Monday, September 23, 2024

Double Standards and Dems

 For those of you who are under thirty or attended college, I want to discuss Ted Kennedy and Mark Robinson with you. Go ahead and open "Google" on your phone. In my column a couple of days ago, I wrote about how Dems criticize Robinson but are silent about what their folks do.

In July 1969 Ted Kennedy became the only man in the history to drive off of the Dike Bridge on Chappaquiddick Island. He left the scene and returned to his hotel. Several hours later, he reported the accident to authorities. Meanwhile, Mary Jo Kopechne drowned while trapped in Kennedy's car. Authorities estimated that she had enough air to have lived two or three hours. Had he gone for help immediately, Mary Jo may have still been alive today and living well on her settlement from Ted. But Kennedy was more concerned about his public image than about Mary Jo's life. So, she died in that car. He received what was basically a legal slap on the wrist from the justice system and made a settlement with the Kopechne family. 

A year later, in November 1970 Massuchusetts voters elected Kennedy to a new six-year term in the United States Senate. They repeated this process in 1976,1982, 1988, 1994, 2000, and 2006. This process finally ended when Kennedy died in 2009. He served 46 years in the United States Senate. In 1980, he was a Presidential candidate. His Presidential campaign slogan was "Teddy is Ready". WOW!! Ready for what?

A United States Senator, Ted Kennedy, was responsible for the death of an innocent young woman and he continued to serve for 39 more years. Meanwhile, today in North Carolina Democrats are accusing Republican Mark Robinson of posting comments on a porn site and claiming that this makes him unfit to be governor. Are you shitting me? The party that kept putting Ted Kennedy in office is trying to defeat Mark Robinson. Who did Robinson kill? What laws did Robinson break? I realize that NC AG Josh Stein was a small child in 1969 but maybe he needs to check a history book. He's a lawyer, he should at least reference a law book.

If Democrats want to discuss aberrant behavior by politicians, let's talk about Clinton and Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office. Google objects to my using a term that rhymes with snow jobs, but even the slow among you know what happened. Those weren't beer stains on that blue dress of hers.  Do we need to talk about Gary Hart, Donna Rice and the boat Monkey Business? How about John F. Kennedy's sexual exploits and preferences? The stories about government agents sneaking women in and out of the White House are just too numerous to ignore, but Democrats do ignore them. Have you read about JFK and RFK passing around Marilyn Monroe like after-dinner mints? Were the Kennedy brothers to blame for Marilyn's death? It's time to talk about what the Democrats have done. The media is mute about anything involving Democratic wrongdoing.

Democrats support homosexuality, transgenderism, and almost every other deviant behavior known to man but want us to believe that looking at porn is somehow disqualifying a black Republican from holding elective office. In what alternate universe does this make sense? If saying stupid stuff disqualified you from politics, the halls of Congress would be empty.

Here's a news flash for the liberal media with their rants about pornography. First and foremost, it is the liberal media that is always screaming about the freedom of the press. Beyond that. men have been looking at naked women since the beginning of time. Have you heard of Adam and Eve? No, not the sex toy store for adult Democrats. I am talking about the Biblical Adam and Eve. Democrats claim that your sexual preferences are your own private business, unless of course, you are a black Republican running for NC Governor. 

If this slanderous attack doesn't work, Democrats are so desperate to defeat Robinson that now they are also putting together a campaign to show that he has actually smoked menthol cigarettes. If that doesn't work, they are going to bring up the subject of malt liquor. I overheard a couple of Dems at the grocery store talking and one said that he heard that Robinson is an avowed heterosexual. We can't have somebody like that!

Write this down! Democrats are trying to keep a black Republican from being elected as the first black governor of North Carolina. Would they do this if he were a Democrat? Of course not! The same party that tells us that we need to get more blacks involved in politics are opposed to Robinson running for governor.

Sen. Raphael Warnock of Georgia is the pastor of MLK's old church in Atlanta, Ebenezer Baptist. He attacked Robinson on Jen Suckey's show on MSNBC. Memo to Warnock: You need to quit thumping that Bible and actually read it. Then try practicing Christianity instead of whatever religion you are currently practicing. Normally I avoid the word "hypocrite". but it seems to fit Warnock so well in this case.

The State of North Carolina needs a new governor. Poor black Republicans need not apply. The same folks who scream for diversity keep electing rich, liberal white lawyers as their governor and we keep getting the same lousy results. It's time for real change!

A few days ago, in New York Donald Trump said this about New York and it applies to North Carolina as well, “I say to the people of New York, with crime at record levels, with terrorists and criminals pouring in and with inflation eating your hearts out, vote for Donald Trump,” he said. “What the hell do you have to lose?” That should be Robinson's line as well.

Mark Robinson has not led the same life as many of us. He has experienced things in his life that most of us have never even imagined. He has been to places where we will never go. He has survived all of these things and has come back to tell us about them. Maybe we should listen to his obviously diverse experiences and opinions.


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