Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Debating for Dummies?

 I am posting this just before the debate starts and I head to bed. I don't want to fill my mind with the images of some airhead broad talking about "joy". I am willing to take the chance that I will actually miss something.

Why am I going to skip watching the alleged debate tonight? First, it's not what I consider a real debate. Beyond that I have absolutely no confidence that ABC's moderators will give Trump a fair shake. 

Old habits really do die hard. Kamala's campaign finally posted some policy information on her campaign website. They must have thought that no one would read it. It turns out that they just "cut and pasted" policies from the Biden campaign site. They even failed to delete Biden's name from the material they posted. Obviously, Biden was not the only plagiarist in the campaign.

Maybe tonight is the night that Kamala explains to the 14 million Democrats who voted for Biden why their votes had no meaning.

Will Harris bring some of those bathtub collard greens to feed her media accomplices tonight? It reminds me of a story from a manager who worked for me at Taco Bell about a hundred years ago. She told us how her grandmother sent her and her cousins down to the creek to wash the chitlins (chitterlings). She said that hers always got out of her hands and washed away downstream. I guess that we should be glad that Kamala doesn't wash her collards in the creek. 

What will it take to get lying Nancy Pelosi off the television? She keeps saying that Biden left voluntarily. Her story changes a little every time that she tells it.

My wife and I contribute to Tunnel to Towers. They do great work. It's a shame that we have to fund a charity to do what the United States government should actually be doing. The government takes better care of illegal immigrants than it does of veterans and first responders. It's time to change that!!

The US government claims that Iran is sending ballistic missiles to Russia. I must have missed the criticism from Iran about all of the military weapons that the United States is sending to the Ukraine. Why do we believe that it is okay for us to send weapons to the Ukraine but wrong for Iran or anyone else to send weapons to Russia? Where exactly is the logic in all of this? Somebody in Washington needs to Google "hypocrisy".

We are constantly told not to base our feelings on race or gender. Then we are told to vote for someone because of their race or gender.

The Democrats have imported more than ten million people in the last four years. Why? Do we not have enough natives who are criminals?

We are told that Kamala leads among women. We are also told that Trump has a larger lead among men. Is there anyone really surprised by this? Democrats are calling for more men to support Kamala. To be fair they should urge more women to support Trump. Men are smarter than Democrats think.

Just for the record, Democrat and Depraved both have eight letters. Coincidence?



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