Thursday, August 01, 2024

Joe B and the Supremes

Back in the 1960's, you could ride down a highway in the South and periodically see a billboard that read, "Impeach Earl Warren". I frankly believe that the Warren Commission Report should have been enough to destroy Warren's credibility, why bother impeaching him? There was never an impeachment trial for Warren.

The Warren Court was followed by the Burger Court. The Burger Court brought us Roe v. Wade in 1973. This was a case where the liberal justices on the court discovered a previously unexplored "right to privacy" in the "Due Process Clause" that allowed women to have abortions. A couple of years ago, the current court decided that right did not exist, and that the federal government did not control abortion.

Now, Joe Biden has declared war on the United States Supreme Court for disagreeing with him and his socialist policies. Did he ever propose remaking the Supreme Court when he was a Senator?

Biden, who spent 36 years in the United States Senate, wants term limits for the Supreme Court. Joe wants to limit the Supremes to 18-year terms. Biden, who owns three homes based on a Senator's salary, wants a code of ethics for Supreme Court Justices. Joe wants to enlarge the Supreme Court just like the executive branch which continues to explode in size. The executive branch of the federal government is not famous for efficiency or effectiveness. Under the Biden Administration, the Cabinet rarely meets. 

Joe Biden has ignored the Supreme Court ruling that he cannot "forgive" student loan debt. The same leftists who claim that Trump will be a dictator have chosen to ignore Biden's refusal to accept the Supreme Court ruling. Joe continues to try to "forgive debt" in a blatantly political move for votes.

Joe Biden is mad at the Supreme Court because they have ruled against him. Maybe if Joe had finished a little higher in law school than he did, he would be a little more understanding of the Court's rulings. If only he had finished as high in law school as he claims? Has anyone checked to see if Biden's Supreme Court plan has been plagiarized from some other brain-dead leftist?

Here's the situation in a nutshell. An elderly President who is displaying all the signs of dementia and has abandoned his campaign is now trying to destroy the United States Supreme Court. This will be his last gasp in an elected position.

Should Congress not first set term limits on their members before trying to amend the Constitution and set term limits for Supreme Court Justices? Here's a few facts on Democratic leadership. Chuck "The Schmuck" Schumer is 73 years old and has spent 44 years in Congress. Nancy Pelosi is 84 years old and has been in the House for 37 years. Jim Clyburn is 84 years old and has spent 32 years in Congress. Bernie Sanders is 83 years old and has spent 34 years in the Congress. Just to be fair, over on the Republican side, Mitch McConnell is 82 years old and has spent 40 years in Congress. Are these folks really fit to pass a law giving Supreme Court Justices an 18-year term? Are they serious about this?

Biden's proposal is "Dead on Arrival" in Congress. He's just shoveling shit at the Supreme Court to help Kameltoe's Kampaign. 


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