Friday, August 02, 2024

Friday Morning Fever?

 The Biden Administration has announced a plea deal for the three terrorists accused of being the masterminds of the 9/11 attacks. In exchange for pleading guilty, they will each receive a life sentence. I may not be good with math, but if you are responsible for the deaths of almost 3000 people, you ought to die. What's the cost of keeping these three guys in a high security prison for the rest of their lives compared to a box of 30.06 rifle rounds? Did these scum give the people in those towers and on those planes a choice about when or how to die?

As the commander-in-chief of the United States military, Joe Biden has the final say on this deal with the terrorists. Does Biden have the balls to reject the deal? Of course, the real issue is whether we are talking about demented Joe, medicated Joe, Dr. Jill or Hunter?  Which Biden makes the call?

Watching the liberals try to cover up Kamal-A-Roni's past positions and make them palatable for middle America is fascinating. It's like those makeover shows that used to be on television. Actually, it is one of those makeover shows on television. We just need a better host.

Kamala's Kalifornia Kommunists are worried that her father will start speaking out again and repeat his claim that she isn't black. Look for her father to die in an accident before the election. My opinion is that Kamala is just a little more black than Liz Warren is Cherokee.

Liberals keep screaming that "Trump will be a dictator on Day One." Let's take a look at everything that Biden did on his first day. If the silence on Biden's actions was golden, the national debt could be paid.

The left keeps talking about everything that they are afraid that Trump will do if elected while ignoring the fact that he did none of those things when he was in office for four years previously. 

I watched Biden's announcement from the White House about the prisoner swap deal. I can't believe that Democrats will allow young girls to appear with Joe Biden. Millions of Americans cringed as Joe Biden pulled that thirteen-year-old girl close to him. The girl's mother should have just reached over and removed Creepy Joe's hand from her daughter. Why do liberals offer their children as some kind of sacrifice to the molester in chief?

I listened as Biden talked about the importance of "having friends" in resolving this issue. International relations are somewhat like real life. If you keep having to give your "friends" money, they aren't really your "friends". See Ukraine for more evidence.

In 2022, the Biden Administration traded the "Merchant of Death" for a lesbian basketball player who won't stand for the flag. This week they traded an assassin for a few reporters. There's nothing like giving foreign nations a reason to hold Americans hostage. Monty Hall could have made a better deal than Joe Biden. Hell, Frank Fritz would have cut a better deal.

The leader of Hamas died a few days ago on a visit to Tehran when his living quarters exploded. There is a difference in theories about what caused the explosion, but it doesn't really matter. He's dead. Let's contract the handling of the three terrorists mentioned earlier to the Mossad. 

Things went so wrong for the Hamas leader that a theory running around Washington now is that he was being protected by the Secret Service. 

The Congressional hearing on the Trump assassination attempt served to demonstrate to the American people the complete level of incompetence in the Federal government. A twenty-year-old geek was able to outsmart the Secret Service and local law enforcement and came within an inch of killing former President Trump.  It's been a couple of weeks since this happened, I am stunned that there isn't a book out or a movie in production yet.

Thirty or more years ago, I attended some kind of business-related seminar. The speaker started by telling us that any organization of more than three hundred people was a hopeless bureaucracy. Obviously, he didn't work for the government.

 I am fascinated by numbers. Democrat and Deranged both have eight letters. Coincidence? I think not. 



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