Sunday, June 30, 2024

A Tale of Two Joes or Missing Dandy Don

 It was a tale of two cities. In Atlanta on Thursday night, Biden was incoherent and looked like a candidate for life support. That's not completely true. There were many who thought that he had tried a DIY lobotomy kit. On Friday in Raleigh, he was "Jacked up Joe". His drug dealer, Jill Biden, was on the stage with him and spoke about how great Joe did on Thursday. Just a reminder, there's no Truth in Labeling law in politics. 

Raleigh Joe reminded me of a waitress named Kathy who I worked with at the Waffle House on Westshore Boulevard in Tampa in 1971. She dabbled in amphetamines occasionally. One evening she was buzzing around cleaning everything without a pulse. A regular customer called her over and asked, "Honey, are you speeding?" She replied "No, I am left-handed." That guy may still be somewhere shaking his head.

In Raleigh, Joe was yelling that he may have forgotten a lot, but that he still knew how to tell the truth. He didn't actually say that he told the truth, just that he knew how to tell the truth. It's obvious that they are drugging Biden for his appearances and Friday was "Jacked Up Joe's" day to be President. 

Wait! I will be fair for a moment in this case. There are three possible scenarios for Biden's wide range of behavior at public events. The first possibility is that are actually at least two people playing the role of Joe Biden. I am guessing that the real one was in Atlanta on Thursday night. The one with a pulse was in Raleigh on Friday. Lots of famous people have a double. Why not Joe? It's Washington, DC. How hard can it be to find a guy with hair plugs, dental implants and a facelift or two?

The second scenario involves a mental health issue. Is Joe Biden suffering from schizophrenia? Does he have some passive-aggressive personality disorder? Is he the King of Mood Swings?

The last scenario is the most likely. They are drugging Joe Biden for public appearances. Who would do this? You need to look no further than President Biden. That would be the real President, Jill Biden. 

Joe Biden's behavior extremes on Thursday and Friday were off the charts. That behavior must have been a drug induced mood swing. This was not a "I got some pussy and drank a bottle of Scotch last night" mood swing. This was an over-the-top drug-induced mood swing. All you have to do is compare the video of the debate with the video of his appearance in Raleigh a little more than twelve hours later and you can see the enormous change. This is not normal human behavior.

There's an old expression for which I have a fondness. It goes like this, "You cannot bullshit one, who has bullshit many." We are being hosed by Jill Biden and the Biden insiders. That means Jill and company are lying to us. Jill is unwilling to give up the power. As long as Joe can breathe, she will stay in the White House. I am not sure that she would tell anyone if he died. She would just play Edith Wilson. It would follow this pattern.  Don't let anyone see Joe. Just tell everyone what "Joe" wants to be done. Jill won't let Joe move out of the White House in anything other than a coffin and that's a "maybe". 

During the Trump Administration, liberals were screaming that he was mentally ill, and that the Cabinet needed to invoke the 25th Amendment. If you know where we can find any of those liberals now, let me know.

The only people who are more deranged than Joe Biden are those who watched that debate and said, "Gotta get me four more years of that guy!!"

If you don't realize that we are in trouble with Joe Biden, watch the video from after the rally where Jill tells Joe, "Joe, you did great! You answered all of the questions." My wife stopped talking to our kids like that when they turned five. 

Politicians are like athletes and movie stars. They just stay too long. No one will tell them that the game is over for them. It's time to turn out the lights at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It's times like this that I miss "Dandy" Don Meredith on Monday Night Football long ago singing the old Willie Nelson song, "Turn out the lights, The Party's Over". 


Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Top Ten and More

 I see that Monica Lewinsky is demanding that Judge Aileen Cannon be impeached. This is the same Monica Lewinsky who purports to be an "anti-bullying activist". Am I the only one who sees an issue here? A woman famous for her oral skills is demanding that we impeach a woman known for her ability to administer justice. Isn't that the bullying that Lewinsky claims to oppose? Lewinsky needs to gargle with a good mouthwash and go find something more constructive to do. Maybe she could give economic advice?

Sixteen Nobel Prize winning economists have put out a statement denouncing Trump's economic plans. They claim that it will cause inflation. How will we know? In an incredible coincidence, all have been shown to be donors to the Democratic Party or the Biden campaign. Sounds like home cooking to me.

Economists are like consultants. In the restaurant business, a consultant was just a guy who was a hundred miles away from home with a stack of business cards. What we need for each of those "Nobel Prize Winning Economists" is a scorecard. List all of their predictions and the actual results. Let's check their performance before believing any of their forecasts.

My personal opinion is that economists are like weathermen. They keep their jobs despite being wrong more than half of the time. The road to bankruptcy or hell is paved with economic forecasts that didn't pan out.

The economic "experts" claim that Trump's plan will drive inflation. Have they not been to a store, restaurant or gas station since Biden took office? Have they bought a car or a house? Call me when you sober up, guys.

That statement brings back memories of the fifty-one "National Security experts" who a couple of weeks before the 2020 election put out a statement claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop was "Russian disinformation". They were all wrong of course. So, in an issue that involved the President's son, fifty-one national security experts were all wrong. That explains why our enemies are doing so well. There's no way around it, we have at least fifty-one "national security experts" who are either wrong or willing to lie to get Biden elected. Both of those actions are unacceptable. If Trump is elected, he should ban all fifty-one of those clowns from any contact with actual government intelligence agencies. If any have a security clearance, revoke it.

If you didn't hear the news, the world is about to end. The State of Louisiana has passed a law mandating that a poster of the Ten Commandments be placed in every classroom in Louisiana schools. Leftists are terrified that we will expose our children to moral standards. I am just thrilled that they passed that law during Pride Month.

Many laws of our nation and the many states are based on the Ten Commandments. I will admit to being confused by a political party like the Democrats that wants to put drag queens in schools but opposes the Ten Commandments being posted. Democrats are actually opposed to any laws regulating human behavior. Zig Ziglar used to say that they (The Ten Commandments) were not called the Ten Suggestions. Liberals have always been opposed to any kind of moral codes.

Zig also used to say that a lot of people told him that they would read the Bible more but that they didn't understand it. He suggested that it wasn't the part that they didn't understand that bothered them.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Biden at Little Bighorn?

 I don't watch debates, so I missed the slaughter in Atlanta last night. How bad was it for Democrats? They would have been better off taking my idea and putting in a double for Biden. It would have been better getting caught using a "fake" Biden than to let the real Joe Biden take the stage.

Somebody needs to call Merrick Garland and tell him to release the audiotapes from the Hur interview of Biden. The tapes can't be any worse than Biden's live performance last night. Instead, Garland will probably sue CNN for airing the debate.

Democrats have all been in denial about Biden's condition for the last couple of years. Well, all of the Democrats other than Kamala Harris, who still thinks "denial" is a river in Egypt.

Kameltoe Harris obviously has a gift for understatement. She said that "Biden started off slow, but..." Was Harris the woman who asked, "Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the theater?"

After the debate, Joe appeared at a gathering where Jill Biden said, "You did a great job, Joe! You answered all of the questions." That's a pretty low standard for greatness, even by Biden family standards. Is Jill Biden guilty of "elder abuse"? 

It was so bad that people on MSNBC, CNN and NBC were saying that it was bad. These are the people have been lying about Biden's mental state for the last four years. Last night the world saw Joe Biden's mental condition on live television. It wasn't pretty.

All of the Democrats explanations for Biden's mental issues are history. The game is over. Or as Biden might have said in the old days, "The jig is up!" You can quit lying guys! We have seen the demented and he is Joe!!

I was impressed that Trump managed to stay as composed as he did. One highlight was when he said, "I didn't understand what he said there at the end."

At one point Biden said, "We beat Medicare." I am still waiting for a Democrat to explain what he meant with that remark. Of course, Trump quickly responded, "Yeah, you have beat it to death."

What possessed Biden to try to attack Trump about his golf game? There was a question of great national importance. Trump should have asked him about his bicycle riding prowess in response. 

Biden spent seven days at Camp David practicing for this debate. Obviously, practice does not make perfect. What would have been like if he had not practiced?

Having spent my formative years working at the Waffle House, I am embarrassed that they even let the Biden party into a Waffle House after the slaughter.

I am waiting for Karine Jean-Pierre to criticize CNN for broadcasting a "cheap fake" video. Last night was the last nail in the coffin for the Democrats and their denials of Biden's mental condition. The only questions left are about why the liberal networks didn't pursue this story. Who in the media knew the truth about Biden and when did they know? Why did they hide this story?

Last but not least, why aren't Democrats talking about invoking the 25th Amendment? What more do we need to see?

I will just point out one thing. Custer was a Democrat, too.

Who is really in charge at the White House? The world now knows who is not in charge.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Debate or Debacle?

 I will not be among the masses watching the "debate" between Donald Trump and Senile Joe Biden tonight. Why not? As they say at Congressional hearings as they try to run out the clock, "Thank you for your question, (Insert title here)." 

First, I don't believe that it is a real debate. You have two moderators who don't even understand the concept of impartiality. If you ask a liberal about this, they all say the same thing; "Trump agreed to these conditions." Those are the five most frequently used words on the news this week. Why did Trump agree? That was his only chance to get Biden to do a debate. This will be Biden's only debate. If he does well, they are going to replace him. If he does poorly, they will replace him sooner. I just don't believe that Biden will be the Democratic candidate in November.

Beyond that, political debates are forums for discussion. In real debates, you are supposed to argue. At least, that was always my style. I have been involved in a few organized debates in my life and I favor a "Take no prisoners" style of debate. My first scheduled debate was in a US history class in the eighth grade at Pierce Junior High in 1966. The subject was States Rights vs. Rights of the Federal Government. We had two teams of four students each. If you guessed that I was on the States' Rights side, you are correct. To be kind, it was a heated discussion. We had a lot of kids who had moved there from other states because a parent was in the military at MacDill AFB. They weren't as familiar with the history of the South as they should have been. I helped clear up a lot for those kids. By the time we finished, everyone understood the meaning of the Tenth Amendment. Maybe we should hold classes on that for federal judges.

The teacher was Mr. Ben Matthews. Mr. Matthews didn't have a debate again in his class after that year. After the debate, Mr. Mathews told me that I had earned an "A". He also told me that if I hadn't earned the "A", he would have given it to me anyway. He wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to be in his class again. 

But back to tonight's debate. The media is obsessed with which Trump is going to show up, the polite one or the real Trump. The real issue is which Biden is going to show up. Is it going to be "Jacked up Joe" or "Senile Joe". They have spent the last week testing Biden at Camp David to see how long different meds last. Why have 16 people prepping him if he can't remember his name? He can't find an exit, but he is going to remember everything 16 people tell him. Are you sure?

Here's my theory. The 16 people training Biden for the debate are not training Joe. They are training a stand-in for Joe. CNN controls all of the lighting and the positioning of the cameras and the participants. Couldn't they just put a double in there and not do any closeup shots? There is an old saying that I like to throw around and it goes, "Only the dumbest of mice would hide in a cat's ear. Only the smartest of cats would look there." No one is expecting this to happen on national television. No one expected the Germans to mount a winter offensive in December of 1944. But that's what they did, and it almost worked. In reality, Biden is fighting for his place on the ticket. He or someone who looks like him, has to make a good showing at the debate. Otherwise, Gruesome Newsome and Hillary are fighting for the job.

My wife's theory is that Biden has been the victim of some cosmetic surgery or treatment and that's why he hasn't been seen. 

The Biden campaign announced that he will not be taking a drug test for the debate. Joe said that he didn't have enough time to prepare for the debate and to study for a urine test at the same time.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wondering and Wandering on Wednesday

 If China or Russia decides to attack us, are they going to give Biden a week at Camp David with sixteen advisors to decide how to respond?

If you have the network holding the debate and furnishing the moderators on your side, how can you need a week of preparation? And that week doesn't include whatever they did at the White House before sending him off to "debate camp".

In a land of more than three hundred million people, could we not find two impartial people to moderate a debate?

How many trainers did Lincoln have before the debates with Douglas? Was Marilyn Monroe actually just a debate coach for Kennedy before the debates with Nixon? 

If a General has to wake the President at 2:00 AM to tell him that the Chinese have launched an attack, do you really want that President to be Joe Biden? He can't find an exit on a stage, but he has the nuclear launch codes. Will they have to hit him with sone meds to get an answer? Do they have a dealer doctor on standby or does Jill just give him the coke? Or does the guy carrying the nuclear football also carry the cocaine?

Biden has been determined to have too bad a memory to stand trial, but he's okay to be the leader of the free world. Really? That has to be the lowest bar in history to cross.

Biden has been President for so long that the Secret Service no longer reacts when he falls. The good news for the Secret Service is that while they have to spend ten minutes to get him up into a Suburban, he just falls into the limo. 

We live in a country where they drug test the clerk at Seven Eleven, but nobody cares about what drugs the President of the United States is on.

You can block the entrance of a Jewish temple, but if you stand on a sidewalk outside an abortion clinic, the FBI is sending a SWAT team to arrest you.

When Biden is nominated for Obama's fourth term at the Chicago convention, will Biden or Obama give the acceptance speech?

Why do Jews still vote Democrat? Maybe we can develop some sort of twelve step program for Jews wanting to leave the Democratic party.

It looks like black men may break their addiction to the Democratic Party this year. It's either follow Trump or stick with Whoopi and KJP. 

Eighty years ago, doctors treated President Franklin Rosevelt with cocaine. Is history repeating itself at the White House?

Edith Boling Wilson tried to cover for Woodrow Wilson when he had a stroke. What is Jill Biden hiding? How many people know the truth? 

Karine Jean-Pierre, the mouthpiece with the Jiffy Pop hair talks about "cheap fake" videos of Biden but still has not furnished any "real" videos of the same incidents. 

Based on all of the "experts" and "insiders" telling us that when he is not out in public, Joe Biden is sharp as a tack, we need to make some changes in Presidential public appearances. Instead of "Hail to the Chief", the band should play Charlie Rich's old hit, "Behind Closed Doors."

I am so old that I remember when fifty-one intelligence "experts" claimed that the Hunter Biden laptop was "Russian disinformation" just a couple of weeks before an election. Then last month, the government used it as evidence in the Hunter Biden trial. What are the odds that fifty-one "experts" could all just be randomly mistaken? Why did they lie? Who coordinated that lie?

We are being lied to by our "leaders". What else are they lying about? If they tell us that two million people a year are crossing the border illegally, what is the real number?

The elections for the European Parliament show that Europe is making a turn to the right. One of the key issues is immigration. I guess that they are all racists and bigots too.

The Democrats claim that if Trump is elected, he will seek to take revenge on Democrats. Will this be the same kind of revenge that they have been engaged in for the last three and a half years? You know, the whole "punish Trump and his followers" legal campaign that Ma Garland, Letitia James, Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis, the District of Columbia and the states of New York and Colorado have been waging. Nathan Wade would still be involved, but he can't survive another vacation trip with Fani. Wait! I left out that traffic court judge in Chicago who took Trump off the ballot. 

Did Trump have info about UFOs in the papers he took to Mar-a-Lago? Was there info about the CIA's involvement in the Kennedy assassination in those boxes? It's been 61 years, it's time to tell Americans the truth.

There have been "alternate electors" in other Presidential elections in American history. None before 2020 were labeled as "fake electors" and charged with crimes. What we are seeing today is Democratic party justice at its worst.

I grew up in Florida. When we moved there in 1960, there was a wave of people leaving Cuba and coming to America. This was followed in 1980 by the Mariel boatlift. This was what Castro used to empty his prisons and mental hospitals. This is the same technique being used by Venezuela today. No one will talk about this today, but Castro also used this to move out much of the Cuban homosexual population. That may have been the start of the "Say Hey!! I'm Gay" movement. The Mariel boatlift created more problems for Florida and the rest of the nation than the federal government will admit, even today. 

The government today is trying to fight the natural desire of human beings to be around those who are like themselves. This is how societies have formed through the history of mankind. The Democratic Party declaring it to be "wrong" will not change human nature. How many peaceful, successful multi-cultural countries are there? Just throwing a log on the fire.

An announcer on CNN cut off Trump's Press Secretary when she tried to talk about an issue the other day. Yet we are told that two others of their broadcasters will be fair to Trump during the debate. Really? Call me for investment opportunities if you believe that. I still have some of that mountain top real estate in Florida.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Kalifornia Kristallnacht?

 The United States is being overrun by a wave of antisemitism. From sea to shining sea, we have watched as demonstrators marched in support of Palestinians who want to destroy the nation of Israel. They have occupied buildings, bridges, neighborhoods, government offices and schools to call for the elimination of Israel.

On Saturday in Los Angeles, the Palestinian sympathizers blocked the entrance to a Jewish temple. They fought with Jews who wanted to worship, and they fought with the police who were trying to remove them from blocking the temple entrance. As of this writing, exactly one person has been charged in this incident. 

Have we heard from Gavin Newsome about this? How many state police officers has he dispatched to Los Angeles to settle this situation down? If Newsome had any balls or moral standards, there would be California National Guardsmen in front of every temple or synagogue next Saturday? But Newsome has neither morals nor testicles, so next Saturday may be Kristallnacht, the encore performance. 

We are in the midst of the largest wave of antisemitism in decades in the United States. What is the federal government doing? Not a damned thing. The Jews in Los Angeles need to put up a new sign identifying their temple as an abortion clinic or a gender affirming care center. Maybe then, the FBI will take notice of the situation and take some action.

I have spent way too many years listening to liberals calling conservatives "Nazis". This is obviously a situation that psychologists call "projection". That's when you call people what you actually are in real life. The people calling conservatives "Nazis" are actually the ones who are behaving like the Nazis actually did. One word, Kristallnacht.

What action has Joe Biden taken in this situation? His best friend, Fat Alvin Bragg, has dismissed most of the charges against protesters who occupied college buildings. Bragg claims there is no evidence of any crimes. Hell, there was no evidence against Trump, but Bragg didn't drop that. I guess that Trump's only lucky that he isn't Jewish. Then again, his grandchildren are Jewish. Maybe, we are on to something here.

Where is the Justice Department? Merrick Garland is the most worthless piece of shit in Washington and that's a pretty high standard to meet. There have been no statements from the DOJ about all of these antisemitic demonstrations. What the hell is Garland waiting for? How about ending your campaign to destroy Trump and instead move to save the country from this wave of antisemitism?

I believe that history is circular. Welcome to Germany in 1938 where a mentally deranged leader allows people to attack Jews. That's the same situation we have today. It's not going to get any better. It's time for whoever is actually in charge at 1600 Pennsylvania to take some action. 

Barack Obama and a girl who he lived with broke up over this same issue. He claimed that she couldn't deal with him deciding to identify as a black man. She said that he could not admit that there was a problem with blacks and antisemitism. If Barack is actually acting as the real President, then the federal government tolerating all of these antisemitic demonstrations suddenly makes sense.

We know what happened after Kristallnacht in 1938. Let's not repeat that part of history. What are the odds that this will come up at Thursday's debate?" I will give you a hint, CNN = Communist Nazi Network.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Motorcycles, Mopeds and Morons

 Before starting this rant, I will make my full disclosure statement. In 1975, I owned a Yamaha motorcycle. It was one with a smaller engine. It might have been a 150, maybe a 175. I just don't remember. I bought it used from the guy who sold eggs to us at the Waffle House. I rode it twice for a toral of about five minutes and sold it. Sometimes you just know that something is not right for you. I didn't need to die to reach that conclusion.

In North Carolina, as in most states, we have those digital information signs out on the interstates and other major highways. Thye all have the same message, so on an extended trip you will see the same stupid thing several times as you travel. As I was traveling home from the Endless 301 Yard Sale recently, the message was about watching out for motorcycles. 

One of the tips was "check your blind spots". I hate to point out the obvious to those writing these messages, but if I could "check my blind spots", they would not be "blind spots". 

The real problem with these warning signs is that they were aimed at automobile drivers and not motorcyclists. While I realize that automobile and truck drivers are frequently faulted for motorcycle accidents, the reality is that lots of accidents are the results of the way that cyclists operate their motorcycles. Here's a few of my complaints. 

While the size and power of motorcycles enable riders to weave in and out of traffic, it doesn't mean that it is safe to do that. There's nothing more irritating than to sit in a traffic backup while some asshole on a motorcycle weaves in and out of the stopped vehicles. Just because you can do something doesn't mean that you should. Motorcyclists should remain in the line of traffic as if they were in a car. They cause accidents by being in places where they should not be. 

It's the same thing with obeying the speed limit. Just because you can accelerate to a high speed and evade the police does not mean that you should. Evading a ticket is not a good public relations move for bikers. Write that one down!!

Coming home from Selma after the 301 Yard Sale, a guy on a motorcycle cut in front of me from somewhere on my left in Raleigh. Despite the digital signs imploring me to check my blind spots, the biker chose to ride in my blind spots. Either that or he just cut around someone in one of the two left lanes and pulled in front of me. Then he decided to stop quickly. I was able to shift to the left lane and avoid destroying the motorcycle. Motorcyclists all need to take a physics class. Your motorcycle can stop quicker that my truck and trailer, which have a combined weight of more than four tons. Do the math, schmuck. Stopping suddenly in front of much larger vehicles is a suicide attempt.

Mopeds are an even bigger problem. A few years ago, I was coming home from Hillsville on a Labor Day afternoon with my truck and cargo trailer. On I-40 in Greensboro, there was a backup in the right lane where I was driving. Traffic was so heavy that it was difficult to change lanes, so I just slowed down to 35 MPH, which was the speed of the tractor-trailer in front of me. After a couple of miles, the tractor-trailer suddenly shifted to the left lane when an opening appeared. When what to my wondering eyes should appear? A moron doing 35 miles per hour on a moped on I-40.

This was in the Top Ten list of stupid things that I have seen in my life. I picked up my phone and called 911. I explained the situation to the operator, and she just asked, "So, what is wrong?" Stunned that this woman was even able to answer the phone, I told her, "You may as well get an ambulance headed this way because the idiot on the moped is about to die in this traffic." She mumbled something about notifying the Highway Patrol and hung up. Mercifully, he exited at the next ramp.

Mopeds are prohibited on most, if not all limited access highways. But morons on mopeds remain a problem for drivers. They obey fewer traffic laws than the motorcyclists that I was complaining about earlier.

I see no useful reasons for mopeds in this country. They are the vehicle of choice for those who have lost their driver's license for things like DUI. Years ago, a Guilford County judge was listening to me complain about mopeds on major highways. She told me that as far as she was concerned, riding a moped after dark, was prima facie evidence of drunk driving. She encouraged the police to stop them. There's a judge with an attitude that I can understand!

In large cities like New York, electric scooters are now just a tool to use in committing crimes. Let's make America Safe Again, ban mopeds. We can deal with the morons later.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Memo to a Moron:

 I am not talking about just any moron; I am talking about a Harvard educated moron. I am talking about D.A. Alvin Bragg. That's Dumb Ass Alvin Bragg for those among you who don't read much.

Fat Alvin is claiming that crooked Judge Merchan should keep Trump's gag order in place even though the verdict was reached weeks ago. Fat Alvin talks about threats being received by himself and other officials. He purports to be worried about the safety of the jurors. He's worried about jurors that the state kept anonymous. Is he leaking their data?

This is the same Fat Alvin Bragg who just the other day dropped charges against a bunch of rioters for occupying a building at Columbia University. Fat Alvin claims that there was not enough evidence to prosecute the case. Attention Dumb Ass: the NYPD removed them from a building where the demonstrators had barricaded the doors to keep the police out of the building. This is like catching a guy driving your car and claiming that there is no evidence that he stole it. Did Columbia University just give the students the frigging building? We all watched it happen live on national television; you corrupt moron!!!

What difference does evidence make to you anyway, Dumb Ass? You didn't worry about it in the Trump case. Did the White House call you and tell you to drop charges against the little bastards because it would hurt the Biden campaign?

You're the same idiot who released some illegal immigrants without bond after they attacked two New York police officers in Times Square. We watched the videos of that on national television. I think that you are more than a little unclear on this whole concept of what a District Attorney does. 

I have to admit that I am more than a little amazed by a guy who can invent a crime for Trump to commit but can't watch a crime happen live and understand what evidence really is. Are you really that stupid? Yes, I am sure that you are. You want to be a DA in a city that is overrun by crime more than you want to put a person of color in jail. 

Back to the gag order. If Trump can't talk about the case and you are getting threats, what good will extending the gag order do? If you are getting death threats, you might want to look at what you are doing. When you decided to attack the leading candidate with a chickenshit, contrived case involving an expired statute, you decided to piss off a lot of people. All you really want to do is impact a Presidential election.

You aren't getting threats because of what Trump says, you are getting threats because of what you do or don't do. You might want to examine your own actions to see what is causing negative reactions. I hate to get so technical but check a mirror for your biggest problem. 

Alvin, it's so bad for you that Judge Judy tore you a new one the other day on television. Are you going to impose a gag order on her also? 

Let's face it, fat boy, if you were white, you would already be out of a job. All the liberals in New York want to keep you to show that they aren't racist. So, to keep from showing that they are racist, they are instead showing that they are just morons who want to live in fear in a crime-ridden city.  Go figure!!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Saturday Morning Confusion, the Saga Continues

 In an interview with CNN's Chris Wallace, Judge Judy told him that the Alvin Bragg case against Doanld Trump was absurd. She also pointed out that DA Bragg should be trying to keep criminals from harming New Yorkers rather than inventing crimes with which to charge Trump.

I didn't like Chris's father, Mike. This is another case where your father doing something doesn't mean that you should do it. Look at Hunter Biden as an example. Hunter's dad lived off of bribes and payoffs for years without ever getting charged. Hunter couldn't pull that off. He had to get into drugs, guns and hookers. That ended up with Jill Biden crossing the Atlantic at incredible taxpayer expense to cry in the front row at Hunter's trial. Jurors were unmoved.

In Florida, Jack Smith keeps trying to get Judge Cannon to recuse herself. There is even talk that he may ask a higher court to remove her from the trial. Here's a guy who was not legally made a "special prosecutor" and he is attacking a judge who was nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

Jack Smith and the other Biden bootlickers at the Department of Injustice are claiming that Donald Trump is endangering their lives by claiming that they had a desire to kill him in their raid on Mar-A-Lago. They claim that getting permission to use deadly force is standard procedure. As they already have the legal right to defend themselves, why the need for the other power? The most bizarre thing is that they were going to raid a building that is guarded by another government law enforcement group, the United States Secret Service. Did they think the Secret Service might resist them? 

Let's be brutally honest here and examine the performance of the FBI in raids. How many people have been killed or wounded by the FBI in raids? The Department of Justice through the FBI and the ATF has a history of making war on the American people with whom they disagree. Vicky Weaver died on Ruby Ridge when the FBI and the DOJ decided to suspend the constitutional rights of Americans. What was the body count at Waco? That involved both the ATF and the FBI. Given all of that, why wouldn't a reasonably intelligent American think that there is a chance of being killed by the FBI in a raid?  Let's go to the videotapes!! Wait, they won't release those.

In Chicago, they removed the names of "racist white men" from three schools. The three men were President James Monroe, Supreme Court Chief Justice Melville Fuller and Christopher Columbus. Let's put this into perspective. In Chicago Public Schools in 2023, only 22% of eleventh graders could read at grade level. Even with this achievement level, the four-year graduation rate was 82.9%. This means that only about a quarter of high school graduates could read at grade level. They should print those diplomas on toilet paper so that graduates can have an actual use for them.

Other than being white, what do the Chicago students know about any of those men? You have to love the priorities in public education. Johny can't read, let's rename the school. Christoper Columbus isn't the reason that Billy can't count change. Melville Fuller hasn't impacted anyone under seventy's life, so how does he affect elementary students? Direct me to the school in Chicago where more than 5% of the student body even knows what Plessy vs Ferguson was? Half the adult population thinks that it was a sporting event, there's not a chance that their kids know. But thank God that we got Fuller's name off of the building before a student is motivated to study history. What has always amazed me is how little of their history that young black people actually know. 

Years ago, at Tex & Shirley's we were talking in the kitchen on MLK Day. There were five young black men there and I asked them about the "Letter from the Birmingham City Jail." If you guessed that no one knew anything, you would be correct. They had all graduated from high school in Guilford County but had to get a job working for an old white guy to learn about MLK.  Only in America!!

I am fascinated by a culture where we judge people of the past by the standards of our time. Exactly, how were they to know how stupid that we would become? I guess that what fascinates the most is that we don't subject all of those from the past to the same standards of performance. I don't see anybody screaming for Martin Luther King's name to come off of anything. The government has chosen to ignore and even hide every bit of negative information that it gathered about King in order to maintain his image as a god. But Christopher Columbus is Satan's best friend, according to educators in America.

Everything that President James Monroe accomplished is ignored to focus on his owning slaves. But all of Matin Luther King's moral failures are ignored to focus on his fighting for integration. Isn't that interesting? It's just more Saturday Morning Confusion!!

Friday, June 21, 2024

For the Mask Maniacs amongst you:


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thoughtful or Thoughtless Thursday?

 An alleged "news" story reports that a poll shows that one in five Republicans believe that Taylor Swift is a political operative for the Democratic Party. Only one in five? You're shittin' me, right? She should be required to report her concerts as political contributions to the Biden campaign. She's busy turning young minds into leftist mush. Of course, that's just a personal opinion.

Tropical Storm Alberto hit Texas today. Once again, the smartest civilization in history is surprised to learn that the Bible was correct when it said not to build on sand. Building your house on sand is like getting political advice from a Democrat.

Biden is busy with debate prep this week. Hopefully, they are working on simple concepts, like coherency. I am a creature of habit. I won't watch. Why not? First of all, it's not really a debate. Second, the moderators should be unbiased observers and they aren't. This thing is a joke, not a debate!

They should test both participants for drugs and wires. I still think that Trump should demand that they both take a drug test before the show starts. If Biden won't do that, Trump should just leave and let Biden talk to his friends who are the moderators. Tyrus on Fox said that the participants should be checked for electronics also. I agree. 

Are they going to give Biden the questions ahead of time like they did with Hillary? 

Donald Sutherland died today. He slept with Jane Fonda and supported Barack Obama. Thank God and Greyhound he's gone.

Several people were injured in a shooting in Oakland as part of a Juneteenth celebration yesterday. I am trying to feign surprise, but I just can't pull it off.

Obama Attorney General Eric Holder, the moron behind the "Fast and Furious" debacle, is worried that the Supreme Court may side with Trump against Jack Smith. Holder, who refused to turn over records to Congress, wants Trump tried for trying to "obstruct an official proceeding". How many ways can one spell "hypocrisy"? Didn't Holder's actions "obstruct an official proceeding"? If the President vetoes a bill, is he obstructing an official proceeding? When Rep. Jamaal Bowman, the only possibly male member of "The Squad", activated that fire alarm to stop a vote, was he charged with "obstructing an official proceeding"? Of course not, only Republicans are charged with violating laws. Democrats are actually encouraged to violate laws to stop Republicans. We call that a two-tier system of justice. Wait!! We really just call it "liberal bullshit". 

Apparently, Melinda French Gates, the ex-wife of Bill Gates is endorsing Joe Biden for President. Of course, she has no problems with a guy sniffing little girls and showering with his daughter. What would one expect from a woman with an ex-husband who was friends with Jeffery Epstein and reportedly traveled on the Lolita Express? 

Are the Democrats the "party of the working class" or the "party of the whoring class"?

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Juneteenth Jottings

Juneteenth is almost over as I write this. It's hard to believe. It seems that just yesterday, I was putting away all of the Kwanzaa decorations and hanging the MLK wreath in the attic. I didn't have time to watch the evening news, so I will check the body count on the Juneteenth festivities later.

It's funny that the guy who purportedly freed the slaves no longer has a holiday in his honor. The liberal rewrite of United States history continues unabated by issues like facts. Which "national anthem" did they play today?

When will they honor the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who died in the Civil War to allegedly "free the slaves"? Of course, that ignores the fact that the "free the slaves" thing didn't surface until more than a year and some change into the war. Do blacks owe those soldiers' families reparations?

Karine Jean-Pierre, the lesbian with the Jiffy Pop hair, is claiming that some in the media are using "cheap fake" and "deep fake" videos to discredit Joe Biden. Jiffy Pop, why don't you just show the "unaltered" videos? Could it be because there are none?

Asking KJP a question is like trying to get a straight answer from Anthony Fauci. It's just never coming. These are the two biggest liars in D.C., which means that no one else in the universe measures up.

In a video from last year in Greensboro at A&T, Biden extended his hand to an empty space and didn't know which way to leave the stage. Who has the "unaltered" video of that incident? If you claim that people are manipulating video, there must be some somewhere that has not been manipulated. Yet it has never surfaced.

How about that video from Italy of Joe and the skydivers? Jiffy Pop contends that Biden merely walked over to congratulate a different skydiver than the one standing right in front of him. Why did no one else walk over there?  Why did the Italian leader walk over and turn him around as the other leaders circled their wagons around Joe? Why did Joe put on his aviator sunglasses? Was anyone else wearing sunglasses? Do the aviators make him look cool or just hide the glazed look in his eyes?

In regard to the video from the Democrat fundraiser in Los Angeles, the media wasn't allowed inside. So that video had to have come from either a Biden supporter or a staff member. Surely in this age of smartphone camera operators, someone else must have a video. Are you telling me that no one else recorded anything? What do the pictures from others look like? If that video isn't what happened, what did and why didn't any liberal phone freak record it?

This is like the Richard Dreyfuss incident a few weeks ago. Libturds claim that hundreds walked out in protest, but there are no videos. A guy sleeps on a sidewalk and there is a gaggle of people recording, but "hundreds" of people storm out of a theater, and nobody hits the "record" button. Put me down for "skeptical".

What was the source of Biden playing dead at the White House June Tenth party? Was that the press pool camera? Hundreds of liberals on the lawn at the White House and none were recording. Is that even possible? Who was that guy in the sequined dress? Did the Secret Service really let him get that close to the President and Kameltoe?

In the Trump sentencing sweepstakes, I am picking that Judge Merchan gives him probation with the gag order remaining in place. You heard it here first.

We are being lied to by the government and the news media. Don't piss on my shoes and tell me that it is a thunderstorm. What's the absentee rate on the day after Juneteenth going to be?

The FBI is Biden's Gestapo. Pass it on!

Monday, June 17, 2024

PMA = Positive Monday Attitude

 John Fetterman was involved in a high-speed automobile accident when he rear-ended another car on I-70 in Maryland. Both vehicles had to be towed away. Neither driver was tested for alcohol or drugs, and no one received a ticket. How does a high-speed accident occur without any traffic laws being broken? Have the police stopped charging people who violate the law? Is Fetterman too important to be cited for an obvious traffic violation? Is there a body count required before a ticket can be issued? Can we have another discussion on that two-tier system of justice? What are your odds of avoiding a citation if you rear end another vehicle at high speed?

In Saturday's mail, I received a bill from the NC Quick Pass folks for a brief ride that I took on the US 74 toll road near Wingate, NC in March. Yeah, it's now the middle of June, but it is the government. I only traveled two or three miles. The bill was for $.73. This is just further proof of the stupidity of government. The good news for the government is that I took the cheap way and paid them online. There is no way that you can prepare a bill, put it into an envelope, mail it and then process the payment, including the credit card fee and do it for 73 cents. Just as a note, I tried to enter 73 and the cents mark, but that is no longer on keyboards. Someone probably thought that the cent sign was some kind of cursive writing and was to be avoided at all costs. The toll road tyrants could save money by not billing any charge under a dollar, but that's just the way that the government reasons. Their reasoning works something like this. "While we send billions to Ukraine, we have to get that 73 cents from the bastard with the obnoxious blog. Bill 'em, Dano!"

I am so old that I remember when Democrats were called "the party of the working class." Biden and Obama were in California this week raising millions from Hollywood. Before wasting your breath telling me about how important movie and television stars are considered, I just want to point out that they all make their living pretending to be someone who they are not. Tom Hanks wasn't at Normandy on D-Day and there is no evidence that Robert DeNiro ever uttered a word that had not been written on a page for him to read. Of course, understanding that movie stars are people who pretend to be someone else for a living, explains why they like Biden. Joe's been pretending to be a living President for more than three years. Either Jill or Barack needs to pull their hand out of Joe's ass and let him speak for himself.

On Saturday at the 301 Yard Sale, I spoke to a guy who is in the US Army. He does some kind of special training. Not wanting to miss the chance, I asked him. "So, who is training the Ukrainian army in how to use the equipment that we are sending them?" He replied, " I am sure that we have soldiers there training them how to use the equipment." I asked, "Is this like Kennedy telling us in 1962 that we had 15,000 advisers in South Vietnam, but none of them were in combat?" He laughed and said, " I'm not old enough to answer that question." I agreed to let him off the hook and gave him the wrench he was trying to buy for free.

What was the moral of my encounter with the soldier trainer? Go back to my recent post, "The Words of Turds". When Biden tells us that we have "no combat soldiers" in the Ukraine, it does not mean that there are no US soldiers in the Ukraine. It means that we are covering up any injuries or casualties.

Democrats all want Congress to act on abortions. This after the Supreme Court ruled that states control abortion. Some idiot woman at Selma was telling me that Congress needs to pass a constitutional amendment to change this. I pointed out that would require 38 states to ratify the amendment. They asked, "What do you mean?" I replied, "It means that you haven't read the Constitution." If you guessed that they left without buying anything, you are correct.  Who knew that there were liberals at a yard sale? What did I learn? Ignore women wearing pro-abortion T-shirts. I just consider people who are wearing t-shirts advocating stupid positions to be just trolling for an argument. I was happy to help.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day

 Today is Father's Day. I spent Thursday, Friday and Saturday in Selma. No, I didn't go to Selma, Alabama. Instead, I went to Selma, North Carolina for the 301 Endless Yard Sale. I am recuperating today from getting home late last night after spending Friday and Saturday getting my brains baked in the heat of Eastern North Carolina. The good news is that I sold a lot of "stuff"! 

What's the good news in all of this? I am too tired to scrawl out a Father's Day message. The really good news is that when I checked my email and saw more than 300 new messages, there was a Father's Day message from my friend, Alex McFarland. Alex is an evangelist and also deals in Christiam apologetics. He is based in Pleasant Garden, just south of Greensboro.  You can find him online at

Here's Alex's message for Father's Day.

Fathers: God’s Great Idea for Society

June 13, 2024

Phrases like “Founding Fathers” and “Church Fathers” are commonplace in many languages. Even ancient pagan civilizations recognized fatherhood by immortalizing their gods as male. They understood the significance of men in society. I think they understood what current social trends ignore: Societies that devalue fathers risk their demise. Fathers are essential to a stable, enduring, morally sound and economically resilient society.

A correlative collection of 44 studies on fathers and fatherhood using 30 years of data concluded that positive father involvement is crucial to children’s social, emotional and cognitive developmental outcomes at all stages. The studies showed that fatherhood is important to the child and the father. How does that affect a nation where 40% of children grow up in a household without consistent, affirmative, involved fathers? Not well, but that can change.

We could quote endless statistics on fatherless homes and absent dads. If we did, you would see declines in grades, a higher likelihood of children in jail, and higher rates of drug use, violence and obesity. You would also notice another thing: you would not be surprised.

God had a plan from the beginning of time. Any attitude about sexism aside, there is no denying the Fatherly symbolism of God throughout the Bible. God was making a point — fatherhood is necessary, and it works. The word “father” appears nearly 2,000 times in the Bible. The directive to honor our fathers and mothers is one of the Ten Commandments, right there with Don’t murder or lie (Exodus 20:12).

It’s old news that fatherhood is challenged today. Male leadership is depicted as “toxic” and outdated. We’re told it should be fluid, allowing any gender to fill the role. That doesn’t work as well as a mother and father together. Any person who has had both can attest that two dads don’t equal one mom, and two moms don’t make one dad.

While unpopular to say, the best family unit for society is one God designed, with a mother and father. History and psychological studies show it is more stable, reliable, productive, financially secure, and emotionally wholesome for all involved. I agree with Dr. Ryan Anderson: “There is no such thing as ‘parenting.’ There is mothering and fathering — children do best with both.”

We live in a sin-cursed world where divorce and single parenting are a reality. I applaud the amazing men and women who do it alone. We owe them compassion, help, and an enormous debt for doing the impossible. However, the church holds the responsibility of supporting these men and women, not the government.

I never diminish single moms. While I would never argue that women cannot do many things traditionally seen as male roles, I contend they shouldn’t have to. God ordained, and the world is crying out for men to be manly, masculine, strong, leaders and fatherly role models. If you are a father, I challenge you as Paul did, “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like a man” (1 Corinthians 16:13).

Let me offer this heartfelt prayer for our fathers. I encourage you to pray it with me:

Lord, thank you that You are not only God but our Heavenly Father. Thank You for my father. Thank You for the millions of fathers on this planet. Forgive our nation, Lord, for ignoring their importance. We commit anew to honor Your design for the family, build up the fathers in our communities, and equip them to bring up their children “in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” In Your Son’s name, Amen.

Happy Father’s Day. I’m Alex McFarland, and I believe in fathers because I believe in God the Father and His Son, Jesus.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Words of Turds

 On Wednesday, Joe Biden said that the Second Amendment prevents people from owning cannons. I don't know if he borrowed this line from someone else or came up with it on his own, but it isn't true. Lots of Civil War and Revolutionary War re-enactors have cannons. Yes, I actually know people with a cannon. I can assure you that no one hauls a cannon to an anti-abortion protest. 

The White House is now playing word games. "The President will not pardon Hunter Biden" has become "We will not comment on whether (or when) the President will commute Hunter's sentence." If I had not been told that it was considered "offensive", I would say something like, "Me thinks Great White Chief speaks with forked tongue."

The FBI and DHS are now telling us that we are in a "high threat environment." This means that the open borders are allowing thousands of criminals and terrorists to come into our country and do us harm. Who could have imagined that Biden letting ten million foreigners into our country could possibly result in a negative outcome? Anyone without a (D) after their name.

The token libturd on "The Five" the other day was talking about states that support "reproductive health." How did ending the lives of our unborn children become "reproductive health?" Is shooting the guy who gets a job instead of you called "economic health?" Reagan said it best, "I noticed that everyone who supports abortion has already been born." The Gipper's not looking down worried about Joe Biden plagiarizing that line.

You have to wonder about the future of a civilization where they call sexually mutilating our children with surgery and massive doses of hormones for the rest of their lives "gender affirming care." I prefer the old term "mental illness." Then they blame society for the incredibly high suicide rate among those who have "transitioned." 

If your kid thinks that he is really an amputee, will the doctors decide to practice "handicap affirming care" and take off a limb or two? 

The other day in the grocery store they had some new cereal that proclaimed on the box, "plant based." I am pretty sure that "cereal" by definition, is made of grains which actually all come from plants. But it doesn't matter, I am just sick of products all proclaiming that they are "plant based". From the beginning of time, men have killed animals to help feed themselves and their families. Plants only taste like meat in the South, where we add pork to everything. Bacon is supposed to come from pigs not plants. Petunia Pig was not a plant.

I like seeing artificial meat being called "impossible". It's "impossible" for me to believe that people don't know what beef or chicken actually tastes like. Maybe they need "tastebud affirming care".

I saw where a few climate protesters ran onto the field during last night's Congressional baseball game. Will Merrick Garland jail them for "interfering with a government function"? 

And last but certainly not least, is the Department of Justice. When asked if Alvin Bragg and the District Attorney's office in New York had communicated with the DOJ, they told us that they could find no "official contact" between the offices. This is not the same as "no contact". What we have learned from Fauci and his friends at the NIH in the last few weeks is that government officials have ways of hiding contacts and avoiding the Freedom of Information law. The first job of those who seek to enforce the law is to obey the law. They aren't doing that.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Witty and Witless Wednesday

 The economy is in the toilet, we are involved in two wars, inflation is bleeding the American people dry and Biden was out Tuesday pushing "universal background checks" for gun purchases. He's taking "tone deaf" to heights previously not seen.

By the way, Joe, a word of advice on background checks for gun purchases. If everybody lies on the questions like Hunter did, the background checks won't work. Just wanted to make sure that you understand that little detail.

If Democrats would charge anyone other than Donald Trump and Republicans with crimes, maybe they could get the crime rate down. 

There's nobody riding a subway in New York tonight thinking, "Thak God they convicted Trump. Now, I don't have to worry about getting robbed."

While Biden was squandering American money in Europe, they were renovating the Oval Office. Someone on the Biden staff was able to find a Presidential Edition potty chair to place behind the Resolute desk.

Do you ever see someone with a bunch of tattoos and wonder if their life and appearance would have been much different if only their parents had given them an Etch-a-Sketch for Christmas? 

Hunter Biden was convicted Tuesday in Delaware. Apparently, step momma Jill flying from France to Wilmington on the taxpayer's dime, only to sit in the front row and cry was not enough for an acquittal. Better luck on Joe's trial, Jill.

Liberals are saying, "Hunter's conviction shows that no one is above the law." Of course, what they failed to point out in the Trump case is, no one is below the law, either. Call me when you are serious about justice. 

The Biden Administration is shipping another Patriot missile battery to the Ukraine. Are they going to let us borrow it back if we get attacked?

I saw the video from the White House June Tenth celebration on Monday. Juneteeth will be celebrated next Wednesday on June nineteenth. Lots of people are ridiculing how confused Joe Biden looked as he stood there watching the show. This will be a first, so make a note. I am not as old as Joe, but if had been standing anywhere near that guy in the beaded or sequin dress standing by Doug Emhoff, I would have looked confused too.

If I can finish building my time machine, I am going back and take some pictures of that June Tenth show to P.T. Barnum.

Since they started celebrating Juneteenth on Monday night, I thought that I would share Union General Gordon Granger's proclamation to the enslaved people of Galveston and the rest of Texas. I don't think that all of the freed people obeyed that order.


The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a Proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves, and the connection heretofore existing between them, becomes that between employer and hired labor. The Freedmen are advised to remain at their present homes, and work for wages. They are informed that they will not be allowed to collect at military posts; and that they will not be supported in idleness either there or elsewhere.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Government Waste and Six P's

 More years ago, than I choose to disclose, I watched a movie where one of the main characters told another, "You failed to remember your Six P's". He then went on to enumerate the Six P's as "Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance".

In the last few days, we have seen the Six P's explode in the face of American taxpayers. Joe Biden and his entourage flew to France for a D-Day observance. He spent a few days in France and then flew back home and landed in Philadelphia. Then he flew from Philadelphia to Delaware. Today he is flying back to Washington from Delaware to host a Juneteenth concert. Incidentally, the White House calendar shows that VP Kamala Harris will be participating, and Second Gentleman Emhoff will be attending the Juneteenth concert. WOW!! I would pay not to be at that event! Six P's in place on this?

After all of that excitement, Biden is packing up the circus again and heading to Italy on Wednesday for a G-7 meeting that starts on Thursday.  Six Ps?

To a taxpayer who doesn't fly, this all seems like an incredible waste of resources. When they planned the trip to France, why didn't they just schedule a couple of days to visit another ally in Europe to fill the two or three days before the G-7 meeting? No, it looks like they had to be back home for the Juneteenth concert. If you don't believe that, bear in mind that Jill Biden flew to Delaware and then back to France to be at the Hunter Biden trial on Friday. Isn't there a beach in Europe that Joe could sleep on? Six Ps?

The President just doesn't get on Air Force One and fly somewhere. The Secret Service visits the destination and works out the security measures before the trip. They take Air Force One and the identical backup 747. The press usually follows in a chartered plane. The Presidential limousine and other vehicles are carried by at least one other USAF cargo plane, probably a C-17. Do they have Air Force fighter escorts on the flight or are they even willing to let the taxpayers know what we are buying? This is a mammoth and expensive undertaking. Six Ps?

If bureaucrats were held responsible for their actions, this would be a better world. This is the same Biden Administration that wants us all to move into cities and drive electric vehicles. They keep telling us how the world is going to end if we don't change our ways. Then these same schmucks plan a trip to Europe that leaves a carbon footprint the size of Canada and repeats it three days later. These people want us to change our lives so that they don't have to change theirs. All of that "changing how we treat the earth" crap is for the "little people" and not those in power. Check out all of the private jets at Davos for that World Economic meeting. Six Ps?

Why didn't they do it all in one trip? Wouldn't that have been easier and less expensive? Six Ps?

The Juneteenth holiday is June 19. Why is the White House celebrating on June 10? The tenth is NOT the teenth. If they had planned the Juneteenth concert for Juneteenth, the President would have been back from Europe. I'm sorry, that would have been too easy. Six Ps?

If the government wants us all to make adjustments in our lives, why can't they? Why take both Presidential 747s? If something goes wrong with the one, have him ride back in the cargo plane. If it makes him feel better, let him sit in the limo. The again, do we really need to take the limo? Do they not have any cars in France? It's not like Macron rides a moped around Paris.  Let's face it, most fliers have had a delay, or a flight cancelled. Why can't that happen to the President? Maybe a regular dose of reality would serve our leaders well? Six Ps?

Is John Kerry Biden's travel agent? I am just taking cheap shots now. 

Years ago, someone wrote an editorial saying that once elected, the President should go into the White House and stay there until he has solved all of our problems. Upon further reflection, that might have been something that Limbaugh wrote. I didn't hear it on his show because I rarely listened. Let's give that a shot! Everything the President actually needs is at the White House. That doesn't include a Juneteenth concert.

Sunday, June 09, 2024

More BBS??

 Yes, that post title means More Biden Bull Shit. While in France this week, Lying Joe told a group that an ancestor of his, who had the last name of Robinette, came to America with Lafayette and stayed after the war ended. Joe claims that this makes him a Son of the American Revolution. I have several friends in the Sons of the American Revolution group, and I imagine that many are distressed by this announcement by Lying Joe.

Joe is 81 years old and closing rapidly on 82. This is the first time that he has made that announcement. WOW! What's it like to wake up at 81 and suddenly realize that you had an ancestor in the American Revolution? Not only that, but you also received this vision while speaking to a group in France on the anniversary of D-Day. What an incredible coincidence! With that kind of luck, Joe should be meeting Judge Merchan to buy Powerball and Mega Millions tickets.

Joe Biden has claimed to be of Irish descent. He also claims to have grown up in a Puerto Rican neighborhood in Delaware where he attended a black church after going to Mass at the Catholic Church on Sunday. I think that he hit for the cycle and was at the synagogue on Saturday before his job at the pool where he confronted the gang member Corn Pop.  He was jailed in South Africa trying to help Nelson Mandela. He used to drive an 18-wheeler. He was appointed to the Naval Academy after he graduated from college but didn't attend because he didn't want to compete with Joe Bellino and Roger Staubach, both of whom had already graduated. Wait!! I left out the story about his Uncle Bosey being eaten by cannibals in World War 2.  The lies never stop!

Joe says that he graduated in the top ten per cent of his class in law school. He actually graduated 76th in a class of 85. He's either a liar or really bad with math.

This guy is a bullshitting machine! He has a lie for every audience. I am surprised that he didn't tell the French audience that he had been conceived on Omaha Beach after the heavy fighting ended. What is the most amazing is that no member of the American press ever questions him on these claims. Just once, I want to hear a reporter ask, "Mr. President, why did you pick this moment to share that bullshit story?"

I am going to contact and see if they will help Joe find that French Robinette ancestor of his who fought in the American Revolution. I would like to see how many branches that family tree would have. 

Meanwhile, Jill Biden jets back and forth across the Atlantic to support the Biden problem child Hunter, in his trial in Wilmington, Delaware. Wilmington is where Joe claims that he saw a gay couple kiss on the street when his dad dropped him off for school one day in the late 1950's. Are the American taxpayers paying for Jill's flights to see Hunter? Is she flying on government jets? Inquiring bloggers want to know.

Biden has three homes, including one at Rehoboth Beach. How does a guy afford three houses on the salary of a Senator and Vice President? He claims to have made a lot of money giving speeches and writing books. Who would pay to listen to Biden? Quick! Quote something from a Biden book.

Here's a point to consider. Clinton, Obama and Biden all didn't have a pot to piss in before moving to the White House. Now they are all multi-millionaires. How did this happen? It's not like they invested in US savings bonds while in office. Book deals are just deferred bribes and payoffs. Obama's movie deals are the same thing.  Call if you find someone who has read Biden's books.

Friday, June 07, 2024

Doonesbury and Biden

 I read the comic strip Doonesbury for many years before giving up on it sometime in the 1990's. In the early 1970's, there was a character in the strip called "Honey". She was a Chinese girl who was an interpreter for Chairman Mao. In one strip, she was talking to Uncle Duke, and he asked her about her job. She told him that Mao spoke a very obscure dialect and she was the only other person who spoke his dialect. So, Uncle Duke asked, "Does anyone else really know what the chairman said?" Honey just smiled. 

What does this have to do with anything today? Have you listened to Joe Biden lately? Is Jill the only person who knows what he really is saying?

In late 1919 Woodrow Wilson had a stroke which paralyzed the left side of his body. From October of 1919 until March 4, 1921, Edith Bolling Wilson was the de facto President of the United States. During that time, according to her own account, Woodrow told her what he wanted to do, and she relayed that to the government officials. Only a very few people were allowed to see Woodrow. Were the people of the United States all informed of this process? In early 1920, the story of Wilson's condition became more public, but no one took any action to change the situation. Of course, not. Just for the record, Edith told her side of this story in the Saturday Evening Post in an article she wrote in February 1939.

That article was published during the second term of Franklin Roosevelt. FDR was the President who tried to hide his physical impairments from the American public. He was never seen in public in a wheelchair. Roosevelt suffered from many diseases. His doctors would swab his nostrils with a cocaine solution as a treatment for assorted ailments. Does this mean that bag of cocaine found at the White House last year had been there a long time? Roosevelt died at the age of 63 in Warm Springs, Georgis. His longtime girlfriend, Lucy Mercer was there with him when he died. Were Americans told any of this when it happened? Of course, not. The little people didn't need to know all of this.

Fast forward a few years to the administration of John F. Kennedy. Kennedy suffered from an assortment of illnesses, but did the public ever know about them? No, the little people didn't need to know. Kennedy's doctors treated him with an assortment of medications that should have probably been explained to the public. I used to work for a guy in Tampa who had been in the Treasury Department during the Kennedy years. He used to tell us stories about JFK and women, drugs, and alcohol that most of us had trouble believing. He told us of women being sneaked into the White House through an underground passage from the Treasury Building. As the years have passed, many of those stories appeared in other sources. Apparently, Oswald shot Kennedy before a jealous husband could. Of course, we still haven't been told all of the facts about the assassination of Kennedy. If you guessed that I don't believe in "magic bullets", you are correct.

This brings us to Joe Biden. Other than being a Democrat, what does he have in common with Wilson, FDR and JFK? They all had serious medical issues that the government would not tell us about. That and they are all Democrats, which is another disease. 

Who can watch Joe Biden and not see that he is mentally impaired? If this is what he looks like in public, what does he look like in private? They are drugging him for public appearances. He is either drugged or he has the worst case of split personalities ever seen. They may have to redefine schizophrenia to use Joe as an example. The movie about the Biden Presidency will be titled, "The Many Faces of Joe".

All of these "leaders" are telling us that behind the scenes, Biden is at the top of his game. This is the same group that told us that the Hunter Biden laptop was "Russian misinformation", and we know how that turned out. Democrats are lying to the American public to maintain control of the White House. The guy works about three hours a day and works four days on a big week. Write this down, he has dementia! 

There is no difference between the government lying to the people in North Korea and the government lying to the people in the United States. The truth will set you free!!

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Mid-Week Rants and Raves

Yes, Thursday is actually the middle of the week, do the math. Having spent most of my life in the restaurant business where we work seven days a week, there is no magic about the "weekend". Saturday and Sundays were just days that we worked harder. Enough of the calendar issue, let's move on to the whining and pining.

I saw pictures of Biden arriving in Paris on Air Force One. They didn't take any chances getting Joe off the plane. He took the short stairs to the ground. One news source claimed that Biden will praise men like his uncles when he speaks on D-Day. I hope to God that Jill tells him not to talk about Uncle Bosie and the cannibals. Instead, he will probably talk about how, as a child, he convinced Eisenhower to land at Normandy and not at the Pas de Calais.

As Biden always likes to tailor his comments to the place he is visiting, look for him to mention his love for French fries, French toast and you guessed it, French vanilla ice cream. By the time Joe falls back onto Air Force One, he will have celebrated Pride Month in Gay Paree and lived to tell about it. Maybe Corn Pop has children in France? When Biden gets back home, his story will be that he attended a service for his Uncle Bosie in a gay cannibals' church in Paris.

Kamala and Joe are the Bert and Ernie of politics. That is despite the puppets being smarter than the Biden-Harris combo. Harris shares some common ground with Donald Trump. If you ask Americans what law Trump violated, no one knows. If you ask Americans what Kamala does as Vice-President, no one knows.

As I expected, an appeals court panel in Georgia has halted any action in Phony Fani's case against Trump and others in Georgia. Apparently, there is someone on the appeals court with the pair that Judge Scott McAfee clearly lacked. McAfee had worked in the DA's office for Willis and as a judge failed to realize that he no longer reported to her. 

Willis paid her boyfriend, who had NEVER tried a RICO case, more than she paid another lawyer who is considered to be the expert on RICO cases in Georgia. Of course, the RICO specialist wasn't balling her like Nathan Wade was alleged to be doing. I think that the US House of Representatives still wants to know where that center is that they gave Willis the funding to open. Money is gone, no center is visible. 

The hero in the whole case is Harrison Floyd. Floyd was indicted by Phony Fani because he was the only black man involved and she wanted to teach him not to hang out with Republicans. Like most conservatives, Floyd had an encounter with the FBI. He claimed that two agents failed to identify themselves. This seems to be a common thread among cases involving the FBI. Houston: We have a problem with the FBI and the Justice Department as a whole!!

Makes you wonder if those who took a plea to avoid trial might have acted in haste. Sidney Powell, are you reading this?

Let's wrap this up with the Hunter Biden trial in Delaware. Jill Biden is attending daily to try to keep the jury intimidated. If the jury convicts Hunter, she claims that Joe will quit buying ice cream in Delaware. I thought that Jill and Joe visiting Hallie Biden the week before the trial would have been all of the intimidation that the Bidens would try. I was wrong. 

Also at the trial is Kevin Morris, Hunter's "sugar brother", who has loaned Hunter money and paid his tax bill with the IRS. Tyrus on Gutfeld had it correct. Kevin isn't a "sugar brother," he's a "sugar daddy." Nobody loans their "sugar brother" more than $6 million. Of course, there are also rumors about the CIA protecting Morris. What's the truth? Hell, we are talking about the Bidens. There is no truth. 

Tuesday, June 04, 2024


Several people have suggested that I need to be more positive about things. This post is for you!! 

My older son and his family live in New Bern. My granddaughter Alice attends Grover C. Fields Middle School in New Bern. She's in the sixth grade there. It's the end of the school year and last night they had an awards ceremony. 

Alice received a certificate for service to the school and a certificate for being on the principal's list for the year for high grades. She received a plaque for the highest GPA for the year in the sixth grade. 

Great Job Alice!!!

Twisted Tuesday topics

 Biden is starting a plan that will close the border if the illegal immigrant count averages more than 2500 illegals crossing the border a day for a week. This was obviously modeled after the California plan to let people steal up to $950 before it becomes a felony. Biden is taking the executive action that a few months ago he claimed he did not have the power to take. Is someone confused or are they just trying to influence an election?

Attorney General Ma Garland says that he will not release the audiotapes of Joe Biden from the Hur investigation. Allow me to direct Ma Garland to the case of United States v. Nixon. Nixon was compelled to release the tapes form his Oval Office concerning Watergate by the Supreme Court. Memo to Ma: You are on the losing side of the law on this one. Garland is my age; he should be able to remember that far back.

Why won't the government release the tapes of Biden's interview with Hur? They have already released the transcripts. Why are they even wasting their time claiming that they won't release the tapes?  They claimed in a legal filing that they won't release the tapes because someone could alter them using AI. They should have considered letting AI file their motion. Anyone with more than a room temperature IQ, which may include a few Democrats, knows that they don't want the tapes released because they will show Biden's mental condition. They are just stalling until after the election.

Dean Phillips. one-time Democratic Presidential candidate, has called for Gov. Kathy Hochul to pardon Donald Trump. Wow! A Democrat who sees that there is a problem for them with the Trump case.

The Hunter Biden trial is like a Biden family reunion. Jill and Ashley are there to support the crackhead and Hallie Biden will be there to testify. Maybe the prosecutor will ask Hallie if Joe or Jill mentioned the case when they stopped by Hallie's place for a visit last week.

I am just curious that none of the reporters who covered Joe's trip to Chez Hallie asked how often Joe and Jill had visited before the indictment.

Watching Ma Garland testifying before the Congress causes me to redefine "stonewall". Garland is incapable of a simple answer, He is also not able to tell the truth.  Who else has seen a lawyer unable to give a direct answer to a direct question? If there's a second Biden administration, the AG will be Alvin Bragg. 

I am not of fan of Mitch McConnell, but I remain thankful to Mitch for keeping Garland off the Supreme Court. 

If Judge Merchan jails Trump for even a day, Joe and Jill need to go ahead and call the movers. As the Democrats keep losing supporters, one would think that the Democrats would concentrate on beating Trump at the polls. No, the dumb asses want to pursue this lawfare tactic. 

"Lawfare" is a Democratic strategy to fill the Trump campaign coffers with record amounts of cash. It seems to be working as the GOP is receiving record amounts of donations. 

Anthony Fauci, the guy who taught Ma Garland all he knows about lying to Congress. Fauci is such an arrogant prick that I find myself missing Obama. But to be honest, Chris Wray is closing the gap on that comparison. Move over O!!

Monday, June 03, 2024

A Trip to Trump Country

 Twice a year, for the past several years, I have attended the Dublin Lions Club Flea Market in Dublin, Virginia. Dublin is in southwest Virginia which even a Democrat would concede is a Republican stronghold. Pulaski County is as conservative as Fairfax County is communist. Yeah, I like to visit there.

I arrived there on Friday to set up my collection of fine wares and assorted stuff. It always takes longer to set it all up than it takes to toss it all back into the truck and trailer and go home when the sale is over.

The Flea Market opened at 7:00 AM and it only took about thirty minutes for the first liberal to show up at my spaces. It was a woman who appeared to have been a "hippie" in the 1960's and had never changed. I won't say that she looked a little rough, but my initial impression was that she looked like was working now as a curb girl at a crack house.  I was talking to a guy who is a regular customer who usually buys something from me at the sale.

I had a stack of Civil War books that I was trying to sell. There was a sign on the table that read, "Civil War Books. Buy them before Biden bans them!" She was in front of that spot and said, "What does this mean? Biden doesn't have anything to do with this." I replied, "Where do you want to start? Do we start with the renaming of military bases? Do we talk about tearing down statues? How about the desecration of graves? How about the banning of Southern symbols?" She was visibly excited and screamed, "Biden doesn't have anything to do with any of that." I said, "He's the President of the United States. He has something to do with everything that happens in his administration." She then screamed some incoherent phrase. I told, "Honey, you're out of your league here. Move on down the line!" Then she screamed, "Fuck You!". By then, I was laughing and told her, "You must have had to think for days to come up with that!" She flipped me and stormed off. She was probably running late for that job at the crack house.

The guy who I was talking to before her rant was still standing there. He said to me, "I have pulled out my phone to record all kinds of stupid stuff. Finally, something happens worth recording and I just stood and watched with my phone still in my pocket." I just laughed and told him, "Maybe next time." He said, "I'm pretty sure she's not coming back." Mercifully, she was not seen again.

Apparently, there is some kind of minimum for liberal stupidity in that area. A couple of years ago, a guy told me that Trump had met with Putin 53 times at the White House. He also claimed that information was available on the White House logs. I told him that he was obviously bad with math. He hasn't been back, either.

I sell old Life magazines. They range from 1937 to 1972 in publication dates. I also have a few Look magazines and some Saturday Evening Posts. Earlier this year, I acquired a large collection of Popular Mechanics, Popular Science and Mechanix Illustrated magazines from the 1940 and 1950's. I like to tell people that the future can be found by reading the history of the past. I also tell people that history is circular. A guy is his thirties was asking me about the old magazines and I explained that to him. He seemed a little skeptical about my claim. So, I said, "Let me show you." I picked up a Look magazine from 1962 with a Brazilian girl in a bikini on the cover. That wasn't what I wanted to show him, but it makes it easy to find in the pile of magazines. At the top of the front cover are a couple of headlines. One is "Washington, DC Crime-sick Capital City". Then I pulled out a 1972 Life magazine where the cover story was "Sky High Meat Prices". He just looked and said, "Okay." He bought four magazines.

I park my cargo trailer in my spaces at the market, so I don't have to walk far if I need anything. I had a 3X5 flag that read "Trump Nation" on one side and a 3X5 flag on the other side that read "Get on the Trump Train".   I had no negative comments. However, on Saturday morning, a guy walked up and asked, "Is that your trailer with the flags?" I told him that it was. He said, "I want to buy something from you." He bought about twenty dollars' worth of wrenches. It pays to advertise!

I was telling the vendor beside me, next to my trailer, about that incident. He told me that several people thought that it was his flag and had complimented him on it. He pointed out that lots of people had told him, "I am voting for the felon." One guy said it best with, "I am voting for the felon, not the crook."

Looking forward to the September Flea Market in Dublin.