Thursday, October 31, 2024

Late Thursday Thoughts

 I made a trip to the Cone Health Urgent Care place in Reidsville today. It was my first case of poison ivy in the fall. Normally this is a spring experience for me. The usual cures of creams and ointments haven't worked for me since sometime in the 1970's. I normally end up getting some kind of steroid shot to knock out the rash and itching. This year continued the trend of shots. The bad news is that the steroid shot causes spikes in my blood sugar. I solve that by not checking my blood sugar unless I feel ill.

At this point, we are five days from the elections. If you have tried to call or text me, my phone will be back on by Wednesday, maybe.

The Democrats are on the road to hell by claiming that Republicans are a threat to democracy. The Democrats are running a Presidential candidate who did not receive a single vote in the primaries for President. In addition to that, thousands of Democrat voters donated more than $190 million to the Joe Biden campaign, only to have Joe give it to the Kameltoe Harris campaign. Did they offer any of the donors a chance for a refund before turning it over to Kameltoe? Of course not, they are Democrats. The Democrats are masters at "projection". This is accusing other people of what you are actually doing. Somewhere, Freud is turning over in his grave. This time next week, Biden will be turning over in his grave.

I have never done a Zoom call. What possessed the chick with the Jiffy Pop hair (KJP) to set Biden up on a Zoom call? My wife and children won't show me how to do a Zoom call. How stupid do you have to be to put Biden on a Zoom call? I just don't think that all of these Biden errors are accidents. The Dims are paying for dumping Uncle Joe.

Forget about wars around the world. Ignore the ballooning national debt and the horseshit economy. Dims are spending more than a billion dollars telling us about "reproductive freedom" or "reproductive rights" that they claim are the biggest issues facing the nation. They use code words like "reproductive freedom" because "killing babies" is just too honest. If they can decide whether babies can live, how long before they are wanting to decide how long old people should live?

Liberals scream about "Roe v. Wade" being established law for more than fifty years.It was never law, it was a judicial ruling on a law. The Burger Court found a right to privacy that enabled abortions despite neither right being mentioned in the Constitution. Just for the record, the Congress had fifty years to put that decision into law, but did not. This despite the Democrats controlling Congress for many of those fifty years. Why didn't they do it? Hint: They didn't have the votes. 

I am fascinated by people who believe that a court decision is the same as a law. It's not, it's a verdict on the constitutionality of a particular law. If you believe that the Roe v. Wade decision must stand forever, what about the Dred Scott decision? What about Plessy v. Ferguson? Call me when you are serious.

The loons on the left think that Congress can legalize "reproductive rights" by passing a bill. It can't. The Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution does not give the federal government control of abortions. Pardon me, "reproductive freedoms". The Congress will have to amend the Constitution to legalize abortions at the federal level. News Flash!! They don't have thirty eight states willing to ratify that. Count them if in doubt.

I keep hearing ads about how many abortions are caused by rapes. Where are all of the arrests for these crimes? If  you tell me that rapes cause abortions, let's start enforcing the laws. Let's start jailing and castrating rapists. Hell, doctors are chemically castrating young male children who "want" to be girls. Surely we can castrate some rapists. If rapists are the cause of abortions, let's kill some rapists rather than babies.


Monday, October 28, 2024

Monday Moans, Groans and Fine Whines

 There's some whacko broad running for President who has more voices and accents than Rich Little. I think that she is trying to impersonate an intelligent life form. It's not working for her.

I am still waiting for JD Vance to do his Tampon Tim impersonation by walking out onto a stage with tampons sticking out of his nostrils. He should wear Tim's Elmer Fudd coat and hat also. That would redefine "mixed messages".

I watched a panel discussion on why Kamala picked Tampon Tim as her running mate. The verdict was that he was the only person in the universe who made Kamala look smart.

The UN is meeting today to discuss Israel's recent strike on Iran. There are reports that Israel is giving away free pagers and walkie-talkies to all UN members. Israel should just go ahead and take out the UN headquarters in New York with an air strike.

Forget about nuclear war, the environment, energy policy and wars around the world. Based on television advertising, the biggest issue facing the United States is abortion. Based on television advertising claims, one would assume that almost all abortions are the result of rape or incest. So, the question that begs asking is, where are all of the arrests being made on the men who committed these crimes?

Years ago, I had an employee who told us that she had experienced four abortions. This was somebody too lazy to take a pill every morning. There simply are not 700,000 cases of rape or incest every year, but there are 700,000 abortions. This is how liberals work. They highlight a few cases and claim that is the normal.

There are many forms of birth control available that do not include abortions. They range from pills to "I have a headache". Here's a thought. We control the deer population by killing the bucks. We don't need to kill the men but, vasectomies should be free and required for those who keep fathering illegitimate children. 

We are told that no one should tell a woman what to do with her body. We are told that the government has no right to do this. The loons claim that the government does not tell men what they can do with their bodies. WOW! How many draftees died in Vietnam, Korea or World War 2? Those guys were told by the government to take their bodies to war. Does that count?  Asking for a couple of deceased friends.

The Dodgers are ahead of the Yankees in the World Series. I just don't think that this is New York's year for anything. In case the Yankees lose, New York AG James is prepared to sue the LA Dodgers for beating the Yankees. The Dodgers are going to win anyway, probably.

Where will Barack Obama be offending black men this week?

After she loses, Kamala should cut a deal with to test her heritage. Maybe she could beat Elizabeth Warren's less than 1/1000 Native American heritage. Maybe Kamala could get to 2/1000 African heritage? Remember, her father, who they have kept hidden this year, says that they aren't black.

I am going out on a limb here but, I forecast that my e-mails will drop by 90% after the election is over.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Election Reflections

 I had to go to LA to pick up my wife last week. She had spent a couple of weeks visiting her sister and I went to bring her home. By the way, in our world "LA" is Louisiana, although it sometimes stands for Lower Alabama.  My wife usually flies down there, and I go down there and drive her back so that we can visit all of those places that you see advertised on roadside billboards. We also have to make a stop at a Buc-ees. More on that later.

For only the second time in my life, I voted early in an election. We went to historic Yanceyville on Thursday and voted. I hate voting early and I don't think that it should be legal. But as I get older, I realize that I may have a stroke watching that lying, moronic bitch Kamala in another bullshit filled television ad and I need to vote early rather than take a chance that I will die before getting the chance to vote on election day. WHEW!! It was good to get that out of my system.

I have to limit my television watching to keep from having my head explode from watching Kamala ads or another ad from Josh Stein. For readers not in North Carolina, Josh Stein is the Democratic candidate for governor in North Carolina. He has served as the state Attorney General for the last eight years and his accomplishments will fit on a 3X5 index card, one side only. 

Despite my limited television watching time, there is one commercial for Stein that I have seen hundreds of times. It features "Debbie" from Cornelius, North Carolina. She talks about how her son died from an accidental fentanyl overdose. I feel sorry for anyone who loses a child to drugs. I don't even want to imagine that pain. But using that death as a reason to endorse the guy who is the Attorney General and candidate for governor opens the door to questions. One of the first questions should be "How do you know that it was accidental?" Maybe someone gave it to him intentionally. 

She claims that Stein "stood up for families like mine". What exactly does "stood up for" entail? Did Stein increase prosecutions of drug dealers? Show us the numbers. Did Stein join with Attorneys-General from other states to pressure the Biden Administration to close the southern border?  Of course not. Closing the entry points for illegal drugs to enter the country would make too much sense for a Democrat. The people carrying the drugs are future Democratic voters. Did Stein and his leader Gov. Roy Crapper start some kind of increased law enforcement pressure on drug dealers in North Carolina? Are there scores of more fentanyl dealers in North Carolina prisons? Did I miss the huge number of public service ads about the dangers of fentanyl? Maybe if Democrats had opposed fentanyl with the same intensity that they hustled COVID vaccines that don't work, things might be different.

Debbie said that "If he had known about fentanyl, it wouldn't have happened." Whose fault is that? Fentanyl is all over the news. Who takes a drug that they know absolutely nothing about? It's usually stupid kids succumbing to peer pressure. What if we stop trying to educate our children about gender and race and the evils of democracy and instead give them some lessons in staying alive? Maybe things might be better. Are kids going to listen to everything that their parents tell them? Not in this world. But as parents, we are obligated to at least make the effort to help them.

The roadsides of North Carolina are filled with billboards telling us to pay North Carolina teachers more. They also tell us that "Public Education Works". How about some billboards about the danger of fentanyl?

Josh Stein and "Debbie" have brought up the issue of fentanyl. I haven't heard any proposals from them to fight it. Call me when you are serious. 

Friday, October 18, 2024

Target is missing the Target

 I used to shop at Target pretty regularly. It's been a long time. When I stopped working in Greensboro about thirteen years ago, I stopped going to Target. I have aged out of any serious shopping for anything but groceries. The purchase of tools and hardware is not covered by any of these statements.

Anyway, yesterday at the grocery store, I was looking for some Chinese Chow Mein stir fry noodles that I like. Food Lion has stopped stocking the brand that I like. Neither Wal-Mart nor Lowes Foods in Reidsville stock these noodles. So, I decided to look online.

In my online search, I found that Target in Greensboro had these noodles in stock. Naturally, no Target closer to my home stocks those noodles. I ordered ten packs of them and got the usual e-mail that they would notify me when my order was ready. A couple of hours later, I checked my email and found the message that my order was ready. I read the message carefully about the pickup procedure. Armed with what I needed, I headed to the Target in Greensboro on New Garden Road.

 I walked into the Target at 4:50 PM and went over to the "Order Pickup" counter and that was the last thing that went well at Target. The young man behind the counter was wearing a face mask. I waited while he issued a refund to the woman in front of me in the line. When she was done and walked away, I approached the counter.

He offered some greeting, and I said to him, "My name is Gilbert Jones, and I am here to pick up an online order." He said, "Do you have your bar code?" I said, "No, I don't have a bar code." He told me, "I need your bar code to look up your order." I responded, "The instructions in the email that I received telling me that my order was ready said that all I needed was a government issued ID with my name on it. I have that." He said, "Just show me the barcode in the message on your phone." I told him, "I don't have a smartphone." He replied, "Then how did you place your order?"

As close as I can recall, that may have been the moment that the top of my head blew off. As I started to respond, I raised the volume level a bit and worked on my assertive conversational skills. "At home, I have a box on my desk and a keyboard and a video screen. I believe that they call that setup "a computer". It allows me to access that magic place called the Internet and communicate with Target. I don't know if you still do but y'all used to sell those things here. That's how I was able to order this without a smartphone."

He again told me, "I need a barcode to find your order." I raised the volume another notch and said, "The email that Target sent me said that all I needed to pick up my order was a government issued ID with my name on it." At that point, I slammed my driver's license on the counter and said, "There is my government issued ID with my name on it. You either need to find my order or find a manager for me to talk to about this." He said, "I will be right back."  

A couple of minutes later he returned. He looked at my license and entered my name on the magic device in his hand. He then said, "It will be out in a couple of minutes." I walked a few steps away to wait. I was actually a little disappointed that he had not brought back a manager.

While I waited, he handled a few other transactions that were refunds or exchanges. Then there was a woman who was there to pick up an order. He told her that it would be a couple of minutes for her order to be brought out. I decided at that point that if she got her order before I got mine, there might be a need to "go postal". Then I realized that I was driving Susan's car, and I had only brought one firearm. I worked on calming down. 

After I had waited about ten minutes, he walked out from behind the counter and walked outside. At that point, I was trying to decide whether to find intelligent life on the staff or just call the store and ask for a manager. About that time, he walked back in the door with my purchase. Apparently, it was in some other part of the store not in the pickup area. It may have been out at the drive-through pickup station. I really don't care. 

Between my problem communicating with the masked moron and waiting 20 minutes while they found my purchase, I will not be returning to Target. The next time my cardiologist tells me that it is time for a stress test, I will tell him that I have already had one.

I will be communicating with Target later this afternoon. They will probably feign surprise that someone that stupid is employed by them.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Mid-Week Wit, Wisdom and Worse

 Since this is already all over the Internet, let me add it here. Someone said that this year's election is an IQ test for the masses. If you vote for Kamala, you have failed.

I am amused by all of the liberals in the media who refer to Nancy Pelosi as the "Speaker Emerita". I questioned someone who used that label, and they told me that it was done by an act of Congress. I looked it up. They are almost half right. The "House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee" voted to do that. There is no record of the actual complete House or even the complete Democratic Caucus voting on that motion. If the Republican Steering Committee voted to name Trump as President Emeritus, would those in the news media fawn over him and the title? 

Why doesn't anyone talk about Pelosi and her husband Paul's skills in trading stocks? She claims that she doesn't own any stocks, they are all her husband's. I will believe that when I start believing that guy who broke into their home and hammered Paul was his stockbroker.

More than fifty years ago, Bob Woodward peaked with All the President's Men, and he is just living on the fumes of that success today. He is basically a Democratic Party spokesman now. His most recent book, War, is not even worth reading the whole review. Pack it in Bob!! 

While people are trying to restart Three Mile Island to produce electrical power for AI and other high tech, high electrical power users, the Biden administration keeps pushing EVs that no one wants. Batteries are an electrical storage system, not an electrical production system. There's a test coming up on that fact. 

If there is one reason to vote for Trump, here it is. Donald Trump understands that the cost of energy affects the cost of everything else in the United States. Until you bring that cost down, we are screwed. Right now, oil makes the world go around. Reality doesn't care what Democrats think. Wind and solar are bit players in the Big Energy Show.

If there were no government tax credits, how many solar panels and electric vehicles would actually be sold? 

Just for the record, a lot of the dams that were built to control the rivers and generate power are getting old. Hurricane Helene demonstrated the potential problems of dams failing. I haven't read anything about planning to replace older dams.

The Hoover Dam is almost ninety years old. If it fails, Las Vegas and the more than two million people who live in the area are screwed. Cities without water aren't very big. Remember, nothing last forever and those dams were all built by the low bidder. 

I saw a story about all of the military leaders who oppose Donald Trump and will not be voting for him. Gen. Mark Milley was about three years old when Eisenhower warned us about the military-industrial complex. All of these liberal schmucks celebrating the military leaders who oppose Trump should go back and study Eisenhower's words. Milley is the poster boy for the military in the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about. 

I love ads that claim that intelligence experts and foreign policy experts all oppose Trump. When was that collection of schmucks last right about anything? Like Biden, they have been on the wrong side of every issue in the last fifty years. The British, the Russians, Alexander the Great and the Greeks all failed in Afghanistan, yet our experts had us move on into Afghanistan.  Who knew that the Russians might invade the Ukraine? Everyone, but the United States intelligence agencies.

In 1832-33 we had the Nullification Crisis with South Carolina. South Carolina believed that they had the right to declare federal tariffs null and void in South Carolina. They were eventually able to come to an agreement that delayed the War Between the States for twenty seven years. 

Why did I mention the Nullification Crisis? Because I love pissing liberals off with logical questions. What's the difference between South Carolina declaring tariffs null and void and sanctuary cities like San Francisco declaring that they will not recognize the enforcement of United States immigration laws? How can states declare themselves sanctuary states? What gives those liberal cities and states the right to say that they will not enforce the laws? Or are they just delaying the next civil war? We in the South have spent the last 160 years listening to liberals telling us that the supremacy of the federal government on these issues had been settled by the Civil War. Does that only apply to the South?

Trump has said that he will end sanctuary cities. The Civil War showed us that he has that power. Sure, I hate making gender-based statements BUT, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

What's a "Fair Share"?

 Kameltoe the Krazy Kommie keeps talking about "everybody paying their fair share".  So, what exactly is your "fair share"?

If we are really going to be fair, this means that everybody needs to pay taxes on their income. Before any Communists reading this suffer from brain explosions, let me elaborate. Everyone should pay taxes on their income, regardless of the source of that income. Speaking for old farts everywhere, I will remind you that 90% of Social Security benefits are taxable. Why aren't welfare benefits taxable?  Why aren't food stamps taxed as income? Why isn't AFDC and similar handouts taxed? I thought that Kamala wants everybody to "pay their fair share".

The problem we have in the United States is that those who receive the bulk of the benefits from the government pay the least into the system. If we want to be "fair", everyone needs to pay the same percentage of their income in taxes. It's that simple, send the government a fixed percentage of your income. How much of a percentage? I will gently remind you that tithing is ten per cent of your income and if Jesus can make it on ten per cent, so can Uncle Sam.

The reality is that those who benefit the most from government social programs are not paying anything into the system.  This goes back to my point about motivation from an earlier post. What you reward, you reinforce. We are giving people all kinds of freebies without making them contribute their "fair share". For many, this is like winning the lottery without having to deal with the tax man. If they had won this amount of money in the lottery, it would be taxed. Get money by doing little or nothing and it's free and clear. WOW!! What a stupid system. At least they had to buy a lottery ticket. The government freebie system doesn't require buying a ticket.

The government is just a big business. The citizens are the stockholders. If you don't buy in to the business by paying taxes, you shouldn't be able to get anything out of the government. You shouldn't even have a vote. If you don't have any "skin in the game", you should just be a spectator. People shouldn't be able to vote on how much to give themselves if they aren't paying into the fund.

Kamala the Kommie is just fanning the flames of class warfare by talking about the rich. This is rich since she is the favored candidate among the rich, she purports to want to tax. Kamala is the one who has raised more than a billion dollars in just a few months for her Communist campaign agenda. If you don't believe that Kameltoe is a lying Commie, ask her where the McDonalds where she claims to have worked is located. Hundreds of journalists have talked about how she was a middle-class kid working at McDonalds, but no one has asked her, "Which one?" No one has surfaced who claims that they worked with Kameltoe at McDonalds. Surely, someone who worked with a potential future President of the United States would remember that.  But everyone's memory is blank on this. It may be time to redefine "selective amnesia".

This is what happens every four years. Democrats mobilize the recipients of all of their handout programs to vote a straight Democrat ticket. They keep telling their followers how much more they are going to get from the rich to do this. It just never happens, and they tax the middle class a little more instead.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

"No Mo Fo Mo"

 Maurice "Mo" Green is the Democratic candidate for Superintendent of Public Education in North Carolina this year. If you don't live in North Carolina, be thankful. At least you are not being exposed to an avalanche of signs calling for you to support "Mo". 

About fifteen years ago, Mo was appointed as the Superintendent of Schools for Guilford County. His first major act was to divide the school district into four sub-districts with an executive in charge of each. He's not an educator, he's a bureaucrat. His first big act was to enlarge the bureaucracy. Then he told us that it would take a few years to see if it worked.

While Mo's campaign website claims that the school system made major progress during his term, the reality is that the quality of the product produced, educated students, failed to improve. They spent millions of taxpayer dollars on new programs, but the quality of learning did not improve. "Educators" keep telling us about all of these fabulous programs that we have in schools, but Billy still can't read at a high school level. Hell, they can't even read at a junior high school level.

We keep dumbing down standardized tests, but the teachers' unions are failing to educate our children at record rates. If you don't believe me, check out the literacy rates in Chicago. No one there knows enough about math to tell you what percentage of the kids can't add or subtract. It's a safe bet that no one in Chicago will read this and complain because no one there can read. I am not worried about an angry response from Chicago. If I do get one in the mail, it will be the one in an envelope with my address scrawled in crayon and a notice from the Post Office of "postage due" because they couldn't figure the postage.

There are billboards across the state telling us that we need to pay North Carolina teachers more. They also tell us that "public education works". Memo to billboard writers, it doesn't work. Every business is judged by the quality of the products that they produce. Public education is failing. It is failing at warp speed. 

People are confused about "public education". People think that church schools and home schooling are experiments. Sorry, but we have been using those methods for hundreds, if not thousands, of years to educate our children. Public education is the experiment. It is failing badly. It may soon be time to end the experiment. Look at all of the money we could save. I am not sure that there is actually a downside to that idea. 

How do you spot a public-school student? If you give a cashier a penny or two after they enter the amount tendered on the cash register, the public-school student is the one who pulls out their smartphone and uses the calculator to determine the amount of change that you receive. 

Of course, some state governments are starting to use schools to house the flood of illegal immigrants being flown in by Dims. Readers are left to decide if this will affect the quality of public education.

We need more education, not more bureaucracy. So, in November I will vote for whoever is running against Mo and bureaucracy. I don't care if it is Atilla the Frigging Hun, there's No Mo Fo Mo from this guy.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Miscellaneous Moans and Groans

 Barack Obama has told black men that if they don't support Kameltoe that they are being sexist. Thanks to Barack for reminding us that getting older does not always result in getting wiser. You might think that he could hide the arrogance long enough to ask for votes, you would be wrong.

Barack is pissed because he feels that his fourth term as President is in danger. I think that he screwed up when he and Nancy took out Joe Biden. I think that they underestimated Jill Biden's reaction. She has taken Joe off his meds and is letting him run loose.

Every day in the White House, Joe Biden makes Democrats regret that they didn't use the 25th Amendment to remove him. I think that he has dropped any pretense of even liking Kameltoe. He's now a walking meme factory. One day, Biden's picture will be in the dictionary next to "lame duck".

My biggest political fear is that when Kameltoe loses, Biden will resign and let her be President for the last couple of months. That way, Democrats can claim that they gave us the country's first woman president. 

Kameltoe is on the cover of Vogue magazine. If only Mad Magazine was still being published. Thank God it wasn't another Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue!

CBS News is demonstrating that they have abandoned their history as the network of reporters like Douglas Edwards, Eric Sevareid, Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite. They have aired two answers to one question posed to Kameltoe on 60 Minutes this week. Which one is it?? At this time, they still have not released a transcript of the interview.  Just for the record, they did release the transcript of an interview with Donald Trump a few years ago.

Lock up your daughters!!! Bill Clinton will be starting a bus tour of eastern North Carolina next week. While the Harris campaign claims that he will be trying to boost support for Kameltoe, Bill refers to the bus as his "rolling Oral Oval Office". 

There is an old axiom that goes something like this, "To the extent that you give other people what they want, they will give you what you want." Democrats believe that if you feed and house illegal immigrants at the taxpayers' expense, they will eventually vote for you. 

There is a theory that the government is bringing in millions of immigrants to change the political makeup of the country. Liberals always deny this but are unable to tell us why they are bringing in millions of liberals when we can't afford to shelter and feed all of our own citizens. What is it that we gain by bringing in all of this people? Inquiring minds need to vote.

The most basic principle of human motivation is this; whatever you reward, you reinforce. If we give people money for sneaking across the border, people will continue to cross the border. If we let people out of jail after robbing others, they will continue to rob people. If we reward people for not working, they are not going to work. This isn't rocket science!! It even works with your kids. Surely, it will work on adults. Let's go back to doing this.

Can anyone speak without a script? If you are making a long speech, I might be able to understand that. I can't stand to watch the news with anchors and reporters reading to me from tablets and smartphones. If you are out at an event, can't you just look up and tell me what you see? I am not looking for the Gettysburg Address, but you are only doing a 30 to 60 second shot. Television would be much more interesting if you just winged it. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

More on Morons?

 There is no one with less credibility than a news broadcaster sitting in New York telling me what is happening in North Carolina. I actually live in Piedmont North Carolina. We were not affected by the flooding Helene caused in the mountains. However, I have several friends who live in the mountains. No one who I have talked to has the same story that the federal government is hustling, and their media accomplices are broadcasting.

Let's start with the planning and leadership of the North Carolina state government. Less than 48 hours before Helene hit North Carolina, Governor Roy Cooper was at some kind of climate conference that I believe Time magazine was holding in New York. His aides and his media butt buddies insist that he was back in Raleigh by 3:00 PM that day. How does one focus on preparing your state for a hurricane when you are in New York? This is reminiscent of his trip to Tampa for an election year fundraiser in 2020 just as COVID-19 was a breaking crisis. That was where his aide tried to block a reporter's cameraman from getting Cooper on camera. Another camera caught all of that on film. Leaders lead. Cooper's not a leader, he's a politician.

So, was North Carolina ready for Hurricane Helene? There was nothing in the government's reaction that indicated they were ready. In fact, the only group less prepared than the NC state government was the United States federal government. Cooper and his band of bandits not only failed the preparation test, but they also failed the reaction test. It wasn't enough that they couldn't get ready, they didn't know what to do after the event.

If you have a storm of "Biblical proportions", you should react in "Biblical proportions." They didn't. Two weeks later, they still haven't reacted adequately.

If this is not your first visit to this blog, you probably know that I spent my life in the restaurant business or as one set of my business cards proclaims, "Foodservice Industry". Allow me to share some wisdom from the restaurant business with you.

The problem we have with people like Biden, Harris, Kerry, Pelosi, Cooper and that piece of crap come lately, Josh Stein is that they don't understand the "public service" concept. They are supposed to be in the business of serving the public, but they think that the public is supposed to serve them.

If you turn on the television, you can see some of these clowns telling you that we should be grateful for all that the government is doing. They keep telling us what a great job that they are doing. They tell us that we should understand how hard they are working.

In the restaurant business, if the soup is cold, it does us no good to tell you how hard we are working and how much we are spending on getting you your soup, the soup is still cold. The person receiving the product, or the service is the one who makes the judgment on the quality of whatever is provided. If your steak is tough, it doesn't matter what I think or the cook thinks, the steak is still tough. If the waiter doesn't check on the customers, it doesn't matter how many waiters we have or how much we pay them. The only thing that matters is whether or not they gave the customers the service that they expected. In the restaurant business we operate in the real world. The government is doing time in some kind of Twilight Zone.

The government needs to quit telling us what great service we are getting and actually serve the people. People in government operate in some kind of fantasy land. There isn't anything at Disney that tops the illusions and delusions of those folks in government. We need to start reminding those in government that they exist to serve us. We do not live to provide for them.

When there was an earthquake in Haiti in 2010, the U.S. Air Force 1st Special Operations Wing (my brother-in-law's old unit) restored service to the Port Au Prince airport within 48 hours. Within that same period, United States military helicopters arrived in Haiti to start rescue operations. Contrast that with western North Carolina last week where it took more than seven days for Army helicopters to show up and they were only a two-hour flight away.  Is the US Army's prime mission to protect Haiti or the United States? Inquiring minds want to know. If Obama can get helicopters to Haiti in two days, what should be Biden's reaction time in North Carolina?

Finally, the woman in charge at FEMA has set their first goal as "instill equity as a foundation of emergency management". Bad news Bozo! Natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes don't discriminate on race, gender or income.  Hurricanes are color blind. Your reaction should also be colorblind. That woman needs to be gone tomorrow. Biden needs to start the recovery process by firing her. 

Fifty years ago, at the Waffle House on Dale Mabry in Tampa, we had a customer who was a captain in the Tampa Fire Department. He used to tell us that almost everyone in the Fire Department was a captain. Late one night, he went on a rant about how the city wasn't hiring based on ability and performance. He said something that I remember so vividly that I can close my eyes and still see it. He said, "Affirmative action won't carry Grandma's ass down the ladder at three o'clock in the morning."  Thanks, Kelsey.

If you are a public servant, you are here to serve us. It's not about us serving you. Somebody go tell Biden!


Wednesday, October 09, 2024


 KJP, Biden's mouthpiece, or as we call her, the chick with the Jiffy Pop Hair, attacked Peter Doocy from Fox claiming that his question to her about FEMA was "misinformation". I thought that she was just playing some kind of early Halloween joke as she was wearing one of her father's old suits to work that day. Was it some kind of lesbian "Dress Like Daddy Day"? She walked off the platform and left the press sitting there wondering what they had missed. How is asking a question "misinformation"?

Harris had announced that we were sending $160 million to Lebanon. Mayorkas had announced that FEMA was running out of money. Jiffy Pop claimed that by asking about these statements, Doocy was using "misinformation". Put me down for "confused".

It was also announced that Jiffy Pop had been promoted to the position of "Senior Adviser to the President".  At this stage in the Biden Administration, that is the equivalent of being promoted to First Officer on the Titanic right after it hit the iceberg.

I have heard all the swill that I want to hear about "disinformation" and "misinformation". The administration and the political party that has spent the last five years covering up the mental decline of the President is accusing others of distorting the facts. That's not misinformation or disinformation. Those are facts.

Democrats have the biggest balls in all of the land. They accuse everyone else of lying while they can't even admit that Biden is a mental basket case

What is misinformation? It appears to be anything that liberals don't want to hear. This is what you can expect to hear from a party that thinks "The View" is a news program. Apparently, some podcast named "Call Her Daddy" is the new "Meet the Press". The Democrats must have stepped into Mr. Peabody's Wayback Machine after having Kameltoe appear on the Howard Stern Show. Howard's been out of the loop longer than Joe Biden. Then Kameltoe closed out the day by having a can of Miller High Life with Stephen Colbert. That must be the new "Presidential" look. She should have popped open a Schlitz Malt Liquor.

The Dims are claiming that a lot of "misinformation" is coming out of the North Carolina mountains about FEMA. Pardon me, but Mayorkas was not in the mountains when he proclaimed that FEMA was almost out of money. When reporters ask hurricane victims about FEMA and the response is that no one has seen anyone from FEMA, that's not misinformation. That's a fact. The Democrats are telling us all that things aren't what they appear to be. That's disinformation.

When someone says, "I haven't seen anyone from FEMA", we call that a "fact". A statement made by a talking head at the White House several hundred miles away does not trump a live report from the scene. 

While Americans look for survivors in the mountains, liberal college students in New York march against Jews and Israel. Where have we seen this before? 

Liberal American college students are the new "brownshirts" as they march demanding the end of Isarael and threatening the existence of Jewish college students. But in their search for "disinformation" and "misinformation" from conservatives, the liberals are all able to overlook this. I guess that they just traded in the brown shirts for those checkered tablecloths that today's Jew haters wear in parades. There is no difference between the marches on the streets of New York in 2024 and the marches in Munich in 1934. Unlike the Democrats, at least the Nazis were honest about it.

Maybe all of these college students could get on busses and go south to help rebuild Florida, Gorgia, Tennessee, Virginia and the Carolinas. They could burn all of that excess energy shoveling some mud. But they would make too much sense.

Saturday, October 05, 2024

Finally, here comes the cavalry!!

 I thought that I needed to broaden my circle of friends, but that was before Tampon Tim Walz said in the VP debate, "I have become friends with school shooters". Thanks for clearing that up, Tampon Tim.

I will be gentle with this observation. I thought that after more than fifty years in the restaurant business, I had witnessed some complete cluster f*cks. Write this down! I was wrong! I have never seen a situation go downhill any faster than the Federal and North Carolina state government's handling of the Hurricane Helene disaster. This is the standard by which future clusters will be judged. There is no official in Raleigh or Washington, DC capable of exhibiting anything resembling "leadership". Hell, I don't even believe that they even have someone who can spell "leadership".

Every sunrise is a chance to show that government officials are even more worthless than they were the day before. I was talking to a couple of guys from Georgia today and they agreed that they are actually missing Carter.

Why don't Kameltoe and Tampon Tim have Kamala's best buddy Oprah, do a show from Asheville and then she can give everyone there a brand-new car? Maybe they can all get $10,000 each from all of those billionaires who have flooded the Harris-Tampon Tim campaign with hundreds of millions of dollars. Why isn't Kameltoe calling out her rich friends for not helping out all of these "middle class" folks? Is she going to donate any leftover campaign funds to house the NC refugees? In another couple of weeks, Kameltoe will be telling stories about how she was washed away by a flood while walking over one of those perfectly manicured lawns in her middle-class neighborhood while on her way to her job at McDonalds. Has she told anyone which McDonalds she worked at?

The 18th Airborne Corps made it to the North Carolina mountains today. They brought with them 6 Chinook helicopters and 30 Blackhawk helicopters. It only took a week for the DOD to mobilize 1,000 men and their equipment and move it 275 miles to Asheville. I guess that the rapid reaction team was on vacation. Either they were on vacation or on their way to relieve Custer who may still be waiting for them at Little Bighorn.

Just for reader info, the flight time for either of those aircraft from the 18th Airborne Corps is less than two hours to get from their base to Asheville.

For a historical comparison, on Sept.23,1957 black students were brought in through a side door to integrate Little Rock High School. Fearing an escalation of mob violence, they returned the students to their homes. On September 24, 1957, Eisenhower ordered the 101st Airborne to help with security. Within an hour, there were soldiers in the air and on the way to Little Rock. On September 25, the soldiers provided security for the desegregation of the school. If Ike could get the 101st there in a few hours, why can't today's army get to Asheville?  Do we blame Biden, the DOD, the Army or all of the above? Who is the commander of that unit? Dudley Do-Right?

I think that the length of time someone might survive trapped in the mud without food or water is probably around four to five days. Today was Day seven, after the storm hit. How long does it take the Border Patrol to pick up an illegal migrant stranded on a trail in southern Arizona? Hint: It's less than a week. But we don't want anything happening to those guys before FEMA can fill their pockets with taxpayer cash.

On Friday, the government released more info about the increase in jobs rate. I just want to make sure that everyone understands, the government does not actually take a count of everyone who has a job.  They take a sampling of data from selected employers and extrapolates that data to project some sort of national average. I worked in the restaurant business for more than fifty years and only know of one year when we were asked to participate in the data gathering process. Government statistics are not encyclopedia grade facts. They are more like dime store romance novel grade facts.

The federal government has spent the last couple of days trying to "kind of" deny the truth in Mayorkas' statement about FEMA being out of money.

If the illegals are being put up by the government at chain hotels, did they at least have the illegals join the appropriate club at those chains so that they could get some free nights and other benefits? 

I would like to complain a little more, but there is an estate auction happening down the road and there is a bid card with my name on it. 

Friday, October 04, 2024

First Friday Free Shots

 I watched a few more highlights(?) of the Vance-Walz debate this morning. I can't remember the last time that I felt pity for a Democrat before today. 

Vance should have come out on stage with tampons in his nose as I suggested. I can only assume that he doesn't read this blog. I am not a fan of facial hair, which may explain some of my reluctance about Vance. But I became a Vance fan right after he verbally bitch-slapped the two leftist broads from CBS, the Communist Broadcasting System. Walz actually looked more like my kind of candidate as he was older, balding, with white hair and had cartoon reflexes in his facial gestures. 

I wrote about it earlier but why did Walz keep writing notes? Maybe he just had some kind of scorecard there and kept checking things off every time that Vance scored a hit.

I don't understand politicians, if in fact that is even possible. Why does Walz keep talking about how many times he has gone to China? Was he some kind of Mormon missionary before he took up politics? Is he imitating Mitt Romney? Does he have any good recipes after that many trips? I just don't believe that talking about how many times that you have visited the country that is our most dangerous adversary is a good idea if you are running for national office. 

Let me tell you about the point in the "debate" where my head exploded, and I lost the last bits of pity that I had for Walz. Walz was talking about "free speech" and used the line that I hate most. He said, "You can't yell fire in a crowded theater." He also mentioned that this was the standard set by Supreme Court.

Allow me to share a couple of thoughts on this. First, post COVID I think that you would struggle to find a crowded theater, as they are closing everywhere.  Second, what would you yell if a fire broke out in a crowded theater? I would think that yelling "Biden is about to speak" would empty the theater. But people might have trouble running while laughing. If you can't yell "Fire" when there is a fire, when or where can you yell it?

What does all of that "Yell fire" crap actually mean? It means that our nation and the world are on fire. We have been invaded by millions of illegal immigrants, there are at least two wars going on in which we are involved, and China is trying to bring back the glory days of China. Their first step, which was getting us addicted to buying cheap shit, seems to have worked. 

Democrats want to banish any kind of free expression which they oppose. Anything they don't like is "misinformation" or "disinformation". The First Amendment is the only thing standing between American freedom and rule by morons or "Democrats" as they call themselves. Is there any group more opposed to "Democracy" than Democrats?

I saw that Walz is going to appear on the Jimmy Kimmel Show. There's a hard-hitting news show! Democratic women go to "The View" and "Oprah" and Democratic men go to Kimmel. 

Are Harris and Walz ever going to do anything that would pass for an actual press conference? The situation is so grim for the country now that Biden actually took a question yesterday while Air Force One revved the engines. He still didn't give a coherent answer.

If the Republicans keep the House, they need to impeach Judge Slutkan on a charge of election interference. 

We found out that FEMA has blown all of their funding on shipping illegal aliens around the country and putting them up at expensive hotels. People sneaking into the country are eligible for more help than citizens who had their homes destroyed by a hurricane. 

NC Governor Roy Cooper went to New York on September 25 for the NY Times Climate Forward conference. That was less than 48 hours before Helene slammed into North Carolina. This rivals his visit to Tampa in 2020 just before the COVID thing blew up. Memo to Roy: You were elected to be governor of this state. Focus on North Carolina, not your political and fundraising aspirations. I was going to write "goals", but Kameltoe likes "aspirations".

I actually heard some liberal schmuck on television the other day talk about Kameltoe and her pushing the "politics of joy". My wife gets upset if I shoot at the television. I just threw away the batteries from the remote instead. 

It's getting close to Christmas. I just heard Robert Earle Keane sing "Merry Christmas to the Family". If you haven't heard this, get thee to You Tube. When the part of the song about "a box of tampons" comes up, they need to insert Tampon Tim's picture into the video.

Last, but certainly not least, Happy Birthday to my son Walter and his bride Brittany. They share a birthday today. I think that Walter is a few hours older. Happy Birthday!!!

Make America Great Again!!

Thursday, October 03, 2024

Can You Top This?

Can you top this? The competition continues. 

On Sunday in North Carolina, with flooding everywhere in sight, a pilot rescued four people with his personal helicopter. Then an unnamed fire official in Lake Lure threatened to have him arrested if he rescued anyone else. Thirty minutes later, they announced a restriction on flights in Lake Lure. On Monday, they lifted the restriction. So, the restriction was not actually in place when the rescues were made by the helicopter pilot. 

If your question of the day is "How stupid can one government official be?", that fire official is your answer. If only for a day, he bumped Kameltoe and Lying Joe off of the top of the charts. His mother must be proud.

How much training as an air traffic controller did the unnamed fire official actually have? What training has he had in flight operations? Just when you think that the government couldn't do anything dumber, some petty official says, "Hold my beer!" That guy needs to lose his job.

As long as I am on the subject of helicopters, someone on the news pointed out today that while people are stranded in the mountains, down at Fort Liberty Bragg, military helicopters sit unused. The reporter said that he has seen pictures of an Army helicopter rescuing people off a mountainside in Haiti, but they won't use them here. Why aren't these helicopters being used to help North Carolinians in the mountains?

How bad is it in the mountains? A group is using pack mules to carry supplies to people where motorized vehicles cannot go. The mules keep hauling while the helicopters and our tax dollars sit idle at Fort Bragg. How about all of those Marines at Camp Lejeune? They talk about fighting in the air, on land, and the sea. Great news Marines!! We have all three of those conditions in the mountains of North Carolina right now.

Someone from Tennessee sent me something that may actually top the Lake Lure story. On Saturday, 700 Tennessee National Guard soldiers were sent to Fort Bliss in Texas to prep for a deployment to Kuwait.  I thought one of the purposes of the Guard was to help in emergencies. I have actually seen television commercials about that. Apparently, that mission expired when Biden was elected.

Jack Smith is trying to convict Trump for not calling out the National Guard on January 6 while Biden ships the Guard overseas during the biggest natural disaster of the century. I think that whole Democratic thought process is some kind of mental illness. 

Do you know what we are really missing here? We are missing real leadership. From Asshat Roy Cooper to Dementia Joe Biden, we don't have a leader worthy of the term. You won't see that mentioned in the press because the politicians' butt-licking media accomplices are hiding the truth.  

The storm hit on Friday. Biden finally showed up on Wednesday. He spent the weekend at Rehoboth Beach. He didn't even bother to go back to the White House for the weekend emergency. Nothing says, "I don't give a shit!" like staying at the beach while a couple of battleground states get inundated by a hurricane. You would think he would at least do something for Asheville. That's where all of the Democrats live in the mountains.

I have seen more statements from Ron DeSantis about the hurricane than I have seen from Roy Cooper, the North Carolina Governor. NC AG Josh Stein is so busy running for governor that all I have heard from him is that he activated the NC price gouging laws before the hurricane hit. Attention Josh Stein: There's nothing left in the mountains to price gouge. Nobody's buying mud.

These people are actually making George W. Bush's handling of Katrina look good. Biden better find himself a real general to take over this disaster. This could tank some moron's campaign.

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

A Trove of Taunts, Topics and Tales

 When the revolution comes, let's hope that they find Jack Smith, John Kerry and Adam Schiff in the first few hours.

John Kerry said what the left thinks but won't say, when he said that the First Amendment is making it hard to act against "disinformation" or "misinformation". He wants to get rid of that roadblock to socialism. 

"Misinformation" and "disinformation" are actually just facts that the Democrats don't like. It should be called "counter-information".

I am always amazed that Democrats are actually doing what they accuse the Republicans of doing. At the next Democratic convention, the Republicans should pass out mirrors to the Democratic delegates as they enter. 

Iran staged another missile attack on Israel last night. Today in Iran, Israeli agents are distributing free cell phones. If you didn't get that humor, ask a Hezbollah member. The only question left is how Israel will respond. It won't be good for Iran.

I was at a restaurant in Greensboro yesterday for lunch while I waited for a windshield replacement on my truck. There was a waitress (?) who was more than six feet tall. That person had the worst case of "man hands" that I have ever seen. I don't like the whole idea of picking your gender.

Still at lunch, I had ordered a glass of water to drink. When I got the check, I looked, and they had charged me $2.50 for a drink. As the waitress walked by, I held up the check. She said, "I know" and took the check from my hand. A few minutes later, someone brought the check back and said, "We corrected that." I was left wondering why a waitress would give me a check that they know is wrong. I will solve that issue by not going back.

I won't bother insulting that pencil necked geek from California, Adam Schiff. I will mention that at our house when I head to the bathroom, I tell my wife, "I am going to take a Schiff."

If you guessed that I did not watch last night's debate, you are correct. I saw the highlights this morning on the news. After saying that they would not fact check anyone, CBS did exactly that to JD Vance. Vance pointed that out and they cut his mike off. Thanks to CBS for confirming what we all already knew. You lie.

Walz kept writing notes during the debate. Why doesn't anyone ask to see those notes? Judging by the video clips that I saw, there weren't any snappy replies in those notes.

Longshoremen are on strike. The head of their union makes $720,000 a year. The average member makes $81,000 a year. Obviously, they patterned this after communist groups. The Longshoremen's union has long had ties to organized crime. They oppose any use of automation. I guess they haven't received any of the memos from Biden and the Dems about the future with automation. 

Biden won't use the Taft-Hartley Act to end the strike because he owes his soul to labor unions. He won't talk about their demands for a 50% pay increase. That won't add anything to inflation.

Trump was in Valdosta, Georgia on Monday viewing the damage from Hurricane Helene. He also brought some relief supplies. In 2016, Trump visited the area near Baton Rouge when they had a sudden flood there. How do candidates get to situations before Presidents? Obama didn't go to Baton Rouge and Biden won't go to the mountains of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia or Tennessee. Biden is scheduled to be in Raleigh Wednesday and then fly over the mountains to see the damage. Why didn't he go to North Carolina on Sunday or Monday? He was at Rehoboth Beach on Sunday. Did a hurricane hit there?

Will Jill Biden hold another Cabinet meeting before her term ends?

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Last call for "Sunday Morning Sidewalk"

 On Saturday morning I woke up a year older. The good news was that I woke up. My wife and I had planned a trip to Franklin, North Carolina for a concert and an overnight stay. But a girl named Helene altered our plans and we stayed at home.

On Thursday morning with the weather forecast looking pretty grim, I had called the Smoky Mountain Performing Arts Center in Franklin where the concert was being held. I asked the lady who answered if they had decided to cancel or postpone the concert, that we were slated to attend. She told me, "No."

I explained that the weather forecast was not looking good and asked if they had looked at a news source recently. She said, "It's supposed to storm on Friday, but then Saturday looks like a pretty day." Stunned by this display of ignorance, I told her, "Honey, I grew up in Florida. If a hurricane comes through on Friday, it won't matter if the sun is out on Saturday. There are probably going to be some problems."  She said, "I guess that we will just wait and see."

When I got off the phone with her, my wife and I decided to cancel our trip. I told her that it wasn't worth risking my life to go to a concert the day after a hurricane hit.

For those of you wondering, sometime late on Saturday afternoon, they finally posted a "Postponed" notice online for the concert. I love being right!!

This story is symbolic of everything that went wrong on Friday and Saturday and continues today. We think that we can control everything, but we can't. As demonstrated by Katrina and discussed more than nineteen years ago in this blog, ( Random Moments of Lunacy: Nature 1 - Corps of Engineers 0) we can't control the weather. Regardless of your scientific beliefs, one must acknowledge that Mother Nature keeps proving that she is a pretty burly broad.

I lived in Tampa for twenty-four years. Mom dragged us down there in 1960. Two weeks after our arrival there, Hurricane Donna hit Florida. It did not hit Tampa directly, but it was still a bad storm. I asked Mom if we could go back to North Carolina. We didn't. I don't think that we had another hurricane hit Tampa before we left there in 1983. Several passed in the Gulf on the way to Louisiana, but they didn't stop to see us. You can look it up if you like, but few hurricanes actually hit Tampa directly. 

If you choose, you can listen to all of the "weather experts" on why there seem to more hurricanes affecting us. But these are the same guys who are wrong on what the weather will be tomorrow about half of the time.

A lot of the damage from weather is related to the arrogance of man. Last week, three or four houses on the North Carolina coast collapsed into the sea. If you build your home on stilts on the beach, you should have a Plan B. In the Bible, it speaks of the man who builds on sand. By the same measure, if you build your house on the side of a mountain with a "babbling brook" running in front of it, one day it will rain too much and your "babbling brook" becomes a whitewater rafting adventure and you don't have a boat.

People want to live where it is pretty. The plains are relatively empty for a reason. In the southern Appalachian Mountains, there have been flooding issues for hundreds of years. The landscape in the mountains is not conducive to meandering streams. We don't do whitewater rafting in the Piedmont area. You have to go to the mountains for that.

In 1933, the federal government created the Tennessee Valley Authority. They built dams on several rivers in the mountains in an effort to curtail the flooding that was a regular event at that time. They succeeded in that effort and the result was that a lot of people moved to the mountains. 

Last week we had several days of rain and then Helene came to see us. It was simply more rain than the mountains could handle. We have overbuilt there like we have overbuilt at the beach. We know all of this, yet we keep building. Why? Because the arrogance of man leads us to believe that we can do anything. Every once in a while, reality shows up for a check.

The schmucks who are trying to pass as our leaders keep telling us, "Follow the science." Here's some science for you. Barrier islands move. The beach is where the ocean meets the land. The ocean does not recognize property lines, it goes where it wants. Also, the ocean is where the sharks are. That has nothing to do with this topic, but it is good to remember. If you live at five feet above sea level, there will one day be a ten-foot wave coming in your direction. Water won't sit on the side of a mountain. Rivers travel the path of least resistance. Don't build there.

Let's clean up and build back a little more sensibly. This was a hundred-year storm, I probably won't see another one.

Finally, Kris Kristofferson died the other day at 88. My favorite Kristofferson song was "Sunday Morning Coming Down". I have used different lyrics from that song for post titles over the last many years. Kristofferson and I were probably from different planets, but I liked most of his music. Here's a link to "Sunday Morning Comin Down". (67) Kris Kristofferson - Sunday morning coming down (1970) - YouTube