Free Shot Friday
Honk if you hate Roy Cooper! If you don't hate Roy Cooper, get a job!!
There must be more than this to life!! Reflections on the perils of parenthood, politics, passing sixty, accumulating (collecting), tools, The South, The Civil War, old cars, and assorted ailments. Not to mention my obsession with stupid people!!
Honk if you hate Roy Cooper! If you don't hate Roy Cooper, get a job!!
Democrats in the House want to create our 51st state out of the District of Columbia. The bill is certain to die in the Senate. If it passes the Senate, it will be vetoed by Trump.
1. All "racists" are not white.
Saturday afternoon in Talladega, a "noose" was found in the garage stall of NASCAR's Bubba Wallace, NASCAR's new "King". NASCAR has expressed their outrage and has vowed to remove the responsible party from racing.
I love stupid people. How long before the government decides that saying that is a public safety hazard or a public health issue??
Nancy Pelosi has ordered that the portraits of four Speakers of the House who were connected with the Confederacy be removed from the Capitol.
Martin Luther King once said that America has a seven day attention span. For those of you who are not believers, these questions.
In the 1967-1968 school year at Pierce Junior High, I took a journalism class. I chose that because it was the only elective offered where the teacher didn't already hate me. The teacher was Ms. Norma Lobato.
Years ago, I was surfing the internet and came across a site called Before you go looking, it is no longer there. The person credited with inventing the term "jump the shark" is Jon Hein. The term is used to define a television show that has been successful but starts to lose importance, relevance, and viewers. It is based on a later Happy Days episode where the Fonz jumped a shark while water skiing. It was all downhill from there for Happy Days.
I just finished watching 45 minutes of "Lying Mandy Cohen", who is in charge of the NC DHHS. She can spin a lie faster than her mentor, Governor Roy Cooper.
When did we decide that sports stars should be our social, moral, and political spokespersons? It's not like eloquence is their strong point. How does tossing a ball through a hoop qualify you to judge the performances of others. Hell, we can train a seal to put a ball through a ring. Go find a real job and check back with us on your views.
Lying Mandy Cohen of NCDHHS fame, says that 10% of the tests for COVID-19 are positive. She says that we need to get this number down to around 5%. Why has the number shot up? Because Lying Mandy has her fingers on the scale. She tells us to get tested if we think that we have been exposed or think that we are sick. If most of your testing sample thinks they are sick or have been exposed, then that number is not representative of the general population. Most tests require a doctor's referral for the test. Lying Mandy is distorting the facts. The facts are that 90% of the people who thought they were sick or had been exposed are not sick. Until you get a realistic sample of the population tested, your figures are worthless.
When I worked in the restaurant business, I loved to ask employees about history. You don't know how little people know until you ask them Here are some examples.
Liberals would have us believe that Trump plans his entire calendar so that he can offend people. He's holding a rally in on Juneteenth in Tulsa. A couple of points here. First, he does have some other obligations, like running the country, that limit his available time. Second, the history of the nation covers more than 400 years, so there is something that has happened on every day.
In January of 2019, Gillette unveiled an ad campaign criticizing men for "toxic masculinity". Seven months later, Procter & Gamble took an $8 Billion dollar write-down on the value of Gillette. Yesterday, NASCAR banned "the Confederate flag" from their races. Obviously, NASCAR is listening to the same geniuses who advised Procter & Gamble on their Gillette marketing.
NASCAR caved in to the liberal media today and banned "the Confederate flag" today at any future events. As an historical question, which of "the Confederate flags" are they banning? As a contemporary issue, what other flags and messages are they banning? Are African flags okay? Is the rainbow flag okay? Are Black Lives Matter banners acceptable? How about Mexican flags?
Unless you have spent the last couple of weeks in a cave, we are in the midst of an attempt by liberals and blacks to rework the social fabric of the United States.
This just in!!!
I would rather be broke than "woke" is an assortment of thoughts after an incredibly stupid week in America. Here we go!!