Wednesday, October 09, 2024


 KJP, Biden's mouthpiece, or as we call her, the chick with the Jiffy Pop Hair, attacked Peter Doocy from Fox claiming that his question to her about FEMA was "misinformation". I thought that she was just playing some kind of early Halloween joke as she was wearing one of her father's old suits to work that day. Was it some kind of lesbian "Dress Like Daddy Day"? She walked off the platform and left the press sitting there wondering what they had missed. How is asking a question "misinformation"?

Harris had announced that we were sending $160 million to Lebanon. Mayorkas had announced that FEMA was running out of money. Jiffy Pop claimed that by asking about these statements, Doocy was using "misinformation". Put me down for "confused".

It was also announced that Jiffy Pop had been promoted to the position of "Senior Adviser to the President".  At this stage in the Biden Administration, that is the equivalent of being promoted to First Officer on the Titanic right after it hit the iceberg.

I have heard all the swill that I want to hear about "disinformation" and "misinformation". The administration and the political party that has spent the last five years covering up the mental decline of the President is accusing others of distorting the facts. That's not misinformation or disinformation. Those are facts.

Democrats have the biggest balls in all of the land. They accuse everyone else of lying while they can't even admit that Biden is a mental basket case

What is misinformation? It appears to be anything that liberals don't want to hear. This is what you can expect to hear from a party that thinks "The View" is a news program. Apparently, some podcast named "Call Her Daddy" is the new "Meet the Press". The Democrats must have stepped into Mr. Peabody's Wayback Machine after having Kameltoe appear on the Howard Stern Show. Howard's been out of the loop longer than Joe Biden. Then Kameltoe closed out the day by having a can of Miller High Life with Stephen Colbert. That must be the new "Presidential" look. She should have popped open a Schlitz Malt Liquor.

The Dims are claiming that a lot of "misinformation" is coming out of the North Carolina mountains about FEMA. Pardon me, but Mayorkas was not in the mountains when he proclaimed that FEMA was almost out of money. When reporters ask hurricane victims about FEMA and the response is that no one has seen anyone from FEMA, that's not misinformation. That's a fact. The Democrats are telling us all that things aren't what they appear to be. That's disinformation.

When someone says, "I haven't seen anyone from FEMA", we call that a "fact". A statement made by a talking head at the White House several hundred miles away does not trump a live report from the scene. 

While Americans look for survivors in the mountains, liberal college students in New York march against Jews and Israel. Where have we seen this before? 

Liberal American college students are the new "brownshirts" as they march demanding the end of Isarael and threatening the existence of Jewish college students. But in their search for "disinformation" and "misinformation" from conservatives, the liberals are all able to overlook this. I guess that they just traded in the brown shirts for those checkered tablecloths that today's Jew haters wear in parades. There is no difference between the marches on the streets of New York in 2024 and the marches in Munich in 1934. Unlike the Democrats, at least the Nazis were honest about it.

Maybe all of these college students could get on busses and go south to help rebuild Florida, Gorgia, Tennessee, Virginia and the Carolinas. They could burn all of that excess energy shoveling some mud. But they would make too much sense.


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