Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Mount Flushmore

I subscribe to the American Spectator magazine. They are mostly online, but they have a print edition a couple of times a year to humor all of us old folks. They also publish a weekday e-mail newsletter called Spectator AM. They publish an e-mail Spectator PM on a somewhat irregular basis. 

Anyway, in Tuesday's issue there was a letter from a reader in Richmond suggesting that they put up a Mount Flushmore to celebrate Presidents Carter, Obama and Biden with an image of Bill Clinton overlooking all of them. The editor of the AM Spectator asked for people to send in their own ideas of who should be featured and where Mount Flushmore should be.

Since it was early morning, and I was still in my coherent stage, I sent in a reply. I share that with you in the space below. 


Mount Flushmore should be built in New Orleans, The City by the Sewer.  There are obviously no mountains, but a levee will do just fine. Anyone wanting to visit Mount Flushmore can just drive their Chevy to the levee.

First of the Worst, would be Edith Wilson. Never elected, she initiated the bedroom Presidency. This was not unlike Biden's basement Presidency. She would not let anyone visit with Woodrow. She claimed that she gave him all of the information and that he communicated the decisions to her so she could tell the world. If you believe this, see me immediately for some real estate investment possibilities.

Second would be FDR. He put us on the road to seeing mountains of federal spending dedicated to the proposition that all taxpayers are suckers. Unable to end a depression with eight years of government programs, he ended up killing the depression by using a world war. Like Biden, his accomplices covered up all of his physical ailments until he died one afternoon with his mistress. 

Third would be John F. Kennedy. Does the Bay of Pigs ring any bells?  Moving on, Libs rave about how JFK forced the Russians to remove their missiles from Cuba. What nobody ever talks about is how the same deal compelled us to remove missiles in Turkey that were pointed at the USSR and in many cases were closer to Russia than the missiles in Cuba were to the US. The devil is in the details. Working with that concept, if there was really a second shooter in Dallas, it was a jealous husband.

Fourth and at the top of the dung pile would be Jill Jobama. There is speculation that Obama has the hands of a proctologist and uses those hands to make Joe Biden's lips move. Obama only comes in on the big decisions. Dr. Jill takes care of the little things, like the economy and the nuclear war codes. There are American Spectator readers who think that Jill is on this enormous spending spree to keep the nation from having enough money left to put Biden's face on a dump in the Big Easy. They may be right. 

Unlike Mount Rushmore, private citizens and Spectator AM readers can make Mount Flushmore happen. All we need is a payoff to the crooked Mayor Cantrell and a couple of weeks to put a new look on a levee.


Gilbert Jones


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