Friday, June 26, 2020

Free Shot Friday

Honk if you hate Roy Cooper! If you don't hate Roy Cooper, get a job!!

Just say "No" to NASCAR.

It took NASCAR five days to produce a picture of the now famous noose-shaped garage door pull. What took them so long? Did they have to wait for the film to get developed?

NC Sheriffs are lining up to tell us why they won't be enforcing the governor's face mask order. Once you leave the large cities where all of the liberals live, there's no stomach for this Cooper move.

One day, The New York Times will examine both sides of an issue before publishing a story. It didn't start this week.

Tailgating at NASCAR events will be changing as NASCAR takes action to diversify their fan base and prevent offending  their liberal drivers. On Monday, they will announce that they are banning Pabst Blue Ribbon, watermelons, moon pies, and fried chicken from their properties. NASCAR will offer specials on malt liquor, mangoes, sweet potato pies, and chimichangas. The hot new concession slogan is "Gimme a chimi". 

Golden Corral has closed their Reidsville location after 100 days of government intervention has forced them to give up on returning to business anytime soon enough to salvage their business. There's fifty or sixty people without a job and with a reason to hate Roy Cooper. Not to mention the loss of sales tax revenue to the local governments. It takes a special kind of moron as governor to cause a recession. But he's still getting paid. 

Does anyone really care what "Bubba" Wallace thinks or says?  He's from Alabama, he's half white, and his last name is Wallace. Let's start a Go Fund Me page to raise enough money to have trace his family tree and see if he is related to George Wallace, the famed Alabama governor.

Mandy Cohen, director of  NC Health & Human services is not licensed to practice medicine in North Carolina. She's one of those political doctors whom we have seen way too much of the last few months. Here's a simple analogy to make my point. If you are going to build an eight lane wide, one mile long bridge to go over a river, do you want it designed and built by a bureaucrat who regulates engineers or by a guy who has built big bridges over a river for a living?

Several stupid politicians, including North Carolina's lead tyrant, Roy Cooper, are removing statues claiming that they are public safety hazards. Cooper and his Commie Cohorts claim that someone may get hurt trying to vandalize a statue if they fall or the statue falls on them. This is such an outrageous claim that we may need to redefine "bullshit". Are we going to apply this standard to bridges, overpasses, water towers, rail cars, and walls of buildings, things that are regularly vandalized?  Why don't we focus on stopping the criminal element?  Because that is the Democratic Party voting base.

Cooper is the Alfred E. Neuman of governors. "What me worry?"

Cooper and Cohen, North Carolina's answer to Bonnie and Clyde. What's the difference? Bonnie and Clyde killed fewer people. 

Cooper has a problem obeying state law and then bashes citizens for ignoring his executive orders. Cooper continues to leave the state without informing the Lt. Gov. as the law requires. Cooper keeps visiting other states for fund raisers in his campaign to be reelected Governor in a state where he doesn't raise money. Call me if any of this makes sense or better yet, call Roy and ask him to explain it.

Peach Tree on US 321 in Filbert, SC for a great peach milk shake. Great burgers and produce at Black's Peaches on SC 5 a little west of York.  I bought a couple of pecks of Caroking peaches. They are great!

And if you are my brother Barry, reading this, why did you wait so long to find this blog?

Thursday, June 25, 2020

The State of Washington, DC??

Democrats in the House want to create our 51st state out of the District of Columbia. The bill is certain to die in the Senate. If it passes the Senate, it will be vetoed by Trump.

I am tired of hearing all of the complaining from District residents about everything. NO ONE is compelled to live in the District, except Donald Trump. If you don't like it, move.

The Democrats want to pick up more members in the House and Senate. Would they be proposing this bill if the Republicans were in the majority in the District? Of course not.

There actually is a very simple solution to this problem. Return the parts of the District that are not Federal government facilities to the State of Maryland, from whence it came. There is actually a legal precedent for this. In 1847, what is now Arlington County, Virginia was retroceded by Congress to the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Problem solved.

Thirty Thursday Thoughts

1. All "racists"  are not white. 

2. Opinions are not facts.

3.Tearing down monuments will not change history.

4. If you want to honor your heroes, you have to let other people honor their heroes.

5 Seeing it on the news does not make it a fact.

6. Anarchy is not another form of government. It is the lack of government. 

7. We don't let teenagers run the nation.

8. We elect leaders to lead. People who follow the mob are followers, not leaders.

9. Memo to Bubba: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

10. Memo to NASCAR: Your fans aren't as stupid as you are.

11. Solidarity: New excuse for being lazy.

12. Not every knot in a rope is a noose.

13. There are many Confederate flags. There is not "The Confederate Flag". 

14. The NCAA has made billions of dollars from the work of black and white athletes without compensation. Where is their moral basis for condemning a state flag?

15. About 70% of NFL players are black. Please explain discrimination in this case. Use the back of the paper if needed.

16. You have 30 seconds. Name a white NFL defensive back. Time's up!

17. About 13% of the population is black. 80% of NBA players are black. Are white players the victims of racial discrimination? If not, why not?

18. On what continent is most slavery still actively practiced?

19. RMOL Jeopardy-  The answer is "liberal media". The question is "How do career criminals become saints?"

20. Not every person arrested is innocent. Not every cop is a criminal. 

21. Anyone telling me we need to change the national anthem needs to first recite every word of every verse to me.

22. When was the last time that you heard more than the first verse of The Star-Spangled Banner performed?

23. If COVID were spread by kissing asses of minorities, Democrats would all be dead. They just don't kiss asses, they lick them dry.

24. When did they pass all of these laws that seem to only apply to Donald Trump?

25.  Why does the government spend any money supporting PBS?

26. TASS is more unbiased than PBS.

27. What's the difference between Pravda and The New York Times? The spelling of the name.

28. Is there a descendent of Lee Harvey Oswald living in North Carolina? Asking for a friend.

29. North Carolina averages about 17 COVID-19 deaths a day. We average 230 deaths a day that do not involve COVID-19. 

30. In 2019, about 38,500 people in the United States died in traffic accidents. More than 4 million Americans required medical treatment for auto accident injuries. Yet, still we drive?

News & Record Letter??

A couple of days ago, I ventured to the Greensboro News & Record website. This letter to the editor caught my eye and I thought that it was worth sharing here.

When their doors open again, how can churches reasonably expect congregants to return when the church’s servile allegiance to the state caused their righteous closure for three months?

Where was their basic belief that, even if twice as many died, God was in charge? As it is, the nation had been disrupted for the next five years, lives and businesses have been ruined and who knows how many “knock-on” deaths will occur.

“This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.” T.S. Eliot had it about right.

At the mere risk of a virus, not a world war, the church scuttles back into its kennel like a frightened puppy. Where’s the total faith of a Daniel, a Noah, a Paul or Jesus Christ Himself? Long dissipated, apparently.

Keith Peddie


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Tuesday Topics and Cheap Shots

After an investigation by 15 FBI agents, the FBI has determined that the "noose" found in Bubba's garage was a pull rope for the garage door that "had been fashioned like a noose". It has been there since at least October of 2019. Why hasn't NASCAR released any pictures?

Is it possible that NASCAR is trying to discredit their own fan base? Kind of like Democrats telling voters that they aren't smart enough to be Democrats?

What do NASCAR and Jussie Smollett have in common? They both have failing TV shows.

In history books in the future, this time will be called "The Age of Idiots".

NASCAR is banning the white uniforms worn by race officials for fear that they will be mistaken for Klansmen.

This is a quote from a Yahoo News story about another "noose"
On Saturday morning, a makeshift noose was found hanging from a tree at the Sonoma Raceway in California by a staff member of the track, the Associated Press reported.
“Piece of twine, probably there for a while, but somebody had fashioned it into a shape you can reasonably interpret to be a noose,” Sonoma Raceway general manager Steve Page told NBC Bay Area.

"Fashioned into a shape you can reasonably interpret to be a noose". I don't believe that one should have to interpret the shape of a piece of twine. It is either a noose or it is not. A noose fashioned  of twine? Must be hanging some real lightweights in Sonoma. Probably couldn't hang a bottle of wine with that noose. Maybe there is a suicidal anorexic roaming the speedway?  And just like the Wallace noose, no photos are available.

Greensboro is violating their own law by allowing murals to be painted on the streets. Don't worry, those laws are all for conservative white folks.

In Atlanta today, they are "celebrating the life" of the now esteemed Rayshard Brooks. Will they have sufficient time to read his criminal record or will they just have his children talk about how he beat and abused them? Rest assured that Mr. Brooks is not playing a harp while he watches his funeral. He was recently released from prison because of the COVID pandemic. Will they charge his death to COVID??

In Charlotte on Sunday night hundreds attended a block party. I am sure that they were all social distancing or wearing face masks. At one point someone started shooting. Police estimate that more than 100 shots were fired. Three people were killed and 12 injured. Not all injuries were shootings, some people were hurt by cars hitting them as they left suddenly. Today police are offering a reward for information as they have been unable to find any witnesses to the events. I loved the look on the Fox 8  anchor as he read that this morning. He even repeated "a hundred shots fired and no witnesses?".

Just a closing shot, will NASCAR show us a picture of the garage door pull rope that struck fear into them? Don't worry guys, you are losing more of those "racists" everyday. The problem will be finding replacement fans. 

Mark Keith Robinson for NC Lt. Governor.

NASCAR Noose and Bubba Wallace

Saturday afternoon in Talladega, a "noose" was found in the garage stall of NASCAR's Bubba Wallace, NASCAR's new "King". NASCAR has expressed their outrage and has vowed to remove the responsible party from racing.

The FBI and the Justice Department are also investigating this "crime". As of this writing, more than 36 hours has elapsed without anymore information being being disseminated. The NASCAR garage and the entire infield was off limits to the 5,000 fans allowed to see the race live. NASCAR limits the number of people who can access the garage and issues credentials badges to those who they deem fit to see behind the scenes. Is this like the Wizard of OZ scene where the Wizard bellows "Pay no attention to the man behind the screen!" ?

So on the second day following this heinous crime, there is no word on what was found. The NASCAR garage was covered by security cameras, what are the results? With both NASCAR and the FBI investigating, how long can it take to review the video? What's the holdup? Have they found the perpetrator or is that the problem?

When a cop knelt on a man's neck, there were cameras everywhere. When Trump does anything, it is instantly on Twitter, Facebook, CNN and all of the other unreliable sources. Wallace is on the track with all of the other drivers and crews and he is taking selfies and they are all over the Internet. Where are the pictures of the noose? 

Is there actually a noose? I have seen several people gather up a long extension cord in such a way that it resembles a noose. Is that what we have here? We can't know because no one is releasing any photos.
Show me the noose!!! 

UPDATE: The FBI released their report on Tuesday afternoon. The alleged noose has been in that garage stall since October of 2019. It was a rope pull on a garage door that had "been fashioned like a noose". They concluded that there was no way that any one could have known that Bubba Wallace would have that garage stall in June. Still no pictures released.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

I love stupid people The Covidiot Chapter

I love stupid people. How long before the government decides that saying that is a public safety hazard or a public health issue??

While claiming that a pandemic called COVID-19 is decimating the nation, there are states labeling "racism" as a public health issue. Why not claim that "stupidity" is a public health issue?  Is there a medical cure for "racism"? Is there a medical cure for "stupidity"?

I am still fascinated by people who are riding in a car by themselves and wearing a mask. Are they planning on picking up a hitchhiker? Are they afraid of catching the disease from themselves? Let's ask them if they wear condoms while masturbating.

I saw this one at the grocery store yesterday. Guy standing outside while smoking was pulling the mask down to take a puff on the cigarette. Let's work this one out. He is wearing a mask to prevent a respiratory virus, but is moving the mask to suck in tobacco smoke which causes a respiratory disease? This is a guy who pokes holes in condoms before using them. That's so his brain can get some air.

In the United States, we are told to stay sex feet apart. A woman was arrested  yesterday for threatening to shoot people who she thought were getting closer than six feet. No word on whether or not she was firing warning shots.

Picking up some some Chinese food in historic Reidsville, NC last week, another old guy waiting told me, "I can't believe that you aren't wearing a mask." I responded, "I can't believe that you are. It won't help with this. Don't you know that eating Chinese food raises the chances that you will get the virus?" On the way home, I wondered how long he stood there before taking his order, if he took it.

The biggest Covidiot in North Carolina is a tossup between Gov. Cooper and NCDHHS Director Mandy Cohen. Cohen tells us that there are studies that show how masks and social distancing prevent Covid, but never actually gives us that information to read for ourselves. Cooper tells us all to wear a mask, but marched with a couple of thousand demonstrators with his mask hanging from one ear with no social distancing. "Laws are for thee, not me." is the Cooper approach. 

Roy Cooper is such an idiot, that in Virginia, Gov. Ralph Northam's staff has signs in their offices that read, Thank God for Roy Cooper.


Friday, June 19, 2020

Pelosi Purges House History

Nancy Pelosi has ordered that the portraits of four Speakers of the House who were connected with the Confederacy be removed from the Capitol.

In a move straight out of Stalin's playbook, Pelosi is rewriting history. Will she next have any portraits of Republicans removed?

Stalin used photography as a way of rewriting history. Stalin would have opponents who had been purged airbrushed out of photographs. If he had been able to use Photoshop, there wouldn't be any original photos left in Russia.

Of the four Speakers who had their portraits removed, three served as Speaker before the Civil War and one served in the 1890's. Charles Crisp of Georgia served as the Speaker from 1891 to 1895. This means that 26 years after the Civil War ended, the nation had reconciled to such a point that a Southerner could be elected Speaker. More than 125 years later, Pelosi and Democrats are trying to rewrite American History and divide the country again.

I am fascinated that a woman who has had breast implants and uses Botox is concerned about another Speaker's portrait. 

What will next week's episode of "Liberals Gone Wild" bring?

Thursday, June 18, 2020

MLK's America

Martin Luther King once said that America has a seven day attention span. For those of you who are not believers, these questions.

What happened to a second impeachment?

Is The Ukraine still the lynch pin of our national security?

Anybody hear from Lt. Col. Vindman lately?

Is Eric Ciaramella still blowing someone's whistle?

What are those ambassadors doing now other than slopping at the government trough?

Who's "fat Jerry" Nadler praising today?

Does Adam Schiff still have that evidence of Russian collusion?

Does Bob Mueller know that Trump is still the President?

Stormy Daniels?

Is Christine Blasey Ford still afraid to fly to Washington, but not the South Pacific?

Is Kim Jong-Un still about to die?

Is Hillary Clinton still the President?

Do the Democrats still hate John Bolton?

Did Cuomo ever use all of those respirators?

How many patients did those Navy hospital ships actually treat?

How many of the 22 Democrats who opposed John Roberts now wish they had voted for him?

Democrats Praying??

Here's a picture of Democrats gathering in their tribal clothing to pray for more stupid voters in the 2020 election. Their ancient prayer ritual involves chanting "If we take a knee, will you keep them from noticing we are trying to take every right they have?" Does Satan answer prayers?

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Norma Lobato, Where are you??

In the 1967-1968 school year at Pierce Junior High, I took a journalism class. I chose that because it was the only elective offered where the teacher didn't already hate me. The teacher was Ms. Norma Lobato.

The journalism class also produced the school newspaper. Naturally, Ms. Lobato was the faculty adviser for the school paper. Ms. Lobato taught us all of the important things in journalism. If you were turning in a story for Ms. Lobato to approve for the paper, you better have covered "who, what, when, where, why, and how". She was looking for that, so there was no need to submit anything without it. You would just have to write it over.

Ms. Lobato also tried to get us to reach for better stories to cover. Ms. Lobato could care less who Terry or John or Mary was dating. We were supposed to be writing about serious stuff, not the stuff covered today by "news channels".

My best experience of that year was an interview with local Tampa legend Rick Casares. He had played football at Thomas Jefferson High School and the University of Florida. Then he played 12  years in the NFL, most of them for the Chicago Bears. He had retired to Tampa and owned a night club, the Huddle Lounge. Ms. Lobato told me that I should try to get an interview with him. So I called and he set up a time for me to meet him. My mother drove me to the Huddle Lounge for the interview and waited while I interviewed Rick.  He spent an hour talking with me. For a 14 year old boy, it was an incredible experience. Sitting in a bar, drinking ginger ale, talking to a guy who had played 12 years in the NFL. He showed me some of his trophies and other memorabilia from his playing days. It was just great!!

Several years ago, I was in a used book store and found a copy of the textbook that we used in that ninth grade journalism class. I bought it. There are days now that I want to pull that book from the shelf and ride down to the offices of the News & Record. There, I should wave it in their faces and inquire as to whether they have ever read a book like that. Why bother? You know that they haven't read it.

Norma Lobato, if you are out surfing the Web one day and find this, Thank You for everything you did for us fifty three years ago. I probably didn't say it then, but I appreciate all of your efforts.

WFMY News 2 Home of Horseshit Journalism

I sent this email this morning about a story on Gilbarco and COVID-19. They have corrected a couple of their mistakes, but have not bothered to respond.

Good morning,

Your story on Gilbarco Veeder-Root is an example of the worst in television journalism today.
To begin, your video shows the company name on the sign in front of the business, but in your headline and your story, you misspell the business name. Then your reporter does not pronounce the name correctly. 
Your sources tell you that there have been 15 confirmed cases. Gilbarco is a large business. How many employees are at that facility? What percentage of these people have the disease? Is that percentage above or below the national and state rates for the disease?
You used a basically anonymous source to discredit a major employer in Greensboro. Can you verify your source's claims? Are you just in the rumor and innuendo business?
You also have this line in your story on your website: "The company said that it was afraid that the number would continue to grow and didn't feel that it was doing enough to protect its workers."  Did they actually issue this in a statement or do you have video of a spokesman saying this? If not, it's just another nail in the coffin for journalism.
I remember when journalists used "FACTS". 
Even for television journalists, this is a poor performance.

Thank you,
Gilbert Jones

Monday, June 15, 2020

Jumping the shark??

Years ago, I was surfing the internet and came across a site called Before you go looking, it is no longer there. The person credited with inventing the term "jump the shark" is Jon Hein. The term is used to define a television show that has been successful but starts to lose importance, relevance, and viewers. It is based on a later Happy Days episode where the Fonz jumped a shark while water skiing. It was all downhill from there for Happy Days.

So why I am mentioning this? It was rainy today, so I watched a few different shows and thought of "jumping the shark".

I loved the show "Night Court" and thought that I had seen every episode. I watched a few episodes recently and realized that there were several that I had never seen. Then I realized that I had stopped watching a couple of years before they stopped producing shows. Somewhere in Season 7 or Season 8, they jumped the shark. I jumped ship then, I didn't wait to the gavel to fall..

I used to enjoy "Last Man Standing". A couple of weeks ago, I watched a new episode made after they moved to Fox. They have not just "jumped the shark", they have taken it dancing on the wavetops. The new "Mandy" looks tall enough to be playing in the WNBA. She doesn't do dingy nearly as well as the old Mandy. And Kyle? He looks like he got a haircut and an MBA from a correspondence school during the show's hiatus. Now they have some Asian kid living with the Baxters and I just couldn't figure out how or why that happened. This is worse than the little girl who moved into Archie Bunker's house. Plus the old guy who plays Ed, is now doing a commercial about suing Purdue Pharma. I always thought that he was the backbone of the show. Looks like I was wrong again. It's time for the Last Man Standing to take a seat.

Pawn Stars? Where do I start? To be blunt, the show jumped the shark when the "Old Man", Richard Harrison died. With the senior Harrison gone, so is the last scrap of credibility. Now it's Rick pontificating about some drivel, while Chumlee and his palm-sized dog wander aimlessly around the store. The younger Harrison, "Big Hoss" shows up long enough to display his need for antidepressants.  One of tonight's shows was about Rick and Chumlee going to Italy on a vacation. Why take an idiot to Italy?  I implore the History Channel to let this ship sink.

American Pickers? Since I am a vendor of quality collectables or "junk salesman", I considered watching American Pickers to be a continuing education experience. It has not only jumped the shark, the shark was appraised and sold. It just doesn't have the novelty of a few years ago. Also, who wants to see outtakes?  I want to see junk sold. Also, about one more mention from Mike about his personal grooming techniques and I am going to vomit. I don't want to know about him using natural deodorant and about how everyone has there own scent. Franks has lost a lot of weight and has even more tattoos. He looks like an AIDS victim. Danni looks like she worked for P.T. Barnum in an earlier life. I will give you a dollar for it!!

Finally, Antiques Roadshow. In 2009, Roadshow was in Raleigh. My wife and I won tickets to attend. We took 4 pieces of our finest junk, but they weren't good enough to make the television show, We did have a great time and it was a great experience. In the last couple of years, Roadshow has decided to mimic the British version and stage the show at historical or cultural sites. Memo to Antiques Roadshow: We aren't British! People aren't watching for the location. You could film it in a cow pasture or an old warehouse, people just  want to see the "stuff" that other people have brought in to have appraised. Nobody really gives a rat's ass if you are broadcasting from the Ringling Museum or a mansion. Show us the junk!! The shark is right in front of you. Turn around!!


Is COVID-19 a social disease??

I just finished watching 45 minutes of "Lying Mandy Cohen", who is in charge of the NC DHHS. She can spin a lie faster than her mentor, Governor Roy Cooper.

Mandy has that Democratic line where they talk about the communities that have been "marginalized" down pat. There were a couple of questions about certain counties and the rates of infection there with minorities. I was unable to decipher an actual answer to any of these questions by the acclaimed Dr. Liar.

So bored with the lies, I thought that we should explore my own theory that COVID-19 is a "social disease".

It is reported that blacks and Hispanics have a COVID-19  rate about twice that of white Americans. There are three possibilities for this trend. They would be social/cultural reasons, biological reasons, or environmental reasons.

A lot of the white people dying are in nursing homes or as the doctors like to say "congregate living facilities". I think that would be an environmental cause.

There may be a biological reason, but as liberals like to claim that we are all the same except for the color of our skin, this must be impossible.

This leaves us with cultural or social causes. Let's start with Mexicans. The women who was the Spanish teacher at my sons' school was the daughter of missionaries and had lived in Mexico for several years. She told them that Mexicans have no concept of "personal space". That's why you see eight of them get out of a Toyota Corolla. Many of them live together in very crowded conditions. This might also be an environmental issue, but one they have chosen for cultural reasons.  This is why meat packing plants have been so affected by COVID-19 outbreaks. People who all work together, live together, and play together are going to be more prone to spread the disease. To solve the meat packing plant problems, they need to diversify their staffing.

Let's go to whether COVID is a social issue among blacks. Do you ever see two white guys meet in a public place? They make shake hands, but usually they just speak and maybe nod. What happens when two black guys meet? They have to do the "bro hug" thing. Then after speaking, there is a departing embrace. If you have several children by different women, you have a much more extended family than typically found in other communities. There are larger families in minority communities than found elsewhere. This is a social construct that causes an environmental problem.

An Ohio State Senator was fired from his job as an emergency room doctor for asking a similar question about whether the black community was practicing social distancing, wearing masks, and washing their hands. Outraged that he used the term "colored people", like in NAACP, people are demanding that he resign from his elected office. Interestingly enough, no one answered his question about social practices. The issue changed from "how can we fight this disease?" to "how could you say that?"

Are we going to curb the spread of the disease or are we going to refuse to say something that might offend a minority group? This isn't about science, it's about politics. Facing the facts requires that we kill a sacred cow. Not everything relates to being "marginalized". This is about social habits.

When did we decide?

When did we decide that sports stars should be our social, moral, and political spokespersons? It's not like eloquence is their strong point. How does tossing a ball through a hoop qualify you to judge the performances of others. Hell, we can train a seal to put a ball through a ring. Go find a real job and check back with us on your views.

When did we decide that gays and transgenders should be prized for their keen insights into the evils of heterosexuality?

When did we decide that offending someone is a crime or a sin?

When did we decide that "Black Lives Matter" is the most important cause in the universe? This is based on observations of news reporting.

When did we decide that people who lived in the past must meet our moral standards of today? Are we meeting the moral standards of the future?

When did we decide to rewrite our history? Was this a government decision? Was it made by a popular vote? Was there a referendum that I missed?

When did we decide that our lives and our accomplishments should all be judged based on our interactions with the opposite sex? Is all the good in your life overwhelmed by how you related to women?

When did we decide that the standard for greatness involves renouncing your connection, if any, to slavery? As an example, is Thomas Jefferson's work for the establishment and growth of the United States negated by his approach to slavery? Because of his relationship with Sally Hemmings, Jefferson hit the daily double on both race and gender relations. He's lucky that the liberals haven't started grinding his image off nickles. Of course, no one has any solid evidence on what the Hemmings-Jefferson relationship was actually like from an emotional or personal point of view.

When did we decide that George Washington should have his legacy questioned because he owned slaves? Does this negate his role in the American Revolution? Does this cancel out his Presidency?

When did we decide that racism is somehow the exclusive province of white guys? Are black people not capable of racism? Will we ever explore the racism that blacks show towards Asians and Hispanics? How about the racism that blacks show towards Jews?

When did we decide that liberals have the right to tell the rest of us what to think? When did schools become indoctrination centers?

When did we decide that placating less than 13% of the population is worth destroying the nation?

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Numbers and more!

Lying Mandy Cohen of NCDHHS fame, says that 10% of the tests for COVID-19 are positive. She says that we need to get this number down to around 5%. Why has the number shot up? Because Lying Mandy has her fingers on the scale. She tells us to get tested if we think that we have been exposed or think that we are sick. If most of your testing sample thinks they are sick or have been exposed, then that number is not representative of the general population. Most tests require a doctor's referral for the test. Lying Mandy is distorting the facts. The facts are that 90% of the people who thought they were sick or had been exposed are not sick. Until you get a realistic sample of the population tested, your figures are worthless.

Black Lives Matter tells us about all of the black people killed by police, but never mention that more whites are killed every year by police. While blacks are killed in a disproportional rate to their presence in the population, they also commit a disproportional rate of violent crimes. How many incidents involve a person who has used drugs or alcohol? This info is available but we never hear about it.  Read the autopsy on Floyd Perry aka George Floyd. Why isn't Black Lives Matter chanting saying, "Say his NAMES"?

How many people demanding reparations for slavery have ever actually been a slave?  Without consulting any surveys, I will guess that the number is about zero. By the way, if you are looking to punish people for slavery, how about those folks in Africa who sold your ancestors into slavery? Number of people demanding reparations from African countries is zero.

What's the racial breakdown on looters? A couple of years ago, a Family Dollar near Wilmington, NC was looted live on television after a hurricane. I watched for about half an hour and did not see any KKK members present. Looters during that incident were 100% black.

What's the percentage of demonstrators/looters/rioters who have been so traumatized so badly by the death of someone they don't know, that they need to loot Walmart or Target and get a new television to ease the pain?

Walmart in Reidsville has an emergency capacity of 1091 people. Ace Speedway has a emergency capacity of 25.  Yet Lying Roy Cooper and BS-ing Mandy Cooper tell us that you are more likely to get sick at Ace Speedway. Number of people with functioning brains who believe Roy/Mandy is zero(0).

Number of people who stopped listening to Lady Antebellum because of their name. Zero. Number of people who have announced that they will no longer listen to their music. No total yet, but it is already more than zero. Number of Lady Antebellum listeners who actually thought that they were racists because of antebellum? None ever heard from before this week.

When Cooper was restricting churches from having more than ten people present, he said that it was dangerous to be inside and sitting. Then it was dangerous to be outside at Ace Speedway. Then he marched with protesters in Raleigh with his face mask hanging to one side and no social distancing.  Roy is obviously just making shit up, but a least he's still stupid. Percentage of people who believe Roy will be determined in November. Vote no to pandering!!

Cultural Quiz??

When I worked in the restaurant business, I loved to ask employees about history. You don't know how little people know until you ask them  Here are some examples.

Ask high school and college students about the Fourth of July. One year, I had to ask seven people before I found a winner. It would have probably taken more people for a correct answer if it had not actually been July 4.

Ask about Veteran's Day. No one under 50 will know that it used to be Armistice Day. Only about one in a hundred will know that the Armistice started at 11:00 on the eleventh day of the eleventh month. You've hit the lottery if you find someone who knows that the shooting continued right up until 11:00 as everyone tried to improve their positions.

Memorial Day? Just talk to yourself and save the frustration. In Greensboro, if I asked a teenager about Memorial Day, the answer involved something  like "that is the weekend the city pools open". Does anyone remember Decoration Day? Does anyone remember Doris Day?

If you ask restaurant employees about Labor Day on Labor Day, the response always involves, "Why are we laboring on Labor Day?"

Rather than ask about Thanksgiving, it is quicker to just show the Charlie Brown show about Thanksgiving. It is more historically accurate than what they teach in school now anyway..

Martin Luther King Day? For several years, I would ask the kitchen staff to tell me all they knew about "Letter from the Birmingham Jail".  The first person with the correct answer could take the day off. I did this for eleven years. Never a winner. I would always explain it, nobody remembered or still worked there the next year.

Religious holidays are out of the question. Easter involves coloring eggs, rabbits,  and Cadbury candy, Palm Sunday is about a tree, and Christmas is about electronics. One year, I asked about Yom Kippur and actually had a winner. It turned out that he had worked for a Jewish guy the year before.

So if you are bored one day, ask your kids about things like this. Make sure that you are sitting down when you ask.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Freestyle Friday?

Liberals would have us believe that Trump plans his entire calendar so that he can offend people. He's holding a rally in on Juneteenth in Tulsa. A couple of points here. First, he does have some other obligations, like running the country, that limit his available time. Second, the history of the nation covers more than 400 years, so there is something that has happened on every day.

If you are really concerned, go to a local store and ask people what Juneteenth is. Honk if you find someone under 30 who knows.

We live in a nation where there are poor people who are fat. How does that make sense? Let's look at those food stamp programs. I have some distant relatives who come to mind.

Christianity Today needs a name change. Either that or fire the staff.

Is there anyone with more than a room temperature IQ who believes that the Democrats would be doing what they are doing now if blacks voted Republican 95% of the time?

I saw a picture the other day and thought that it was a scene from graduation at Clown College. It turned out to be Pelosi, Schumer , and a couple of dozen other schmucks taking a knee in the Capitol wearing Kente cloth.

An Ohio State Senator and doctor is catching hell because he used the term "colored people". He also suggested that there might be a cultural sanitation issue. "Colored People"??  Like the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)??

Roy Cooper continues to tell us that all of his decisions on COVID-19 are based on science and facts. He just hasn't bothered sharing any of that data with us. At his present rate, I will soon be the only guy in the county who doesn't belong to a group that is suing Cooper.

Still waiting to talk to someone who thinks that NASCAR made a smart decision on the Confederate flag. Ed Hardin at the News and Record doesn't count.

The weather was great today. I spoiled the day by mowing the lawn.

Speaking of the lawn, here's a crass commercial plug for Stihl products. A couple of years ago, tired of constantly replacing string trimmers, I bought a commercial grade Stihl trimmer. This year, I bought another one to use with a brush cutter attachment. Now, I look forward to edging the yard.

The flea market at the State Fairgrounds in Raleigh will reopen on July 4-5. They are opening in stages and as I am not a permanent vendor, I have to wait a few weeks. Hopefully, they will get to Stage 2 before I age out of selling stuff.

Judge Tom Lambeth of Alamance County needs to recuse himself from the Ace Speedway case. Governor Cooper has labeled Ace as an imminent hazard and has verbally attacked the owners. As Lambeth was appointed by Cooper, this presents an obvious conflict.

I will vote for anyone for Governor who pledges to fire Mandy Cohen. I mean as soon as they take the oath, drop their hand and call Cohen to fire her.

Lady Antebellum changed their name and apologized for using a term (antebellum) related to the Civil War as their name. They will now go by their unofficial name Lady A, since most people were too lazy to say antebellum anyway. If they had surveyed their fans, less than 10% would have known what "antebellum' means anyway.

 How long before Victoria's Secret changes their name since Queen Victoria ruled before the Civil War?

Truth in Labeling laws should compel the Democrats to change their name to The Pandering Party.

Mark Robinson for Lt. Governor!!

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Adios NASCAR??

In January of 2019, Gillette unveiled an ad campaign criticizing men for "toxic masculinity". Seven months later, Procter & Gamble took an $8 Billion dollar write-down on the value  of Gillette. Yesterday, NASCAR banned "the Confederate flag" from their races. Obviously, NASCAR is listening to the same geniuses who advised Procter & Gamble on their Gillette marketing.

What kind of idiot thinks, "Our business is down a little, let's attack our customer base"? Other than those geniuses at P&G?? Beyond attacking your business base, how are you going to enforce this rule? This has the potential to become a public relations nightmare.

First and foremost, NASCAR apparently does not know or understand that there are several "Confederate Flags". I am sure that in their ignorance and lack of knowledge,  they are referring to the "battle flag", but are the others banned as well? As least if they ban all of the flags, many Americans will get a long overdue history lesson. If the others are not banned, how long before they are also popular?

How are they going to enforce this ban? Will they let you park in the lot if your car has a flag sticker on it or even a state-issued license plate with a Confederate symbol on it? Can you compel someone to remove a government issued license plate? What if someone has their car painted as a battle flag? Will you be forced to remove a tee shirt with the NASCAR banned symbol on it? Will they allow people in who have a flag tattoo? What about battle flag jewelry? What about battle flag pocket knives and key rings? Battle flag wallets and purses?  Will admission lines be like the TSA "security" lines at airports?   Will people be subject to strip searches to make sure that they are not smuggling in forbidden symbols? Looking into the future, will they provide dumpsters at the admission gates where fans can voluntarily surrender the forbidden symbols? Will there be a buyback program at NASCAR tracks for Confederate items?

NASCAR is betting the ranch that they can diversify their fan base, while antagonizing their core base. Good luck guys!! By the way, what's your Plan B?

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The New NASCAR??

NASCAR caved in to the liberal media today and banned "the Confederate flag" today at any future events. As an historical question, which of "the Confederate flags" are they banning? As a contemporary issue, what other flags and messages are they banning? Are African flags okay? Is the rainbow flag okay? Are Black Lives Matter banners acceptable? How about Mexican flags?

As a business decision, this is not New Coke, but it is in the same league. NASCAR has struggled with attendance and television ratings issues over the last several years. Now they have decided to blame it all on the Confederate battle flag. Yes, the Confederate battle flag, since NASCAR doesn't seem to grasp that there are several "Confederate Flags". I never fly a battle flag since I feel that the battle flag is damaged goods, but I think that people should have the right to express themselves.

At some tracks, they have removed seating or covered seats to give that "sold out" look. A few years ago at the Charlotte Car Show, I watched as a crane removed sections of seating from the speedway. I am not a marketing genius, but wouldn't it be easier just to reduce ticket prices and actually sell out?

What will the "NEW NASCAR" look like? Are they going to still compete for the Cup Championship or will they just use affirmative action and award it to Bubba Wallace?

NASCAR is working on a new car design that will be able to accommodate a huge sound system and ten speakers. Hydraulics systems will allow them to adjust the height of the car to suit the music being played. Also allowing the car to be jumping up and down during cautions will be entertaining.

As NASCAR allows five crew members to be "over the wall" servicing the car, they will pay tribute to their Mexican heritage and have the crew members all ride with the driver in the race car. Still only allowed one seat, though. The crew needs to carry their jacks, impact wrenches, and two cans of gas in the car with them. They will need to make those trunks functional.

NASCAR will have to experiment to determine how many laps can be run in the time allowed. Most races should run from Saturday evening until church starts on Sunday. They will need all of that time for the new racing rules package.

The new rules start with pre race inspection. If your car is discovered to be stolen, you get to move up in the starting order. The new rules also call for a timeout each time a driver passes another car. This will allow him to jump out of the car, beat his chest, point at the sky, and get back into the car. Clearing wrecks will take longer as every driver in the race will claim that they were injured in the wreck, whether or not their car is actually involved. Pit crew uniforms will change. No more pants that actually fit. Instead, your pants must sag, requiring crew members to work on the car with one hand and hold their pants up with the other

NASCAR will eliminate those "redneck" burnouts at the finish line. Instead, all of the winning team members gather at the finish line for a ten minute choreographed dance routine. The ten minutes will give the track crew time to remove the fence near the finish line and allow the dancers/crew members to leap into fans in the stands. Baby mommas will have priority seating at the finish line.

I am sure that the marketing masters at NASCAR can pull this off. Hey guys!! Don't forget to stock the concession stands with New Coke and some malt liquor!

Monday, June 08, 2020

If Black Lives Really Mattered??????????????

Unless you have spent the last couple of weeks in a cave, we are in the midst of an attempt by liberals and blacks to rework the social fabric of the United States.

People who disagree with the ideas advocated by Black Lives matter are being stripped of their chance to express themselves. Since I have so little to lose, let me take a shot at this.

If Black Lives really mattered to blacks,

1. Would young black males be slaughtering each other?
2. Would young black females be aborting the unborn black lives?
3. Would there be rioting in the streets to provoke others into killing blacks?
4. Would there be more two parent families in the black community?
5. Would the BLM movement keep believing that the answers are in government social programs?
6. With young black men slaughtering each other, why do they want to "defund" police departments?

Sometimes in life, we have to look in the mirror and say, "We have met the enemy and he is us." The time comes to stop blaming everyone else's actions  for your failures. Look at the decline in the black family unit. Another 60 years of government social programs and handouts will completely destroy the black family unit.

The problem with rescuing people constantly is that you reach the point where they get angry when you do not rescue them well enough. This is America today.

ALL lives matter or no lives matter. You choose.

Sunday, June 07, 2020

This Just In!!! 6/7

This just in!!!

Colin Powell has announced that he will support Joe Biden in the 2020 election. Powell also proclaimed that Trump is a liar. Is this not "the pot calling the kettle black"?  Or in leftist speak, is this not the pot proclaiming the kettle to be "of color"?.

Reeling from this low blow, Trump has announced that he will not end his re-election campaign. He then returned to his dinner from McDonalds.

Colin Powell, he of weapons of mass destruction fame and fortune, obviously lied to us and the world when he announced that Saddam Hussein and Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. The nation went to war based on this story. Powell would later describe the lack of "weapons of mass destruction" as a massive intelligence failure. Mainly, it was Powell's own intelligence that suffered the massive failure.

Last but certainly not least, Powell did not support Trump in the 2016 election either. Why is this announcement today even news??  News would be if he had announced that he was supporting Trump.

Memo to the media: Call when you have actual news.

Saturday, June 06, 2020

I would rather be broke than "woke"

I would rather be broke than "woke" is an assortment of thoughts after an incredibly stupid week in America. Here we go!!

Governor Cooper, who won't let groups of more than 25 citizens assemble peacefully, marched in a parade with 2000 leftists this week in Raleigh. The governor failed to observe public distancing and his mask just hung near an ear. Can he issue a warrant for his own arrest? He is such  a hypocrite that it is a crime.

As long as we are on the mask thing, this thought. Wearing a mask is as likely to keep you from getting COVID-19 as wearing a pair of pants is going to keep you from getting venereal diseases. You can work around everything.

I ordered a mask just in case I have to go somewhere where one is required. Mine is white and says "F*CK Cooper". Pictures upon request.

News headline: "NFL players say that they will not be silenced". Who knew they could put together a coherent sentence?  Who cares what they have to say? Do they do one of those end zone celebration dance routines after uttering a complete sentence?

Pro athletes need to come back to earth. They haven't played NBA basketball in almost 3 months and no one has died from lack of watching it yet. No deaths are reported from the lack of baseball, either.

The "outside agitator" theory in Greensboro took a hit when the Greensboro Police arrested six local gentlemen for carrying weapons at a "peaceful protest".  One gentlemen was a convicted felon in possession of a firearm that had the ID number removed from it. Another gentleman was apparently anti-gun as he was carrying a baseball bat. Somebody tell him that the season hasn't started yet.

The Republican Party is entertaining invitations to hold their convention from several other states as North Carolina does not want them to meet in Charlotte. Roy Cooper views losing an event with a $250 million impact as good news. His salary is guaranteed by the public

I have heard all the BS that I can stand about the Insurrection Act and Donald Trump. The media keeps telling us that the Act is unconstitutional and has rarely been used. Check out the history of how many times that it has been used. The last use was by George H.W. Bush.

My wife and I were in Barnes & Noble in Greensboro this afternoon. We were only there a few minutes. This was a field trip to "Land of the woke". My wife reported that there was a line outside the restroom doors. Apparently, terrified that a toilet seat can cause COVID-19, they are limiting the restroom to one person at a time. this despite four stalls in the restroom. If I venture to "Woke World" again, I will just shit in a corner and wipe my ass with an expensive book.

Thirty years ago in the last riots in Los Angeles, a television reporter asked a Korean women who was guarding her business with family members, "Why do you have guns?" She responded "Why do black people steal?" Thirty years later, no one has answered her question. More on the pursuit of justice tomorrow.

People are losing their jobs because they are not on the "Black Lives Matter" fan list. It is starting to look a lot like Nazi Germany. Only the part of the Nazis is being played by liberals/ progressives/ Communists.

Seen on a local church sign, "All lives matter or no lives matter. You choose."