Friday, September 27, 2024

Morons For Mamala??

 Just when you think that the loons on the left could not get any dumber, they pull a dumbass wild card from the bottom of the deck. Several online sources are reporting that Mike Lindell of My Pillow fame and fortune is sending a secret message to Nazis by pricing a pillow at $14.88. They claim that 14 and 88 are both Nazi symbols. Would $14.69 be a price aimed at Nazis with an interest in oral sex? WOW!! Conservatives are no longer the kings of conspiracy theorists. Those boys and girls on the left need to check into some type of mental health facility. Soon.

Moving on to Morons for Mamala. Is there anyone on the planet who can tell you what Kameltoe's policies are? She can't even tell you. Nobody knows, but that is not going to keep them from pulling the Mamala lever on the voting machines. It's a good thing that she's on the ballot, as writing in "Mamala" might be more than her voters could do.

Mamala discovered that she doesn't have the IQ needed for membership in Mensa, the international high IQ society. The Harris campaign is fighting back by creating a low IQ group called Densa. Mamala was awarded the first honorary lifetime membership.

Evidently, the Mamala campaign strategy is to secure all of the lawn care workers votes. She is the only candidate in my lifetime to give so much attention to peoples' lawns. Has she ever made a speech without talking about lawns?  Most of her ideas are fit for fertilizer so I guess that might account for the lawn obsession.

The US Marshals Service has still not located Nathan Wade to serve him with a Congressional subpoena. A friend of Wade's has been questioned by the Marshals Service. The friend said that he last saw Wade at the Atlanta airport last night getting on a plane to D.C. It was reported that Wade was clutching a Mamala campaign poster and mumbling, "Un Huh. Gotta gets me some of that." The Atlanta police have notified the Secret Service.

This is only speculation, but Mamala is probably thanking God that she didn't pick Josh Shapiro as her running mate. This was after Shapiro stopped his ammunition plant tour with Zelensky so that he could autograph a 155MM howitzer round. Thank God that Democrats want peace.

Mamala learned a new word this week. It was "holistic". Her usage showed that she doesn't have a frigging clue as to what it means. She claims to have "aspirations" to learn the meaning of "holistic". That will just be another thing to add "joy" to her existence.

While Mamala prattles on endlessly about the significance of the passage of time, she failed the test on calendars. It has been the Biden-Harris administration for the last four years, but she tries to convince Americans that Trump is responsible for everything that has happened the last four years. Maybe "incumbent" will turn up on her vocab list before the election.

Mamala doesn't need that handgun that she confessed to Oprah to possess. If somebody breaks into her house, she's just going to bore them to death.


At 8:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A membership in Densa? Good one.


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