Thursday, July 06, 2023

Rants, Raves and Ruminations

The cocaine in the White House story continues to amaze Americans. There is a list of everyone who comes into the White House. There are cameras everywhere in the White House. There are Secret Service officers all over the property. But the government is trying to tell us that they may not be able to identify whoever brought that cocaine to the White House. Nobody is buying this story. Let's try the truth.

The President's mouthpiece, the binder girl with the Jiffy Pop hair., said that the cocaine was found in a "heavily traveled" area in the White House. On a Sunday afternoon with the President out of town, what does "heavily travelled" actually mean? 

Do the Secret Service dogs get Sundays off? Did they evacuate the building before or after the Hazmat team determined that it was cocaine? Why evacuate for cocaine? Surely, they found fingerprints. It was obviously a young person who left the cocaine. Older guys aren't that attached to their phones. They were probably so busy trying to get their phone for the 200th selfie of the day that they forgot to grab the drugs.

The President's refusal to acknowledge Hunter's daughter continues to stay in the news. Maybe they can kill two birds with one stone and claim that the kid brought the cocaine with her to visit her grandparents. 

Can the Secret Service give us a timeline on the chain of events. The reports seem to be a bit muddled. How's that for a tactful statement? 

Some are referring to the President now as "Jocaine". Maybe Biden is looking for a "hip" nickname like "Cocaine Mitch" McConnell has.

Some schmuck online is claiming that the Secret Service is trying to make Joe Biden look bad. Do they really think that he needs their help?  The schmuck in question claims that the Secret Service is planting items for Biden to trip on. And you thought that I write some crazy shit. Is the Secret Service responsible for Biden claiming that we are building a Trans-Pacific railroad to go to India? Does the Secret Service find little girls for Biden to sniff? 

I really don't believe that Hunter Biden had anything to do with the cocaine. It's probably some staffer who has turned to drugs to deal with having to lie to the American public about the Bidens. Maybe Jill Biden has turned to drugs to be able to handle Joe's wild mood swings. Maybe some little girl put it there because she didn't have time to put it on her hair for Joe to sniff.

The police in Philadelphia are claiming that the guy who did the mass shooting in Philadelphia is not a transexual, despite the pictures of him in women's clothing. How many men reading this story have a picture of themselves in women's clothing? Asking for a friend. 

Authorities still will not acknowledge that the shooter in the Nashville school was a transexual despite all of the evidence. In the Nashville case, they are still arguing over whether to release the killer's "manifesto". What we have is a situation where the authorities don't want to release anything that would show that killers are mentally ill.  Unless it is a white guy, we don't get any details about killers. 

I am so old that I remember when they gave a description of a criminal suspect on the television or in the newspaper. Fast forward to 2023. Now, reporters fear being called racists if they include race in descriptions. So, we now get reports like "A tall man robbed the bank". Often, they won't even post a picture. Why bother with even "reporting" it? 


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