Monday, February 27, 2023

Donald Trump, Profit or Prophet?

 Here's my full disclosure statement before I write anything else. I voted for Donald Trump twice, in 2016 and again in 2020. I would prefer that we have a different Republican candidate in the 2024 general election, but if it is Trump, I will vote for him again.

I am fascinated by a disease called Trump Derangement Syndrome. It primarily strikes liberals in the United States. These people hate Trump but are unable to explain why in anything resembling a logical or even a coherent fashion. My favorite is the charge that "He is a liar." So, instead they voted for a guy who claims to be a Catholic but supports abortion. They voted for a guy who claimed to have three college degrees, graduated near the top of his law school class, was appointed to the US Naval Academy after graduating from college, was the first white guy at an HBCU, used to drive 18 wheelers. He also tangled with "a bad dude" named Corn Pop. He attended Catholic churches, black churches, and Jewish temples. No one alive can verify the black church and Jewish temple attendance. Biden gave up a run for President years ago because he plagiarized an English politician's speeches. Biden claims he saw his wife in an airport and went on a blind date. Her ex-husband claims that she had an affair with Biden before leaving him. All of these are lies by Biden. So, people with TDS ignore lying when Biden does it.  I guess that lying is not the real issue. Sometimes what people know is the actual truth is what bothers them.

The Trump Derangement Syndrome is so intense and irrational and affects so many people that I believe that it must be the work of God. There is nothing on this earth can explain the sudden loss of rational thought of this magnitude by ordinary people. 

The reaction of the liberal politicians and their allies in the mainstream media to Donald Trump reminds me of a scene in the movie "Oh, God!" John Denver's character goes to see a money loving evangelist and says, "God sent me to see you." The astonished evangelist exclaims "God sent you to see me?? The evangelist is today's leftist media and the liberal politicians they work with to destroy America. Trump is the character Denver plays. 

In the Bible, primarily in the Old Testament, God sent prophets with a message to his people, the frequently errant Israelites. Sometimes they listened to the message of the Prophet and got back on course. Sometimes they ignored the message and even killed the messenger. It didn't always end well for the Israelites even though they were God's chosen people. They ended up with other nations ruling Israel, such as the Roman Empire. Sometimes they were shipped off to other nations such as Babylon. 

I don't believe that God stopped sending prophets with the end of the New Testament. George Washington comes to mind, as he defeated the mightiest nation on earth and became the first President of our nation. Even Abe Lincoln rose to greatness despite beginning life as "The bastard from Bostic". More on that at another time. Then there were false gods such as Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy and Barack Obama. There was Martin Luther King. King did great things, but he also made lots of mistakes. Real Prophets like Trump, Washington, and King all delivered an important message, but they were all mortals. Mortals are going to make mistakes, all of them did. 

As we watch the United States stray farther and farther from God, remember that God tried to help us. But since we are so smart, we decided to listen to false gods instead. Where's today's Golden Calf?

The Golden Calf in America and western Europe is the whole homosexual/transgender thing. The queerest generation in history is convinced that anything sexual is okay. They may die from "social diseases", AIDS, Monkey Pox or diseases yet unknown, but they are going to have sex with anyone or anything. Doctors are telling us that they can turn women into men and men into women. What they don't tell you is that sex change operations commit you to a lifetime of expensive hormone treatments and more medical treatments. Not to mention the high suicide rate among those who have had the "transition surgery." In America, the left is convinced that everyone is on board with this sexual transition. We aren't.

The problem for America and western Europe is that the rest of the world is not on board with this rearrangement of sexual roles. You can't sell this shit in Africa, Asia, and most of South America. God sent a prophet named Donald Trump with a message. America doesn't want to listen. When the Chinese decide to take charge, you will know what I am talking about. That is my message for the left. 

In 2016 in an exchange on Facebook, some leftist claiming that he was a devout Christian was trashing Trump. I pointed out that the Christian faith is based on the principles of forgiveness and redemption. I reminded him of the story of Saul/Paul on the road to Damascus. He responded, "Are you comparing Donald Trump to St. Paul?" My reply was quick, "As a matter of fact I am. If you will stop using your Bible to prop up a broken leg on your coffee table and actually read it, you too can understand." He "unfriended" me! I have survived the heartbreak.

Donald Trump, Profit or Prophet? You make the call.


Sunday, February 26, 2023

"Sweet land of hypocrisy"?

 Biden and his band of mental midgets are warning China that they should not furnish any weapons and war supplies to Russia. They warn that there will be "issues" if China gets involved in the war in the Ukraine.

I am little unclear on the logic, if there is any, in this situation. The United States can give the Ukraine all of the military aid that we want to give, but China cannot help Russia? Why? Because "Clueless Joe" says so? We can't dictate to other nations who their allies can be. Why try?

What are we going to do to China? Stop buying all of the billions of dollars of computers, shoes, electronics, and other goods that they produce? Let's empty the store shelves in America and see if the voters notice. When they do notice, Biden and his ass licking friends in the news media will simply blame Trump. That's what they do with everything else. They have been in office for over two years and yet Trump is still responsible for everything that happens. 

The Biden government can't clean up a train wreck in Ohio, but they are creating a train wreck in the Ukraine by supplying them with weapons that they have not been trained to use. So, who is operating those weapons or training the Ukrainians to operate them?

On second thought, it took the Biden Administration three weeks to find the train wreck in Ohio. "Clueless Joe" goes to Kiev and Poland, but can't find Ohio? 

When we will. hear about the Biden administration standing up for the rights of heterosexuals? Never. They are too busy fighting to enable the mentally ill to impose their beliefs on the rest of us.

To end discrimination, we are only hiring based on their race and sexual preference. That is, if in fact, they actually have a sexual preference. You get preferred treatment if you are a cross-dresser who steals the baggage of fellow travelers.

In a rare moment of compassion, I am not going to bring up the phony air raid sirens that sounded as Biden and his young lover Zelensky strolled the scenic streets of Kiev. 

The Biden administration fights profiling by having "Clueless Joe" attack conservatives as "ultra MAGA extremists". Where did an ultra MAGA crowd loot stores and burn police cars?

We don't have any US troops in Syria according to the Biden administration. Yet last week four US soldiers and a dog were wounded in Syria. Has "Clueless Joe" suspended the laws of physics to allow this to happen? Or is the government just lying?

In short, "Clueless Joe" is trying to destroy the nation he claims to love. A little more than a hundred years ago, a young Chicago White Sox fan said it best, "Say it ain't so, Joe." The kid was probably a Democrat.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Saturday Morning Facts, Fashion, and Feedback

 All of the experts are describing Russia as "a third-rate military power". Yet we send our advanced military equipment to the Ukraine to keep the "third-rate military power" at bay. "Experts?" 

Biden claims that Russia cannot win the war. Hitler said that Russia could not win a war. Napoleon said that Russia could not win a war. Even the slow among you can see the common thread. The common thread is a series of egotistical, maniacal dictators all making the same claim. 

Ted Cruz said that "Democrats are in love with Zelensky."   He said that Ukrainian flags are like the masks during COVID. It is all about virtue signaling. I think that Democrats need to "virtue signal" with their personal funds not our government's money. 

Just to put the Democrats' love affair with Zelensky into perspective, this headline was the featured cover story of the Saturday Evening Post on August 1,1959. "Can Castro Save Cuba?" Does history repeat itself?

The British fought the Russians in the Crimean War. Heard of the Charge of the Light Brigade?  Some clothing names/terms came out of that war. Raglan, cardigan, and balaclava are the three that I know. The Victoria Cross medals in Great Britain are all made of bronze from Russian cannons captured in that war. That's all of your worthless fashion trivia for today.

More government "experts" are telling us that there are more than a thousand train derailments a year. How many auto accidents are there a year? How many tractor trailer accidents are there every year? How many pipeline leaks are there? The moral of this story about misdirection from government "experts" is, Figures don't lie, but liars can figure.

Neither Biden nor Zelensky reacted to the sounds of air raid sirens as they took their lover's walk in Kiev. Did they not hear the sirens? Did they just ignore them because they knew it was a hoax? Or were they so busy deciding on how much each would get as their cut of the aid money that they didn't hear the sirens?

In denying that he has failed to react to the East Palestine debacle, Biden claims that the railroad company has made tens of billions of dollars in profits lately. First, Biden's numbers are wrong. Second, why does a President of a nation known for free enterprise attack a business for making money? If they didn't make money, they wouldn't pay income taxes. He would have no federal revenue to squander in the Ukraine.  Just for the record, the afore mentioned dementia patient has spent his life slopping at the public trough. What business has he operated that produced a profit and employed thousands of Americans?

I started reading The American Spectator back during the Clinton years. I subscribe to their site and read it every day. They publish a quarterly print edition that I read and then send to fellow extremists. I also subscribe to the AM Spectator, an online newsletter that shows up in my email on weekdays. Daniel Flynn is the AM editor and does a good job. However, Flynn and many others at The Spectator are supporters of the Ukraine and our actions there. Flynn wrote an item last week about the Ukraine with which I disagreed on some points. I emailed him with my thoughts on the issue and was mildly surprised when he published them in the AM Spectator. My comments are below.

Letter: The Book of Lessons Never Learned


The Biden White House kept his trip to the Ukraine a secret from the American public while disclosing his plans to the Russians. It’s obvious that the president thinks that his enemies are the American people. I guess that if you are sneaking out to give away another half-billion dollars that we don’t have, you do it in the dark of night. For the United States, the war in the Ukraine will be just another chapter in the book of lessons never learned.


Gilbert Jones

Friday, February 24, 2023

Random Rants

 Trump was in East Palestine, Ohio on Wednesday. He distributed cases of bottled water, talked to people, and bought lunch for first responders at a local McDonalds. Liberals are outraged that he fed first responders at McDonalds. Memo to morons: Trump likes the food at McDonalds. Where do liberals think that real people eat lunch? 

I am willing to play the same game that the left plays. Where did Pete Butt-Gig take the first responders for lunch when he was there on Thursday? How much bottled water did Butt-Gig pass out? I will wait while you Google that. 

Donald Trump Jr. is being attacked for saying that Pete Butt-Gig got his job as Secretary of Transportation because he is gay. So, if you believe that Jr. is wrong, please send me a list of Pete's qualifications for his position. Take your time, I am probably good for another ten years.

Pete's Press Secretary, who is a federal government employee, is completely unqualified for her job. Yesterday, she told reporters that she would not answer questions with their cameras on. She claims that cameras are "too aggressive", and she was not going to answer questions on camera. This woman needs to find a job for which she is better suited. She needs to be in a corner office in a basement writing Biden speeches.

The job of a press secretary is to communicate with the press. Everyone carrying a phone has a camera. Hell, I have a flip phone and it has a camera. This woman needs to be relieved of her job. The federal government needs to do a better job of vocational training and placements for employees. 

In recent days, both Butt-Gig and his Non-Press Secretary have used their phones to take pictures of reporters who ask them questions. Is this some sort of gay intimidation move? Are they just starting a "reporters who piss me off" photo collection? Are they just stupid? All of the above?

Democrats are blaming Trump for the train derailment. Railroad experts say that the derailment had nothing to do with the policy being discussed. Since January 20, 2021, Joe Biden has dedicated his time and whatever is left of his mind to undoing everything that Donald Trump did. I offer our energy problems and the economy as evidence of this. Did he just forget to change the railroad thing?

Biden will visit the border before he visits East Palestine. East Palestine probably doesn't even have a good ice cream shop for Biden to visit. He won't go now because Trump has been there.

Just to close out my DEI objectives, (Truth-in-labeling laws should compel bureaucrats to change it to DIE), this gem about Sam Brinton, Joe's favorite cross-dressing nuclear engineer. A Tanzanian female fashion designer is accusing Sam the Sham of stealing her luggage in 2018 at a Washington airport and wearing her designs the bag contained. She as photos of him in her garments. Nobody can pick a winner like Joe can.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Memo to Mitch:

 An online headline this morning screamed "Mitch McConnell says 'way too much attention' has been given to Republicans who oppose aiding Ukraine."

Mitch said that the leadership of the Republican party supports the aid for Ukraine. He said, "Don't look at Twitter. Look at people in power." 

Let me offer a suggestion to the Senate Minority Leader. Mitch, it is time to see what the people of America think. I don't give a rat's ass what you and your band of bandits in D.C. think. I would hazard a guess that more Americans are worried about illegal immigrants crossing the southern border of our nation than are worried about Russians crossing the Ukrainian border. Why should we enforce the Ukrainian border when we don't enforce our own?

It was Mitch's "People in power" who took us to a twenty-year debacle in Afghanistan with the disgraceful ending on television.  It looked a lot like a rerun of the evacuation of Saigon, the end result of another decision by "People in power". Iran, Iraq, Syria, Bosnia and Somalia were all decisions by the "people in power".

The "People in power" evidently all rode the short bus to school. They take the term "slow learners" to new heights. We haven't won a war since WW2 ended in 1945, but we keep trying.

The United States has a history of supporting corrupt governments around the world. It never works out for us. There are those who believe that it will work out one day. There are those who believe that Lucy won't pull the football away one day as Charlie Brown tries to kick it. Good luck on that!!

While Biden is in Kiev, people in East Palestine, Ohio are out of their homes due to a train wreck. For two weeks Biden and Mitch's federal government has done nothing to help them. Do you think those folks in East Palestine are worried about the Ukraine? 

Crime is rampant in our cities, inflation continues to make food more expensive, Biden's energy policy is keeping the price of gas high and destroying the United States energy industry, and yet we are funneling billions to the Ukraine. WHY?? Does the corruption here match or exceed that of the Ukraine? 

Great news, Mitch!! I am about to wrap this up. Here's some advice for you about real leadership that I learned from a mentor at the Waffle House. He said, "If you want to be a good leader, you regularly need to look back and see that people are following." Give it a shot, Mitch!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Tuesday Topics, Tales, and Taunts Ver 2.21

 Biden is in Poland today.  How times have changed. In the old days, we would have told "Polak" jokes. Now the Poles are telling "Biden" jokes. They all want to know about the feared gangster, "Corn Pop". Tell 'em Joe!!

Due to Biden leaving the press in the United States, we aren't flooded by the ignorance of our liberal media. We are instead getting a sampling of the liberal European media. I know you are worried about the quality of press coverage. Don't be!  By late afternoon, the news will have brought us the breaking news about what flavor of ice cream Biden ordered today. The smart money is on chocolate chip. Vanilla would be too racist.

The news showed Biden and Zelensky walking the streets of Kiev as air raid sirens sounded. The Russians knew that Biden was there. They weren't going to launch an attack. If you believe that this was a real air raid, get thee back to Tik Tok and MSNBC for your information.

The Ukraine's "security chief" said that they will end the war by parking their tanks in Red Square in Moscow. It's 535 miles from Kiev to Moscow. Hitler couldn't make it. Napoleon couldn't make it. Zelensky, a comedian who played the piano with his dick, isn't going to make that trip as anything other than a prisoner of war. By the way, since it is all about defending Ukraine, why bother taking Moscow? 

Nikki Haley announced for President and liberals lost their minds. A "woman of color" is running for President and liberals don't know whether to shit or go blind. Don Lemon declared that at age 51, Haley was "past her prime". The head of CNN has scheduled some "sensitivity" training for Lemon. The only useful training for Lemon would be training that involves teaching Lemon to ask, "Do you want fries with that?" CNN is wasting their time with Lemon. It's time for them to put the old fag out to pasture. 

Haley's announcement flushed out the liberal hypocrites who claim to want more women to run for political office, but actually only want more brainwashed liberal women to run for office. It's not about being a woman, it's about being liberal.

After winning the Daytona 500, Ricky Stenhouse and his wife went to the Waffle House with Ricky carrying his Daytona 500 trophy. As I have told people for years, you never know who you are going to see at the Waffle House. I worked there for more than six years, and it is the source for more than half of my stories.

I had a dream last night where an F-22 took out Whoopi Goldberg with a Sidewinder after she was identified as a Chinese balloon. 

In the Chicago Public Schools, they have 22 schools where no student is proficient in reading and 33 schools where no student is proficient in math. Proficient is described as performing at grade level. While everyone rushes to rightfully bash the school system, if your kid can't read, it is your fault. 

Sen. John Fetterman, everything that is wrong with elections in the United States. Fetterman is a not walking case for banning early voting.  The media should be indicted for aiding and abetting fraud. Democrats and the media ridiculed Dr. Oz. Who's laughing now?


Monday, February 20, 2023

Are we buying "protection"?

 In days of old when the Mafia and similar organizations were more of a presence than they are today, these groups sold merchants in their area "protection". If you paid them a percentage of your sales, it would keep you from getting robbed or your store from burning down. 

Fast forward a few years and just like with the lottery, the government has muscled the Mafia out of the "protection" business. 

Now the government is telling us that if we will just let people steal less than a $1000 worth of goods or whatever your local liberal city sets as the limit, then those people won't be out rioting, burning, and looting. They want merchants to just ignore that people are brazenly just walking in and getting carts full of merchandise and walking out with it. It is okay with the government if the rest of us have to pay more so long as the Democrats' "chosen people" get their stuff free. The rest of us may have to buy groceries, but the "chosen ones" steal their groceries without fear of prosecution. Democrats assure the terrified public that we will have better relations and will be safer if we just let others rob and steal. Are the Democrats just making us pay for "protection"? Why are we electing prosecutors who won't prosecute criminals? 

We all have to obey traffic laws including equipment, licensing, and insurance laws. But liberals want to keep those laws from being enforced because the voters that they need to stay in office don't obey those laws. When you run into someone because they are driving around at night without lights on their car because liberals claim those laws are "racist", who do you think that they are blaming for the accident? Check a mirror!!

Liberals are pushing "reparations" now. They want people who have never been slaves to get money from people who have never owned slaves. I am waiting for advocates to establish an actual connection in this situation. If we pay reparations, we can avoid rioting and looting. If the government will enforce the laws, we can avoid rioting and looting. Beyond that, if the government is serious about "reparations", there are millions of us who want to be reimbursed for stuff that was stolen from us. I am looking for about a million bucks to cover a bicycle and a baseball glove that I had stolen. 

We have been pumping billions of dollars into this situation since LBJ started his "Great Society". Obviously, there were no laws about "truth in labeling" on federal legislation. Given more than fifty years of pumping billions of dollars into this situation, all we have to show for it is the destruction of the family unit in the black community. At this point even a blind liberal should be able to see that this is not working. The government has spent billions trillions on "protection". It has failed miserably.

The government is not enforcing the laws at the border. Biden and his Secretary of Homeland Security are the biggest liars in the land. The liberals will probably try to redefine "liar" like they have everything else. They avoided a recession by redefining "recession". The economy still sucks but it's not a recession. They need to jail those two bastards for failing to enforce the law. 

There are more illegals in Texas than there are Russians in the Ukraine. So, Biden flew secretly to Europe and according to the media, took a train to Kiev. Maybe when he gets back, Biden can take a train to the border? Maybe he will go get a breath of fresh air at that derailment in Ohio? The government kept Biden's trip a secret from the American public, but notified the Russians that he was making the trip. Now we know who Democrats think the enemy is. The American people.

So much for "equal protection".

Saturday, February 18, 2023

The Endless Reconstruction

 More than 100 years ago, George Santayana wrote "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Those who doubt these words are invited to watch the news and reconsider their opinions.

After the Allies won World War 1, they punished Germany with the Treaty of Versailles. They compelled Germany to pay reparations and to forfeit some territories. The leading cause of World War 2 was the Treaty of Versailles. The conditions caused by the treaty provided the necessary circumstances for the rise of Hitler. We are all familiar with what happened from there.

What does this have to do with Reconstruction? Glad you asked, let's move along. In the news the last few months, we have heard extensively about Jim Crow laws and the Jim Crow era. What caused the Jim Crow period? Reconstruction.

More than 50 years before the Allies punished Germany after the first World War, the North and the Radical Republicans punished the South after the Civil War. For the North, it was not enough that the Union Army had killed, burned, looted, pillaged, and raped their way across the South during the war, they needed to punish the South.

So, they held elections to elect blacks to political offices in the South. Of course, they banned many of the white citizens from voting in these elections. In their effort to empower blacks, they treated the other citizens differently. Sound familiar? The states in the South were run by the US military governors for years as Reconstruction slowly ended until it was finally ended in 1877. Just for the record, the South is the only part of the United States to have operated under military occupation.

Southern states had to ratify three amendments to the US Constitution to be re-admitted to the Union that the Supreme Court had ruled that they had never left anyway. What is the legal significance of a state having to ratify an amendment to rejoin a Union that they never left?  Does the ratification of an amendment by a state that is not in the Union even count?  Asking for a friend?

In the later years of the 19th Century as the South struggled to recover economically, manufacturers started opening plants in the South. As the cotton was already here, textile manufacturing was a major business. Since I am a confirmed capitalist, I must tell you that the location of most manufacturing plants is the result of a search for cheap labor. In a region such as the South after the Civil War, people were desperate for jobs. Here was the cheap labor that Northern manufacturers sought.

So, the Yankees who had attacked Southerners for slavery, brought to the South things like child labor, company towns, mill villages, company stores, company police, scrip instead of cash for pay and Tennessee Ernie Ford singing "I owe my soul to the company store." All of these things from the people who criticized plantations. Wasn't a textile mill village just a manufacturing plantation?

After the official end of Reconstruction, people in the South sought to reclaim their lives. Without the military to control the elections and the election results, the majority ruled again. A blind man could have seen the Jim Crow era coming. Where were all of the liberals then? They were busy using cheap labor in the South to produce their profits. They didn't care about minorities then and they don't really care today. They are looking for cheap labor.

Modern Demoncrats want to continue punishing the South. They are tearing down statues of Southern heroes. They have changed the names of military bases. They want to rewrite history to fit their outlook. The sad part is that most politicians don't know enough history to fill a 3X5 index card. They don't understand that you can't take away somebody's history and make it work. Note to Dims: When you get to hell, ask Hitler about this.

They want to remove anyone who ever owned slaves from history books. That's going to leave the history books pretty empty. It's wrong to judge people of the past by the moral standards of the present. 

In a few years, the government is supposed to release all of the information on John Kennedy and Martin Luther King. When they discover that their idols have feet of clay, we will get back to them on all those statues and street names. 

I have noticed that when liberals talk about integration protests and riots, they are always talking about incidents in Alabama or Georgia or South Carolina or some other southern states. In 1967, there were large riots in Detroit and Newark. Which Southern states are they in?  How about Watts in 1965? When was the last time that a Democrat talked about those places? Who knew Michigan was a Southern state? 

Great empires all eventually fail. Liberals might want to read up on that. Start with the British Empire.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Remember sociopaths?

 Back when I was a kid and we had just learned to walk without dragging our knuckles on the ground, we had people called "sociopaths." In the past couple of decades, politicians and leftists have tried to stop using the word because it is "offensive". How do you offend people who rob, rape, and kill to pass the time?

The problem in today's United States is that we are being pushed to worship at the altar of "inclusion". People are demanding that we be more "inclusive". The problem is that societies have never been about "inclusion". They have always been about "exclusion."

We have excluded people who refuse to do their share of the work of maintaining the society. We exclude those people who do not contribute to the society. We exclude those people who will do us harm. That system worked for centuries until we got so smart that we decided to try another method. Now we are making it more popular for people to rob, rape, loot, steal, vandalize, and murder all in the name of "inclusion". 

People are being killed in their homes as we practice more and more inclusion. Stores are having merchandise stolen by the cart load by people who are benefitting from inclusion. People are so busy demanding "equity" that they don't have time to work. Why work if the "progressives" are going to give you everything you want in the spirit of inclusion?

Let's bring back "sociopath". If you don't want to work, starve. If you want to break the law, pay the price. If you get killed by an armed citizen or a police officer, let's give them a reward for saving society the cost of warehousing your ass for many years. Let's go back to bounties on convicted criminals. It's time to take the televisions and the exercise equipment out of prisons.

The twenty-year-old who killed ten people in Buffalo was sentenced yesterday to life in prison. What purpose does warehousing this psychopath for 50 or 60 years accomplish for society? We would get more benefit if we set up a gallows in the grocery store lot where he committed his crime and hang him right there. Invite all of the victims' families, serve lunch after he's dead. Upon further reflection, I think that given all of the circumstances in this crime, that guy may die in prison in less time than it took Jeffrey Dahmer to get killed. 

Democratic Party legislators in Michigan are going to try to get rid of gun sales in their state. A gun can't kill you without a sociopath pulling the trigger. The guy who killed those folks at MSU had already been in trouble with the law. When you plea bargain with a sociopath, this is the result. Enforce the laws!

"News" networks should stop broadcasting interviews where a friend or relative describes a killer as "just the nicest boy". Nobody believes that!!

District Attorneys and prosecutors who are trying to achieve "equity" by not prosecuting some crimes and dismissing charges against others need to be charged as accessories and jailed. 

It's time to end tolerance for "Sociopaths". The future of society depends on it. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Cheaper than a Sidewinder?

 In the news this morning, yesterday a Newsmax reporter asked the President's chief liar and mindless lesbian Karine Jean-Pierre, "Is the President woke?"  He is being ridiculed for the question. One might as well ask "Is the Pope Catholic?" Of course, there are Catholics who consider that a legitimate question.

Maybe the reporter just used the wrong tense. Could he have just intended to ask, "Is the President awake?"  

Later, Karine Jean-Pierre described the President as "our best communicator". My God, what does the worst communicator sound like? I am assuming that the only choices were the guy with dementia and the lesbian who can't read her binder.

Political commentators and Democrats are all still ridiculing Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for the fur-trimmed coat she wore at the State of the Union address. They are ridiculing her because she is a Republican woman from Georgia. If she were a gay, Democratic male from California, they would all be asking where she bought the coat.

Biden launched into another tirade about "assault weapons" after the Michigan State shootings. The fact that the guns used don't fit into the imaginary "assault weapons" category did not deter the Demented One from his rant. Memo to Dims: If your liberal prosecutors and judges don't enforce the laws, these problems will continue. More laws that you will not enforce will not work. This crime was committed by a "person of color" with a criminal record and mental health issues. He doesn't fit the stereotype liberals are blaming for gun crimes. In a couple of weeks, maybe less, you won't be able to find a story in the media about this shooting.

Good businesses are always open to new marketing opportunities as they arise. This morning I received an e-mail with the subject line, "Get Your Balloon-Popping AR/AK Pistols Now!". It's got to be cheaper than shooting them with Sidewinder missiles.

Speaking of Sidewinder missiles, in the latest balloon popping over Lake Huron, we sent an F-16 to handle the task. The first Sidewinder fired missed the target and dropped into the lake. The second hit the target. I don't want to sound frugal about the cost of protecting our nation from Party balloons, but Sidewinders average a cost of around $450,000 each. The cost of the missiles plus the cost of operating the airplane for this mission is probably a little over a million dollars. The F-16 carries a 20mm Gatling gun and 500 rounds. I would think that a quick burst from the Gatling gun would take down any balloon at a much lower cost. Just a suggestion from a concerned taxpayer. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The Wrong Question ??

 The Air Force sent five jets to stage a flyover before the Super Bowl. It was the first Super Bowl flyover where all of the pilots were women. It's all about "equity." They will have achieved the leftist goal of "equity" when there are pictures of those women pilots in a POW camp somewhere in Asia. When they have been beaten and tortured for years, they will have equity. In the meantime, tell the NFL and the leftist morons to just shut up.

During a discussion at a group meeting last night, we were discussing the conflict in Ukraine. Someone pointed out how well the Ukrainians were doing in the war. I pointed out that all of the news about the progress of the war was coming from one side, the Ukrainians. In 1965 Time magazine ran a cover story proclaiming that the war was turning in our favor. When that was written, we had about 180,000 men in Vietnam. In 1968 we had 535,00 troops there. I guess that Time was wrong. The mission of the media is not, never has been, and never will be to accurately report the facts. So, the question we have to always ask is: Are we getting accurate information? Hint: The answer is usually "NO". 

Moving on to more timely domestics issues, the Memphis thing is sliding off the frontpages and headed towards the back pages of the newspaper. It is no longer big news. Why is that happening? 

How can we keep the police from killing young black men? There's not a good answer for that because it is the wrong question. The correct question is: Why do young black men want to fight with the police? 

Why do they stop black motorists for minor equipment violations? That's the wrong question. The correct question is: Why don't they maintain their cars like other ethnic groups do?  Let's face it! If you spent thousands of dollars on fancy rims, enormous tires, and a sound system that can drown out a passing jet, why can't you spend $5 for a tag light or a brake light. It's not that hard!

In North Carolina, temporary car license plates are good for thirty days.  There's a young black man who I see stopped at the corner store sometimes. He's had a 30-day plate on his car for at least eight months. Why won't he get a license plate? When he finally gets stopped, he will complain about the police stopping him. You can take that to the bank!!

Why does a race that makes up about 15% of the population account for almost half of the murders and manslaughter cases? No one will answer or correct that question.

ALL cultures obey the laws at different rates. Some cultures are more prone to break certain categories of laws than others. If you want equal outcomes, you have to put in the same work as others. That means you have to obey all of the laws, not just the ones you want to obey.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Milestone Monday or Millstone Monday?

 This is my 900th post in the history of Random Moments of Lunacy. So, is it a milestone in a literary career or a millstone around my neck before I jump into the pool? 

When I was in high school, if a group of guys were standing around talking and someone said, " I'm having trouble with my tranny", you knew that he was talking about his car's transmission. Now you have to ask for more details.

I have heard more talk about pronouns in the last two years than I did in twelve years of school.

In high school, we had a couple of girls get pregnant and quit school. Now they quit school to avoid the shame of not getting pregnant. Why is the pregnancy rate so much lower in private schools? 

In the old days, you would see someone and kind of whisper to the person with you, "I think that they are queer". Now you drive down the road and there's someone on the corner screaming at you, "I'm queer!"

One time I had an employee tell me, "I'm queer." Thinking that we were engaged in some kind of honesty competition, I replied, "Hell, I can see that. I am only bald, I'm not blind". He quit.

One night at the Waffle House on Westshore in Tampa we had a waitress may have been working under the influence of amphetamines.  A regular customer called her over and quietly asked her, "Honey, are you speeding?" She replied, "No, I am left-handed."  We sent her home.

There are two genders. Everything else is just a perversion variant.

In New Hampshire a school system is removing urinals from their restrooms to make them more "trans friendly".  Why not go with the big troughs they used to use at stadiums and fairs?

I'm so old and white that I remember when there was only one national anthem for all Americans. Fuck the NFL and their racist, brain-dead followers. 

Why doesn't the federal government enforce the antitrust laws with the NFL and the NBA? Time to revoke that antitrust exemption for Major League Baseball as long as we are at it. 

If Merrick Garland and the Department of Justice could quit labeling parents speaking at school boards as "domestic terrorists", they would have the time and energy to go after Google, Microsoft, Apple and the other high-tech monopolies.

The IRS is too busy chasing waitresses for taxes on tips to chase Apple, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft. As long as we are advocating "pay their fair share", how about higher taxes on professional sports teams? If there are limits on deductions that I can take, surely there should be limits on deductions sports teams can take. We can start with limits on player salary deductions.

If "classified documents" are such a big deal, are we working on a machine that will remove the information from the Presidential brain cells? Seriously, once the President has read all of this info, what difference does it make if he keeps the papers? Why is it okay for the President to retain that classified info in his head but not on a piece of paper? This is the biggest nothing burger in the history of politics. 

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Is there an adult in DC?

 It's Super Bore Sunday and I turned on the computer to find that there was another UFO shot down today. This was over Lake Huron according to current reports. It's time to find some adults in Washington, D.C. to take charge.

Has Gen. Milli Vanilli been in contact with his Chinese counterparts? Milli was pretty chummy with this guy when Trump was President. That's according to Milli's own claims. Are the Chinese letting him know every time they send something our way? 

For my entire life, the United States government has denied the existence of UFOs. All of a sudden, they are everywhere being chased by F-22's. Has Secretary of Transportation Pete Butt-gig weighed in on this issue?  Or is he waiting until Southwest starts canceling flights to give the F-22's the room they need to work? Maybe he floated these "trial balloons" to help route highways that won't be racist?

The Chinese are getting in on it, claiming that their airspace is being violated by UFOs. Maybe they developed a self-return feature on cheap intel gathering equipment?

It could be all of those peace-loving types in Iran, Iraq or Afghanistan. Iran might have developed a nuclear bomb but doesn't have a bomber that will carry it. They are balloon freighting them to North Korea where they will be put onto North Korean missiles and launched 20 miles into the Sea of Japan.

We can go back to my theory that the UFOs are all Ukrainian Flying Objects. Zelensky has probably launched these against Russia, but failed to factor in that the air currents would carry them to other countries. Then our military won't identify them because we supplied them to Ukraine. So, we shoot them down with no explanation. It's not like the military has never lied to us. I like this explanation.

I saved the best for last. All of these spy balloons were launched by a coalition of African nations. They wanted proof that the United States actually had developed a national anthem for each of the racial groups in the nation. They wanted video of everyone who was actually singing "Lift every voice" at the Super Bore. 

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Pop a Question?

 Heads up!! There's something flying in your direction. 

After last week's Biden & Milley Circus where a Chinese spy balloon crossed the United States before getting shot down as it left the United States, the skies are alive with the sounds of missile fire. Yesterday we shot something down over Alaska and today an F-22 bagged another flying object over Canada.

In today's incident, NORAD tracked the object over Canada and communicated this data to Justin "Little Fidel" Trudeau. Trudeau conferred with President Biden over a couple of chocolate chip cones, and they decided that the intruder must be destroyed. A USAF F-22 took care of the task with a Sidewinder missile.

I have seen people pop balloons with a lot of different objects. If I ever go to a party and they are popping balloons with missiles, I am going to grab the cake and run. 

Are we using missiles to make it harder to figure out what the object actually was or is it so that we can claim we don't know what it was? The only problem with saying that we don't know what it was means that it was an "unidentified flying object". WOW!! Does the government finally admit that UFO sightings are real? This might have been worth waking up for today.

Why the sudden spurt in flying intruders? Is this some kind of planed diversion by China? Are they headed to Taiwan and just want to confuse us?  Or is this just another diversion by the Biden & Milley Circus? What are they hiding? Are they going to smuggle Kameltoe Harris out of the country using the open southern border? I don't think Harris is leaving, but I love the possibility.

Or is it just an acknowledgement that those incursions by spy balloon happen every day and they just haven't told us about it? This is my theory, so it must be right.

Or are we getting ready to go to war in the Ukraine and they aren't ready to tell us? That would make more sense than we just have a surplus of Sidewinders, and the pilots need practice. Or could UFO stand for Ukrainian Flying Objects? The possibilities are endless. I just love posing crazy questions on a Saturday night. 

Is the circus band playing "Send in the Clowns"? No, Biden and Harris are already here. But if there is another shootdown tomorrow, we are going to need to bring in some adults to take charge.

Friday, February 10, 2023

Friday Flush

The online news today is alive with the sound of music. The news is reporting that CNN's Don Lemon sang the black national anthem this morning on the air. I hate to break any hearts, but we do not have a "black national anthem". The liberals who want to "unite" us are dividing us by race. Memo to libs: You can't have inclusion for everyone one by having a national anthem for every race. That's actually fits the definition of "racism".

As I get older, I remember the words of Ed Wolf, my mentor at the Waffle House. "The last day of your life will be like all of the others. Just shorter." He also said, "The trick to getting old is to survive not only my own stupidity, but that of those around me."

Today, I received an invitation from Foodservice Equipment and Supplies about a webcast on DEI. Yes, the dreaded diversity, equity and inclusion bullshit that all of the race hustlers are pushing. Do they really think that after more than fifty (50) years in foodservice that I don't understand race relations? What do they think that they can teach a guy, who was the only white guy on the staff at several Bojangles locations, about the need for diversity? Do they think that a guy who hired prisoners on work release programs to work in a restaurant doesn't understand inclusion? Want to discuss equity? I spent a lifetime teaching young people how to sweep, mop, wash dishes and clean tables. There are no equal outcomes without equal inputs. Clean floors don't lie. Want to talk about gender or sexual preference? At a Taco Bell franchisee, I was the only heterosexual in upper management. I have heard all that I can take from "experts". This is like listening to liberal politicians who have spent their lives slopping at the public trough, telling us how to run a private business. Call me when you have actual experience!!

I am not interested in listening to an academic analysis of a contrived problem. How many jobs have these experts actually created for minorities?  When will the NBA, the NFL, and Major League Baseball diversify to fit our national racial mix? When will they start building basketball courts in white neighborhoods? When will they compel blacks to start watching hockey? Does Tiger Woods have a line of golf shoes being hustled down at Foot Locker or Target? 

I just took a breath. I did unsubscribe to that website right after reading their crap. I'm feeling much better now.

I just heard an ad for "The Book of Mormon" musical that is coming to Greensboro. I just want to make sure that I understand this concept. If you put black on your face to portray a black person, you are a racist. If you ridicule the religion of several million people in a musical, you can tour the country and have people laugh. Where are the "offended" police on this one? It doesn't matter to me anyway; I wouldn't go to downtown Greensboro after dark. It's not because I am worried about encountering  Mormons.

Thursday Thought Pattern

 After the State of the Union speech, Mitt Romney called George Santos a "sick puppy". Maybe Romney should cram Santos into a dog crate and strap him to the roof of his car before Mitt goes on vacation.  

I don't want Santos or Romney telling people that they are Republicans.

Santos reportedly said, "What an asshole!" after talking to Mitt. The real problem with that remark in a joint session of Congress is that it applies to so many people in the room.

When do we start drug testing Presidents before a speech? Biden's pupils were the size of quarters. Maybe it wasn't drugs. Then again, maybe that's the reason he wears sunglasses so much. You can't tell if he is drugged.

"Second Gentleman" Doug Emhoff greeted Jill Biden with a kiss on the lips. Is he trying to move up to "First Gentleman"? Or is this just the latest distraction from Biden's handlers? Forget about the speech, did you see that kiss?

Let's outlaw teleprompters! Everywhere. If you can't speak coherently, you should not get the job. If you can't speak without a script, they are waiting for you in Hollywood.

I saw that Zelensky visited the United Kingdom yesterday. It's good to see that he's not always begging on the same corner. Maybe the Brits can give him some collared shirts? I heard that London is where Castro got his shirts.

Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana had a short reaction to Biden's SOTU speech. Kennedy wrote, "If you trust the government, you obviously failed history class."

The only people who are dumber than Joe Biden are the liberal news hosts who try to tell us what we just heard Biden say. This is like listening to sports announcers on television. "He throws it deep!" I was just sitting there wondering why that ball was in the air.

I got an e-mail from Thrift Books that asked, "Are you excited about the Oscars next month?" Unfortunately, it was one of those messages that does not allow replies.

Why did the Chinese bother with a spy balloon when it is so easy to send thousands of spies across the southern border?

Wednesday, February 08, 2023

50 Years with Biden's Billionaires??

 The Democrats in Congress gave Joe Biden billions of dollars to expand the IRS. Biden told us that those 87,000 new agents would be going after billionaires to see that they "paid their fair share". 

Like everything else in the fraudulently named Inflation Reduction Act, it was/is a lie. As Biden prepared to shuffle down to the Capitol for the State of the Union message last night, the IRS announced a new program to collect more tips from waiters and waitresses.  Are these folks the people that Biden thinks are billionaires?

I spent more than fifty years working in restaurants. If I had known that the waitresses were all Biden Billionaires, I might have been a little nicer, maybe. I spent more than six years at the Waffle House. Waitresses at the Waffle House on Dale Mabry in 1971 would stop and pick up a penny that someone had dropped on the floor. On some nights, two waitresses might argue about whose penny it was. Is that how they became Biden Billionaires?

Those Waffle House girls all had one thing in common, they hid their Biden Billionaire status pretty well. None of them were driving Corvettes or Rolls Royces. Despite being Biden Billionaires, they drove Dodges and Chevys. 

In the early days at the Waffle House before the waitress uniforms switched from dresses to pants, there were some waitresses who didn't wear panties or pantyhose. My opinion of those ladies has now changed completely. Thanks, Joe! Now I realize that they were just trying to save a little money on underwear so that they could be Biden Billionaires one day.

In my Waffle House years, I turned down a couple of invitations from waitresses to go out for breakfast or dinner after our shift ended. If only I had known that they would be Biden Billionaires one day. 

Where would our country be without all of the Biden Billionaires? With all of the restaurants and bars shut down for COVID the last couple of years, we were given a little glimpse of what the world will be without Biden Billionaires.

The useless restrictions placed on restaurants during the recent unpleasantness (pandemic) cost the Biden Billionaires a lot of income and cost many their jobs. So now that things are getting back to normal, Biden wants them to give the government (that shut them down) more of their earnings. If you think Biden is right, go order breakfast at the kiosk at McDonalds. Get your own coffee, get your own extra syrup, clean up after your own kids, get your own extra napkins, Get the idea? You can see the future there!!

Here's one thing that I am sure about when it comes to Biden Billionaires. I have NEVER known a waiter, waitress or bartender who reported all of their cash tips for tax purposes. Of course, I am also certain that actual billionaires do not pay taxes on every penny that they earn either. And real billionaires earn a lot more.

A real billionaire has a CPA firm and a tax attorney, a Biden Billionaire has H&R Block. A real billionaire has offshore banking accounts and a stock portfolio. A Biden Billionaire has a big glass jar full of loose coins on the dresser and a wallet filled with ones and fives. A real billionaire buys his kid a Corvette as a starter car. The Biden Billionaire just hopes that their car starts when they leave for work. 

Instead of trying to get more money out of people's pockets, why don't we just cut government handouts to those who won't work? Maybe we can make people pay for their own college education? What if we stop funding wars to support corrupt regimes in countries halfway around the world?  Maybe we can get the United States State Department to stop sponsoring drag queen shows in Venezuela? 

If taxpayers have to reduce their spending, why doesn't the federal government reduce their spending? It's not a rhetorical question. They have to keep increasing spending because they are buying the votes of the "handout" crowd.  Every year it costs more to support lazy people. 

If we spend less, we won't need to tax more. It's just that simple! 

Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Top o' the Ninth

 As my wife and I rode home from our Civil War seminar on Saturday afternoon, we were talking about something from my high school days. I was telling a story about an incident with a math teacher and when I finished, she asked if I had any more stories about school. I thought that after 43 years of marriage, she had heard all of the stories, but I was obviously wrong. Anyway, we both managed to squeeze in a few stories before we arrived at home.

I hated high school. It just didn't work for me. It just wasn't what I would label a good educational experience. In those days in Tampa, high school was grades 10 to 12. There were 714 people in my class on graduation day. There were about 1200 juniors and 1800 sophomores. It was a big school or a small city, you choose.

The ninth grade was my favorite year of school. The junior high school was crowded, but it was still small enough that you knew most of the other people. We were on double sessions in both the eighth and ninth grades. In the ninth grade, school started a few minutes after 7:00 AM and we were dismissed a little after 1:30 PM. 

What was my favorite class in the ninth grade? Civics!! Those of you who are regular readers of this swill should not be surprised by that fact. More than just a classroom learning experience that year, we had actual experience in the field. 

In that year at Pierce Junior High, we had two (2) strikes. The first was a labor strike by the teacher's union. The second was a lunchroom strike by students. We will cover the teacher's strike first since my involvement in that was minimal.

That was the 1967-1968 school year in Florida. One of the strike leaders was Bob Martinez. Bob later became Mayor of Tampa and then the Governor of Florida. He did all of this without a single vote from me. I don't think that public employees should have the right to strike. Public employees have a level of job security that those of us in private business rarely enjoy. Everything is a tradeoff. 

The strike lasted a week, maybe ten days. I just don't remember. My science teacher, Mr. James Clark, did not strike. He was a retired Air Force colonel and I doubt that any of the other teachers even discussed the subject with him. Mr. Clark was blunt almost to the point of being crude. Readers are left to their own judgment as to whether this impacted me. 

The teachers had taken most of their class rosters and other materials with them. I guess that was in case they decided to invite us to their homes for a class. As a result, on the first couple of days, the interim teachers passed around an attendance sheet for us to sign. Anyone who has known a 14-year-old would know that this was not going to go well. Sure enough, as the sheet came to my desk, I noticed that someone had listed their name as "Chuck Wagon". After signing my name, I passed the sheet to the guy next to me. His name was (seriously) John Paul Jones. He signed it and passed it on. The sheet worked its way back to the teacher.

The teacher stood and started calling names. She called three or four and then stopped. She said, "I knew that someone would do this. However, I expected more creativity than John Paul Jones. You can do better than that." My friend John was waving his arms as she called his name. She ignored him. A few names later, she called, "Chuck? Chuck Wagon? Where are you, Chuck?" I told John to raise his hand. He did and she called him Chuck for the rest of the week. Thank God they settled that strike.

The teachers' strike forever changed my perspective on teachers. It is an opinion too long to go into today. Let's just say that it is not favorable to educators.

The food in our school lunchroom was terrible, even compared to other school lunchrooms. One Friday in Mr. Russo's Civics class, we were complaining about lunch on the previous day. The menu purported that the entree was "chicken and yellow rice". No one in the room reported finding even a small chunk of chicken in their meal. I suggested that they had one chicken for the entire school and just dipped it into the several pots that contained the rice as it cooked. From across the hall came a science teacher, James Pullin, who had heard the spirited discussion. Miss Burlington came from her classroom next door to join the discussion. After a few minutes, Mr. Pullin said "If you don't like the food, why keep eating it? Go on strike!" Years later, Mr. Pullin told me that he didn't think that we would actually go on strike.

That afternoon, several of us gathered out on the lawn to talk about the strike. We agreed to start on Monday. Terry Prosser was the de facto leader of the group. We agreed to start telling as many people as possible over the weekend. We even talked about it in Sunday School at my church. 

On Monday, I carried my lunch to school. As I was walking to school, I saw that many of my friends were also carrying their lunch. It was a good sign! When lunchtime came, we tried to count how many people were carrying their lunch. We estimated that 15 to 20% did not buy lunch in the cafeteria. By the end of the day, the strike was the hot topic around the school. Before leaving that afternoon, Terry Prosser had delivered a letter to Principal John Marzolf about the lunchroom strike.

On Tuesday, about 80% of the students did not buy lunch. Prosser had not had any contact with Mr. Marzolf about his letter. 

On Wednesday, less than 10% of the students bought lunch. Mr. Marzolf talked to Prosser and scheduled a Student Council meeting for Thursday afternoon in the library.

My job in the strike group was to research the rules on school lunches. I had gone to the downtown Tampa Library to do this. In those days, the US Department of Agriculture had a program where they distributed surplus commodities to the school lunch program. They gave them flour, cheese and other items. The catch was that they had to follow government guidelines on meals. For example, we were supposed to have fresh bread every day. I was getting more bread at monthly church communion than I was getting at school. There were also local policies on student meals. It was safe to say that our lunchroom was not in line with those policies.

Thursday afternoon at the Student Council meeting, the library was packed. In addition to the usual attendees, there were several teachers and administrators there. In addition, there was a reporter and a cameraman there from WFLA-TV. In the meeting, several students spoke about their issues with the lunchroom. I spoke about the standards that were not being met. Mr. Marzolf told us that they were going to investigate, and we would meet again soon. 

That night, WFLA aired their story about the lunchroom strike. They did a good job of presenting the students' viewpoint.  Apparently, there were many parents who did not know what was happening at the school lunchroom. My mother had a couple of calls from other parents about it. I don't know how many calls school board members received.

I don't know if the school system and their administrators received a lot of calls, but the next morning during homeroom around 7:30 AM, several of us were called to the office to meet with Mr. Marzolf. He explained that the school system was going to make immediate changes in the lunchroom, and we would discuss it more at a Student Council meeting that afternoon.  When the Student Council met a few hours later, the administration discussed the changes they were making and asked that we make a trial run of the new lunch program on Monday. We agreed to try it.

On Monday I was eager to see what they had done at the lunchroom. The lunch menu was open-faced, hot roast beef sandwiches with mashed potatoes and green beans. They maintained a much better meal program for the rest of the year. It may have turned back to crap the next year, but I doubt it. 

That was how you get change. No one rioted, looted, turned over cars, or screamed into passing faces. No one's life was threatened. We stated our grievances, pointed out that the administration was not obeying their own rules as well as other governmental policies. We got some free press coverage of a well-behaved Student Council calmly and orderly presenting their case.  As a result, we achieved our goals. Young people today should take note.

And that is how I became a professional malcontent.


Monday, February 06, 2023

All in the same weekend?

 Reports this morning are that the Grammy awards show last night lasted four hours. Four hours for singers to tell each other how great they are? They were also celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of "hip hop". How does one celebrate a genre of music where many performers advocate violence and celebrate the degradation of human beings? Of course, they may not be as bad as listening to Taylor Swift sing about the inadequacies and behavior of her most recent lover. That woman should come with a warning label. Thank God that I didn't even consider watching the show. I would never get that four hours back.

The "Pro Bowl" was played in Las Vegas yesterday. It was on ESPN so I didn't even have to scan by it on the remote control. There was a "headline" online about a player who was "seriously injured" at the Pro Bowl. How the hell does anyone get hurt at a flag football game?  I checked all of the Vegas hospitals and he wasn't in the ICU at any of them. I guess that it wasn't that bad. It turns out that he dislocated his big toe. What a horrific injury!! He may never dance in the end zone again.

Wait!! There's more. The injured player did not get mauled in the flag football game; he suffered that horrendous injury in a relay race before the game. I can't believe that there isn't some bottom feeding lawyer lining up plaintiffs for a class action lawsuit against the NFL for fraud by calling the Pro Bowl a football game. Now that the Pro Bowl has landed in the toilet, I implore the NFL commissioner (whoever that may be) to flush this game. Look at the bright side! That may help in your fight to end racism in a group that has a majority of minorities. Las Vegas may have too many Asians and whites for the NFL. Sing your choice of American national anthems as it goes down. 

Here in North Carolina, Duke and UNC played basketball on Saturday. I would tell you who won, but I really don't give a rat's ass. I don't want to know badly enough to click on a tab while online.

There are rumors that the Biden Boys, Joe and Hunter, were in Surfside Beach to watch the takedown of the Chinese balloon. The Secret Service cordoned off a block at the beach where a large Chinese takeout place and an ice cream shop were located. Locals reported two guys in sunglasses pulled up in the National Vette with envelopes marked "Top Secret" flying out of the car. As the younger man threw envelopes to the masses, the older man sniffed passing little girls. "You smell like my daughter" was heard several times.


The Communist Chinese government has announced that they have retained Adam Schiff to represent them in a lawsuit against the United States government. Chinese are claiming their balloon was illegally shot down. The Chinese say that the United States interfered with the Chinese remake of "Around the World in Eighty Days". The movie stars Eric Swalwell and his bunk buddy Fang Fang.  The movie's art director is famed American artist, Hunter Biden. China seeks a jury trial in San Francisco where half of the population are Communists, and they anticipate fair treatment. Schiff has retained Robert Mueller to handle the investigation. Details are on TMZ.

Sunday, February 05, 2023

Balloons and Buffoons

 What's the difference between Gen. Milli Vanilli, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and a Chinese intelligence balloon? One is traveling across the United States gathering useful data and the other is a treasonous bag of hot air killing time in DC. Mercifully, the Chinese balloon was retired off the coast of South Carolina yesterday. If only Milley were as easily retired.

The Chinese government is complaining about the downing of their "weather balloon". They claim that this violates international law. As the Chinese have violated "international law" for years, they may be more familiar with it than our government is. Can the Chinese please direct me to all of their complaints about international law when the Soviets shot down Korean Air flight 007 back in the 1980's? Let's review their activities during the Korean War? How about during the Vietnam war? I am not listening to lectures from the Chinese about anything other than a good stir-fry after their human rights violations during Mao's Cultural Revolution. That is where today's American leftists got their inspiration for their performance today.

A few passing thoughts on the Chinese balloon takedown. We were told that the military could not shoot it down in Montana or Missouri for fear that debris would kill someone or damage property. So, they shot it down a few miles off the South Carolina coast. I am sure that this has nothing to do with it, but South Carolina voted for Trump in the last two Presidential elections. Reports said that they cleared an area of boats and other marine traffic. I wonder how that actually worked. I realize that no one actually parks in a "No Parking" zone on the land. 😃 Did that "No Parking" policy work as well at sea?

I read that they chose to "pop the balloon" with an air-to-air missile. Just for the record, I checked out the armament choices on an F-22.  In addition to the missiles, the F-22 has a 20MM Gatling gun onboard. If you wanted to see what the balloon is carrying, do you shoot a bullet or a missile at it? Maybe a 20MM round will deflate the balloon a little slower and allow it to go to the ground at a lower speed and cause less damage to the equipment carried by the balloon. Even if it doesn't, what happens if you miss the balloon with a couple of rounds? Probably nothing. That's just another Saturday night at Myrtle Beach.

What would have happened if the missile had missed the target? Don't even waste your breath telling me that can't happen. Would it have automatically exploded, or would it have just fallen into the ocean for a fisherman to pick up in his nets? We have four ships looking for the balloon wreckage in an area which normally has a large amount of boating activity. Who will find the parts first? My money is on Hunter Biden!!

Saturday, February 04, 2023

Saturday Morning Confusion 2.4

 Here are a few quick thoughts before I head out the door to the Longwood University Civil War seminar. I figured that I better let off a little steam before getting on the highway.

Biden spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday. Reports indicate that he called for "respect". Conservatives are calling "bullshit!" As Republicans close in on Hunter's activities which certainly involve Brain Dead Biden, Joe wants everyone to just be friends. Sorry Joe, I didn't buy that on Romper Room when Miss June sang that more than sixty years ago. MSNBC reported that Biden performed his Rodney King impersonation saying, "Why can't we all get along?" Biden claims those words came to him while he was recalling his days at the pool with Corn Pop.

The child abusing and genitalia mutilating crowd tells us that there are 56 or so genders. Interestingly enough, there are only two operations to change your gender. You either change from a woman to a man or change from a man to a woman. There are no surgeries to change you from a demented unisexual to a board-certified bisexual sheep. Sorry for the baaad news!

There's Chinese observation balloon somewhere over the Midwest. We are told that the military is tracking it. The government says they won't shoot it down for fear that it will cause damage on the ground. There's a chance that the balloon will cross over the Carolinas on Saturday or Sunday. I don't think that we can guarantee its safety. 

What are they going to do in a real war when missiles fill the sky? Will we not shoot them down?

The U.S. military has committed to defend Taiwan against a Chinese invasion.  I can't find Taiwan's commitment to help defend the United States against a Chinese invasion. Maybe they could shoot down that balloon? Has General Thoroughly Modern Milley talked to his Chinese counterpart to get the okay to down the balloon? If Milley had any balls or brains, that balloon would have been downed somewhere in Alaska.

Of course, as a bonus, we found out that this is not the first Chinese balloon that the military has tracked crossing our country. Were the others headed to Delaware to airdrop Hunter's drug buffet?

The military is stressing that they won't put American lives in danger. This excludes forcing military members to take a vaccine that doesn't work and may actually kill them. 

Unemployment levels are declining. Unfortunately, those numbers do not include those who have simply stopped looking for work. It's only nine or ten million people, why worry? We have millions of people not working and millions of open jobs. If government actually worked, they could solve this issue. Their plan is to give the people not working, more money. It ain't going to work. The real problem is that liberals in government have never actually held a real job.

California wants to tell fast food restaurants how to run their business. They have done such a great job with the homeless and crime. They can screw up restaurants without even breaking a sweat. When there aren't any places to eat and no jobs for entry level employment prospects, that flushing sound from the west will be California going down the shitter. That might mess up Newsome's hair.

I am still trying to figure out how to get those Confederate flags into the Pro Bowl game this weekend. It's not like anybody on that field will recognize a First National Flag. They will probably have to flip a coin to see who gets the Raindow Flags. What's flag football without a few real hits? 

Friday, February 03, 2023

Free For all Friday

 Seen online- Everybody talks bad about the rich, but I never got a job from a guy on welfare.

Phil the groundhog, saw his shadow today. That means six more weeks of document hunting in Delaware. By then, Zelensky will have all of Biden's stuff at his place in the Costa del Sol.

The Powerball is at over $700 million for Saturday. Before you race to the store to piss away $2, these thoughts. When I worked for the Waffle House in the 1970's, there was a group alleged to be organized crime members, who ran what law enforcement called "the numbers racket" Fifty years later, it's the same game, but the government calls it "the education lottery". The "Education Lottery"? Yes, it teaches you not to waste your money on those odds. 

Having muscled "organized crime" out of the "numbers racket", the government has converted it into a voluntary taxation system. You give them your $2 or more and then if you win, the government immediately takes back about a third for "taxes". Vinny didn't take out taxes when it was the "numbers racket". Truth in labeling should compel the government to call it "The education racket". They may have to fight colleges over that name. 

Democrats are worried about security at the State of the Union address. They only have to worry about the first two or three minutes of the speech before Biden nods off at the podium.

Someone call Kevin McCarthy and tell him to bring a five-gallon bucket with a label that reads No-Doz in large letters to put at his spot behind Biden.

Whatever happens, don't let McCarthy tear up Biden's speech like Pelosi did to Trump. Save it and send it out to be checked for plagiarism instead.

If the Republicans want to set Biden's ass on fire, they should schedule a vote on impeaching Merrick Garland for the morning of the State of the Union speech. 

This one's a long shot prediction, but I want to get it on record. On the morning of the SOTU speech, Democrats declare a security emergency and Biden delivers the speech from the restroom closest to the Oval Office. 

OR, Biden shows up in the National Vette with some cardboard office boxes and claims "These are all of the secret documents I have. Hunter sold the rest." Democrats then proceed to commit mass suicide in the House Chamber as Hunter paints half million-dollar masterpieces to sell to the Ukrainians and the Chinese. Maybe Jim Jones will show up with some Kool-Aid for AOC and her posse. Did I spell that right?

I read that the Ukrainians will be receiving new tanks to use. We don't want them to have to drive a "used tank". We are keeping those used tanks for our soldiers to use. Yes, I would like an explanation on that thought process. We are giving a corrupt government new equipment to use and keeping the old stuff to defend our country. Really? Did Gen. Milli Vanilli work out this deal with his Chinese counterpart?

If you read this swill regularly, you know that I am opposed to military aid to the Ukraine. I would like to point out that the terrain in Ukraine is completely different than anywhere these tanks have seen actual combat use. In addition to that, the camels rarely shot back. 

The NFL announced that Chris Stapleton (country singer) will perform the national anthem at the Super Bore this year. Maybe the anthem will have a chance. Someone I have never heard of is singing "Lift Every Voice". No word yet on who the Asian, Spanish, and Native American anthem singers will be or what imaginary anthems they will sing.

Tomorrow, Feb. 4, is the 24th Annual Civil War Seminar at Longwood University in Farmville, VA. It is co-sponsored by the Appomattox Court House Historical Park. My longtime acquaintance and Appomattox Park historian Patrick Schroeder will be one of the speakers. Check the website for more info. It's FREE!!

Thursday, February 02, 2023

Thankless Thursday Thoughts

 Wednesday morning the "news" media proclaimed that the FBI was searching Biden's beach house in Delaware where the taxpayers have a half million dollars invested in a wall around the house to protect the National Corvette. The wall is really to keep the illegals from stealing the rims on the Corvette, but no one will ever admit that.

Is the FBI actually looking for documents or did Dr. Jill hide the Corvette keys to keep Joe from driving? Maybe he should have just asked her for the keys.

Memo to Dr. Jill: Joe keeps telling the same story about some conductor on Amtrak. It has been discredited by everyone who can read a calendar. See if you can get him to stop telling it. Dr. Jill needs to write Joe a stronger prescription for his dementia drugs.

Maybe Hunter traded the Vette keys to some trollop for an afternoon of drugs and sex? Is the FBI trying to get the keys back or does Garland want to get in on the afternoon entertainment deal?

If the FBI is looking for secret documents they should start with that big pile of documents pictured in the photograph behind the Vette as Joe backs it in. 

The FBI waited a couple of weeks after Biden's staff and attorneys had gone through the house to look for classified documents. Is this the new way the FBI operates or are they just breaking all of the rules for Joe?  Did they do that for Roger Stone or Steve Bannon?

Call me when the FBI allows anyone else to go through their stuff before the FBI searches them. Did they do that for Epstein? How about Maxwell?

Does Merrick Garland have the same kind of dementia that Biden has? Or is he just another lying, crooked Democrat? Those are the only two possibilities.

Memo to McCarthy: Quit wasting time. Just go ahead and take a vote to impeach the bastard Garland. The way it is looking now, you might even get a few Democrats to vote with you.

The media is all worked up about Megyn Kelly telling them to get a real doctor rather than to keep calling Jill Biden, Dr. Biden. Jill has a doctorate in education, I have a doctorate in insults and sarcasm. Whoopi never suggested making me the Surgeon General.  Note that there are two medical doctors in the United States Senate and the press never mentions "Dr. Rand Paul" or "Dr. Bill Cassidy".  Probably because they are Republicans. Yet they go out of their way to label a leftist teacher "Doctor". WAIT!! I forgot to mention that the media never mentions that Ron Paul, Rand Paul's father and former U.S. House member, was also a medical doctor.

A couple of years ago, I pointed out that Jill Biden is probably the new "Edith Wilson".  That's my story and I am sticking with it. 

The Super Bore is coming up soon. The DEFY network shows Pawn Stars reruns on Sunday evenings. Maybe they will show the episodes where people are selling or pawning Super Bowl rings.

A headline somewhere today proclaimed "Democrats looking for bus to throw Kamala Harris under". Some things just don't need a comment. 

Do political office holders automatically forget all of the Top-Secret info that they read while in office? Other than Biden, of course, who probably forgot it by lunch? In Biden's defense, he has been in public office so long that most of the stuff he has was probably declassified years ago. Biden probably still has the plans to prevent Russia from attacking the Ukraine and the three-year plan for an orderly withdrawal from Afghanistan. 

How many millions of dollars do we spend a year on classified documents? Make sure the number includes preserving those billions of pages from years previous to now.

The left always talks about "conspiracy theorists". Conspiracy theorists thrive because the government won't release the facts. Try the truth guys!!

How to discredit conspiracy theorists, but this is only a start.

1. Publish EVERYTHING you have on UFOs.

2. Unseal everything on the JFK and MLK assassinations. King was not even a government official. Why are his records even sealed? 

3. Tell us how Oswald and James Earl Ray traveled to distant countries without having any money.

4. Eliminate Congressional access to Top Secret information.

5. Publish a list of FBI informants and the amounts paid them. Start with the last ten years.

6. Charge Ray Epps or give us all of the info on him.

Go ahead and knock out those things and we are on the way. Next week we can cover Castro and all of the other dictators that we have supported and enabled.

Wednesday, February 01, 2023

The Old Fart's Manifesto

 This morning in the waiting room at my doctor's office, there was a guy with three smartphones. He was actually using all three. Get into a 12-step program!

I will never buy a phone that costs more than my first car, maybe my first bicycle.

If you buy your jeans with holes and tears already in them, stop reading this and go back to Tik Tok. Please!

I am not interested in wearing clothing with someone else's name all over it. I don't get paid to be a walking billboard. 

It's not like someone is going to see me in a football jersey and ask, "Are you really Tom Brady?"

How about those guys who buy or steal $300 hiking boots to wear walking down that sidewalk to the corner where they hang out? "Dem Tims?" 

Memo: If they want to actually hike somewhere they need to lace up and tie those shoelaces. Otherwise, they need to remain on flat surfaces.

Call me when you see LeBron James wearing a jersey that reads "Random Moments of Lunacy".

If I am wearing a shirt or hat that advertises some business, you can bet your ass that I got it free.

People don't know anything because their phone knows everything.

An ugly man who decides that he wants to be a woman, is just going to be an ugly woman. Isn't that right, Rachel Levine?

Athletes are going through a stage where they are putting hyphenated names on their jerseys. They are running out of space on the jersey. They are also including their family birth ranking. Unless your namesake is playing in the same game, there is no need to put Jr, Sr, III, or IV on the jersey. In a few more years, the names will run across the jersey and down the sides of their pants.

 If your last name is hyphenated, what happens with your children? Their names will be like someone in the British Royal Family. I am not sure that bodes well for anyone.

Old joke: How do you drive a Polack crazy? Put him in a round room and tell him to piss in the corner. New joke: How do you drive a millennial crazy? Take his phone and tell him to dial his call on the payphone.

Monday morning at the doctor's office for lab work: "You are scheduled for a urine test. Will that be a problem?" Me: "Is that the only question on the urine test?"

Evidently, Merrick Garland has put Dr. Fauci into the Witness Protection Program. He hasn't been seen in front of a microphone in days.

I am so old that I remember when The Super Bowl (or Super Bore) wasn't even a sellout. Now you have to hock your house for a ticket.

Joe Namath who guaranteed a Jets victory over the Colts, is now hustling Medicare supplements on television. As least Joe can put together a complete sentence. Reporters now do double duty as translators when they ask players questions.

The Democrats are talking about holding their 2024 convention in Georgia. Georgia, too racist for the MLB All-Star Game, but just right for the Dims. You won't be able to turn on a radio without hearing Charlie Daniels singing "The Devil went down to Georgia." Of course. in Atlanta they won't be able to sling a dead cat without hitting someone trying to rob them or steal their car.