Saving America?
Twelve score and seven years ago, our forefathers declared their independence from the British crown. They issued the Declaration of Independence. Joe Biden, in his perpetual state of dementia-induced confusion, quoted the Declaration the other day thinking that it was the Constitution. And the Founding Fathers thought that King George was crazy??
They used to say that "The sun never sets on the British Empire." It does now. At one time Egypt was the dominant nation in the world. The Romans had a great empire at one time. Alexander the Great and his Greek army created an empire. Even the Persians got into the empire building thing. The largest contiguous land empire in history was created by Genghis Khan and his Mongolian horde. Spain, Portugal and even the Dutch created great colonial empires at one time. Remember Napoleon and the French Empire? Even the Russians got into the empire building business with the "Soviet Union". Empire building has gone on throughout the history of man.
Today, we live in the American Empire. Don't even waste your time trying to debate that label! Look at the billions of dollars that we spend a year on "foreign aid". Look at the locations of our military bases around the world. Look at the last 150 years in American military history and see the number of wars and "police actions" that we have fought.
History repeats itself. I like to say that history is circular. That confuses today's scholars who never studied geography. Write this down, every great empire has an expiration date. Every empire fails. There have been no exceptions. As surely as night follows day, the American Empire is doomed to fail. The only question is when.
Why do empires fail? They fail because people in charge are unable to grasp that the differences between cultures are impossible to overcome. Confused? Start with reading the Tower of Babel story in the Old Testament. From there, read almost any history book.
Cultural differences in Germany helped propel Adolf Hitler to power. Hitler killed millions of Jews because he believed that the two cultures in Germany were incompatible. He had the support of the Germanic native people. Let's not go that road again!!
It's more than race! People want to be around other people who share their values and their history and their culture. Quick! Name a successful multi-cultural country that has lasted for centuries. All you need to do is look at Europe or the Middle East. The Middle East has been struggling with this for thousands of years. The maps of Europe change regularly as new countries are spun off from others. At the end of World War 2, we created Yugoslavia. How did that work out?
Look at what is happening in France today!! The problems are caused by cultural differences between the natives descended from the Gauls and the Muslim culture that is growing in population. France is overwhelmingly Catholic. Islam is the next largest religion in France but growing. The three largest cities in Muslim population are Marseille, Lyon, and Paris. Turn on the news and see in what cities the biggest riots are taking place. If you guessed Paris, Marseille and Lyon, you win!
Hundreds of years ago, Muslims controlled much of Europe. They were defeated in wars and retreated to Africa and the Middle East. Now they are back, but "peacefully". Like some other cultures, they have become "reproductive warriors". They are going to crank out babies until they are in the majority. The mayor of London is a Muslim. Meanwhile in the Middle East, Muslims seek to eradicate the Jews.
In America, we still think that we can be the exception to the rule. We are kidding ourselves. The borders are awash with illegal immigrants. We are also bringing in "reproductive warriors" from other countries. How many Muslims were in Dearborn, Michigan one hundred years ago? Why do parts of Minnesota look like Somalia? Siler City looks like a small town in Mexico.
So, are there any signs that the "American experiment" is in danger? In the old days of the Roman Empire, the Romans built the Colosseum to have a place to entertain and distract their citizens from the problems of the empire. Today there is a stadium, coliseum, or arena in every town of any size. The new religion in America is sports. The moral standards of traditional America have all but disappeared. We are giving money to people who are not contributing to society so that they will be able to keep being a problem. We are building jails instead of museums and schools.
As a Southerner, I am reluctant to quote Lincoln, but this quote from an 1838 speech hits the target and I have cited it many times. "At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."
It's time to get out of the "empire building" business. Let's make America safer. Let's bring all of the soldiers and sailors back home. In the age of long-range nuclear weapons, placement of bases just doesn't really matter. If the Russians want the most corrupt, poorest nation in Europe (the Ukraine), let them have it. We can't afford it, no matter what the Bidens tell us. Our military forces would best be used protecting our own borders, not Ukraine's.
If we really think that we can be the exception to the rule about culturally divided nations, we need to get to work. In the first 150 years of the United States, we had lots of immigrants come to our shores, nobody came for the government benefits. We did not reward people for sneaking into the country. People came for an opportunity, not a guarantee. The problem with "rescuing" people today is that after a while you are not rescuing them well enough. They will always want more.
Let's try to save America, not the American Empire!!
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