Monday, July 17, 2023

It must be Monday

 With the actors' strike in Hollywood, studios are altering their production plans. They are remaking the old comedy series "MASH". Due to the strike, "Gigolo John" Kerry will now play the role of Major Charles Emerson Winchester. Pete Buttgig will be cast as either "Radar" O'Reilly or "Hot Lips" Houlihan. They are waiting for the screen test results.

"Gigolo John" was awarded three Purple Hearts in Vietnam. He would have received many more if the Navy had not ordered him to grow a beard or use an electric shaver.

Nicknames have a factual basis. Has "Gigolo John" ever been married to a poor woman? 

Biden is activating 3,000 reservists to go to Europe. In what has to be one of the dumbest statements made on this issue, Army Lt. Gen. Douglas Sims, director for operations at the Joint Staff in the Pentagon said this, “These are not additional forces. These are forces that will augment what we already have there.” Either English is not the General's first language, or he can't define "augment". Allow me, General. Augment:verb /ôɡˈment/make (something) greater by adding to it; increase

For those of you keeping track, this pushes our troop count in Europe over the 100,000 mark. For those of you making comparisons, this is early 1965 troop levels in Vietnam. In Vietnam, we kept "augmenting" until there were 536,000 Americans there in 1968. 

How many Americans will die to make the Ukraine a center for making tennis shoes and other cheap products like Vietnam? Would it be quicker to just go ahead and just start up a shoe plant there in the Ukraine? Will in fit in one of those biolab buildings that nobody in government talks about in public?

Who knew that watching "summer reruns" would involve a war in Europe? Am I the only one who has seen this movie before? This has the same plot as every major war in the last 120 years. Is Zelensky the Archduke who will be assassinated? Is Putin the new Hitler? There's no way that Zelensky is Churchill. The French are still the French.

 Before and during WW2, the Democrats tried to hide Roosevelt's physical illnesses from Americans. Today's Democrats are trying to hide Biden's mental illnesses and shortcomings from Americans. They aren't doing a very good job. Wait, I am going to give them a break. Maybe they are doing a good job hiding his mental illness, but there is just too much to hide. Maybe what we see is just the tip of the iceberg.

Biden has never had an original idea. Will he plagiarize Roosevelt in WW2, Truman in Korea or JFK in Vietnam?  There is a rumor is that next week he will announce a Lend-Lease program for the Ukraine.  History is circular. As we sit and watch, it is repeating itself. Is anyone in Washington awake??  

Why do we fight Communism in other nations, but allow it to flourish here? Has anyone been to California and Oregon? Do we need to send troops to those states? As long as we are on the subject of fighting Communism, is what is happening in the Russian government actually Communism?  Would Karl Marx recognize it? Don't ask Biden that question, he thinks that Karl was Harpo and Groucho's brother. 

Baseball held their All-Star game in a homeless neighborhood in Seattle. The day before the game, they held a "Red Carpet" event for players and families to show off their finer dress. Major League Baseball is officially at rock bottom. 


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