Friday, August 23, 2024

Tiny Tim and more

 I keep hearing people on television describe Nancy Pelosi as "Speaker Emerita". I can find no such position mentioned in the Constitution. Further research showed that on November 29, 2022, the Steering and Policy Committee of the House Democratic Caucus named Pelosi "Speaker Emerita". So, the entire Congress has not even actually voted on this title. If a committee of Republicans decides that Donald Trump should be labeled "America's Best President", are the network morons going to call him that? This just furthers the case that the news media is an official branch of the Democratic Party.

How have the Clintons and the Obamas gone from not having a pot to piss in to being multi-millionaires on their salaries as politicians? Are book deals and Netflix deals just delayed payoffs? Isn't it about time that someone investigates this? Do you even know anyone who has read a Joe Biden authored book? You will notice that no reporter has ever asked Dr. Jill for a review of a Joe Biden book. It couldn't be any worse than Obama's book, "Dreams from My Father". That was a work of complete fiction. Reading an Obama book leaves one longing to listen to a Biden campaign speech.

I left out the easy shot in that last paragraph. If you have read part of any politician's book, you have probably read part of one of Joe's books. If this confuses you, the word you are looking for is plagiarist. Joe is a famous plagiarist! I hate it when I have to explain it.

Who was the last politician to go to Washington rich and leave poor? 

I think that we would be better off with Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor than with "Tampon Tim" from Minnesota. At least The Tool Man knew what a woman was. There are days I think that Walz is just some kind of reincarnation of Tiny Tim. Can "Tampon Tim" carry the tune of Tip Toe through the Tulips? If you are under sixty, you may need to look that one up.

The Democrats are doing great with fund raising. Of course, so did Sam Bankman-Fried before people learned the truth. Democrats are screwing up the economy so badly, that there are still people wanting to invest in crypto with SBF.

Heard during the applause after the Harris speech at the convention last night; "Just when you start to lose hope, you realize that there really is a sucker born every minute."

Kameltoe Harris avoids reporters with the same vigor that street people avoid employment opportunities and showers. She would have to be an illegal immigrant to dodge questions any harder.

I saw the news video of the Obamas embracing on the stage at the DNC. Put me down as a non-believer for both of them. Barack was lucky that Big Mike didn't body slam him to the floor. Hopefully, they won't have Hillary and Bill trying to embrace like that at some point. 

I am tired of Palestinians complaining about how evil the Israelis are. Who started the frigging war with a surprise attack and the slaughter of civilians? Who is still holding the hostages? Who are the Democrats backing?

The featured speaker at the DNC on Wednesday was a guy who got blowjobs from an intern in the Oral Oval Office and then claimed that was not "sexual relations". Sorry Bill, you have no credibility left. But to be fair, Bill is from Arkansas where balling your cousins is the definition of "sexual relations".

Facebook is owned and operated by hardcore leftists. In Chicago, dead Democrats still vote. On Facebook, the dead still have pages. I was looking up information on a classmate who passed away a couple of years ago and his Facebook page showed up. I looked at his page and several of his friends are also deceased. How long do you have to be dead to be cleared from Facebook? Don't they deactivate someone if they have no activity for years? That might free up some data space for live people. Then again, the IRS routinely tries to shake down the dead for more money.

There are days that I am thankful for e-mails. If I were getting all of those e-mails as physical junk mail, I would have to take a hand truck to the mailbox with me.

Biden's Life Coach called and told him that he was being cut by the team.


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