Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Elect Leaders, Not Lawyers

 At one time there was an idea that the law should be simple enough that the average man should be able to understand it. Obviously, we have abandoned this idea. Every year, the law books grow. If you want to do almost anything, you probably need to check with a lawyer first. In the idea of full disclosure, I do not check with a lawyer before I scrawl out the swill that appears on this site.

Right now, we are in the middle of a gubernatorial election where one candidate is a Harvard trained lawyer and current two term Attorney General, Josh Stein. His opponent is Mark Robinson, a former factory worker and current Lieutenant Governor. The man they seek to replace is a two term Governor who was the Attorney General for four terms after serving as a state legislator for several terms.

This highlights our problem in the United States. We need some new blood in the government. We need some new ideas, not just the same old shit that gets recycled and relabeled every four years. People claim that they want new ideas, but we keep reelecting the same group of schmucks in every election. This is like hitting your thumb with a hammer every day believing that one day it won't hurt. Let's get off this train!!

But back to our election here in North Carolina. The Democratic candidate is a graduate of Harvard Law School. He got his bachelor's degree from Dartmouth. If the guy loves North Carolina, why didn't he go to college here?  Are we any safer here in North Carolina after eight years of a Harvard lawyer as Attorney General? Of course not, crime continues to grow. 

The Republican candidate is not a lawyer. He is an actual middle-class individual who has experienced real middle -class problems. He's going to make different decisions based on his different experiences. I am fascinated by Democrats who worship "diversity" and then attack a black guy with different life experiences from them. There is more to "diversity" than race and sexual preferences. 

Governor Roy Cooper, the current governor is "term limited". That means he can only serve two consecutive terms before taking four years off. North Carolinians are an overly optimistic group. We keep electing the same buffoons thinking that "this time will be different". If we really want change, we are going to have to reach outside of the box. 

Right now, the NC Department of Justice is running ads telling people how much the DOJ has done for them. The taxpayers of North Carolina are paying for these blatantly political ads to help elect the Attorney General in his run for the governor's position. If anyone in the state government had any balls, they would speak out against these ads. I haven't heard anyone and I'm not holding my breath!

Governor Cooper declared a "State of Emergency" during the COVID crisis. He tried to ban worship services at churches that involved more than ten people. He lost that one in the courts. For practical purposes, he lost that when several sheriffs decided that they would not enforce that ban. Cooper kept North Carolina in a "state of emergency" for 888 days. He did this to take advantage of his extra powers during an "emergency". 

Did the Attorney General file any challenges to Cooper's "state of emergency" order? Of course not. He obviously thinks that his job is to protect the government, not the citizens. Several AGs from various states have filed suits against the federal government about illegal immigration. Has our Attorney General done that? Of course not. You have to speak Spanish to get a burger in Siler City, but that's okay with the AG.

Where am I going with all of this? Lots of people think that we need term limit laws. We already have a term limit process; it is called elections. Quit voting for the same pieces of crap every election!! Write this down!! Lawyers are the problem, not the solution! In the old days of the Soviet Union, the turnover was higher in their Politburo than in the United States Senate. The United States Senate is a nursing home. It's time to stir the pot. 

Here in North Carolina, we keep electing lawyers. Let's give ordinary people a real voice in the process. If we could get the lawyers out of government, the government might do things that are logical instead of adding to the legal morass facing the nation. Government office should not be a long-term career field. 

Maybe Shakespeare's Dick the Butcher was right, "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers". Before we get to that point, let's try a softer, gentler tactic. Elect Leaders, not lawyers


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