Sunday, July 30, 2023

"Lemme Hold a Kool"

 "Lemme hold a Kool" is an expression that I have heard regularly for more than the last 50 years. I first heard it in high school. It was always said by a young black male who was without a cigarette to feed his habit. People were wasting their time asking me for a cigarette, I have never smoked.

The other day on the television I saw Karen Bass, the mayor of Los Angeles, doing a commercial about the need to ban menthol cigarettes. She called for a ban in the name of racial equity. A woman who runs a city filled with homeless people and criminals is worried about menthol cigarettes.  In Los Angeles, there's a better chance that you will be robbed going to buy cigarettes than you will die from menthol cigarettes. 

This is all a racist program of hypocrisy. They want to ban menthol cigarettes because they are favored by blacks. I believe that the estimate is that about 80% of menthol cigarettes are smoked by blacks. "Lemme hold a Kool." 

While the "racial equity" crowd calls for relief for blacks from menthol cigarettes, they are apparently okay with Marlboros and Camels killing white people. Just to be fair, a couple of times I have been asked "Spot me a Cowboy Killer." I am assuming that would be a Marlboro.

Three hundred million Americans and I are just a little confused about this whole 'racial equity" thing. If you want to ban cigarettes favored by blacks, shouldn't you also ban cigarettes favored by whites? Wouldn't that be "equity"? Or is it just okay for white folks to die from smoking non-menthol cigarettes?

Why are the people who want to ban tobacco okay with marijuana? Don't smoke Kools, get a little weed instead. At least you can smoke a menthol cigarette and still get up on time the next morning. Not to mention, no one ever smoked a couple of Kools and had to go fill up at the donut shop. 

Why stop at smoking? The rates of diabetes for blacks and Hispanics are higher than those for whites. Are they going to ban orange and grape soda because they are favored by blacks? How about all of those Hispanic fruit drinks? Are they going to ban beans and rice to hold down diabetes among Hispanics? Do we need "diet" tortillas? Will Karen Bass ban those baskets of chips at Mexican restaurants in Los Angeles? Where does it all end?

I spent more than six years at the Waffle House and then more than twenty years at a pancake house. I have watched all races and ethnic groups eat meals. Here are a few observations. In 1975 I was sent to Jacksonville, Florida to train a manager at a Waffle House. The restaurant was located at the Golfair Blvd. exit on I-95. It was in a predominantly black neighborhood. On my first day there, I saw something that had never seen before. I was checking coffee cups for stains to see if we needed to soak them in bleach to remove the stains. Instead, I found something that I had never seen before. In a lot of cups, there was sugar residue in the bottom of the cups. Neither the 180-degree rinse water or the high pressure of the wash and rinse water could get all of the sugar out of the cups. I had to go buy a brush system that we had to use to preclean the sugar from the cups BEFORE washing them. Customers put more sugar in their coffee than the coffee could dissolve. 

At the same Waffle House, I had several customers ask why we didn't have grape soda. I called Coke and had them add grape to our soft drink selection. In a week, it was outselling Coca-Cola. I tasted the grape soda. It made the Coca-Cola feel like a diet drink. Just before I left there weeks later, we had to remove the grape soda because it was not a franchise approved item. Maybe I should claim that we removed the grape soda in the name of "racial equity".

At both the Waffle House and the pancake house, I watched as blacks emptied a 12 oz bottle of syrup onto a waffle or a stack of pancakes. They liked it sweet. Next time you are at a grocery store, check a syrup bottle for the number of carbs in a 12 oz portion. Spoiler Alert: Depending on the brand, it is between 280 and 320 grams of carbohydrates. That doesn't include the waffle or pancakes. At Bojangles, we had a woman who wanted ten (10) packs of sugar put into her 16 oz cup of coffee. We needed a blender to stir that cup of coffee.

What's next? A ban on malt liquor? Purchase limits at donut shops? Will you have to be over 18 to buy syrup? Will Col. Sanders be on the FBI's Most Wanted List? No more "Take Home a Sack Full" at Krystal?

We are told that "racial equity" means equal outcomes for all races. Life is still a mathematical equation. Equal outcomes require equal inputs. You cannot reap where you have not sown. You cannot legislate equity because you cannot legislate human efforts. 

Why not put all of this effort into stopping crimes?


Friday, July 28, 2023

Free Thought Friday


CMT, alleged to stand for Country Music Television, has banned Jason Aldean's song "Try that in a Small Town" from their network. They will not allow their rapidly diminishing audience to watch the video. The alleged Country Music network only plays music videos from 3 AM until 9 AM. Will anyone even notice that they aren't playing Aldean's video? They could get more publicity by pulling Last Man Standing.

Aren't Joe, Jill, and Hunter enough for suffering Americans? Do we have to listen to Meghan and Clown Prince Harry also? 

Karine Jean-Pierre, the girl with the Jiffy Pop hair, now says that Joe Biden "has never been in business" with Hunter. The last several years, Biden has claimed that he never talked to his son about his son's business. Fathers everywhere recognized that as an outright lie. So, the White House is now claiming that Joe has "never been in business" with Hunter. It's the everchanging lie!! This is "evolution" that I can believe in.

Mitt "The Twit" Romney was the only Republican Senator to vote against the Free Speech Protection Act. Why doesn't Mitt just go ahead and switch parties?  We can trade him for Joe Manchin and a future draft pick.

I saw where someone asked why mining for coal is evil but mining for nickel, lithium, cobalt and copper is good. That only makes sense in Washington, DC.

There's only one nickel mine in the United States. There's only one lithium mine in the United States. We need these ingredients for things like solar panels and batteries. But we aren't letting other mines open. Democrats would prefer that we be at the mercy of foreign suppliers for these materials. 

Why do liberals want to import energy supplies and critical metals from other countries rather than get them from our own country?

We mine lithium in Nevada and then send it to China to get processed, are you serious? In what looney, leftist mind can this make sense?

The Hunter Biden plea deal collapsed on Wednesday. Apparently, no one except the judge had read all of the paperwork. That's what happens when the DOJ is playing both prosecutor and defense attorney. There was no real sign of a prosecution team there on Wednesday. Ma Garland needs to get someone to at least act like they are prosecuting Hunter.

Best moment in the hearing Wednesday was the judge telling Hunter to stay away from drugs and alcohol and to find a job. When he comes back for another try, maybe she can ask where he is actually living. Is it 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

Toyota is building a battery plant near me in Liberty, NC. They are building a plant in North Carolina dependent upon lithium coming from China. Given all of the supply chain issues in the last couple of years, does this really make sense?

Joe Biden has finally acknowledged the existence of his granddaughter in Arkansas. He said that he can't wait to sniff her hair. 

Several articles about young Navy Roberts mention that as part of a child support settlement, she will get some of Hunter's artwork. WOW! I am still waiting for Hunter Biden art to be on The Price is Right. Every Monday night, I watch Antiques Roadshow to see if anybody is bringing in a Hunter Biden work for appraisal. Maybe Frank and Mike will buy one on American Pickers.

NBC reported today that in Los Angeles blacks and Latinos account for a "disproportionate percentage" of arrests. That's because they commit a disproportionate percentage of crimes. Write this down!!! Different cultures obey the law at different rates. 

Anheuser Busch is laying off more than 350 workers as Bud Light sales continue to slump. It would have been easier to just lay off Dylan Mulvaney.


Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Titillating Tuesday Topics and Taunts

 People think that the government is hiding something because they are hiding something. Lots of somethings.

My wife had surgery on her neck at the Greensboro Surgical Center recently. The lobby was filled with other people who were waiting on their family members. They were all on their cell phones. I was busy scrawling notes like this and working a Sudoku puzzle book. I said something to a guy who was sitting near me. He not only didn't respond, but he also got up and moved across the room. A few minutes later, a couple sat down near me, and they spoke to me. We ended up talking for about thirty minutes until they had to go see their child in the recovery room. 

I am so old that I remember when people spoke to each other. It wasn't like I had my "Let's Go Brandon" hat on. I wasn't wearing my Fine Upstanding College Kid t-shirt. You'll figure it out.

Does anyone under fifty have communication skills that don't involve electronic devices? 

Just for the record, almost everything you read on this blog started life as a note scrawled onto a handy piece of notebook paper, index card, Post It note or scrap of paper. My personal favorite use of junk mail is to scrawl random thoughts on it. I don't keep all of these scraps, but I have found that writing things down on paper dramatically increases my retention rate. For Christmas, I am sending Joe Biden a box of political junk mail and a Pilot G-7 pen. He will probably just sniff the junk mail and use the pen to pick his nose. I tried.

Eisenhower (I liked Ike) warned us about the military-industrial complex. He didn't see the government-medical complex coming. Rand Paul warned us about that. Fauci proved Rand was right.

Google furnishes stats on how my blog is doing. I looked at those stats this morning. Hats off to whoever the person is in Singapore reading this swill!! Thanks for reading!! I am still waiting for a reader from the Ukraine. Maybe the reader in Moldova is actually in the Ukraine.

Sen. Chuck "The Schmuck" Schumer is pushing a Senate bill to compel the government to release the information the government has about UFOs. The real purpose of this is to distract people from the crap going on in DC. Beyond that, he wants to pattern the law after the law requiring the government to release information about the JFK assassination. Since the law allows them to hold anything that would harm the government, we will never get the truth. 

The government claims to have released 99% of their info on the JFK assassination. So, we know almost everything about the JFK assassination except who actually killed him or had him killed. For those still speculating about the killer, I have ruled out Joe Dimaggio since JFK was not beaten to death with a bat. I lived in Tampa, Florida long enough to keep the Trafficante family on the list of suspects. The CIA and the FBI are still tops on my list. You never knew what that Mary Hoover guy over at the FBI would do. 

They will never release all of the info on the Martin Luther King killing either. There's still an occasional controversy on the RFK assassination. Sirhan Sirhan killed RFK and wounded five people firing an 8 shot .22 caliber revolver. That's a lot of damage for a little man with a little handgun. 

Is Christopher Wray J. Edgar "Mary" Hoover's love child? How about his being Spiro Agnew's unclaimed offspring? Either one of these would make sense and explain a lot.

Illinois is eliminating cash bail. How high can the crime rate in Chicago go? Hold on while they find out! How many repeat killers they can put on the street? I don't want to steal a thought from Jason Aldean, but people in small towns will know how to handle criminals.

Just for reference purposes, there were six killed and twenty-seven wounded in the city of Chicago over the weekend. How long before the bail bondsmen can all get jobs as security guards?

Monday, July 24, 2023

Try That in a Small Town??

Jason Aldean is setting liberal asses on fire across the nation. In case you haven't heard, Aldean just released a video of his new song called "Try that in a small town".  The video features news reports and scenes from the summer of 2020 and the riots that took place across the country. He advises against trying that in a small town. 

The Left is ablaze with anger that he is showing videos of the Left's "chosen people" rioting in the streets. The Left wants to know where he got all of these scenes of "mostly peaceful protests". Memo to the Left and their accomplices in the media; people in the Right also have cameras. 

That last paragraph raises a good question. If a police officer has to shoot someone, we are compelled to watch multiple camera angles from anyone and everyone near the scene. But when a police officer is shot or attacked, there is no video. Where are all of the cellphone waving photographers when looters break into a business during a "mostly peaceful protest"? You certainly aren't bombarded with those scenes on the news. Could the "news" be biased?  Does the sun rise in the east?

But I digress, back to the alleged racist, Jason Aldean. Jason's song only illustrates what I thought that everyone already knew, there are two Americas. It is not black America and white America; it is urban America and rural America. But this situation didn't start in America, it has been going on for thousands of years. 

Large cities have always been a problem. The human scum doesn't gather out in the countryside, the scum congregates in the cities where there are more targets. Here's a perfect example, Jesus was born in the little town of Bethlehem. How many of you are now humming "O Little Town of Bethlehem"?  Moving on, Jesus and his family lived in the small town of Nazareth in Galilee, not Jerusalem. There are no records of Pharisees in Nazareth. The resistance to Jesus and his ministry was centered in Jerusalem.  The government was centered in Jerusalem. Jesus's problems really started when he took his ministry to Jerusalem. The story there was all about power. It is beginning to look a lot like America to me.

If you look at the results of Presidential election on a map, you can see the divide in America. The large cities vote Democrat, the countryside votes Republican. 

Large cities are about convenience. The price of that convenience is putting up with the congestion and the criminal element. Criminals inhabit large cities because their victims are conveniently located. Cities are like huge malls for criminals; they offer a wide variety of victims with convenient locations. 

In the interest of "full disclosure", I live in a rural county of less than 25,000 people. Here, we all know that it may take the Sheriff's Department ten or fifteen minutes to respond to a call about a robbery or a burglary. So, everyone has their own plan to deal with criminals. Warning to potential criminals: almost all plans involve shooting the offender. It's not paradise, we have occasional robberies or murders, but it isn't the big city. 

In the summer of 2020, we had a couple of protests in the county seat about the statue of the Confederate soldier in the square. A few windows were broken in downtown, but the Sheriff responded by arresting several protesters. He also placed a deputy at the statue around the clock until the situation settled. When asked by the media, he pointed out that everyone who had been arrested was from out of the county. He asked a media reporter if they knew who was funding protesters' travel to our county.  He didn't get an answer, but the protests ended quickly. If it makes any difference, the sheriff is black.

Why do I tell that story?  "Try that in a small town."

In rural America, you learn to respect the property of others. Rural America is proof that "An armed society is a polite society". 

So, is the video by Jason Aldean "racist"? No, it is worse than racist, it is honest. People claiming that Black Lives Matter are slaughtering each other in large cities. If Black Lives REALLY Matter, why are you killing each other? How do rioters looting stores advance your cause? How does stealing a big screen television demonstrate the value of your life? If you are offended by videos of people burning and looting, stop burning and looting. The media protected criminals by claiming that riots were "mostly peaceful". 

If you are labeling Aldean a racist for showing these pictures, what do you call people who try to deny the images that you see? 

A Tennessee lawmaker is calling Aldean's song a "lynching anthem". Does that make rap music songs "murdering anthems"? What kind of music do you listen to when looting? It ain't country!! 

Sunday, July 23, 2023

A pain in the Ukraine?

At a bookstore last year, I picked up a book off of the sale table. The book was "What if the Allies had fallen".  It consists of sixty alternate scenarios of WW 2. It's not one of those "What happens if Superman and Wonder Woman Get into a Fight" books. 

One of the more interesting scenarios was "What if the US had dropped an A-Bomb on a European city instead of a Japanese city?" Fortunately for Europe, the war ended there before the bombs were ready. But it gives all of the armchair generals and politicians food for thought.

The civilian government and the military like to tell us that they have carefully planned and anticipated any problems before undertaking any operation. If we learned anything in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is that they were wrong on so many things. Twenty years in Afghanistan and we left empty handed. However, we left the Taliban with billions of dollars' worth of US military equipment. Yet no one was held responsible for that debacle. 

Our problem is that we look at other cultures and try to figure out what they will do in certain situations without taking into account the cultural details. Let's look at the Battle of Stalingrad. The Germans were sure that they would win because they never considered that the Russians would sacrifice waves of soldiers to overrun the German positions, but the Russians did. Today in the Ukraine we keep talking about high Russian casualties, but they are still there. The Ukrainians are throwing everything that the United States has at the Russians and still haven't won.

"Brain-Dead" Biden has sent the Ukrainians "cluster bombs," a weapon that most countries have banned. This is clearly a step in escalating the war. What will Russia do in response to this? Will they target centers of civilian population? Will they counter our cluster bombs with a step up to tactical nuclear weapons?

What will we do if Russia uses a tactical nuclear weapon in a response to the Ukraine using cluster bombs? Has anyone at that five-sided flophouse across the river from Washington considered this?  Let's be honest here, if we choose to bump up the level of destruction with cluster bombs, what will their response be? Are we willing to start another world war over the Ukraine? 

I did a search about the Ukraine and tactical nukes after writing the above paragraph. Here's a link to an article posted on June 30 in Small Wars Journal. It's an enlightening read. The Ukrainian Nuclear war of 2023 and its Aftermath | Small Wars Journal 

The only good thing that you get from being wrong is that you can learn a lesson about yourself. Yet our government is too arrogant to own up to being wrong. We were wrong in Vietnam, we were wrong in Iraq, we were wrong in Afghanistan, and we will end up being wrong in the Ukraine. 

Should we go ahead and start building a Vietnam style wall in Washington for the names of those who died in Iraq and Afghanistan? Should we save room for the names of those who will die in the Ukraine? 

What is our important national interest in the Ukraine? We are spending billions of dollars there because the Ukrainians bribed the Bidens. I love computers!! In my earlier sentence, I failed to capitalize the B in "Bidens", I just had "bidens". The spelling correction thing opened and offered me "bidets" as a correct word spelling. I'm still laughing!

Saturday, July 22, 2023

My Friend Flicka?

 The NCDMV is installing kiosks in grocery stores as part of a test program to help reduce long lines at DMV offices. They are putting them into grocery stores because grocery stores have "longer hours". Wouldn't it be easier just to extend hours at the DMV? A computer kiosk linked to the DMV is simply a disaster waiting to happen. Maybe they could hire more employees which would also cut the jobless rates. Nope, all of those solutions are too easy. I have one question. Where did they find a company building computer kiosks with the ability to be rude and unresponsive?

I saw that the Secret Service and the USAF are now having Biden use the stairs to the lower level of Air Force One. They are trying to prevent him from tripping on the main stairway to the plane. Joe's babysitters and nurses are also having him wear some kind of tennis shoes rather than dress shoes. Why not just put him into a wheelchair and have him loaded with a forklift?  Of course, they would have to strap him into the wheelchair to keep him from trying to fly as the forklift raised him to the cargo door. In his mental condition, he might enjoy the forklift ride.

Hunter Biden's attorney wants the House Ethics Committee to take action against Marjorie Taylor Green for showing nude pictures of Hunter taken from his laptop. Maybe Hunter's lawyer should consult with his client about why he took the pictures. Of course, by requesting action, his lawyer is confirming that the images and the laptop are authentic. Hey Hunter!! It could have been worse. She could have shown the pictures of you using drugs. 

Hunter told friends that he will hold his next crack party at the White House. He claims the Secret Service can't find anything. It looks like he is right. 

Should Hunter Biden's daughter in Arkansas get Secret Service protection? All of Joe Biden's other grandchildren get Secret Service protection, why not Navy Joan? She's not a real Biden grandchild until they have the Ukraine and Romania wiring money to her bank account. 

In New York, fans are trilled as the last place Yankees finally won a game the other day. This reminds me of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers early history. I lived in Tampa in the Bucs' early years. They went 0-14 the first year. I think that they did win an exhibition game in that first year. In the second season, they sucked from the start. About the time they got to 0-6, one of our restaurant's customers started selling t-shirts that read "GO FOR O". John McKay was the head coach at that time. The next week the t-shirt guy added a shirt that read "Throw McKay in the bay!" There actually is a part of Tampa Bay named McKay Bay. Of course, that predates the coach. The T-shirt business was booming until several weeks later when the Bucs beat the New Orleans Aints (as some called them) in New Orleans. That brought their record to 1-12. 

The last game of the season was at home against the St. Louis Cardinals. The Bucs won the game, to go 2-12 for the season. I watched, from seats someone had given me three weeks earlier, as fans rushed the field and tore down the goal posts. Yes, they tore down the goalposts for a 2-12 season. Those are pretty low expectations! What's the moral of the story? To all of you Yankee fans, hang in there! Or use the team motto of many teams, "Wait till next year!!"

The Ukrainians have started using the now famous "cluster bombs". There have been no satellite photos posted showing a mass Russian exodus from the Ukraine. Do the Russians have some weapons that they have avoided using on the Ukrainians? The Ukrainians will know soon enough.

Have you ever noticed that when you read an article online and they cite another media source they don't like, they will call it a conservative site? Do they ever call anything a liberal site? Have you seen anything described as a left-wing site? How about a socialist/Communist site? No, they just want you to know that you are venturing into enemy territory on a conservative site. 

I am still looking for someone who can quote from Joe Biden's last book. Forget a quote, I will settle for someone who can tell me the title of the book. 

I was reading an article about Joe the other day that referenced him making a lot of money giving speeches and writing books in his post VP days. Given Biden's proclivity for plagiarization, how many times do you think that he has delivered the "Gettysburg Address"? Did he publish the story of his childhood, "My Friend Flicka"??

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Thursday's Thoughts Worth Thinking?

 On a Senator's salary, Joe Biden acquired three homes, including one at the beach in Delaware. He also acquired a vintage Corvette. How did he manage to do all of this while living most of the year in Washington, DC? To save on expenses in the early days, was he sharing a room at the "Y" in DC with Barney Fife?

Daniel Flynn of the American Spectator AM edition, said it best. "At least Billy Carter didn't make a porno flick."

Thank God that Chelsea Clinton never made a sex video. 

Thanks to Marjorie Taylor Greene for showing that Hunter Biden had violated the Mann Act. Thanks to Hunter for leaving those videos on his laptop. The Democrats are now calling him the "Big Guy".

Presidential historians find themselves missing Warren Harding. At least he had the decency to die before we found out about all of the corruption during his administration.

Why did the governments of the Ukraine and Romania send Hunter Biden millions of dollars? What was he selling? Encyclopedias?? Porn Flicks? Tupperware? Someone needs to check those sex videos to see if Tupperware is used anywhere. 

I haven't been able to find the betting line on how long Chistopher Wray stays at the FBI. House Resolution 406 was filed in May to begin the impeachment process. Going out on a limb here, but about one more arrogant answer to the House and his ass will be impeached.

The New York Yankees are in last place in their division. Word around Manhattan is that Fat Alvin Bragg is going to add the Yankee's losing season to Trump's string of crimes. 

Did suing Trump help the sales of E. Jean Carroll's book? Does she know or has she slept with Hunter Biden? Maybe she can get Michelle Obama's ghost writer to ghost write her next book. 

I am still looking for someone who has read any of Joe Biden's books. Or did the publisher just have someone buy them all up so they could get the bribe money to him without waiting? Have you ever heard anyone quote a Biden book?

Will Ma Garland be impeached before he and Joe check into the dementia unit at Walter Reed? Are they getting the group rate? Will they take turns playing President?

Did you see Biden with his head down mumbling to the President of Israel? He appeared to be reading notes that were on his lap. The poor President of Israel was looking around with that "Where's his nurse?" look.

I can't wait for the legislation to pass Congress releasing the UFO info. At long last, we will be able to view Barack Obama's real birth certificate. Let's face it, you can't find anyone who knew Obama as a child. He just showed up in college one day.

In Washington today, Democrats attacked Robert F. Kennedy Jr at a Congressional hearing.  I never thought that I would see the day that Democrats would attack a Kennedy. They have gone completely over the edge.  It could be time to check those boys for rabies.

Democrats demonstrated that the COVID vaccine is the hill on which they are willing to die. It's a shame that they are protecting a vaccine that does not meet the definition of vaccine. I don't want to piss off Democrats, but there is a somewhat credible theory that childhood vaccines may be a factor in the increase of autism.  Spinoza said it best, "No matter how thin you slice it, there are always two sides."

Somewhere, the late John Kennedy is looking at all of this Hunter Biden mess and saying, "If only I had a video camera when I was with Marilyn",

Finally, the Washington Commanders were sold today for $6.05 Billion. This is one of those days that you realize that P.T. Barnum was right. There really is a sucker born every minute. I was starting to lose faith in P.T.'s wisdom, but the NFL came through for me.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Words From Turds?

 The hills are alive with the sound of B.S.

Yesterday, I watched a video clip of National Security Council Spokesman Admiral John Kirby, who now helps Karine Jean-Pierre try to make intelligible statements. John went on a tirade about abortions and the military policy about those. Kirby criticized Sen. Tommy Tuberville for holding up Senate confirmation of general and flag officers over this policy.  Like all of the other leftists, Kirby can't grasp that the Defense Department can end this issue in an instant to by changing their policy.

Kirby claims that the military has a "sacred obligation" to provide abortions to their members. Actually, Kirby avoided the word "abortion".  Like the rest of the leftists, Kirby used the term "reproductive care".

"Abortion" is now "reproductive care".  This is absurd. If anything, abortion is "anti-reproductive care".  What are you reproducing with an abortion? If the military is having trouble meeting recruiting goals now, reducing the population of the future with abortions will not make recruiting any easier. It sounds like some people in command positions have not thought this one through. You might be aborting a future Chief of Staff.

Kirby talked about how we have always provided this care for our troops. This is bullshit, of course. I challenge Kirby to show when the military first started providing abortions to soldiers. I am certain that they didn't do that before Roe v Wade in 1973. If a Supreme Court ruling in 1973 can cause the military to get into the abortion business, then surely a Supreme Court decision in 2022 can cause them to get out of that business. 

History is circular. In the 1970's, after the Vietnam war, the Army had trouble meeting recruiting and retention goals. They tried making the army more like civilian society. It didn't work. They went back to being The Army and things got better. If there is no difference between military life and civilian life, it's not going to work.

This is how America works now. The left is changing the language to hide the reality of what they advocate. The sexual mutilation of children is called "gender affirming care". Twenty years ago, the same kooks were calling circumcision "sexual mutilation." How does trying to surgically turn a male into a female become "gender affirming care"?  Was "mental illness" already taken? If your child thinks that he is Jesus, will you crucify him? If your six-year-old thinks he is Richard Petty, are you going to let him drive your car?  Will you sue NASCAR if they won't let him race?

John Kirby also reports that UFOs are causing a problem for the Air Force. According to news reports, the Senate is considering a bi-partisan bill mandating that the government release all of their information on UFOs. This is a bi-partisan bill being pushed by Senator Chuck "The Schmuck" Schumer. Things are going so bad for Biden that the government is choosing this time to release all of their info on UFOs. "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!" Are they trying to take the media focus off Biden? You can bet your ass this is all a government orchestrated distraction. 

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Wednesday's Words on Tuesday

This is what happens when you retire. Last night, I wrote this, and I titled it "Wednesday's Words" and set it up to publish this morning. Around noon I went to check to make sure that my post had published. Imagine my surprise to discover that it was only Tuesday. Rather than change it, I just added to the title. I guess that no one reads this early in the day. Either that or they didn't know what day it is either.

 No one who knows me puts me on speakerphone. Actually, once in a great while, I get a call that when I answer starts with someone saying, "Gilbert, you are on speakerphone." Yeah! Like that will work. 

My wife keeps pushing me to write a book. For our anniversary later this month, I am going to print out all of my blog posts and put them into a couple of three ring binders. That gift will allow her to practice being a White House Press Secretary. After a couple of weeks, people will be calling her saying, "Susan, you are on speakerphone. Please don't read anything to us."

Many years ago, at Tex & Shirley's, I was talking to a couple of regular customers at their table. A few minutes after I walked away, I saw the husband waving at me. I walked over and asked, "Is there a problem?" The wife responded, "I don't know what a word you used a few minutes ago means and my husband is too embarrassed to explain it. Can you explain it?" I responded, "Sure" and quickly defined the word. She may still be laughing.

God delivered a miracle on Saturday night on the Huckabee Show. Dr. Phil was the guest and he actually agreed with something that I rant about on a regular basis. He said that the biggest problem in America is that we are "rewarding bad behavior". He used the increase in single mothers as an example. I guess that Oprah doesn't own him anymore. It's good to see that he has grown a pair.

RFK Jr is living proof that the Democrats are afraid of anything that can't be said by Senile Joe. They are attacking a guy whose father and uncle died for the Democratic Party. Liberals attacking RFK Jr. just shows how far the Democrats have strayed from their roots. A guy who would have been "liberal" 50 years ago is now a Nazi. 

Kamala Harris is the inspiration for this thought. We need to quit worrying about Artificial Intelligence and worry more about natural stupidity.

Seen online: Criminals obey gun laws like politicians follow their oath of office.

Calling Kelly Siegler!!! This lady is the star of one of my wife's favorite television shows, "Cold Justice". She specializes in reopening cold cases and finding the killer. Let's send Kelly to the White House to reopen the Capitol City Cocaine Caper. She could show those Secret Service boys how to track a dime bag of cocaine to its owner. Even if that owner's last name is Biden. I want to see Hunter's name on her big whiteboard of suspects.

Karine Jean-Pierre, the girl with the Jiffy Pop hair, continues to deny that the Bidens were at the White House on Friday, June 30. This despite, video of them leaving the White House on Marine One at 6:34 PM on that Friday. She needs to just own up to it and move on. It's not like someone accused her of sleeping with a man.

Just for a quick side rant here, nobody on this planet with more than a room temperature IQ believes that the Secret Service does not know who owns that cocaine. I just don't believe that there were no cameras or that the cameras weren't working. 

The question that no one will ask is "Why would a tourist take cocaine to the White House, put it into a locker and then not come back for it?" Maybe the cocaine was put in that cubby as a relay station to the eventual user?

It's time for heads to roll at the Secret Service. Those folks have a history of doing favors for the Bidens, even when he wasn't in office. The Director of the Secret Service is Kimberly Cheatle. She used to be the International Director of Security for PepsiCo.  Obviously, she's not interested in anything involving Coke. On a serious note, she either needs to reopen this investigation or resign. 

Monday, July 17, 2023

It must be Monday

 With the actors' strike in Hollywood, studios are altering their production plans. They are remaking the old comedy series "MASH". Due to the strike, "Gigolo John" Kerry will now play the role of Major Charles Emerson Winchester. Pete Buttgig will be cast as either "Radar" O'Reilly or "Hot Lips" Houlihan. They are waiting for the screen test results.

"Gigolo John" was awarded three Purple Hearts in Vietnam. He would have received many more if the Navy had not ordered him to grow a beard or use an electric shaver.

Nicknames have a factual basis. Has "Gigolo John" ever been married to a poor woman? 

Biden is activating 3,000 reservists to go to Europe. In what has to be one of the dumbest statements made on this issue, Army Lt. Gen. Douglas Sims, director for operations at the Joint Staff in the Pentagon said this, “These are not additional forces. These are forces that will augment what we already have there.” Either English is not the General's first language, or he can't define "augment". Allow me, General. Augment:verb /ôɡˈment/make (something) greater by adding to it; increase

For those of you keeping track, this pushes our troop count in Europe over the 100,000 mark. For those of you making comparisons, this is early 1965 troop levels in Vietnam. In Vietnam, we kept "augmenting" until there were 536,000 Americans there in 1968. 

How many Americans will die to make the Ukraine a center for making tennis shoes and other cheap products like Vietnam? Would it be quicker to just go ahead and just start up a shoe plant there in the Ukraine? Will in fit in one of those biolab buildings that nobody in government talks about in public?

Who knew that watching "summer reruns" would involve a war in Europe? Am I the only one who has seen this movie before? This has the same plot as every major war in the last 120 years. Is Zelensky the Archduke who will be assassinated? Is Putin the new Hitler? There's no way that Zelensky is Churchill. The French are still the French.

 Before and during WW2, the Democrats tried to hide Roosevelt's physical illnesses from Americans. Today's Democrats are trying to hide Biden's mental illnesses and shortcomings from Americans. They aren't doing a very good job. Wait, I am going to give them a break. Maybe they are doing a good job hiding his mental illness, but there is just too much to hide. Maybe what we see is just the tip of the iceberg.

Biden has never had an original idea. Will he plagiarize Roosevelt in WW2, Truman in Korea or JFK in Vietnam?  There is a rumor is that next week he will announce a Lend-Lease program for the Ukraine.  History is circular. As we sit and watch, it is repeating itself. Is anyone in Washington awake??  

Why do we fight Communism in other nations, but allow it to flourish here? Has anyone been to California and Oregon? Do we need to send troops to those states? As long as we are on the subject of fighting Communism, is what is happening in the Russian government actually Communism?  Would Karl Marx recognize it? Don't ask Biden that question, he thinks that Karl was Harpo and Groucho's brother. 

Baseball held their All-Star game in a homeless neighborhood in Seattle. The day before the game, they held a "Red Carpet" event for players and families to show off their finer dress. Major League Baseball is officially at rock bottom. 

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Sunday Sundries

 In Germany on Thursday, climate activists disrupted air traffic by gluing themselves to runways at two airports. "The Last Generation isn't protecting the climate, they're engaged in criminal activity," Transport Minister Volker Wissing said. Nobody said they were smart, but this is more than everyday stupid.

Based on this behavior, we are going to have to redefine "stupid". The amazing thing is that it happened somewhere other than California.

I am anything but an expert on fashion. Having said that, I think that men wearing tennis shoes with a suit is stupid. It looks like Mom only half dressed you. What are you doing, stopping on the way home to play a ballgame? Note to politicians, yes, I am also talking about you. Before I forget, Gutfeld, buy a pair of black dress shoes.

In Brentwood Tennessee, someone spray painted their wheels and tires for a new look on their Nissan Altima. Unfortunately, they did this while the wheels were still on the car. This means that in addition to the wheels and tires, the brake rotors, pads, and calipers also got painted. They didn't go too far on their first sortie after the paint job. Stopping at a traffic light and waiting for the light to change gave the now hot brakes time to gum up from the paint. When the light changed, they were unable to move the car. Thinking it was a transmission issue, they had it towed to a garage for repair. The transmission was fine, but they had to overhaul the brake system and replace all of the rotors and pads. Memo to Morons: Take the wheels off your car BEFORE you paint them.

Back when kids still walked to school and I was a prisoner at Leto High School in Tampa, we had to learn the workings of mathematics. We used pencil and paper, if you are old enough to remember that combination.  When my kids were in school, they still had to learn how to work mathematics. Their teachers would tell them, "You won't always have a calculator around to use." Now, those teachers are regretting the use of that phrase. Today, kids learn how to enter numbers on a calculator, usually on their smart phone. I have seen young people working a cash register, actually pull out their phone to calculate the amount of change due when someone gives them a penny after they have entered the amount tendered on the register. They don't know any more about doing math than the dog sleeping on our living room floor does. If I could wake her, I could probably train the dog to use a calculator. Are today's kids using Kamala Harris as a role model? "There are four letters in math?"

News from Hollywood the other day is that actors and writers are now both on strike. Frankly, I am sitting here trying to decide if there is a downside to this news. Will this reduce the lousy jokes and attacks on conservative Americans by the alleged comics on television? Will it affect the never-ending diversity on television shows?  Rather than good entertainment, we are now subjected to a never-ending medley of people who are different just to be different. I am so old that I remember when actors acted instead of delivering lectures on diversity and equity. I am tired of sitcoms that try to change the world by moralizing. It's supposed to be a comedy. Start by being funny. Work from there!!

Here in North Carolina, a guy sued the Speaker of the North Carolina House for having an affair with the guy's wife, who is also a state employee. First, that confirms that state employees spend too much time screwing around. But beyond that, I am actually delighted to find out that an elected official finally made the news for being a practicing heterosexual. Thank you, Tim Moore!!  

As the LMNOPQRSTU faction keeps rewriting history, Monica Lewinsky will eventually be a young transsexual.  Bill Clinton will be hailed as helping Monica find her place in the world.  It will take more work to change JFK's image.

A couple of months ago at a meeting of a history group to which I belong, I did a presentation about whether Abraham Lincoln was actually born in North Carolina. If this idea is causing your head to explode, start by looking up "Bostic Lincoln Center" for more on this. Taking questions afterwards, someone asked about the Log Cabin Republicans and their claim that Lincoln was a homosexual. I asked if they had ever seen a picture of Lincoln. Then I asked, "What kind of self-respecting homosexual looks at Lincoln and thinks, "Uh-Huh, gotta get me some of that!"

Truth in labeling laws should compel advocates of DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) to label it instead as DIE (it kills everything it touches).


Saturday, July 15, 2023

"Gigolo John" Et al.

 "Gigolo John" Kerry had a tough day in Washington on Thursday. Congress tried to find out who actually works for him in his 45-person office. John would only give two names. Gigolo John believes that he reports only to Joe Biden. John forgot that Congress funds his office and his spending. It's time to park his pompous ass and his private jet.

Somewhere on Friday, before Kerry boarded the Heinz family jet and Wray boarded the FBI jet to go home to Atlanta, they must have had a meeting. As Kerry poured some expensive wine, they had to have discussed who had the worse day testifying before Congress. Guys like this are the problem with democracy. If they ran a private business like they run their government entities, they would have already been fired. But since they work for a guy who can't find his way off of a stage, they will stay.

John Kerry's "testimony" caused me to look up "arrogance" in the dictionary. Yes, he's the poster boy. We dodged that bullet of "Gigolo John" Kerry and John "Ambulance Chaser" Edwards in 2004. Like many stories in Washington, it was a tale of two Johns and assorted women. 

There's a lot of news about the growth of Artificial Intelligence. Even Kamala Harris has explained it to us. There is great concern in the media about the use of Artificial Intelligence. Since the news is aimed at the masses, they are afraid that they may start using AI to check the news. 

Why are we building machines smarter than we are? Why are we dumb enough to do this? DANGER, Will Robinson!!

What's missing is any concern about the decline of actual human intelligence. Young people don't know anything. Why do they need to know anything? They can look it up on their phones in a few seconds. Stupid people depend on Smartphones. What happens when their phones don't work? This has the potential to become an old science fiction movie.

An admitted cocaine addict is living at the White House, yet there are no suspects in the White House cocaine case. Who knew that Inspector Clouseau worked for the Secret Service? The crew on the Barney Miller show could have done a better investigation than the Secret Service. Where's Joe Friday when you need him?

Words that will never be heard from the Secret Service at the Biden White House? Book'em Dano!

From Pete's Twit page, this report on everything that Pete Buttgig did this week to improve the air travel system. "Took a phone call from a Ms. Harris explaining transportation and expressing concern on airplane restrooms."

Friday, July 14, 2023

Kamala, Kerry and More

I have been reading the American Spectator since the Clinton years and Whitewater and "Trooper-Gate". It's basically just an online publication now with a couple of print editions a year. I read it every day along with a couple of daily newsletters that they e-mail to me. As much as I like them, sometimes we are on different planes, if not different planets. Most of the writers and management seem to support our involvement with the disaster in Ukraine. In an article the other day, the writer said that aiding Ukraine was the only good decision that Biden has made. To say that I disagreed was a mild reaction. I rarely comment on articles, but I made an exception and posted this comment.

 "Claiming that Biden's decision to send aid to Ukraine is a good decision is an affront to common sense. America and the American Spectator need to get off of the Ukraine Train. This is just another intervention to preserve a corrupt regime from Communism. Is the Ukrainian political system some kind of model that we should celebrate? None of us knew that Ukraine was the lynchpin of our national security before Col. Vindman enlightened us. We keep getting into wars we can't win. We haven't won a war since 1945 and given our current issues with Russia, that one is in the doubtful column. Are Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Vietnam, Panama, or Korea (Where we still are) any better off than before we expended trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives? Let's try securing our own borders. There are fewer Russians in Ukraine than there are Mexicans in North Carolina. We are pumping money into the Ukraine because they are pumping cash into our political leaders' pockets!"  No one responded.

Kamala Harris told us the other day that the biggest problem in air travel is that there are not accessible restrooms, but that the government will soon correct this situation. This was followed shortly by an article with this headline. "Can’t Take A Dump On A Plane? Kamala’s Got Your Back, Bro"

Is there anyone dumber than Kamala Harris? Did you catch here explanation of "Artificial Intelligence"? She started by saying that AI has two (2) letters. WOW!! The eloquence of this woman!! This woman has spent her life talking to everyone like they are in kindergarten. This may work with the Democrats, but the rest of us are a little brighter.

Is Kamala Harris Flip Wilson's love child? Yeah, I know that if you are under 60, someone is going to have to explain that to you.

If you are getting ready to search the Web for these gems from Kamala, be sure to also catch her explanation/definition of "transportation". Normally, you would have to go to a preschool to get this level of knowledge, Kamala offers it to the world. The sad thing is that Pete Buttgig doesn't have her level of knowledge about the subject of transportation. See for yourself.

What's missing in the Kamala Harris comedy series? What happened to all of those reporters who ridiculed Dan Quayle? Where are they today? We know that they slept through the Biden Vice-Presidential years.

John Kerry claimed today that he "does not personally own a private jet." This does not mean that his wife does not own a private jet. This does not mean that a business he owns does not have a private jet. This does not mean that he does not travel a lot on private jets that someone else owns. It certainly does not mean that he did not own a private jet last week. It just means that he does not own one today. How did he get to Washington today? How does he get to meetings around the world? Can you picture Kerry flying on Spirit Airlines? Maybe he's waiting for Kamala to fix this restroom thing before flying commercial airlines?

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Is anyone in charge?

 I watched the highlights(?) of Christopher Wray's testimony before Congress yesterday. I will be kind. How can the Director of the FBI not know what is going on at the FBI? He failed to give a definitive question on almost every question asked. If they had asked his name, they would have had to settle for "I can set up a briefing on that". He probably took a sick day today to recover from all of that dodging and lying.

Apparently, he doesn't watch the news, go online, or read any newspapers. Fritz, the frigging Cat, could have answered more questions about the FBI's operation than Wray did.

Progressive Democrat Rep. Jayapal asked Wray if the FBI purchases data on American citizens. In March at a Senate hearing, Wray denied that this happened. Yesterday, he would not give a yes or no answer to this question. He offered a briefing instead. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence said that the FBI was buying data. Wray is simply lying. How many other rights of citizens is the FBI violating?

Matt Gaetz has a stupid side that is sometimes difficult for him to hide, but he was at the top of his game yesterday questioning Wray. Wray would not/could not answer any of Gaetz's questions. In closing, Wray pointed out to Gaetz that FBI recruiting in Florida is up over 100%. Gaetz responded that they deserved better leadership than Wray. Let's be honest, Wray knew that Gaetz would question him, so he had this little jewel ready to throw at him. Why didn't Wray get ready for other questions? Because he doesn't care what Congress thinks! He's an arrogant pompous bureaucrat!

Let's review the evidence!

Merrick Garland, the Attorney General, doesn't know what's going on in the Justice Department. He believes everything the FBI tells him. He's not interested in whether they are lying. He's too busy worrying about parents who are expecting school boards to act responsibly.

Chistopher Wray is a liar. He lied to the Senate when he said the FBI is not purchasing data about American citizens. He habitually lies by omission; he just won't answer a question.

Alejandro Mayorkas is either a liar or is on drugs. He claims that the borders are secure. That five million people have illegally entered the nation since Biden took office is no big deal to him. We are sending military support to the Ukraine because a hundred thousand Russians crossed the Ukrainian border. How many illegals have to cross the border before we take military action?

The Secret Service is lying about the cocaine at the White House. Actually, let me be fair. The Secret Service is either lying or they are criminally incompetent. There is a report out today that in 2022, they found marijuana twice at the White House. Hey guys, have you heard of drug sniffing dogs?  Is there a cocaine addict living at the White House? He's easily spotted. He's the guy who was last seen toting a bright red backpack onto Marine One last week. 

Joe Biden is responsible for all of this. It's time to hold him responsible for this. If the news media could pull their heads from his ass, maybe they could report on what's happening to America. I realize that for many reporters, butt kissing is easier than reporting the truth, but let's give the truth a chance.

All of these guys lie by telling us that everything is secret, so they can't tell us. What's not secret is that we are heading down the drain, while Democrats cheer the destruction of the nation.

So what to do? Dissolve the FBI! Farm out the people worth saving to other federal agencies. Demolish the FBI building. Use the building scraps to fill a swamp. We need to completely destroy the culture of the FBI. Maybe we can start all over from scratch. If so, we need new people, new leadership, new attitudes, new standards of behavior and a new culture. 

Who knew that we could do worse than J. Edgar Hoover? Hoover treated a lot of people badly. What's the difference between Hoover and Wray? None, it's the same FBI culture from both. They both abused their power.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Random Rants on the News

 Early Wednesday morning and I am afraid to turn on the news since Biden is in Lithuania for a NATO summit. After a tough day of talking, Biden skipped the dinner last night to rest. From what? Did he leave his energy drugs at home? Why kick a dead horse? Let's move on to other topics.

I have decided that there are a couple of ways that I would support Biden's plan to forgive student loans debts. The first is that they also have to forgive home mortgages and car loans. Since they are not likely to do that, let's move on to the second option. I think that to get your college loan forgiven, you have to surrender your right to vote for the same term as your loan payment plan was. If you had a ten-year loan payment plan, you give up your right to vote in ANY election for the ten years. If you don't have a set term, you just give up your right to vote forever.

What will this do? First and foremost, this action will "codify" that you are actually selling your vote in exchange for loan forgiveness. I selected "codify" because it's a hot word now. Liberals all rave about "codifying" this extreme idea or that ludicrous idea. I just want it in language that leftists use. This also ends any discussion about why potential voters would support this. It's an open and close case, you are selling your vote. Second, this will confirm that "There ain't no free lunch!!" If you want something, there has to be an exchange of value. You have to give something to get something. Your "Sugar Daddy" is dead. By now, even the slow among you can grasp this concept.

The second benefit is that it will take millions of deadbeats off the voter registration rolls. This idea will not be supported by either political party because it strikes at the heart of today's American political system. Yes, I am talking about "Free Shit"!! Politics in America has lost all credibility as it has become a race to see who can give away the most "free shit" to voters. We give tax refunds to people who don't pay taxes. We give incentives to people who come here illegally, while spending billions on "Homeland Security". Now we want to give free college to people who didn't learn anything worth using in life. Speaking for taxpayers everywhere, let's at least get the leeches off the voter registration rolls.

I am pretty sure that my proposal for student loan debt will not pass in Congress. So, let's move on to some other issues. In New York City, a gunman on a scooter dressed all in black, shot four people on Tuesday. Last week, another scooter mounted shooter, killed one person and wounded three others. Why aren't they calling for a ban on scooters in New York? Is there a waiting period before getting a scooter? Are scooters the problem or the people riding them?

In Washington, Gen. C.Q. Brown, Biden's nominee to head up the Joint Chiefs of Staff is claiming that Sen. Tuberville's hold on promotions will have a long-term negative effect on the military. Gen. Brown boasts that he "hires for diversity". Will hiring for "diversity" and not "competence" have a long-term negative effect on the military? The Department of Defense can solve this entire problem easily by changing their policy on paying travel costs for people to get abortions. 

Traditionally, military bases have followed the state laws where they are located. But with the sacred "right to abortion", they are providing access by paying for a person to travel to another state. The stupidity of this is easy enough to show. If a military base is located in a state where marijuana is not legal, will they pay travel costs to go to another state to buy and/or use marijuana? 

The Major League Baseball All-Star game was played last night. Of course, I did not watch. Seattle spent the last several days cleaning up the homeless camps that were in the vicinity of the ballpark. I guess that they didn't want the television cameras focusing on the squalor of one of the most liberal cities in the nation. What's the hypocrisy level in cleaning that up for prime-time national television, but leaving it for residents to deal with the rest of the year?

There is an incredible level of irony in the government that has focused so much time, money, and energy on an investigation of the Jan 6 disturbance seems to not at all be interested in who brought cocaine into the White House? If only a "shaman" had delivered the cocaine?

Monday, July 10, 2023

Monday Melange

 Over the weekend, I cleaned up a few things on my computer. According to Yahoo, I had 6552 unread e-mails in my inbox. It's been a couple of months since I emptied that. In my hierarchy of priorities, emptying my "inbox" is right below combing my hair. Why am I even writing about this? Karine Jean-Pierre.

Now that I have your attention, last week KJP used the word "purview" 18 times in a single press conference about cocaine in the White House. While several reporters commented on this, Greg Gutfeld of Fox had the best comment. He just said, "Somebody has a new word!" And so, it is. Possibly shocking some of you, I subscribe to Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day. It arrives early in the morning, so you have the opportunity to read it and use it. I rarely use it, but it is still interesting. Today's word is "bon vivant". I doubt that the girl with the Jiffy Pop hair will be able to work that into an answer about cocaine in the West Wing. "Monday Mélange" is a tribute to KJP. Keep learning, Honey!! Sooner or later, you will learn to tell the truth. By the way, "mélange" was not the word of the day, I just like alliteration and thought that "medley" was a little bland.

Here's a quick shot on the White House cocaine story. They are renovating the Situation Room. The Situation Room is near one of the several locations where the cocaine was reported to have been found. Let's look at this from a Democrat's view. They are remodeling in the White House. The White House is white, cocaine is white, the Bidens are white. The decorator thinks it just all goes together. Laugh if you will, but that is a better explanation than we will end up getting from the Secret Service. 

We are sending "cluster bombs" to the Ukraine because we are running low on howitzer rounds. This according to some senile old fart touring Europe in Air Force One. In 1982, Biden opposed selling the cluster bombs to Israel. Today he is sending them free to the Ukraine. Someone needs to explain the thought process (If there actually is one) in this flip flop.

Biden has said that we are sending them cluster bombs to use while we can restock them on 155 MM howitzer shells. What are we going to do if they run out of cluster bombs while waiting on howitzer shells? Will we give them tactical nuclear weapons while we wait for cluster bombs and howitzer rounds to be produced?

As I write this, the White House and their media lackeys are struggling to clarify his statement about our supply of ammunition. Of course, they are assuring us that our military has all of the ammunition that it could ever need. We apparently just had all of that extra ammo sitting around to give away. I have already seen two stories pop up trying to explain his statement. Why don't they just put a gag on him and get it over with? 

We have supplied the Ukrainians with more than 1.5 million rounds of 155mm ammo.  They are using about 3000 rounds a day with gusts to 5000 or 6000 rounds a day. How can there be anything left in that area where they are fighting?

Eisenhower warned us about the military-industrial complex. He was right. Politicians of both parties are supporting a war in a place that most Americans can't find on a map. Why? Other than payoffs for American politicians, what interests do we have in the Ukraine? Some people claim that we are operating biolabs in the Ukraine. This is almost certainly true as no media folks are the least bit interested in the story. Maybe Eisenhower left out a part of the threat of which he spoke. Should he have said "media-military-industrial" complex? 

How about discussing the "social media-government complex"? There is a federal judge who has issued an order that acknowledges the existence of that complex. Apparently social media exists to allow the government to censor free speech. Go ahead and place your bets on it, this case will end up in the Supreme Court. Social media is obviously just a shill for liberals in government.

I will go turn on the television and see if Biden has declared war on anybody yet. 

Sunday, July 09, 2023

Mercifully, the Week is Ending

 Back in the stone age, when we walked to a neighborhood school and played outside in whatever weather nature provided, we learned about calendars and clocks. Little did we know how important and controversial these two items would become. 

At some point in time (which seems to be either unclear or flexible) someone from the Secret Service found some cocaine, somewhere in the White House. No one seems to be sure what time they found it. No one can state definitely what time they called the Hazmat team, and no one seems to know if they called someone else before they called the Hazmat team. Does anyone have a watch, a phone or understands how to read a wall clock?

KJP, the dimwit with the Jiffy Pop hair, told us that the Bidens were not at the White House on Friday. It turns out that they were there until at least 6:34 PM. That's more than 18 hours out of the 24 hours in a day. Is she really that stupid? 

Here's the question that no one will answer. Why would anyone take a bag of cocaine to the White House? 

Several news outlets ran a story about how Willie Nelson and Jimmy Carter's son smoked pot on the roof of the White House. So now, the evidence is that drugs are a problem when Democrats live at the White House?

The USAF is again accusing Russian pilots in Syria of flying "unprofessionally". They accused them of harassing US drones trying to kill a terrorist in Syria. What if the Syrians sent a drone to kill a terrorist in the United States? If the Russians had really wanted to stop those drones, they would have just shot them down. Has Congress declared war in Syria or is this just another undeclared war we can't win? Does anyone study history anymore? Can anyone remember ten years ago? The learning curve in Washington is flat lining!!

Why is it that we only hear when Russians do something wrong, but never when we screw up? Was Francis Gary Powers leading a tour group when he got shot down in that U-2 over Russia? I won't even bother discussing the Pueblo.

Why don't we use drones in California to take out killers there? How about Chicago? If it works in other countries, why not here?

If the Russians are so militarily inept, why is the war in Ukraine taking so long? By the time the Ukrainians eventually, if ever, defeat the Russians, we won't have an artillery shell left in our nation. What are we going to use when we get in a war? Maybe the Russian strategy is to get us to go through all of our munitions in the Ukraine and then they will attack us.  It seems to be working.

The United States and the Ukraine think that if the Russians suffer a lot of casualties, they will withdraw. I suggest that our "experts" consult a frigging history book. In what war did high casualties cause the Russians to stop fighting?

A White House spokesman invoked the Hatch Act when asked about the cocaine problem. They should have just used their Fifth Amendment rights. 

My wife ordered something at Wal-Mart today and asked me to go pick it up. I went down there at the appointed time and checked in. Twenty minutes later, a guy came out pulling a cart with the three items in two bags. I opened the back door of the car. He handed me one bag, pulled up his pants. He handed me the second bag and pulled up his pants. On his walk back inside, he stopped and pulled up his pants twice. They sell belts and suspenders at Wal-Mart. Even Jethro Bodine on the Beverly Hillbillies was smart enough to put a rope through his belt loops!! Are belt loops just a place to hang crack pipes? Somebody get this kid a belt and explain how it works. Wearing a belt would double his productivity. He spends half his time holding up his pants. He's just a slave to fashion!

Ahhh, day is done.

Saturday, July 08, 2023

White House Follies

 Several days after cocaine was found at the White House, the Secret Service is still struggling with a workable story on where the cocaine was actually located. Thye are now on their third location of where the drugs were found. How hard can this be??  It would be easier just to tell the truth the first time.

We are told that are no cameras in that West Wing area. We were once told that there were no recordings made in the Oval Office before Nixon. That turned out to be false also.

The White House is probably the most secure place in the world. Do you really expect people to believe that someone can leave a bag of cocaine there and the Secret Service would have no idea about who left it?

I am just spitballing here, but when a White House spokesman cites the Hatch Act in a response to a question about this cocaine story, it's time for a change in leadership.

I just don't believe that there are White House areas without cameras. I'm sorry, I am just not a believer. This isn't like the President's bedroom. This is an area accessible to lots of staffers and maybe the public, depending on which location where it actually was found is used.

Hell, I still don't believe that Monica was blowing Bill in a room near the Oval Office and nobody in the Secret Service knew about it. If you will pardon the pun, that is a blow to the Secret Service credibility.

The government still won't release all of the information about the Kennedy assassination, and it has been 60 years. They tell us that they have released 99% of the information. Unfortunately, the important details are in the 1% they are hiding. We will never get the truth about the JFK assassination. Again, what are they hiding?

The only President to give up Secret Service protection after leaving office was Richard Nixon. I guess Nixon knew that they were more interested in protecting their reputation than his safety.

I miss Ron Zeigler, Nixon's one-time press secretary. Ziegler had once worked at Disneyland as a boat skipper on the Jungle Cruise ride. At least he could give a coherent and entertaining answer to a simple question, unlike the girl with the Jiffy Pop hair.

In a completely unrelated matter, I saw a definition of political correctness today that hit the nail on the head. Allow me to share this with you before I forget about it.

"Political Correctness is a doctrine, recently fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and promoted by a sick mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end."

Friday, July 07, 2023

Me and Johnny Fever??

Eighteen years ago today, I started publishing this blog. My initial goal was to make it last a year. I thought that writing this would give me enough material to put together for that book that almost everyone claims that they are going to write. Zig Ziglar used to say that he thought that everyone should write a book. He didn't think that you needed to get it published. He believed the purpose of writing was to tell your story.

Ziglar died a few years ago and I am certain that he never read this blog. I know this because I never got a note or a call from Zig pleading with me to stop writing. 

According to the stats that Google provides, I have published 964 articles. I have had 66635 visitors from more than 26 countries. I am reminded of the WKRP episode where Dr. Johnny Fever told listeners to end a garbage strike by dumping their trash at City Hall.  He was so shocked when he found out that people listened to him, he froze up on the air. You don't have those issues if you just type and run like I do.

I get comments from readers sometimes on the blog. I sometimes get e-mails from friends and relatives. I hear from some people when I have not written in a while. What actually stuns me is when someone writes something and posts a link to my blog. You're quoting me, are you serious?

Retirement has made it easier to write with more time available. But retirement has also reduced my contacts with stupid people, the subject of many posts. Now I have to depend on politics and religion for a lot of my posts. 

Why do I write?

1. Sometimes it just has to be said.

2. It brings my blood pressure down when I am pushing stroke level. Actually, I am currently having an issue where my blood pressure drops too low. That is when my wife sends me into the living room to watch the news or if it is really low, she turns it to PBS.

3. I am actually still working on that book Zig told us to write.

4. I gave up Facebook to save my computer's life.

5. It's a cheaper release than shooting the television every time something comes on that pisses me off.

6. It serves as a resource for readers. If someone calls you crazy, you just say "I will show you crazy!". Then send them a link to this blog.  There's no charge for this.

Mostly, I write this because I enjoy it. I was on the school newspaper staff in the ninth grade and loved it. Norma Lobato was our journalism teacher. We learned a lot from Mrs. Lobato. Several years ago, at an auction, I bought a copy of the textbook that we used. I didn't have to spend a lot of money on it, I was the only bidder.

When I was in elementary school, I got an Ideal brand toy, The Big Press, for Christmas. I wore that thing out in a couple of years printing all kinds of stuff. In high school, I had an old Royal manual typewriter and an AB Dick spirit duplicator (Ditto machine) with which I printed a neighborhood paper. Writing an online blog is easier than either of those ventures. By the way, several years ago I found a Big Press for sale online and bought it. It lives on a shelf above my memories cabinet with my journalism book. 

Thank you for reading this blog. 

Thursday, July 06, 2023

Rants, Raves and Ruminations

The cocaine in the White House story continues to amaze Americans. There is a list of everyone who comes into the White House. There are cameras everywhere in the White House. There are Secret Service officers all over the property. But the government is trying to tell us that they may not be able to identify whoever brought that cocaine to the White House. Nobody is buying this story. Let's try the truth.

The President's mouthpiece, the binder girl with the Jiffy Pop hair., said that the cocaine was found in a "heavily traveled" area in the White House. On a Sunday afternoon with the President out of town, what does "heavily travelled" actually mean? 

Do the Secret Service dogs get Sundays off? Did they evacuate the building before or after the Hazmat team determined that it was cocaine? Why evacuate for cocaine? Surely, they found fingerprints. It was obviously a young person who left the cocaine. Older guys aren't that attached to their phones. They were probably so busy trying to get their phone for the 200th selfie of the day that they forgot to grab the drugs.

The President's refusal to acknowledge Hunter's daughter continues to stay in the news. Maybe they can kill two birds with one stone and claim that the kid brought the cocaine with her to visit her grandparents. 

Can the Secret Service give us a timeline on the chain of events. The reports seem to be a bit muddled. How's that for a tactful statement? 

Some are referring to the President now as "Jocaine". Maybe Biden is looking for a "hip" nickname like "Cocaine Mitch" McConnell has.

Some schmuck online is claiming that the Secret Service is trying to make Joe Biden look bad. Do they really think that he needs their help?  The schmuck in question claims that the Secret Service is planting items for Biden to trip on. And you thought that I write some crazy shit. Is the Secret Service responsible for Biden claiming that we are building a Trans-Pacific railroad to go to India? Does the Secret Service find little girls for Biden to sniff? 

I really don't believe that Hunter Biden had anything to do with the cocaine. It's probably some staffer who has turned to drugs to deal with having to lie to the American public about the Bidens. Maybe Jill Biden has turned to drugs to be able to handle Joe's wild mood swings. Maybe some little girl put it there because she didn't have time to put it on her hair for Joe to sniff.

The police in Philadelphia are claiming that the guy who did the mass shooting in Philadelphia is not a transexual, despite the pictures of him in women's clothing. How many men reading this story have a picture of themselves in women's clothing? Asking for a friend. 

Authorities still will not acknowledge that the shooter in the Nashville school was a transexual despite all of the evidence. In the Nashville case, they are still arguing over whether to release the killer's "manifesto". What we have is a situation where the authorities don't want to release anything that would show that killers are mentally ill.  Unless it is a white guy, we don't get any details about killers. 

I am so old that I remember when they gave a description of a criminal suspect on the television or in the newspaper. Fast forward to 2023. Now, reporters fear being called racists if they include race in descriptions. So, we now get reports like "A tall man robbed the bank". Often, they won't even post a picture. Why bother with even "reporting" it? 

Wednesday, July 05, 2023

This just in!! Joe Blow??

 My mother used to refer to someone unworthy of having his or her name recalled as "Joe Blow". Now, "blow" is a term for cocaine. Joe Biden is the President of the United Staes, whether he knows it or not.

How does all of this fit together? On Sunday, July 2 a uniformed Secret Service agent found a white powdery substance in a "common area" of the West Wing of the White House. This was at approximately 6:00 PM. The Secret Service notified the emergency services department in the District of Columbia who sent the Fire Department and others to the White House a couple of hours later.

The Fire Department HazMat team tested the substance and found that it was indeed cocaine. No one seems to know exactly how long this took, but about 8:45 PM, they evacuated the White House. Why evacuate the place for cocaine? Why did it take so long if they found the unknown substance at 6:00 PM?

I have been to the White House on several tours. They just don't let the "unwashed" wander the building. I am pretty sure that every square foot of the White House is under video surveillance. By now, the Secret Service knows who left that bag of cocaine there. But they aren't talking. Why or why not?

Why evacuate after the Fire Department identified the substance?  Someone online pointed out that it wasn't anthrax, why bother evacuating for cocaine? 

There is a limited number of people who could have placed that cocaine in that spot.  By now, the Secret Service has washed the videos and knows who it was. All that is left is to tell the American people how that happened. How long will that take?

Will Joe Blow describe the cocaine find as a "supply chain" issue and give us his plan to fix it? Is it a down payment on a Hunter Biden painting? Is it what the White House uses to make Joe Blow look life-like for television appearances?

Here's my prediction. In 72 hours, Bigfoot will be on more television networks than this story.


Wednesday Snark Fest

 Charlamagne Tha God, talk show host, called the White House and told Joe Biden, "If you ain't talking about how many grand babies ya got, you ain't really Black!"

Are Hunter and his family living at the White House? The story is that they are staying there to avoid legal summonses. At least the Trump kids had jobs and places to live. Even Roger Clinton and Billy Carter didn't hang around the White House.

As part of his child support settlement, Hunter Biden is allowing his daughter to have some of his paintings. WOW!! Don't you wonder what that crap will sell for on the open market? Or is Hunter arranging for business associates to buy those paintings? Is he making Navy Joan an accessory to bribery? I would like to see one of his works appraised on Pawn Stars. Chumley would not buy that crap.

Maybe we should get Hunter's daughter to do a painting and see how her talent compares to her father. No fair getting her to smoke crack before painting. 

Has anyone heard from Ashley Biden since the FBI recovered her diary? Does she still shower with her father?

Yesterday afternoon I stopped at Food Lion to pick up some ginger ale. I hate going to the grocery store on holidays. The idiots are all out in force on holidays. Anyway, it was a little after 4:00 PM when I was there. Since it was the Fourth of July, it was pretty busy. In my quest for stupid people, I hit the jackpot. Two women were complaining to an employee that there were only three packs of hot dogs left in the refrigerated case. She explained that those were all of the hot dogs left in the store. She pointed out that it was the Fourth and they had been busy. One of the women said, "We planned a cookout for this afternoon and now our plans are ruined." The employee wisely just walked away. They loudly complained about the lack of hot dogs to other customers. Obviously, no one cared as a guy behind them stepped over and picked up two packs of the hot dogs and walked away. I wasn't carrying my pocket dictionary to show them what "planned" means so I just headed up front to pay for my ginger ale. Someone needs to learn that planning is an activity done BEFORE the event, not as the event is taking place. 

That incident reminded me of an employee being late one day at Bojangles. I asked why she was late. She told me, "When I got up this morning, I realized that my uniform shirt was dirty". I pointed out that she had been issued at least three shirts and she had not worked in five days. She just walked away and got busy. She never used that excuse again. 

Of course, both of these are topped by the guy who showed up at Bojangles at noon on Thanksgiving Day one year wanting to know if it was too late to order a fried turkey. I told him that we had stopped taking orders a week before Thanksgiving. Who gets up on Thanksgiving morning and says, "Should we go find a turkey for dinner?" These are the same people who are at the liquor store at 11:00 PM on New Years Eve looking for champagne and bitching about it if they are out.

Brain-dead Biden spoke via video to the NEA convention and said, "What the hell did Plato say?" He then went on to paraphrase something Plato may have said. Or maybe it was from some British politician. At Biden's age, he should have known what Plato said. Joe was probably there when he said it.

The NEA convention is in Florida, a state that union President Becky Pringle on Monday called "Ground zero for shameful, racist, homophobic, misogynistic, xenophobic rhetoric and dangerous actions."  And yet the NEA meets there anyway? If it was so bad, why are they meeting there?  Why are people moving to Florida in droves? What about the union members who have chosen to live in Florida? 

The problem with union leadership is that the leaders stop being actual laborers and just work to grow the union. Maybe that's why they never found Jimmy Hoffa. He's out somewhere trying figure out how to drive a truck so he can get back home.

Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Saving America?

 Twelve score and seven years ago, our forefathers declared their independence from the British crown. They issued the Declaration of Independence. Joe Biden, in his perpetual state of dementia-induced confusion, quoted the Declaration the other day thinking that it was the Constitution. And the Founding Fathers thought that King George was crazy??

They used to say that "The sun never sets on the British Empire." It does now. At one time Egypt was the dominant nation in the world. The Romans had a great empire at one time. Alexander the Great and his Greek army created an empire. Even the Persians got into the empire building thing. The largest contiguous land empire in history was created by Genghis Khan and his Mongolian horde. Spain, Portugal and even the Dutch created great colonial empires at one time. Remember Napoleon and the French Empire?  Even the Russians got into the empire building business with the "Soviet Union". Empire building has gone on throughout the history of man.

Today, we live in the American Empire. Don't even waste your time trying to debate that label! Look at the billions of dollars that we spend a year on "foreign aid". Look at the locations of our military bases around the world. Look at the last 150 years in American military history and see the number of wars and "police actions" that we have fought. 

History repeats itself. I like to say that history is circular. That confuses today's scholars who never studied geography. Write this down, every great empire has an expiration date. Every empire fails. There have been no exceptions. As surely as night follows day, the American Empire is doomed to fail. The only question is when.

Why do empires fail? They fail because people in charge are unable to grasp that the differences between cultures are impossible to overcome. Confused? Start with reading the Tower of Babel story in the Old Testament. From there, read almost any history book.

Cultural differences in Germany helped propel Adolf Hitler to power. Hitler killed millions of Jews because he believed that the two cultures in Germany were incompatible. He had the support of the Germanic native people. Let's not go that road again!!

It's more than race! People want to be around other people who share their values and their history and their culture. Quick! Name a successful multi-cultural country that has lasted for centuries. All you need to do is look at Europe or the Middle East. The Middle East has been struggling with this for thousands of years. The maps of Europe change regularly as new countries are spun off from others. At the end of World War 2, we created Yugoslavia. How did that work out?

Look at what is happening in France today!! The problems are caused by cultural differences between the natives descended from the Gauls and the Muslim culture that is growing in population. France is overwhelmingly Catholic. Islam is the next largest religion in France but growing.  The three largest cities in Muslim population are Marseille, Lyon, and Paris. Turn on the news and see in what cities the biggest riots are taking place. If you guessed Paris, Marseille and Lyon, you win!

Hundreds of years ago, Muslims controlled much of Europe. They were defeated in wars and retreated to Africa and the Middle East. Now they are back, but "peacefully". Like some other cultures, they have become "reproductive warriors". They are going to crank out babies until they are in the majority. The mayor of London is a Muslim. Meanwhile in the Middle East, Muslims seek to eradicate the Jews. 

In America, we still think that we can be the exception to the rule. We are kidding ourselves. The borders are awash with illegal immigrants. We are also bringing in "reproductive warriors" from other countries. How many Muslims were in Dearborn, Michigan one hundred years ago? Why do parts of Minnesota look like Somalia? Siler City looks like a small town in Mexico.

So, are there any signs that the "American experiment" is in danger?  In the old days of the Roman Empire, the Romans built the Colosseum to have a place to entertain and distract their citizens from the problems of the empire. Today there is a stadium, coliseum, or arena in every town of any size. The new religion in America is sports. The moral standards of traditional America have all but disappeared. We are giving money to people who are not contributing to society so that they will be able to keep being a problem. We are building jails instead of museums and schools. 

As a Southerner, I am reluctant to quote Lincoln, but this quote from an 1838 speech hits the target and I have cited it many times. "At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

It's time to get out of the "empire building" business. Let's make America safer. Let's bring all of the soldiers and sailors back home. In the age of long-range nuclear weapons, placement of bases just doesn't really matter. If the Russians want the most corrupt, poorest nation in Europe (the Ukraine), let them have it. We can't afford it, no matter what the Bidens tell us. Our military forces would best be used protecting our own borders, not Ukraine's. 

If we really think that we can be the exception to the rule about culturally divided nations, we need to get to work. In the first 150 years of the United States, we had lots of immigrants come to our shores, nobody came for the government benefits. We did not reward people for sneaking into the country. People came for an opportunity, not a guarantee. The problem with "rescuing" people today is that after a while you are not rescuing them well enough. They will always want more.

Let's try to save America, not the American Empire!!


Monday, July 03, 2023

Monday Meanderings

 Elevation Church has left the Southern Baptist Convention due to the Southern Baptist belief that women should not be "teaching pastors". Unwilling to accept this rule, Elevation Church is leaving the Southern Baptist Convention. Contrast this with the United Methodist Church where those who seek to follow the rules in the Methodist Discipline are being forced to leave so that the rules can be changed. 

It's another holiday weekend where the longest lines are not at the grocery store or the liquor store but at the airport. Pete Buttgig is too busy attacking Ron DeSantis to do any part of his job at the Department of Transportation. When asked about the airport delays, Buttgig blamed it all on the weather. Based on Buttgig's observations, one would be led to believe that this is the first summer where there have been thunderstorms. They are also blaming the smoke from the fires in Canada. Anything that will absolve the government of responsibility for the problems.

At some point in the future, Buttgig or whoever takes his place is going to have to get the people who run airlines together with the folks who operate airports. They need to figure out how many flights and how many people can be moved through every airport. Then they can schedule airlines accordingly. In the age of computers, this really should not be that difficult. 

My wife and granddaughter flew to Orlando a couple of weeks ago. They flew out of Raleigh-Durham airport because they could get a nonstop flight. When we arrived at the airport at 5:00 AM, it was already a madhouse. My wife was flying on Delta. They used to have skycaps who would take your bags and get them checked in. I would rather tip the skycap $10 than wait in a line thirty minutes. They don't have skycaps there anymore. Look at all of the money they are saving. We spent billions of dollars to bail out the airlines during the government-caused pandemic so that they could transfer the work from their employees to their paying customers. WOW! What a deal!

Last year, my wife and I had dinner at a restaurant where reservations were required. The wait was a little long and I expressed my concerns to a manager. He told me that they were having trouble getting enough help. I pointed out what I thought was the most obvious solution. "Stop taking so many reservations." The same advice will work for airlines. Stop scheduling more flights than you have pilots to fly!! If the government screeners have long lines, hire more screeners! How hard can it be to find people willing to piss off long lines of travelers by spending ten minutes trying to find fliers with a pair of nail clippers? Delta, get some skycaps out to the curb!! This is a supply and demand issue. In an age where everything is on computers, this situation should not even exist.

The NASCAR races in Chicago were delayed by record rainfall. Apparently, God decided that Chicago could use a bath. Either that or it was a move to hold down the criminal element as those guys can't stand to get wet. The Cup race was won by a guy from New Zealand. The weekend body count for the city has not been posted yet.

Lindsey Graham was booed at a Trump rally in South Carolina the other day. Have the scales fallen from some eyes down there?  Or have they realized there is no future for us in the Ukraine?

Mike Pence went to the Ukraine a few days ago. I guess that it was closer than Taiwan. Don't bother asking for a campaign contribution from me, Mike!

Saturday, July 01, 2023


 The racists at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill lost at the Supreme Court this week with the Court's ruling on affirmative action. It wasn't a complete loss as John Roberts gave them some pointers on how to work around that ruling. What kind of moron writes a legal opinion and then tells the losers how to ignore it?

UNC claims that they seek to diversify their student body. To do this, they are giving black students preference over Asian students. How does one diversify by reducing the numbers of one minority group in favor of another minority group?

How many Asians are on the UNC basketball team? What is the percentage of Asians on the UNC football team? I am just guessing here, but the answer is one or less. 

Why don't we use affirmative action in sports? Because the object is to win the game. In sports, it is all about ability. Do we have racial quotas on college sports teams? If not, why do we have them in college academics? The goal of an educational institution should be to produce the best and the brightest, not the blackest and the brownest. 

The simplest principle of human behavior is "Whatever you reward, you reinforce." Black kids get praised for their athletic skills; Asian kids are praised for good grades. There aren't many black nuclear physicists because in that culture, praise goes to athletes. The government puts basketball courts in housing projects, they don't build libraries there. They get what they pay for.

I used to see "Reading is Fundamental" ads on television. I rarely see those anymore as the television networks realize that reading and watching television are opposing factors in the quest for knowledge. For you Z'ers reading this, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook are really not learning environments.

When I was growing up in Tampa, the Bookmobile came to our neighborhood on Thursdays. It parked in the 7/11 parking lot. You had to buy your "Icee" after you visited the Bookmobile, they wouldn't let you bring your "Icee" into the Bookmobile. One of the great things about the Bookmobile was that you could request a special book for the next week if they didn't have the book you wanted.  Tampa still operates Bookmobiles, but now they are known as Library2Go.

If the government can't afford a bookmobile, how about making libraries a mandatory stop on bus routes? How about churches in minority neighborhoods hosting a small library in their buildings? How about getting businesses to sponsor Bookmobiles? Memo to America, if you want to improve the knowledge level of our citizens, you will have to get people to read. Watching YouTube is not an adequate substitute for reading. The pandemic proved that remote learning online for young people is a failure.

Schools should give academics the same importance that they give sports. Any schools holding pep rallies before the SATs? Is the "Scholar of the Week" on the local news every Friday? Do we publish stats on scholars or as we called them in the old days, grades?  Of course not, but we do all of these things for athletes. The only time you hear about grades is around the graduation season. Then it is too late. Whatever you reward, you reinforce.

The real problem at UNC and their co-defendants at Harvard is that they are asking the wrong question. They are asking "How can we get more blacks at UNC (or Harvard)?" The correct question to ask is "Why don't more blacks have good enough grades and test scores to get into UNC without a race-based waiver? " If they will ask that question, it will lead them to the answer. The problem must be addressed at the beginning of the educational process, not at college admission.

You can't fix the problem of lower test scores and lower grades by admitting someone to college based on their skin color. All the university system is doing with this system is setting someone up for failure in a high-level academic program or destroying the value of a college degree by lowering the standards set to obtain that degree for the "chosen ones".

As a public institution, UNC has a legal obligation to treat all people equally. Instead, they are denying admission to Asians and whites with higher grades and test scores and allowing blacks with lower grades and test scores to be admitted. Maybe Martin Luther King should have said, " I look forward to the day when college students are judged by their grades and not by the color of their skin".