


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