Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Titillating Tuesday Topics and Taunts

 People think that the government is hiding something because they are hiding something. Lots of somethings.

My wife had surgery on her neck at the Greensboro Surgical Center recently. The lobby was filled with other people who were waiting on their family members. They were all on their cell phones. I was busy scrawling notes like this and working a Sudoku puzzle book. I said something to a guy who was sitting near me. He not only didn't respond, but he also got up and moved across the room. A few minutes later, a couple sat down near me, and they spoke to me. We ended up talking for about thirty minutes until they had to go see their child in the recovery room. 

I am so old that I remember when people spoke to each other. It wasn't like I had my "Let's Go Brandon" hat on. I wasn't wearing my Fine Upstanding College Kid t-shirt. You'll figure it out.

Does anyone under fifty have communication skills that don't involve electronic devices? 

Just for the record, almost everything you read on this blog started life as a note scrawled onto a handy piece of notebook paper, index card, Post It note or scrap of paper. My personal favorite use of junk mail is to scrawl random thoughts on it. I don't keep all of these scraps, but I have found that writing things down on paper dramatically increases my retention rate. For Christmas, I am sending Joe Biden a box of political junk mail and a Pilot G-7 pen. He will probably just sniff the junk mail and use the pen to pick his nose. I tried.

Eisenhower (I liked Ike) warned us about the military-industrial complex. He didn't see the government-medical complex coming. Rand Paul warned us about that. Fauci proved Rand was right.

Google furnishes stats on how my blog is doing. I looked at those stats this morning. Hats off to whoever the person is in Singapore reading this swill!! Thanks for reading!! I am still waiting for a reader from the Ukraine. Maybe the reader in Moldova is actually in the Ukraine.

Sen. Chuck "The Schmuck" Schumer is pushing a Senate bill to compel the government to release the information the government has about UFOs. The real purpose of this is to distract people from the crap going on in DC. Beyond that, he wants to pattern the law after the law requiring the government to release information about the JFK assassination. Since the law allows them to hold anything that would harm the government, we will never get the truth. 

The government claims to have released 99% of their info on the JFK assassination. So, we know almost everything about the JFK assassination except who actually killed him or had him killed. For those still speculating about the killer, I have ruled out Joe Dimaggio since JFK was not beaten to death with a bat. I lived in Tampa, Florida long enough to keep the Trafficante family on the list of suspects. The CIA and the FBI are still tops on my list. You never knew what that Mary Hoover guy over at the FBI would do. 

They will never release all of the info on the Martin Luther King killing either. There's still an occasional controversy on the RFK assassination. Sirhan Sirhan killed RFK and wounded five people firing an 8 shot .22 caliber revolver. That's a lot of damage for a little man with a little handgun. 

Is Christopher Wray J. Edgar "Mary" Hoover's love child? How about his being Spiro Agnew's unclaimed offspring? Either one of these would make sense and explain a lot.

Illinois is eliminating cash bail. How high can the crime rate in Chicago go? Hold on while they find out! How many repeat killers they can put on the street? I don't want to steal a thought from Jason Aldean, but people in small towns will know how to handle criminals.

Just for reference purposes, there were six killed and twenty-seven wounded in the city of Chicago over the weekend. How long before the bail bondsmen can all get jobs as security guards?


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